
GreenHoof & GreenLight in Clinic Bro-Moment 3/6/15

Mar 6th, 2015
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  1. [00:34] * GreenLight peeks his head slightly into the room, just to make sure Hoof isn't dying or anything
  3. [00:35] * GreenHoof picks his head up and looks to the door, blinking at GreenLight with eyes that still look like a deer caught in headlights, but quite a bit calmer.
  5. [00:36] * GreenLight blinks a couple times, as if asking in Green if now's a good time.
  7. [00:36] * GreenHoof nods. [Quality textwalling]
  9. [00:49] * GreenLight teeters into the room, grabbing a seat and pulling it up next to Hoof's bed, on the opposite side of the bed Rain was sleeping on, so as to not disturb her "H-hey bro..."
  11. [00:52] * GreenHoof went back to staring at Rain again until Light sits on the edge of the bed, finally tearing his gaze away from the sleeping mare and back to GreenLight, gulping. "C-can we... Go into another room?" He whispers
  13. [00:54] * GreenLight nodnods, deciding not to audibly ask why, as he's a rather smart horse. "O-of course, you need help getting there?"
  15. [00:55] * GreenHoof nods somberly, offering Light his good hoof and readjusting himself in the bed to get up. "G-gonna need you to... let me hold onto you."
  17. [00:56] * GreenLight takes the hoof, helping Hoof slowly get up and giving him... somebody... to leeeeeeean on~
  19. [00:57] <GreenLight> "O-of course buddy, you've done the same for me metaphorically and literally, heh..."
  21. [00:59] * GreenHoof wraps his good hoof around Light's neck, squirming off the bed and landing on the ground with his hindhooves giving off a quiet *clop*. He curls his injured foreleg up against his chest, wincing slightly at the pain of the movement, though in the whirlwind of his mind the pain barely registered. He nods to Light to go ahead as he starts moving on his hindhooves towards the door, holding firmly onto the taller stallion.
  23. [01:03] * GreenLight staggers his way to an empty room, never straying from Hoof's side as the two make the short trek. He keeps on cautiously looking at Hoof's face, to see what's on his mind, and closes the door behind them in the previously empty extra room. "...Y-ya need to take a seat?"
  25. [01:05] * GreenHoof 's face is just blank when Light looks, but by now his pegasus brother would be able to tell that behind that blank stare is a mind racing at a mile a minute, though totally frozen in shock at the same time. He nods shakily to Light, holding onto him with an ice-cold hoof.
  27. [01:08] * GreenLight grunts, leaning his head down and letting Hoof off slowly onto the bed, allowing him to sit up as he takes a seat right next to him... He didn't really like how the stallion next to him wasn't the portly, stalwart big bro he had for a while, hoping maybe Rain'll fatten him back up soon... Just giving the Hoofster a bro-tier side hug
  29. [01:15] * GreenHoof sits onto the bed silently, staring at the wall a long few seconds. His disheveled mane and scarred up little body did well to echo his gaze of utter shock. When Light sidehugs him, Hoof breaks his gaze from the wall and brings it up to Light, his mouth hanging slack slightly. He brings his good hoof up and wraps it around Light's back in turn, pulling himself up against his friend and looking up to him with a terrified expression. Finally, he presses his face against Light's tufted chest and whimpers, his voice sounding like a scared little kid.
  31. [01:18] * GreenLight widens his eyes, trying not to act distraught... but hot damn, this was his big bro that he was hugging back gently, taking a deep breath as he finds the roles back when he first found out reversed. "..I-I know, Hoof..."
  33. [01:19] * GreenLight shudders once more before steeling himself, puffing up his chest in an attempt to console the stallion. "H-hey, you're gonna be a fantastic father, Hoof..."
  35. [01:22] * GreenHoof immediately starts crying after Light's words, quietly weeping into his chest and wetting his chestfur with his tears. After about ten seconds, he chokes a bit and cuts off, bringing his head back and looking up into his eyes again. "I-I'm not ready..." He says, sniffling and wiping his eyes, "I'm j-just a kid..."
  37. [01:24] * GreenLight keeps his hooves on Hoof's shoulders, staring intently into the stallion's face "H-hoof, listen. Y-you're older than I am! A-at least, I think... B-but that's not the point. I... I came to realize somethin', just recently. We were all kids when we came here, but..." He shakes his head with a smile "We had to stop bein' kids the moment we stepped off that train... or, if we weren't, we wouldn't be here right now... I-I'm 'just' a kid, White's just a kid, Rain's just a kid... But look at us! We're doctors, farmers, p-people the town rely on!" He scrunches his nose "M-maybe we both feel like kids, playing the role of adults, but.... isn't that what adulthood is in the first place? Not being ready for something, but being thrust into it unprepared a-and scrambling your way to the surface?"
