
Safari Saviors (F/F, Soft)

Sep 13th, 2015
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  1. Trotting through the dense forest, two winged ponies make their way across the grassy ground. While the pink-maned pony favored taking time to appreciate the flora and fauna on the ground level, the blue-bodied flier enjoyed gliding about, taking short breaks on the dirty floor to allow her slower friend to catch up. Looping about a few tall oak trees, the impatient pony lands on the ground in front of the other, kicking up a cloud of dirt, causing the nature-oriented mare to cough in response. As the dust settles, the tomboyish pony exaggerates a sigh as she addresses the shy pegasus.
  3. “Fluttershy, tell me... WHY are we in the middle of nowhere again?”
  5. With a sincere gaze, Fluttershy takes a deep breath and adjusts her safari hat before addressing her restless friend.
  7. “Well, after we used our Rainbow Power to defeat Tirek and return the magic back to the ponies of Equestria, Twilight said the locals here are reporting magical creatures that look at lot like us. So... she sent us in to look into it.”
  9. Still unamused, Rainbow Dash lifts off into the air, hovering quietly above the shy pony. Seeing the orange rays of the sunset pierce the thick tops of the trees above, the professional flier rubs her chin in brief thought as she thinks out loud.
  11. “Sun's setting soon though, we should really get back to camp.”
  13. Before speaking to the blue pegasus, Fluttershy gives a reluctant nod.
  15. “Sure... Do you mind flying up to see where camp is?”
  17. With a salute, Dash bolts into the air, only to be intercepted by the leaves and branches of the surrounding vegetation. As if alive, the leafage stretches and repels the pegasus, flinging her back to the ground. A cloud of dust swells up from the forest's floor, accompanied by a yelp from the pony. Scrambling to her hooves, she shakes off the dirt on her coat as she snarls at the trees.
  19. “Grr... dumb trees, who do they think they are?!”
  21. Behind the miffed mare, Fluttershy quietly calls out to the pony.
  23. “Umm... Rainbow Dash?”
  25. Deaf to the hushed pleas, Dash darts back towards the forests' canopy, only to be rejected repeatedly by the swift branches. Time and time again, she is swatted out of the air in her attempts to breach the trees' tops, crashing to the ground each time.
  27. Seeing no end to the pony's stubbornness, Fluttershy's eyes followed the hot-headed pony as she tried to catch Dash's attention with hushed “Umm...”s and “Ohh...”s, all overpowered by the sounds of the pony's body colliding with the floor. Gingerly raising a hoof towards her friend, Dash's last kick was met with hard, elastic resistance from the local trees, flinging the pony far past Fluttershy through a towering bush. The shy pegasus braced herself for the impending impact, but only heard a muffled yelp. Curious, Fluttershy parts the bush to look for her friend.
  29. “Rainbow- eep!”
  31. Staring back at Fluttershy through the bush was a pony that mirrored her looks. Aside from the ruffled mane and curious eye markings, the uncanny imitation caused her to leap back in surprise. Backing away from the bush, the odd clone stepped forward through the foliage, revealing a lengthy, reptile-like tail instead of a silky, pony tail. Startled by the fearless advancement of the strange imitation, Fluttershy stammers out a response.
  33. “H-hello... c-can you help m-me and my f-friend? We're lost...”
  35. The meek pegasus uses her ever-watchful eyes to judge the body language of the creature as it stands there. With no ill intent, it watches her back with a glazed-over look, mouth agape as Fluttershy sees a quick glimpse of something crawling beneath the creature's skin. As the two silently observe each other, the caretaker decides to break the silence once more.
  37. “Well... I need to find my friend now, so if you don't mind...”
  39. Taking a step away from the weird pony triggers a response from it as vine-like limbs lash out of its mouth, strapping themselves to Fluttershy. With no time to react, she is immediately lifted up into the air by the appendages, cradled from every angle to make her ascent into the air comfortable. Still unable to see hostility in the pony hybrid, her eyes drift over the bush to see Rainbow Dash being consumed by a similar clone, only using Applejack's body.
  41. Despite Dash's apparent protests from her bucking hind legs, the AJ imitation took good care of swallowing the pony, gently massaging the squirming bulge as she approached the fuzzy middle. Looking back down, she sees her tentacled captor ready to draw her in. Fluttershy only murmurs a few words to the friendly beast.
  43. “Please be gentle...”
  45. Seemingly giving Fluttershy a dopey nod before her descent, Fluttershy's safari hat goes sailing off as she is yanked into the slobbering maw of the mirrored pony. The tentacles gently constrict around her body as her head slides past the tongue and into the gullet. The humid heat inside the pony-like body was surprisingly refreshing as the warmth slowly caressed the pegasus' body. Slimy and moist, Fluttershy feels each of the journey as she's pulled into the feeler-filled body, the warm embrace of each sentient limb stroking and coddling her. She shivers as the entire body around her fits to match her form, the natural muscle contractions of the throat making the journey pleasing to the touch.
