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Dec 25th, 2022
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text 13.72 KB | None | 0 0
  1. &GetTD(@TD);
  2. &WriteLn;
  3. &WriteLn('Lisa Pascal I-Code Dump, (C) 1984 Apple Computer, Inc. (Ver ',
  4. .Version, ') - ', TD);
  5. &WriteLn;
  6. &WriteLn;
  7. &FOpen := False;
  8. --
  9. &InitPasDefs;
  10. &InitObjFile(OutFile, 8); (*OIAllowAbort := False; {spring}*)
  11. &GetTD(@DateStr);
  12. &WriteLn(TITLE, VERSION, ' ': 9, DateStr);
  13. &Copyrights;
  14. &WriteLn;
  15. &Aborted := True;
  16. --
  17. *IF Pos('Lisa Pascal Compiler', Line) = 1 THEN
  18. ,BEGIN
  19. ,PutLineP(ListFile, @Line);
  20. ,PutStrS(ListFile, Concat(TITLE, VERSION), 0);
  21. ,PutStrS(ListFile, ' ', 79 - Length(TITLE) - Length(VERSION) -
  22. 4Length(DateStr));
  23. ,PutLineP(ListFile, @DateStr);
  24. ,END
  25. --
  26. ,054: { REAL48 }
  27. 1BEGIN
  28. 1IF NOT HaveExtTmp THEN
  29. 3BEGIN {allocate an extended real temp for conversions}
  30. 3GetTemp(ExtTmp, 10); HaveExtTmp := True;
  31. 3END; {this is done once per procedure}
  32. 1Expression(NextByte, - 1, False);
  33. 1IF gCAttr.cKind = CNST THEN
  34. 3BEGIN
  35. 3IF NOT HaveRealTmp THEN
  36. 5BEGIN {allocate one real temp for constant conversion}
  37. 5GetTemp(RealTmp, 4); HaveRealTmp := True;
  38. 5END; {need only one per proc}
  39. 3Store(gCAttr, RealTmp, LongOp);
  40. --
  41. 2ELSE {!03-29-84}
  42. 4BEGIN {real funct result returned in D0, D1} {!03-29-84}
  43. 4IF NOT HaveExtTmp THEN {!03-29-84}
  44. 6BEGIN {allocate an extended real temp for conversions} {!03-29-84}
  45. 6GetTemp(ExtTmp, 10); HaveExtTmp := True; {!03-29-84}
  46. 6END; {this is done once per procedure} {!03-29-84}
  47. 4IF NOT HaveDblTmp THEN {!03-29-84}
  48. 6BEGIN {allocate one dbl real temp for conversion} {!03-29-84}
  49. 6GetTemp(DblTmp, 8); HaveDblTmp := True; {!03-29-84}
  50. 6END; {need only one per proc} {!03-29-84}
  51. 4IF DblTmp.VLev <= 1 THEN {!03-29-84}
  52. --
  53. "LABEL 999;
  54. "CONST
  55. $TITLE = 'Lisa Pascal MC68000 Code Generator ';
  56. $VERSION = 'V2.61 (13-Apr-84)';
  57. $D0 = 0;
  58. $D3 = 3;
  59. $D4 = 4;
  60. --
  61. $Line: SUStr; {used to report time}
  62. $LkUpCalled: Boolean; {true ==> LkUp called by disassembler}
  63. $Substituted: Boolean; {true ==> LkUp found external name} {!2-19-84}
  64. $Hex: PACKED ARRAY [1..16] OF Char; {chars 0..F for hex conversion}
  65. $Aborted: Boolean; {true ==> generation aborted}
  66. $ErrNum: Integer; {PLinitHeap param}
  67. $RefNum: Integer; {PLinitHeap param}
  68. --
  69. { (C) Copyright 1983, 1984 Apple Computer, Inc. }
  70. { }
  71. { 24-Mar-83 }
  72. { 24-Mar-83 removed "Xhwint" kludge for A2/Mon version }
  73. {****************************************************************************}
  74. {$I flags.text }
  75. {$r-}
  76. --
  77. 1 --> 4
  78. 2 --> 4
  79. 1 --> 2
  80. Data Conversion -
  81. : b
  82. p/-
  83. V/-
  84. --
  85. &{$u Primitives/io} IOPrimitives,
  86. &{$u Primitives/tools} ToolsPrimitives;
  87. #CONST
  88. &Version = '8.8';
  89. #TYPE
  90. &String8 = String[8];
  91. #VAR
  92. --
  93. &END; {WrtErr}
  94. #PROCEDURE Header;
  95. &BEGIN {Header}
  96. )PutLineS(G, Concat('I-Code Dump (Ver ', Version, ') - ', TD));
  97. )IF NOT Flag THEN
  98. ,PutLineS(G, Concat('File: ', FN))
  99. )ELSE
  100. --
  101. )Index: Integer;
  102. &BEGIN {DatCon}
  103. )Indent(30-Space);
  104. )PutStrS(G, 'Data Conversion - ', 0);
  105. )Index := Space; Incr(1);
  106. )IF NexTok IN [48..63] THEN
  107. ,CASE NexTok OF {[@=4]}
  108. --
  109. "(* 5-27-83 Makescsize: overflow checking on OflowFlag *)
  110. "(* 5-27-83 Expression: add OflowFlag *)
  111. "(* 5-27-83 Abssqr: add v *)