  39. [01:29] <09GreenLight> [Geebus I'm going through character development IC and OOC in dealing with beginning adulthood and this is weirddd]
  41. [01:37] * GreenHoof sniffles more and rubs his nose, listening to Light. He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to fight back tears as he goes on. He was right... They weren't kids anymore. Or, maybe they were, but they were suddenly forced to act like adults now. But it was one thing for him to kill, and to steal, and to be a farmer, and be responsible for and protect other people that couldn't, but this... This was creating a new life from his own, being totally responsible from now in Rain's womb until it was an adult. And it terrified him. He had been scared before, when he was face-to-face with death, fighting people trying to kill him, starving, but this... Was something more than scared. "I'm *t-terrified*..." he mutters, squeezing onto Light tighter.
  43. [01:38] <GreenHoof> "I'm s-so scared...!"
  44. [01:38] <GreenHoof> "Oh my god what've I done?!"
  46. [01:42] * GreenLight oofs, making a slight plushie noise when Hoof squeezes tighter, mudpone strength be damned. Seeing his bro like this is making him start to sniffle, hugging back tightly and shivering almost imperceptibly "Y-you and me both, Hoof... H-hah, maybe it was a bit sooner than either of us would've liked, but... I-is there a little part of you, somewhere deep inside, that's just the littlest bit excited, in that heart-pounding, nervous way, that you and Rain are raising your own flesh and blood? T-the thought of raising a little babby that is 100% yours?" His tail swishes as he gets a small smile "No one's ready, and if they said otherwise they'd be lyin'."
  48. [01:55] * GreenHoof lets out a breath through his nose, staring up at Light and blinking. It was true, he had thought about the possibility before, and the thought of having a baby with Rain Drop did make him happy when he would think about it. But... he wanted things to be secure, for the town to be safe and for their finances to be secure. He could imagine his dad right now, yelling at him for doing the one thing he had warned Hoof to never do until he was financially stable and settled down. But... this wasn't that world, and this wasn't his father's life. This was Lee Walker's life. Green Hoof's life. Quick flashes of the vast expanse of his and Rain's farms go through his mind in an instant, graneries full of food and a warm home to be safe in... Perhaps he wasn't as secure as he'd like before he had children, but maybe this was as secure as it could be reasonably expected... And then the thought of Rain... Having his own child with her, his own 'flesh and blood' as Light said. That did spark a glimmer of joy within him, that broke through the terror if only for a second. He sniffles and nods, looking up at him. "Y-yes... I love her..."
  50. [02:00] * GreenLight positively beams at that, giving Hoof a reassuring bronuzzle and smile. "I mean, at this point you better!" He sticks his tongue out for a second, hoping the light-hearted banter would cheer him up.
  52. [02:02] * GreenLight pokes at Hoof's side, his healthy one, once more. "...I think of anyone in FC, you'll be one of the most responsible fathers here, but you can COUNT on me doing every single thing in my power to help out with your child... Just like my best bro promised me."
  54. [02:06] * GreenHoof blinks the tears out of his eyes and rubs them again, sniffling. He had doubts that he could be a good father, with the things he had done in the past, the lingering prospect of dying in combat or something else. But his brother's words... gave him comfort, something to hold onto. The wall of terror around his heart falters a little more as he looks up into Light's eyes again hopefully. "S-so... It's... It's gonna be okay?"
  56. [02:10] <09GreenLight> [["It'll be fine."]]
  58. [02:11] * GreenLight puts on a big smile when Hoof looks into his eyes, never really believing the words everyone told him until he told them to Hoof. "Eeyup!"
  60. [02:18] * GreenHoof , finally, does smile. It's just a small one, but it's almost innocent in it's pureness. For a second, the wall of terror finally came down. He takes a deep breath, a sigh of relief, and leans his head against Light's chest, looking up at him. "Th-thank you... For saying that..."
  62. [02:23] * GreenLight consoles the distraught stallion, rubbing his hoof minutely on Hoof's side as he smirks, looking down "Everything's gonna be okay, Hoof- especially if we team up."
  64. [02:26] * GreenHoof nods, rubbing his face against Light's chest as a result. "M-my promise still stands... I'll always b-be there for you..."
  66. [02:29] * GreenLight feels his tail swish once more, not letting go of the perturbed pony until Hoof was ready. "I-I know that! And now I suppose it's my turn to /assure/ you that I'll be there for you too, bro..."
  68. [02:34] * GreenHoof still holds onto Light tightly, sniffling. "Thank you... That means the world to me..." The little stallion feels as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. It was really only a small consolation, but the fact that his best friend was telling him things were going to be okay, that he would support him... It took away the terror's edge, the panic. Finally, he lets go, wiping his eyes once more and looking up at him. "I-I'm still scared..."