  47. Soaking in the bliss of the body's interior, Fluttershy's head sloppily pops into the stomach-like chamber, where more snake-like limbs awaited her entrance. In the darkness of the fleshy cavity, they stretched out to greet the stunned mare as the slow consumption already kneaded the pony into a rapturous daze. The tentacles slipped over Fluttershy's face as they further cushioned her body's entrance, each swallow from the creature depositing more of pony's body into the groaning gut.
  49. The belly of the pony-like critter swells to capacity as the last of Fluttershy's hind hooves drop from the throat and into the sauna-like stomach, organic groans and bubbling liquids blubber in the ears of the captured mare. Though the experience was far from unpleasant, Fluttershy raises her voice to talk to her host as her body is explored and cuddled by the slippery appendages.
  51. “If it isn't too much trouble... can you let me... ohh my...”
  53. Caught mid-sentence, she feels the pony-like hooves dig into her shoulders from outside the stomach, releasing the tension of today's journey. The therapeutic strokes of the creature sent Fluttershy into another silent spell as she soaks in the sheer warmth of her duplicate; strong hooves pressing into her tense body as the tentacles caress her with care, all wrapped up in the warm atmosphere of the accommodating belly. Overloaded with the sheer pleasure of it all, she lets the caring creature pamper her as she sleeps to the hypnotic heartbeat that pulsed around her.
  55. In a half-dreamlike state, Fluttershy opens her eyes to the darkness around her, feeling her body sway back and forth as she is suspended by the elastic paunch of her clone. The soft clip-clop of the equine-like creature thunder around her as it walks along a trail. Nuzzling up to a soft tentacle, her host takes note as she feels another smooth limb pat her on the head. Suddenly, the creature stops as Fluttershy feels the body ripple around her, the tentacles below her lifting her up. Feeling her muzzle rub against the top of the stomach, she calls out to equine, expecting no response.
  57. “Where are we?”
  59. The soft sounds of retching accompany the slow ascent back up the creature's throat, burping excess gas and globs of saliva splashing against the forest floor. Limp in the tentacled grip, Fluttershy lets it happen naturally as the morning sun enters the open mouth of the creature, her own head slithering up to meet the light. Taking a much needed gasp of fresh air, a cold breeze across her nose braces her for the chilly air as the dexterous limbs expertly remove her from the gurgling stomach, her head sliding off the palette of her caring clone.
  61. Fluttershy helps the creature by wiggling out towards the entrance of the throat, a flood of various fluids following with her as the tentacles lift the rest of her body out and onto her own four hooves. Finally out of the belly of the friendly beast, she sees her tentacled buddy roll on her back, panting like a dog awaiting praise. Before she returns affection, Fluttershy looks around to she the camp she left before the journey, untouched. Even at the corner of her eye she sees a soaked Rainbow Dash being playfully licked by the Applejack look-alike. Successful in her mission, Fluttershy leaps onto her prone clone, giving it a vigorous belly rub with her forehooves as she speaks to it with a motherly voice.
  63. “Who's a good tatzlpony? You are! Yes you are!”
  65. Overhearing Fluttershy's joyous remarks, Rainbow raises an eyebrow as she shouts to her friend, still being shown affection from the orange creature.
  67. “Tatzlpony? Where the hay did you get that from?!”
  69. Lifting her head to see the disgruntled pegasus, she merely smiles back with a response.
  71. “I dunno, but something about them reminds me of the worm Twilight told us about, don't you agree?”
  73. The athletic pony tries to think back to all the times she tuned out Twilight's lectures, only to be met with another drenched lick from the tatzlpony. Dash exclaims her displeasure as she shouts to her friend.
  75. “Blegh! Alright, sure! Mission accomplished, can we go home now?”
  77. With a gleeful smile, Fluttershy nods in agreement as she disengages from rubbing down her own copy.
  79. “Of course! I'm sure these two would be happy to meet the others.”
  81. Dash grumbles to herself, not wanting to spend another minute with these mute ponies. Though her journey inside the pony-like creature was not terrible, being coddled and cared for was unfamiliar to the tomboy. As she helps to pack up to leave for home, she turns to the orange tatzlpony, still with a dopey smile on its face, tentacles hanging out and panting. Looking around to make sure Fluttershy was not within earshot, she whispers to her silent follower.
  83. “You can stay at my place in Cloudsdale if Twilight doesn't want you around, okay?”
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