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Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99998 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=xelatex 2017.11.18) 19 NOV 2017 12:02
  2. entering extended mode
  3. restricted \write18 enabled.
  4. %&-line parsing enabled.
  5. **test
  6. (./test.tex
  7. LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
  8. Babel <3.14> and hyphenation patterns for 8 language(s) loaded.
  9. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
  10. Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
  11. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo
  12. File: size12.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
  13. Requested font "[lmroman12-regular]:mapping=tex-text;" at 12.0pt
  14. Font mapping `tex-text.tec' for font `[lmroman12-regular]:mapping=tex-text;' no
  15. t found.
  16. -> /usr/share/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmroman12-regular.otf
  17. )
  18. \c@part=\count79
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  29. )
  30. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.sty
  31. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3.sty
  32. Package: expl3 2017/09/18 L3 programming layer (loader)
  34. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/expl3-code.tex
  35. Package: expl3 2017/09/18 L3 programming layer (code)
  36. \c_max_int=\count87
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  188. )
  189. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3kernel/l3xdvipdfmx.def
  190. File: l3xdvidpfmx.def 2017/03/18 v L3 Experimental driver: xdvipdfmx
  191. \g__driver_image_int=\count165
  192. \l__driver_tmp_box=\box41
  193. ))
  194. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/l3packages/xparse/xparse.sty
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  201. )
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  204. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec-xetex.sty
  205. Package: fontspec-xetex 2017/09/22 v2.6e Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTe
  206. X
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  220. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontenc.sty
  221. Package: fontenc 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package
  223. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/tuenc.def
  224. File: tuenc.def 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX file
  225. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding TU on input line 82.
  226. ))
  227. .................................................
  228. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  229. .
  230. . Defining command \fontspec with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 479.
  231. .................................................
  232. .................................................
  233. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  234. .
  235. . Defining command \setmainfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 483.
  236. .................................................
  237. .................................................
  238. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  239. .
  240. . Defining command \setsansfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 487.
  241. .................................................
  242. .................................................
  243. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  244. .
  245. . Defining command \setmonofont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 491.
  246. .................................................
  247. .................................................
  248. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  249. .
  250. . Defining command \setmathrm with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 495.
  251. .................................................
  252. .................................................
  253. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  254. .
  255. . Defining command \setboldmathrm with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 499.
  256. .................................................
  257. .................................................
  258. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  259. .
  260. . Defining command \setmathsf with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 503.
  261. .................................................
  262. .................................................
  263. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  264. .
  265. . Defining command \setmathtt with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 507.
  266. .................................................
  267. .................................................
  268. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  269. .
  270. . Defining command \setromanfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 511.
  271. .................................................
  272. .................................................
  273. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  274. .
  275. . Defining command \newfontfamily with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 515.
  276. .................................................
  277. .................................................
  278. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  279. .
  280. . Defining command \newfontface with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 519.
  281. .................................................
  282. .................................................
  283. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  284. .
  285. . Defining command \defaultfontfeatures with sig. 't+om' on line 523.
  286. .................................................
  287. .................................................
  288. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  289. .
  290. . Defining command \addfontfeatures with sig. 'm' on line 527.
  291. .................................................
  292. .................................................
  293. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  294. .
  295. . Defining command \addfontfeature with sig. 'm' on line 531.
  296. .................................................
  297. .................................................
  298. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  299. .
  300. . Defining command \newfontfeature with sig. 'mm' on line 535.
  301. .................................................
  302. .................................................
  303. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  304. .
  305. . Defining command \newAATfeature with sig. 'mmmm' on line 539.
  306. .................................................
  307. .................................................
  308. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  309. .
  310. . Defining command \newopentypefeature with sig. 'mmm' on line 543.
  311. .................................................
  312. .................................................
  313. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  314. .
  315. . Defining command \newICUfeature with sig. 'mmm' on line 547.
  316. .................................................
  317. .................................................
  318. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  319. .
  320. . Defining command \aliasfontfeature with sig. 'mm' on line 551.
  321. .................................................
  322. .................................................
  323. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  324. .