  112. "(* 6-13-83 Makescsize: range checking on constant conversions *)
  113. "(* 6-13-83 Xchr: add range checking on CHR() *)
  114. "(* 6-17-83 Simpleexpression: check for nil typtr in arith. factor *)
  115. "(* 6-22-83 Resetwrite: re-allow INTERACTIVE files (Paslib converts to TEXT) *)
  116. --
  117. "(* 6-23-83 Callnonstandard: range checking on parameters *)
  118. "(* 6-23-83 assign: no range-checking on longints *)
  119. "(* 6-23-83 assign: range-checking code moved to insertrangecheck *)
  120. "(* 10-06-83 Factor: include type conversion function, <typeid>(expr) *)
  121. "(* 10-13-83 Method 'NEW' changed to 'CREATE' *)
  122. "(* 10-13-83 Typeconvert: add CheckSubClass which range-cks class conversion *)
  123. "(* 10-13-83 Variable:type conversion of var params using syntax <typeid>(var)*)
  124. "(* 10-18-83 Selector: adjust so that caller must set up initial GATTR *)
  125. "(* 10-18-83 Factor: adjust calls to selector *)
  126. "(* 10-18-83 Variable: adjust call to selector *)
  127. --
  128. 4TreePtr := NIL;
  129. 4SawClassId := True;
  130. 4END
  131. 2ELSE IF Token = LPARENSY THEN {type conversion}
  132. 4BEGIN
  133. 4TypeConvert(FSys, Variable, FpN);
  134. 4lAttr := gAttr;
  135. --
  136. "CONST
  137. $TITLE = 'Lisa Pascal Compiler ';
  138. ${$ifc foros}
  139. $VERSION = 'V1.164 (20-Apr-84)';
  140. ${$elsec}
  141. $VERSION = 'V0.10.2 (Monitor) ';
  142. $DATE = '11-Jan-84';
  143. ${$endc}
  144. $D0 = 0; {register equates}
  145. --
  146. &AsmOnly := False; AsmProc := False; SaveA2D3 := False; MacFlag := False;
  147. &{$ifc ForOs}
  148. &GetTD(@DateStr);
  149. &WriteLn(TITLE, VERSION, ' ':23, DateStr);
  150. &{$elsec}
  151. &GotoXY(0, 0);
  152. &WriteLn(TITLE, VERSION, ' ': 9, DATE);
  153. &{$endc}
  154. &Copyrights;
  155. &WriteLn;
  156. --
  157. &IF Listing THEN
  158. (BEGIN
  159. ({$ifc ForOs}
  160. (PutStrS(ListingFCBP, Concat(TITLE, VERSION), 0);
  161. (PutStrS(ListingFCBP, ' ', 79 - Length(TITLE) - Length(VERSION) - Length(DateStr));
  162. (PutLineP(ListingFCBP, @DateStr);
  163. ({$elsec}
  164. (PutLineS(ListingFCBP, Concat(TITLE, ' ', VERSION, ' ', DATE));
  165. ({$endc}
  166. (PutcF(ListingFCBP, IONewline);
  167. (END;
  168. --
  169. "175 Procedure or function has already been declared once
  170. "176 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Procedure
  171. "177 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Function
  172. "178 Type conversion to a different size type is not allowed
  173. "179 Illegal type of operands in constant expression
  174. "180 Division by 0
  175. "181 NIL is not allowed in a constant expression
  176. --
  177. "2012 Too many locals
  178. Verification Errors:
  179. "4000 Bad verification block format
  180. "4001 Source code version conflict
  181. "4002 Compiler version conflict
  182. "4003 Linker version conflict
  183. "4100 Version in file less than minimum version supported by program
  184. "4101 Version in file greater than maximum version supported by program
  186. S.ERR.TE
  187. 10 Too many digits
  188. --
  189. 175 Procedure or function has already been declared once
  190. 176 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Procedure
  191. 177 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Function
  192. 178 Type conversion to a different size type is not allowed
  193. 179 Illegal type of operands in constant expression
  194. 180 Division by 0
  195. 181 NIL is not allowed in a constant expression
  196. --
  197. 2011 Too many globals
  198. 2012 Too many locals
  199. 4000 Bad verification block format
  200. 4001 Source code version conflict
  201. 4002 Compiler version conflict
  202. 4003 Linker version conflict
