

Aug 10th, 2017
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  1. Altairthelost has joined the chat
  2. Altairthelost: listen can we talk
  3. MegeraFallen: No we don't
  4. Altairthelost: what lol
  5. MegeraFallen: No we can't I should have said.
  6. MegeraFallen: After you swearing your head off at me I have nothing else to say to you.
  7. Altairthelost: then this can keep being awkward.
  8. Altairthelost: but we all have our reasons and i may have taken it to far
  9. MegeraFallen: Think as long as you keep reminding everyone you are a drunk, there is going to be a problem.
  10. Altairthelost: like i said we all have our reasons
  11. MegeraFallen: And you could just not tell everyone you are drunk it's not hard.
  12. MegeraFallen: Anyway I am done talking.
  13. Altairthelost: then stop
  14. MegeraFallen: Everyone is over hearing about how drunk you are, take some consideration for the people around you for once instead of thinking about yourself.
  15. Altairthelost: to warn people im drinking sorry im warning them
  16. MegeraFallen: No you go on and on about it. There is a difference we all know you drink all the time.
  17. Altairthelost: and like i said we all have our reasons
  18. MegeraFallen: We all don't need to hear it
  19. Altairthelost: then leave meg
  20. Altairthelost: cause im done with it
  21. MegeraFallen: I don't have to leave. I am apart of the RP as much as you are.
  22. Altairthelost: lol its more then a rp though
  23. MegeraFallen: I am a Member of Privy Council and Esme Guardian. I'm here all the time and get along with alot of people here.
  24. MegeraFallen: So no I will not leave.
  25. Altairthelost: then stop complaing and accept that people have stuff going on in the backround
  26. MegeraFallen: Then stop talking about it
  27. MegeraFallen: Simple
  28. MegeraFallen: No one wants to hear it anymore
  29. Altairthelost: and nobody wants to hear you anymore simple
  30. Altairthelost: so shut it and get over it
  31. MegeraFallen: That is you love not anyone else.
  32. MegeraFallen: And this chat is going to Anna and the queen like before.
  33. MegeraFallen: Now lets sit in silence till someone comes in.
  34. AltairthelostAltairthelost : i dont take orders from you and i been here long before you and anna i been loyal to the queen longer then both of you
  35. MegeraFallen: Then stop being disrespecful to people in the castel
  36. MegeraFallen: Castle
  37. Altairthelost: maybe you should learn to respect that wich people have going on around them
  38. MegeraFallen: You're a drunk get over it already
  39. Altairthelost: ya and your a piece of shit for judging guess were both shitty people huh
  40. MegeraFallen: And before you start again, I do not care.
  41. Altairthelost: then leave haha
  42. MegeraFallen: I'm not leaving.
  43. MegeraFallen: Stop talking to me
  44. Altairthelost: god damn i understand why yuri didnt want you anymore near your a judgemental ass who doesnt give people a chance to explain i can tell you this i cant stand people like that
  45. MegeraFallen: Stop talking to me
  46. Altairthelost: leave i can talk to anybody i want guess at this point you replying is egging me on
  47. Altairthelost: so just shh
  48. MegeraFallen: Lord you keep going.
  49. Altairthelost: so do you
  50. MorthilVirralei has joined the chat
  51. MegeraFallen: Hello Lord Morthil.
  52. MorthilVirralei: Hello
  53. MegeraFallen: How are you today?
  54. MorthilVirralei: Im good thanks
  55. MegeraFallen: Great to hear.
  56. MorthilVirralei: Altair you here on Trial
  57. AltairthelostAltairthelost Whisper: im a guard here also the assassin
  58. Altairthelost: so no i am not
  59. MorthilVirralei: Well i heard you were being rude
  60. MorthilVirralei: Im the Royal Advisor here im higher then you. Remember that
  61. Altairthelost: i been here longer rememeber that
  62. MorthilVirralei: I dont care if you have been here longer
  63. MorthilVirralei: You're a Guard
  64. Altairthelost: you all wanna pinpoint me as the bad guy i will be remember this
  65. MegeraFallen: Think you need to stop being rude. Lord Altair is Our Queens Advisor, myself a Member of Privy Council.
  66. MegeraFallen: You also have been rude to Anna today
  67. Altairthelost: you mean yesterday
  68. Altairthelost: there is the time difference meg
  69. MegeraFallenMegeraFallen : Lyall
  70. MegeraFallen: Please use the right now.
  71. MegeraFallen: name
  72. MorthilVirralei whispers: oh ok
  73. MegeraFallen: Lord Morthil*
  74. MegeraFallen: Sorry my lord for that mix up.
  75. MorthilVirralei: thats ok
  76. MorthilVirralei: I am a King myself AltairAltairthelost: and i respect that m'lord
  77. MorthilVirralei: Well then Respect her too please
  78. MegeraFallen: He can't my lord.
  79. MegeraFallen: He believe I should leave.
  80. Altairthelost: that i will not respect is earned not giving by pretty much calling people drunks when she herself doesnt even know the story
  81. MorthilVirralei: Hold on why
  82. Altairthelost: that i just can not do
  83. MegeraFallen: You call yourself a drunk and remind everyone everyday that you are drunk.
  84. MegeraFallen: No one wants to hear it when we are ment to be RPing or having a nice time.
  85. Altairthelost: as of late but where have been treating me like im worthless cause of it and you dont know the story and nobody was here
  86. Altairthelost: dont judge the book by its cover till you read its story other then that im done talking to you
  87. MorthilVirralei: I apoligise for my rudeness towards you Altair
  88. Altairthelost: its alright m'lord if you would i could tell you the resons behind my actions
  89. MegeraFallen: I dont want to know your story. I have my own reasons, what I was saying is there is no need to tell everyone everyday that you are drunk when we all know you are drunk.
