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Sep 4th, 2014
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  1. This is in no particular order, don't be offended if you're towards the bottom.
  3. Curshin Defeat hai. You'd better still be here when I get back. Really, I can't deal with PS! without you. I would honestly just stop using it for anything but battling. So thanks :)
  5. Aaron's Aron someday I hope you come back and read this message. I know little about you, other than that you are adorable and fantastic. Never change. And keep playing Pokemon. These people may be jerks, but they're just nerds. We're all nerds together.
  7. Merritty, you're dead and I miss you. You were the first person in the LC room, and by extension the first person on PS!, that I made friends with. I hope you're here when I come back.
  9. Goddess Briyella, I don't know why you went and disappeared all of a sudden, but thank you. You're the only reason I was ever able to even start contributing to C&C, and the whole reason I started using Smogon <3
  11. Caledrith, we'll probably get back at about the same time. And I don't know about you, but when I get back, if this site still exists, I'm going to start right where I left off. Except then I won't just be some little shit that joined a couple months ago. I'll be an old fart.
  13. Raseri, thank you for everything. Every other tier leader is so distant and indifferent and then there's you. You're as brilliant as all of them, and on top of that you're actually a really cool person.
  15. Hollywood, you're the most inexplicably adorable user ever. js
  17. Aeno, keep playing. You were my first tutee ever, and I want you to be good at Pokemon. Scratch that, I know you're good at Pokemon, I just want you to show others that you're good at Pokemon. And I want you to participate in the forums.
  19. Champion Fizz, you're a nerd and you suck. But really, not really. You should get into art more. Go into Smeargle's Studio and such stuff. You could probably get an artist's badge or something. That'd be sick.
  21. GatoDelFuego, you're always there for me. Whenever I need anything, you help me out and you never ask for anything in return. If ever you need anything, I gotchu.
  23. TCR, I don't know why you got all quiet on me, but you're really cool. And you're shit at LoL. But you're really good at Pokemon, I know that. You had an amazing record in LCPL, iirc. Be cool again. People like you here, don't forget that.
  25. Aerow, at first I found you kinda threatening. I don't know why, like, it's just a bloody video game, but I was threatened by you anyways. Then I talked to you, and you're just a cool guy. I was wrong this whole time. Thanks for being the realist of nigs.
  27. Ashley11, you died but you're adorable. I added you into this for a couple reasons. I miss you, is one, obviously. But also it was one of your Dark Horse threads that was the reason that I made an account on Smogon. It was such a scary place back then. Now I know it just sucks.
  29. Arikado, bring back the pretty women. That is all. You rock.
  31. S_aman, someday. Someday :)
  33. Transmuter, you're a really cool dude. Don't stop watching good anime, because that stuff makes my life. And you would be dishonoring my memory if you were to stop.
  35. Lastly, SmogMog is stupid. It felt like I was being told "You're a recognized contributor to Smogon, and we care about your opinion. But not actually." But whatever.
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