
Dreams N/A

Sep 8th, 2019
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  3. ︙name : Seo Soonyi
  4. ︙other names : n/a
  5. ︙nicknames :
  6. + Playgirl; Due to the fact that she is in denial of her sexuality, she flirts with as many boys as she can. This is to hide her true sexuality.
  7. + Homophobic names (don't feel comfortable writing them): She calls herself these since she is so against the fact that she is gay. Therefore she is homophobic towards herself.
  8. ︙age : 19
  9. ︙birthdate : 12th January 2001
  10. ︙grade : Senior
  12. ❥ 𝒢𝑅𝒪𝒲 𝒰𝒫
  14. ︙birthplace : Incheon, South Korea
  15. ︙hometown : Seoul, South Korea
  16. ︙weight : 50kg
  17. ︙height : 167cm
  18. ︙nationality : South Korean
  19. ︙ethnicity : Korean
  21. ❥ 𝑀𝐼𝑅𝑅𝒪𝓇
  23. ︙faceclaim : Kwon Eunbin (CLC)
  24. ︙backup faceclaim : Hwang Yeji (ITZY)
  25. ︙slot : Straight
  26. ︙backup slot : Grape Juice
  28. ❥ 𝒫𝒜𝐿𝐸𝒯𝒯𝐸
  30. ︙personality :
  31. She doesn't think before she acts and often does stuff out of character that she will immediately regret once she has calmed down. This is a frequent occurance and she is trying to improve on her impulsiveness. She is confident in most areas of her life and doesn't find it very hard to make friends, she only becomes a bit shy when people ask to many questions about her personal life or her family. She likes to put on a front as if she is this self-actualised person when really she is being held back by her own personal issues. She lives a very stressful and tough life. She has to look after herself, her mother and also make sure her grades are at least a pass. She can never catch a break and that is the main reason why she joined the club. She criticises the way she acts around people sometimes and when she is alone she gets angry at herself for acting "too gay". She sees her actions differently to other people, where most people would see her actions as friendly, she sees them as annoying and clingy towards certain people. To cover up her sexuality, she is very flirty towards the boys, always leaning on them and touching their bicep and just generally being touchy with them.
  33. ︙likes :
  34. + Her favourite games are: The Walking Dead, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, Thief Simulator and The Sims.
  35. + Dancing (Jazz, hiphop, Waacking, contemporary, lyrical and tap)
  36. + RnB music
  37. + Sports
  38. + Buying new plain hoodies and t-shirts for her designs
  39. + Grafitti art and canvas painting
  41. ︙dislikes :
  42. + Cheese
  43. + Milk chocolate (she only likes white chocolate & dark chocolate)
  44. + When people distract her while she is playing on of her games
  45. + When people ask her if she plays Overwatch when she tells them she is a gamer as if that is the only game to exist on the planet.
  46. + When people try and pry into her personal life. She wants to feel comfortable telling the person and not feel as is she is being interrogated.
  48. ︙hobbies :
  49. + Gaming
  50. + Dancing
  51. + Designing T-Shirts and hoodies.
  53. ︙fears :
  54. + People finding out she is gay.
  55. + Being rejected by the people she truly cares about
  57. ︙extra : Nope. I was able to fit everything I needed to above.
  61. ︙background :
  62. She was born in Incheon but she and her parents moved to Seoul when she was 2 years old. Her mum is a vet whereas her dad is a neurosurgeon. She had a pretty peaceful family life and enjoyed it. This was until she was 10. Tension grew between her parents and they started to fight a lot more even if it was over something petty like who had the last coke or something. This happened on an almost daily basis until one day, when Soonyi was 12, her dad announced that he was leaving them. We soon found out that he was seeing another woman and that was why he was always so distant from us. He left a week before Soonyi's 13th birthday. This left her devastated. In school, she had a few friends. She was always confused because she always looked at some of the girls in class and felt something when they smiled at her however, when they boys did this, she didn't feel anything. As she got older, she realised that she may be gay. This scared her because she knew how being gay was shunned upon by many so she tried to block out that side of herself.
  64. ︙family : (Mum) Shin Yuri, 42 | (Dad) Seo Hyungjoon, 46
  65. She now only lives with her mum since her dad decided to leave them for a younger woman and her kids.
  66. ︙pets : None
  67. ︙reason for joining : Relief| Due to the stress of trying to hide her sexuality, her mum being heartbroken after her dad left and because of school, she just needed a place to escape for a while.
  68. ︙first opinions of club : She found it interesting.
  71. ❥ 𝒲𝐸 𝒢𝒪 𝒰𝒫
  73. ︙dreams/goals : None
  74. ︙possible dream : She wants to become a choreographer, she doesn't really care for being famous so she would mind being one of those anonymous choreographers.
  75. ︙possible goal : To be more accepting of her sexuality and to tell the people that she is close with about her sexuality, including her mum.
  79. ︙love interest : Grape Juice
  80. ︙first opinion of them : She was shocked that she was so open about her sexuality. She loves how carefree she is and is sometimes jealous of her lavish lifestyle.
  81. ︙relationship before club : None
  82. ︙extra : n/a
  83. ︙relationship after club : Dating
  84. ︙scenes :
  85. + Opening up to Grape Juice about her struggle with accepting her sexuality and asking her how it was so easy for her to do it. Grape Juice reveals that it wasn't easy but she knew that if she were to be truly happy, then she had to accept it.
  86. + Having a glass of wine with Grape Juice and just talking about random stuff. Just enjoying each others company. They get a little bit tipsy.
  88. ︙prior connections to other slots : None
  89. ︙describe : n/a
  91. ︙slots close to :
  92. + Grape Fruit | This is because she was someone that Soonyi was immediately drawn to. She loved her lavish lifestyle and she also loved how easy it was to talk to her.
  93. + Getting Ready | She loves her free spirit and she finds that she is just a really fun person to be around.
  94. + Model Boy | She can relate to him about how stressful life can be. If she needs to talk about something serious, she usually goes to him to do so because she feels like he has some good insight and would give the best advice.
  96. ︙slots not close to :
  97. + Regret It | This is because she is too quiet for her liking. Soonyi herself isn't the loudest person however that is why she hangs out more with the louder people, to balance her quietness out. Soonyi doesn't think Regret It likes her anyway.
  101. ︙suggestions :
  102. + A game of Truth or Dare
  103. - If you do the truth or dare idea, I thought an interesting scene that Soonyi could have is where it is her go and she says truth so they ask her truth or dare and she says truth and so they ask her "Out of all the girls here, who would you kiss?" and Soonyi gets really angry at the question asking "Why would I kiss a girl, I would much rather kiss a boy!" and she ends up kissing one of the boys. If you don't like the idea, it is completely fine, just a suggestion.
  105. ︙other : Not that I can think of but if I suddenly think of something, I will pm you.
  106. ︙aesthetic : Black and red (representing darkness, promiscuity but also her inner rage)
  107. (Please tell me if you think this doesn't fit her character)
  109. ︙username : @GlisteningHobi
  110. ︙password : Illusion by Ateez but also Mirotic by TVXQ
  111. ︙message to me : Hey, I just came across this af but I really look the like of it. I really hope it does well and I hope that we can become good friends. Good luck!! Also I want to make my form as perfect as possible for you so please tell me if there are parts in my form that don't make sense or any inconsitencies.
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