  90. Altairthelost: to fair warn the people in the kingdom im drinking and getting drunk i warn them out of respect
  91. MegeraFallen: How others treat you has nothing to do with me so stop taking it out on me.
  92. Altairthelost: meg this has nothing to do with besides making me feel im the worlds biggest scum cause im drinking im sorry i dont have this perfect little life
  93. MegeraFallen: Use my right name
  94. MegeraFallen: For the 5th time
  95. MegeraFallen: I remind you what my name is all the time
  96. MegeraFallen: It is on my info
  97. MegeraFallen: Why is it so hard to remember.
  98. MegeraFallen: My life is far from perfect so stop assuming.
  99. Altairthelost: maybe now your startinf to understand and why dont you stop assuming
  100. Altairthelost: as you have been doing to me since last night
  101. MegeraFallen: I didn't get your ass booted last night, that was your own doing.
  102. MegeraFallen: Life is what you make it.
  103. MegeraFallen: Simple.
  104. MegeraFallen: Now drop this.
  105. Altairthelost: cause i dont take shit your right i dont and your the one who brought it up lol my god
  106. MegeraFallen: I told you I had nothing to say to you
  107. MegeraFallen: You kept going
  108. MegeraFallen: So enough.
  109. Altairthelost: and you wouldnt even take the explanation so there ya go
  110. MegeraFallen: Cus I do not care what you have to say
  111. MegeraFallen: The Queen and Anna have this chat
  112. MegeraFallen: What they do with it is on them.
  113. Altairthelost: cause your assuming and idc
  114. Altairthelost: the queen knows the reason to why i have been drinking latly and i am not the only guilty one here
  115. Altairthelost: so stop trying to make it seem your innicont when your not
  116. MegeraFallen: I'm gussing you do not remember haft of what you say to people cus you call your self a drunk every time I am here.
  117. MegeraFallen: I have my own deamons and I have been worse with you with drinking so stop it and drop it already
  118. MegeraFallen: What are you up today today My lord?
  119. Altairthelost: lol you think that again with the assuming you dont know anything meg and till you know somebodys story you have no right to judge them for there actions and i at this point im done talking to you
  120. MegeraFallen: Are you that darf? Learn my name.
  121. Altairthelost: remmeber your the one name calling now
  122. MorthilVirralei: ENOUGH
  123. Altairthelost: yes m'lord
  124. MegeraFallen: Thank you my lord.
  125. Altairthelost: thank you for what he is taking to both of us xD
  126. MorthilVirralei: I wont tell the Queen unless you drop it
  127. MegeraFallen: Shut up already.
  128. MegeraFallen: I have already sent the log to the Queen.
  129. Altairthelost: and your seeing this right morth
  130. AltairthelostAltairthelost Whisper: why dont you send her this to
  131. MegeraFallenMegeraFallen : I am
  132. Altairthelost: where you were calling me names and telling me to shut up
  133. MegeraFallen: Cus you should shut up over hearing your voice
  134. MegeraFallen: Cus you should shut up over hearing your voice
  135. Altairthelost: lol appretnly meg cant take facts over fiction still assuming stuff xD
  136. MegeraFallen: Lyall
  137. MegeraFallen: Lyall
  138. MegeraFallen: Lyall
  139. MegeraFallen: Lyall
  140. MegeraFallen: Lyall
  141. MegeraFallen: Get it Right
  142. MegeraFallen: Lyall
  143. MegeraFallen: L
  144. MegeraFallen: Y
  145. MegeraFallen: A
  146. MegeraFallen: L
  147. MegeraFallen: L
  148. Altairthelost: M
  149. Altairthelost: E
  150. Altairthelost: G
  151. MorthilVirralei: what did i say
  152. Altairthelost: she likes to egg it on like a child im just responding at this point
  153. MorthilVirralei: It's Lyall here
  154. MorthilVirralei: she has stated a few times even on her Bio
  155. MegeraFallen: It is even on my Pro.
  156. Altairthelost: to me its meg
  157. MegeraFallen: It is no Meg
  158. MegeraFallen: Do you not know what a MRPER is?
  159. Altairthelost: sorry is megatron better haha and ya i do
  160. MegeraFallen: Now who is egging on.
  161. MorthilVirralei: Enough both of you
  162. Altairthelost: as i said niether of us are inoccent
  163. MorthilVirralei: You both need timeoot
  164. Altairthelost: sorry to cut this short m'lord but i must be going -he bows-
  165. Altairthelost has left the chat
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