
Akeiro impression

Sep 20th, 2017
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  1. This game is a direct sequel of Nanarin. The setting takes place a few years after event in Nanarin.
  3. The story is arranged in a great way that it always keep the the reader entertained until the end. Each route always open a new clue for the mystery and all has diferent case solving for the main case. Each heroines routes ending also have a big diferent with one another for MC fate.
  4. Though there's no route order, but for maximum enjoyment, basically the recommend route order is Ruri & Ruka -> Youko -> Misato -> Velvet -> Kana -> True end.
  6. The characters are interesting. there's almost no character that isn't memorable in this game. Each characters recieve a great character development, even for a supporting characters.
  7. And holy shit they bring back characters from Nanarin, along with voiced Makoto!
  9. The writing is nicely done. It's light yet still able to deliver core information toward the mystery. It also has the great way to deliver the ambience according to each scene. Maybe I've said this in Nanarin impression, but just like Nanarin, it didn't stingy for clue.
  11. And just like Nanarin, the visual art is gorgeus. The detail of every BG and chara design is very well done. Though there's a chara design that i didn't like, yes Misato design. When it's more or less the same with Nanarin, Akeiro has more improvement compared with Nanarin, especially in chara design.
  13. The BGM is without a doubt, amazing. Possibly a big supporting factor to make this game more emotional. It always play in the right moment. A combined BGM from Nanarin and new BGM from Akeiro only make this more diverse and amazing, and sometimes nostalgia from Nanarin.
  15. That's all for my short impression.
  17. Overall, it's a great and memorable eroge for me. Definitely must try, especially if you love mystery, supernatural, or simply just seeking for a great eroge.
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