
Brad no

Jan 16th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Felix was heading over to the basketball court to work on some shooting drills, since Basketball was going to be starting up soon. He had a ball and was dribbling around the court while he jogged along with it.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad had called Holly to come spend some time with Connor because he'd spent a good portion of the day at Talon and was kind of dying to get out. With all intentions of trying to catch Ozzie, he changed into work out clothes under the false impression of working out which he sure as shit was not going to do, and headed down to the gym. Snooping around a bit as he searched for Ozzie, he poked his head into the basketball court only to see Felix playing with his ball[s]. "Hey, have you seen Ozzie?"-
  3. Covet: [lmao]
  4. Covet: Felix stopped and looked at him holding the ball, "No I haven't, just the normal people. Sorry dude. You uh...just coming to hang out or work out?" He asked him, turningn around to shoot a basket.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Uhhh...." He stammered, trying to figure out if he was going to be honest or not. He wasnt. "Yeah, I figured I'd catch Ozzie at work and we'd work out or something..." He walked further into the room and briefly checked Felix out before heading to the benches. "I thought he worked Monday nights."-
  6. Covet: "Normally he does, but I haven't been here the last couple of weeks either. So I'm not sure what he's up to." Felix said with a shrug. "I'm not actually working out, just keeping the rust from building up for basketball, if you want to shoot around."
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  9. Alexithymiaa: "Ah, gotcha." He said with a nod, awkwardly adjusting the beanie on his head. "I'm not exactly the best basketball player in the world, but I'm kinda tall so that's half the battle right?" He asked with a laugh.-
  10. Covet: "Nothing serious, just putting the ball up." He told him as he shot the ball at the basket again, sinking it. He bounced the ball over to Brad so he could have a turn. "So, uh.. how was your weekend?" He asked trying to make small talk
  11. Alexithymiaa: -He stuck his hands out to catch for the ball, jumping up to shoot the ball and just bouncing it off the edge of the rim. "Weekend was pretty good. I took Kelsey and a bunch of people out to Vegas for her birthday. Maybe a cliche twenty first birthday, but we definitely had a lot of fun. What about you?"-
  12. Covet: "Oh yeah? That's cool. Relay her a belated happy birthday for me." He said catching the ball, bouncing it back to Brad so he could try again. "I spent my weekend keeping Steph distracted, but she's pretty happy about the baby news, so that's really helped."
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Brad caught the ball, freezing in place and just pivoting to stare at Felix, his gossip senses tingling. "Wait... what? Is... is Steph pregnant?"-
  14. Covet: "No. NO no...We've been vigiliant about protection. But Cadence is, and Steph is super happy about it for them." Felix said with a laugh waiting for him to shoot.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Oh..." He exhaled a deep sigh of relief because he was instantly kind of annoyed that THIS was how he was finding out. "Wow, good for them. They had a nice wedding." Because Brad is not exactly good with words or anything. He jumped up again and shot the ball, smashing it into the back board and letting it bounce off before turning to face Felix again. "That's good you guys are... uhh... safe. You wouldn't want to give each other anything you picked up from someone else anyway." He spoke, trying to phish to see if swinging.-
  16. Covet: "Yeah they did. And now comes the baby carriage." He said with a laugh then caught the ball, putting it up for a basket before tossing it back to Brad again. "That'd be a little difficult, considering neither of us are really looking to see other people. But we are safe because we're being responsible. Having a kid really isn't on the books for me right now. I want to clear more of my bucket list."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Riiight right right." Brad nodded like he understood despite not actually getting the message. He caught the ball and shot it quickly, actually sinking a basket and walking over to collect the rebound, tossing it over to Felix. "So is it just because you guys haven't found the right people for that sort of thing or.....?" He trailed off, raising his brows.-
  18. Covet: "What? No, I'm pretty sure Steph's not really the sharing type, and based on involvement with another guy that I know is interested in her, I don't think I really am either." He said shaking his head as he caught the ball, "But if that's the sort of thing you're into, more power to you."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "There was another guy? Did you watch?" Brad asked, not at ALL getting what Felix was laying down here, but suddenly very interested.-
  20. Covet: "What? I think we might be talking about two different things here. I can barely tollerate Zack in the same room let alone with... whatever it is you're imagining over there." Felix said still not shooting the ball just kind of staring at Brad incredulously.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Zack? Like Steph's friend Zack? Like Zack Merrick, Zack?" He asked wide eyed. "Steph slept with Zack?" He started to smirk because he finds Zack attractice because arms, nodding his head. "Awesome."-
  22. Covet: "Huh?" Felix said immediately getting annoyed, "No, I don't think so. She says there's nothing between them. But he and I don't really get along all that well. Too much testosterone between the both of us." He said then looked at Brad who was obviously day dreaming. " You need a drool rag over there or something?"
  23. Alexithymiaa: "How could you not get along with him? Have you seen him?" Because now Brad was in la la land about Zack's arms, not picking up on Felix's annoyance and probably making it worse with each comment. "You should probably fix that or whatever. It could open a lot of doors for you guys. Really really awesome doors."-
  24. Covet: Felix felt his phone go off in his pocket and read the message from Remy, sending one back before responding to Brad, "I've got plenty of awesome shit going on right now without opening any doors to that fucker. I'm not going to give him any ground at this point. I've got a monopoly that I intend to keep."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "It doesnt have to be a contest. Think how much better things could be if everyone just came together." Brad spoke blissfully, slipping his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. "I'm really lucky that Kelsey agrees with me. We have a lot of fun with that sort of thing. Really, you're missing out."-
  26. Covet: "I'm going to pretend that statement wasn't laced with a double entendre." Felix told him as he shot the basketball again, " I'm not really into the whole open relationship thing. I like where things are at with Steph and I. We've got a great connection and I'm not sharing that shit with anyone." He felt his phone go off again and tossed the ball to Brad, evne though his dumbass hands were in his pants.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -Brad has the reflexes of a fucking sloth so naturally the ball hit him in the chest before he was able to get his hands out of his pockets to catch it. He took a step back when it bounced in front of him, leaning down to pick it up. "Well it's not the relationship stuff you're sharing, just the sex. It's better that way." He straightened with the ball in his hands, shooting at the hoop and missing by a mile.-
  28. Covet: "And I'm even greedier about that. Not everyone is into that sort of thing. I'm not one to judge if it works for you, great. But it's just not really for Steph and I. I wouldn't even get the idea presented to her without her losing her shit. And I'm happy being alive."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Alright, alright. Whatever works for you." He walked over to get the ball, passing it over to Felix. "I guess as long as you guys are happy, that's what's important. I'm glad Kelsey is as adventurous as I am. I'd be really disappointed if she was that vanilla."-
  30. Covet: Felix tried to ignore his vanilla comment. "Well you enjoy your rainbow swirl over there, cause not everyone gets that kind of a sweet set up." He said then chuckled at the conversation between him and Remy. Felix turned his attention to the time then to Brad, "I'm going to head out, so I can get back to Steph's to let Penny out. But it was cool to hang out I guess. Uh.. Take care and all that."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah... yeah. Have a good one." He said with a wave to Felix, glancing around him now that he realized he'd never actually spent any time with Ozzie tonight like he'd intended.-
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