  325. . Defining command \aliasfontfeatureoption with sig. 'mmm' on line 555.
  326. .................................................
  327. .................................................
  328. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  329. .
  330. . Defining command \newfontscript with sig. 'mm' on line 559.
  331. .................................................
  332. .................................................
  333. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  334. .
  335. . Defining command \newfontlanguage with sig. 'mm' on line 563.
  336. .................................................
  337. .................................................
  338. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  339. .
  340. . Defining command \DeclareFontsExtensions with sig. 'm' on line 567.
  341. .................................................
  342. .................................................
  343. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  344. .
  345. . Defining command \IfFontFeatureActiveTF with sig. 'mmm' on line 571.
  346. .................................................
  347. .................................................
  348. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  349. .
  350. . Defining command \EncodingCommand with sig. 'mO{}m' on line 3563.
  351. .................................................
  352. .................................................
  353. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  354. .
  355. . Defining command \EncodingAccent with sig. 'mm' on line 3569.
  356. .................................................
  357. .................................................
  358. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  359. .
  360. . Defining command \EncodingSymbol with sig. 'mm' on line 3575.
  361. .................................................
  362. .................................................
  363. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  364. .
  365. . Defining command \EncodingComposite with sig. 'mmm' on line 3581.
  366. .................................................
  367. .................................................
  368. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  369. .
  370. . Defining command \EncodingCompositeCommand with sig. 'mmm' on line 3587.
  371. .................................................
  372. .................................................
  373. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  374. .
  375. . Defining command \DeclareUnicodeEncoding with sig. 'mm' on line 3612.
  376. .................................................
  377. .................................................
  378. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  379. .
  380. . Defining command \UndeclareSymbol with sig. 'm' on line 3618.
  381. .................................................
  382. .................................................
  383. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  384. .
  385. . Defining command \UndeclareComposite with sig. 'mm' on line 3626.
  386. .................................................
  388. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fontspec/fontspec.cfg)
  389. LaTeX Info: Redefining \itshape on input line 3804.
  390. LaTeX Info: Redefining \slshape on input line 3809.
  391. LaTeX Info: Redefining \scshape on input line 3814.
  392. LaTeX Info: Redefining \upshape on input line 3819.
  393. LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 3849.
  394. LaTeX Info: Redefining \emph on input line 3874.
  395. Requested font "[lmroman12-bold]:mapping=tex-text;" at 12.0pt
  396. Font mapping `tex-text.tec' for font `[lmroman12-bold]:mapping=tex-text;' not f
  397. ound.
  398. -> /usr/share/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmroman12-bold.otf
  399. Requested font "[lmroman12-italic]:mapping=tex-text;" at 12.0pt
  400. Font mapping `tex-text.tec' for font `[lmroman12-italic]:mapping=tex-text;' not
  401. found.
  402. -> /usr/share/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmroman12-italic.otf
  403. LaTeX Info: Redefining \- on input line 3925.
  404. .................................................
  405. . LaTeX info: "xparse/redefine-command"
  406. .
  407. . Redefining command \oldstylenums with sig. 'm' on line 4020.
  408. .................................................
  409. .................................................
  410. . LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
  411. .
  412. . Defining command \liningnums with sig. 'm' on line 4024.
  413. .................................................
  414. ))
  415. Requested font "Times New Roman" at 12.0pt
  416. -> ^^P^^é^^Ú6^^ËU
  417. Requested font "Times New Roman/OT" at 12.0pt
  418. ->
  419. .................................................
  420. . fontspec info: "no-scripts"
  421. .
  422. . Font "Times New Roman" does not contain any OpenType `Script' information.
  423. .................................................
  424. \g__fontspec_family_TimesNewRoman_int=\count179
  425. Requested font "Times New Roman/BI/OT" at 12.0pt
  426. ->
  427. Requested font "Times New Roman/B/OT" at 12.0pt
  428. ->
  429. Requested font "Times New Roman/I/OT" at 12.0pt
  430. ->
  431. Requested font "Times New Roman/B/OT" at 12.0pt
  432. ->
  433. Requested font "Times New Roman/B/OT" at 12.0pt
  434. ->
  435. Requested font "Times New Roman/I/OT" at 12.0pt
  436. ->
  437. Requested font "Times New Roman/I/OT" at 12.0pt
  438. ->
  439. Requested font "Times New Roman/BI/OT" at 12.0pt
  440. ->
  441. Requested font "Times New Roman/BI/OT" at 12.0pt
  442. ->
  443. .................................................
