
Cameraphone Kubrick

Jul 3rd, 2012
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  1. >it's fucking hot, and no wind or rain in sight
  2. >you're drinking covertly in the park on your lunch break, sitting on a bench
  3. >a voice rings out from behind the hedge to your rear
  4. >"Pwease no wun behbie! Pwease dwink miwk!"
  5. >sitting up from your slump, you peek over the short hedge
  6. >two fluffy ponies are there; one yellow with brown mane and one auburn with red mane
  7. >the red-brown one is lying on its side
  8. >the other, whom you heard, is yelling at... a brown squirrel?
  9. >are you really that tipsy already?
  10. >it can't really be a squirrel
  11. >"Behbie come back to mumma! Behbie need miwkies!"
  12. >the fluffy parent, if that is indeed what he is, makes a move toward the squirrel-looking thing
  13. >it starts and scrabbles up the trunk of a nearby tree
  14. >shit, it is a squirrel!
  15. >"Nuuu! High pwace bad fo' behbie! Come back to mumma!" shrills the red-brown one
  16. >in a minute it's heaved itself onto its hooves and both ponies are running to the base of the tree, begging the squirrel to come down
  18. >what the actual fuck?
  19. >you stand up to get a better look, and hear a tiny rustling in the base of the hedge
  20. >walking around and peering down, you can make out a brown shape among the lowest branches
  21. >you kneel
  22. >it's a fluffy pony foal
  23. >unlike the other two, this one is shit-colored through and through; light brown from tip to tail
  24. >looking closer, you can see it gasping
  25. >lips and tongue are completely dry and cracked; its mouth works as it sees you but no sound comes out
  26. >it's wedged in after a fashion that would be impossible for it to have done alone
  27. >that is to say, ass-first
  28. >occasionally it tries to twitch free, but the branches have snarled its fluff
  29. >this is the baby of those other two
  30. >they must have shoved it under the hedge, possibly for safety, while they went off to hunt food
  31. >and come back just now after a long search to find the squirrel near their hidey-hole
  32. >how fucking dumb do you have to be to confuse a brown squirrel with your own foal?
  33. >you get out your phone to take some video
  35. >the parents are still barking up the wrong tree, as it were
  36. >first, a shot of the trapped foal looking at you, with pleading written on every millimeter of its expression
  37. >then a pan over the parents yelling at the squirrel to set the scene
  38. >you walk over and corral the ponies away from the tree
  39. >making sure to capture their tearful expressions for the audience's benefit, of course
  40. >tucking the phone into your shirt pocket with the lens forward, you secure each pony under an arm
  41. >then you clamp your hands tightly around their mouths, stilling their protests
  42. >eventually the wary, startled squirrel starts to descend
  43. >you step a long way off and wait with the squirming ponies as it cautiously moves away
  44. >then sneak up on the tree from the opposite side
  45. >quickly skirting the tree, you present yourself to the squirrel
  46. >with vertical retreat cut off, it bolts across the open lawn
  47. >you drop the ponies to the ground and quickly extract your phone
  48. >your rewards are screams of "NUUU BEHBIE! COME BACK!"
  49. >and a scene of the two ponies chasing the escaping rodent as fast as their legs will go
  50. >you pan back to the bush
  51. >leaning down and zooming, you get a shot of the foal still stuck in the tangle
  52. >it follows its departing parents with desperate, panicked eyes
  53. >this shit's going on YouTube
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