  70. [02:37] * GreenLight breathes a quick, deep breath, trying to maintain that composure. The consolation he gave was indeed a small one, and he hopes with every ounce of his being it isn't going to be a vapid one as well. Cheekily, he gives a small laugh "And I'm still teeming with anxiety whenever I dwell on it, but... We r-really can get through this together, man." An idea pops in his head, but he shakes it off with a qt flop of his ears
  72. [02:45] * GreenHoof nods, smiling up a little at his bro. "Together... Right." Hoof looks around the room, taking a deep breath. He was going to survive this. Things were going to be okay, somehow, he hoped... And then his mind drifts to the mare sleeping in the next room over, with his child inside of her right now. His own flesh and blood. His heart leaps with a spike of joy for a split second before looking back up to Light. "W-we'll make it... I hope." He leans over and attempts to nuzzle Light's head, but the little stallion wasn't quite that high. He nuzzles his chest instead. "Th-thanks, bro. I love you."
  74. [02:48] * GreenLight positively smiles at that, rubbing his chest floof against Hoof in response. "I love you too bro!"
  76. [02:50] * GreenHoof smiles and squirms a bit, looking around the room again with his big ol' eyes. "I... I think I want to go sleep now. With Rain Drop." 'The mother of my child...' He thinks to himself
  78. [02:51] * GreenLight snrks "Heh, yeah, might be a good idea. And in the morning, if you promise to stay off that bad leg, I'll release ya with a good conscience."
  80. [02:54] * GreenHoof 's smiles a little with an open mouth. "Really? That would be great... I want to go home. I promise."
  82. [02:56] * GreenLight gives a small nod with a grin "Yeah... And, please, PLEASE try your best to heal up as fast as possible... Lord knows what a pregnant Rain will be like, eheh.."
  84. [03:04] * GreenHoof nodnods, smiling but folding his ears back at the thought of what Rain will be like in the coming months. "Right, h-heh..."
  86. [03:05] <GreenHoof> "C-can you help me back to my bed?"
  88. [03:06] <GreenLight> "Good luck with the cravings! And as always, I'll be about 100 feet down from your place if you need me.. Or White." He nodnods, getting up and nosing his way to support Hoof
  90. [03:07] * GreenHoof huffs and blushes a bit at the thought of Rain's cravings, already resigning himself to having to fetch her any and everything. He snakes his good foreleg around Light's neck again, grunting as he brings his hindlegs down to the floor and stands up.
  92. [03:10] * GreenLight helps Hoof along the way, slowly, fast forwarding to laying him down on the bed with Rain. "N-now, uh... Liven would have a field day if he found out, ah... Well, I can put two and two together.. I assume you're gonna stay quiet about this, for a while?"
  94. [03:12] * Inkwell sits awake in bed, breathing quietly, and not buried in her blankets any more.
  96. [03:14] * GreenHoof grunts as Light lays him down. Laying next to his sleeping (for all intents and purposes) wife, he looks up and nods, whispering. "Right... Gonna not tell anyone for a little while."
  98. [03:14] * GreenHoof blushes slightly and averts himself from Light's gaze
  100. [03:16] * GreenLight stifles a giggle at that response, nodding "I won't tell him if you won't... H-have a good night, Hoof."
  101. [03:16] * GreenLight coughs, clearing his throat sheepishly "A-and you too Inkwell."
  103. [03:16] * GreenLight needs to go home now, to his (for all intensive porpoises) wife.
  105. [03:17] * Inkwell nods to GreenLight, "Yeah, goodnight, say hi to White for me."
  107. [03:17] * GreenHoof nods and smirks. "Th-thanks... Goodnight, Light."
  109. [03:17] * GreenLight smiles, nodding in return "Of course... And good night."
  111. [03:18] <09GreenLight> [Ho gebus tha feels]
  112. [03:19] <01Inkwell> [Gah... and now you've all given me babyblues. Hope you're happy :3]
  114. [03:28] * GreenHoof turns onto his side, sighing. At this point, he had a bit too much on his mind to sleep. He watched the purple mare next to him sleep peacefully, lost in the sight and listening to her breath. He silently gulps, not daring to touch or disturb her from her slumber. He just watches her, thinking about what they've done, and the life they've now created. The life that's now growing inside her that is his own, something he created with her in love. He looks on with awe, maybe even reverence, as he keeps watch over the precious mare, silently vowing to himself to take care of her and his child, and keep them safe, fed and happy. He lays vigil into the night, his mind going over the implications of what's happened here, and what the future holds.
  116. [03:29] <03GreenHoof> [~the end~]
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