  203. 4100 Version in file less than minimum version supported by program
  204. 4101 Version in file greater than maximum version supported by program
  206. aToo many digits
  207. Digit expected after '.' in real
  208. --
  209. Procedure or function has already been declared once
  210. Unsatisfied forward declaration for Procedure
  211. Unsatisfied forward declaration for Function
  212. Type conversion to a different size type is not allowed
  213. Illegal type of operands in constant expression
  214. Division by 0
  215. NIL is not allowed in a constant expression
  216. --
  217. &OflowFlag := False;
  218. &{$ifc ForOs}
  219. &GetTD(@DateStr);
  220. &WriteLn(TITLE, VERSION, ' ':23, DateStr);
  221. &{$elsec}
  222. &GotoXY(0, 0);
  223. &WriteLn(TITLE, VERSION, ' ': 9, DATE);
  224. &{$endc}
  225. &Copyrights;
  226. &WriteLn;
  227. --
  228. &IF Listing THEN
  229. (BEGIN
  230. ({$ifc ForOs}
  231. (PutStrS(ListingFCBP, Concat(TITLE, VERSION), 0);
  232. (PutStrS(ListingFCBP, ' ', 79 - Length(TITLE) - Length(VERSION) - Length(DateStr));
  233. (PutLineP(ListingFCBP, @DateStr);
  234. ({$elsec}
  235. (PutLineS(ListingFCBP, Concat(TITLE, ' ', VERSION, ' ', DATE));
  236. ({$endc}
  237. (PutcF(ListingFCBP, IONewline);
  238. (END;
  239. --
  240. "(* 6-17-83 Prog: delete METHOD from list of legal syms following decl section*)
  241. "(* 6-28-83 Hexconstant: make all $xxxx words, $xxxxxxxx longints *)
  242. "(* 7-15-83 Error: conditional around Killexec *)
  243. "(* 8-28-83 Hexconstant: issue a warning on value change (inhouse version only*)
  244. "(* 8-28-83 Warning: a new procedure for warnings *)
  245. "(* 8-30-83 Previousfile: fix so file stack doesn't underflow *)
  246. "(* 9-07-83 Fillinbuf: check ioresults after reads *)
  247. --
  248. &ExitFlag, First: Boolean;
  249. &lpN: pN;
  250. &lUnitP: pN;
  251. $BEGIN {SearchClasses - a special version of SearchLocal for class methods}
  252. &ExitFlag := False; HigherLevel := StartAtSuper;
  253. &lpN := NIL;
  254. &WHILE (FpT <> NIL) AND NOT ExitFlag DO
  255. --
  256. %withvars: array[1..12{?maxdisplay}] of pn;
  257. %withatloc: array[1..12{?maxdisplay}] of ppstmt;
  258. %withcseindex: array[1..12{?maxdisplay}] of integer;
  259. %withlevel:integer; {?delete in final version - in globals}
  260. %noloadlist:pnodelist;
  261. %stackp:integer; { used in traverse }
  262. %cstackp:integer; { used in traverse }
  263. --
  264. (* if not CSEarray[n].needaddr then
  265. &processCSE(n,tempok,valueinreg);
  266. "{Check for any deathnodes. If none, no benefit to calculating
  267. #non-temp register versions }
  268. "i := oldnext; hasdeathnodes := false;
  269. "while (i < nextnode) and not hasdeathnodes do
  270. $if nodearray[i].deathnodes <> nil
  271. $then hasdeathnodes := true
  272. $else i := i+1;
  273. "if hasdeathnodes
  274. "then *)begin {? omit in test version}
  275. 'if not CSEarray[n].needaddr
  276. 'then processCSE(n,tempnotok,valueinreg);
  277. 'processCSE(n,tempnotok,addrinreg);
  278. 'end;
  279. { processCSE(n,tempok,addrinreg); } {?omit in test version}
  280. end; {build1node}
  281. procedure BUILDNODEARRAY;
  282. "var i:integer;
  283. --
  284. {$ENDC}
  285. begin {GlobalOptimize}
  287. {? delete these flags in final version}
  288. optdbgflags[0] := 1; optdbgflags[1] := 0; {
  289. 0 no 2nd phase output
  290. 0 short order }
  291. --
  292. {$I flags.text}
  293. {$SETC IULIB := true} {true==>code for Searching I.U. Libs Indirect}
  294. {$SETC Killexec := true} {true==>exec files will be stopped after errors set
  295. :Killexec to False for NPR testing version}
  296. {$SETC OPTDBG := FALSE} {true==>debug output on Opt.2}
  297. {$g+} {$r-}
  298. PROGRAM Pascal;
  299. --
  300. Too many globals