  444. . fontspec info: "defining-font"
  445. .
  446. . Font family 'TimesNewRoman(0)' created for font 'Times New Roman' with
  447. . options [Ligatures=TeX,Ligatures=TeX].
  448. .
  449. . This font family consists of the following NFSS series/shapes:
  450. .
  451. . - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: <->"Times New Roman/OT:mapping=tex-text;"
  452. . - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.:
  453. . - 'bold' (bx/n) with NFSS spec.: <->"Times New Roman/B/OT:mapping=tex-text;"
  454. . - 'bold small caps' (bx/sc) with NFSS spec.:
  455. . - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: <->"Times New
  456. . Roman/I/OT:mapping=tex-text;"
  457. . - 'italic small caps' (m/itsc) with NFSS spec.:
  458. . - 'bold italic' (bx/it) with NFSS spec.: <->"Times New
  459. . Roman/BI/OT:mapping=tex-text;"
  460. . - 'bold italic small caps' (bx/itsc) with NFSS spec.:
  461. .................................................
  462. LaTeX Info: Redefining \rmfamily on input line 4.
  463. Requested font "Times New Roman/OT:mapping=tex-text;" at 12.0pt
  464. ->
  465. Font mapping `tex-text.tec' for font `Times New Roman' not found.
  466. (./test.aux)
  467. \openout1 = `test.aux'.
  469. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 6.
  470. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  471. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 6.
  472. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  473. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 6.
  474. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  475. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 6.
  476. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  477. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TU/lmr/m/n on input line 6.
  478. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  479. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 6.
  480. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  481. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 6.
  482. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 6.
  483. .................................................
  484. . fontspec info: "setup-math"
  485. .
  486. . Adjusting the maths setup (use [no-math] to avoid this).
  487. .................................................
  488. \symlegacymaths=\mathgroup4
  489. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `legacymaths' in version `bold'
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  492. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \grave on input line 6.
  493. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \ddot on input line 6.
  494. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \tilde on input line 6.
  495. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \bar on input line 6.
  496. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \breve on input line 6.
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  499. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \dot on input line 6.
  500. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \mathring on input line 6.
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  502. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Gamma on input line 6.
  503. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Delta on input line 6.
  504. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Theta on input line 6.
  505. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Lambda on input line 6.
  506. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Xi on input line 6.
  507. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Pi on input line 6.
  508. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Sigma on input line 6.
  509. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Upsilon on input line 6.
  510. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Phi on input line 6.
  511. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Psi on input line 6.
  512. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Omega on input line 6.
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  515. LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `TU' for symbol font
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  517. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `normal'
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  519. .
  520. LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `TU' for symbol font
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  522. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold'
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  524. 6.
  525. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `normal'
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  527. input line 6.
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  530. 6.
  531. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathbf' in version `normal'
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  533. 6.
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  536. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `normal'
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  538. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold'
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  540. input line 6.
  541. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathit' in version `bold'
  542. (Font) OT1/cmr/bx/it --> TU/TimesNewRoman(0)/bx/it on input li
  543. ne 6.
  544. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathsf' in version `bold'
  545. (Font) OT1/cmss/bx/n --> TU/lmss/bx/n on input line 6.
  546. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `bold'
  547. (Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> TU/lmtt/bx/n on input line 6.
  549. [1
  551. ] (./test.aux) )
  552. Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
  553. 10065 strings out of 494927
  554. 234641 string characters out of 6176262
  555. 298911 words of memory out of 5000000
  556. 13967 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
  557. 530344 words of font info for 31 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
  558. 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
  559. 35i,4n,65p,10388b,233s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
  561. Output written on test.pdf (1 page).
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