  301. Too many locals
  302. Bad verification block format
  303. Source code version conflict
  304. Compiler version conflict
  305. Linker version conflict
  306. Version in file less than minimum version supported by program
  307. Version in file greater than maximum version supported by program
  308. Pas 3
  309. "@$|
  310. Nu"_ |
  311. --
  312. 175 Procedure or function has already been declared once
  313. 176 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Procedure
  314. 177 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Function
  315. 178 Type conversion to a different size type is not allowed
  316. 179 Illegal type of operands in constant expression
  317. 180 Division by 0
  318. 181 NIL is not allowed in a constant expression
  319. --
  320. 2011 Too many globals
  321. 2012 Too many locals
  322. 4000 Bad verification block format
  323. 4001 Source code version conflict
  324. 4002 Compiler version conflict
  325. 4003 Linker version conflict
  326. 4100 Version in file less than minimum version supported by program
  327. 4101 Version in file greater than maximum version supported by program
  328. hPASLIB
  329. FPLIB
  330. STDUNIT
  331. --
  332. Procedure or function has already been declared once
  333. Unsatisfied forward declaration for Procedure
  334. Unsatisfied forward declaration for Function
  335. Type conversion to a different size type is not allowed
  336. Illegal type of operands in constant expression
  337. Division by 0
  338. NIL is not allowed in a constant expression
  339. --
  340. Too many globals
  341. Too many locals
  342. Bad verification block format
  343. Source code version conflict
  344. Compiler version conflict
  345. Linker version conflict
  346. Version in file less than minimum version supported by program
  347. Version in file greater than maximum version supported by program
  348. $EXEC {Exec file to compile Pascal compiler specified in %0 }
  349. $ {Placing .obj file in %1 (if "$" then %1 is %0, default PAS/PASX.OBJ) }
  350. $ {This exec file calls the exec files <COMP to do the compilation and }
  351. --
  352. .IF IOResult <= 0 THEN
  353. 0BEGIN
  354. 0GetObjInvar(iuLibFile, InBlock);
  355. 0IF InBlock.blockHeader = VersionCtrl THEN
  356. 2BEGIN
  357. 2REPEAT
  358. 4GetObjInvar(iuLibFile, InBlock)
  359. --
  360. { (C) Copyright 1983, 1984 Apple Computer, Inc. }
  361. { }
  362. { 24-Mar-83 }
  363. { 24-Mar-83 removed "Xhwint" kludge for A2/Mon version }
  364. {****************************************************************************}
  365. {$I flags.text }
  366. {$r-}
  367. --
  368. .IF IOResult <= 0 THEN
  369. 0BEGIN
  370. 0GetObjInvar(iuLibFile, InBlock);
  371. 0IF InBlock.blockHeader = VersionCtrl THEN
  372. 2BEGIN
  373. 2REPEAT
  374. 4GetObjInvar(iuLibFile, InBlock)
  375. --
  376. "175 Procedure or function has already been declared once
  377. "176 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Procedure
  378. "177 Unsatisfied forward declaration for Function
  379. "178 Type conversion to a different size type is not allowed
  380. "179 Illegal type of operands in constant expression
  381. "180 Division by 0
  382. "181 NIL is not allowed in a constant expression
  383. --
  384. "2012 Too many locals
  385. Verification Errors:
  386. "4000 Bad verification block format
  387. "4001 Source code version conflict
  388. "4002 Compiler version conflict
  389. "4003 Linker version conflict
  390. "4100 Version in file less than minimum version supported by program
  391. "4101 Version in file greater than maximum version supported by program
  392. -not a Macintosh disk-
  393. "@$|
  394. Nu"_ |
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