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a guest
Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. StuckInSeason3: leave scutrtle
  4. StuckInSeason3: fiora 010 hp
  5. StuckInSeason3: 100
  6. StuckInSeason3: how is fiora TWO levels above
  7. StuckInSeason3: toplane is over
  8. StuckInSeason3: im out of the game
  9. StuckInSeason3: for real now
  10. StuckInSeason3: nothing helps when she got somehow 2 levels ahead
  11. StuckInSeason3: 2 levels ahead
  12. StuckInSeason3: she wins by base statas
  13. StuckInSeason3: stats
  14. StuckInSeason3: whats your issue? did i ask you if you are trolling when fiora was 100hp farming on lane and you were fighting fucking scuttle
  15. StuckInSeason3: end yourself
  16. StuckInSeason3: worthless shit
  17. StuckInSeason3: 10 kills and 0 damage with gauntlet
  18. StuckInSeason3: start helping lanes with free kilss
  19. StuckInSeason3: trash
  20. StuckInSeason3: cant farm on lane
  21. StuckInSeason3: so u farm in jungle
  22. StuckInSeason3: you aint doing hsit
  23. StuckInSeason3: cause my jungle didint help
  24. StuckInSeason3: when we had a free kill
  25. StuckInSeason3: so fiora got 2 levels ahead
  26. StuckInSeason3: clearly
  27. StuckInSeason3: 100% my fault
  28. StuckInSeason3: you were doing scuttle
  29. StuckInSeason3: instead of taking the early lead on toplane
  30. StuckInSeason3: ty
  31. StuckInSeason3: pointing out my score does nothing
  32. StuckInSeason3: if you didnt watch the lane
  33. StuckInSeason3: im 2 levels behind because of a botched gnak
  34. StuckInSeason3: yet i get no help
  35. StuckInSeason3: worthless muslims
  36. StuckInSeason3: waste of sperm
  37. StuckInSeason3: notice how the team types in all chat. those kind of people smh
  38. StuckInSeason3: instead of adminting his mistakes
  39. StuckInSeason3: he starts the blame game
  40. StuckInSeason3: i wasnt allowed to last hid
  41. StuckInSeason3: mr jungler
  42. StuckInSeason3: watch the replay
  43. StuckInSeason3: what happened after your gank
  44. StuckInSeason3: you are retarded
  45. StuckInSeason3: you dont have a main
  46. StuckInSeason3: you havea billion games on this account
  47. StuckInSeason3: diamond on main but cant gank a 100hp lane
  48. StuckInSeason3: good story
  49. StuckInSeason3: you ganked too late
  50. StuckInSeason3: dude
  51. StuckInSeason3: you didnt come to clean up
  52. StuckInSeason3: you dont even understand lol
  53. StuckInSeason3: its actually sad
  54. StuckInSeason3: you have 400 games on plat
  55. StuckInSeason3: dude
  56. StuckInSeason3: 400 games?
  57. StuckInSeason3: sure
  58. StuckInSeason3: you are full of shit
  59. StuckInSeason3: you dont play like a diamond player
  60. StuckInSeason3: you dont watch the map
  61. StuckInSeason3: you took scuttle instead of coming to a 100hp gank
  62. StuckInSeason3: that alone is silver
  63. StuckInSeason3: mr le boosted is plat 4 account
  64. StuckInSeason3: with over 300 games
  65. StuckInSeason3: you are retarded
  66. Game 2
  67. In-Game
  68. StuckInSeason3: 100% reason to remember the name
  69. StuckInSeason3: if stating facts is flaming
  70. StuckInSeason3: call me burning man
  72. StuckInSeason3: or you can leave and let me full xp
  73. StuckInSeason3: why play the game when u afk ?>
  74. StuckInSeason3: you are terribad
  75. StuckInSeason3: youa re afking on alne
  76. StuckInSeason3: you fucking retarded piece of hsit
  77. StuckInSeason3: end your life
  78. StuckInSeason3: useless shit
  79. StuckInSeason3: poke the,
  80. StuckInSeason3: pls
  81. StuckInSeason3: stop afking
  82. StuckInSeason3: leave lane pls
  83. StuckInSeason3: leave me alone
  84. StuckInSeason3: you are trolling
  85. StuckInSeason3: sit back type and dont return poke
  86. StuckInSeason3: you are useless as support
  87. StuckInSeason3: stop having 38% winrate on TF LUL
  88. Game 3
  89. In-Game
  90. StuckInSeason3: clearly
  91. StuckInSeason3: next time mr 1v9 watch the pings
  92. StuckInSeason3: go ahead
  93. StuckInSeason3: cait in this patch
  94. StuckInSeason3: ou are already trolling
  95. StuckInSeason3: i like to win
  96. StuckInSeason3: ty
  97. StuckInSeason3: end your life fiddle
  98. StuckInSeason3: you are worthless
  99. StuckInSeason3: CAIt
  100. StuckInSeason3: you are palying a champ that need 13000 gold to be usefull
  101. StuckInSeason3: shut up
  102. StuckInSeason3: stop playing then
  103. StuckInSeason3: you addicted junkie
  104. StuckInSeason3: cait is going the cheap shit build
  105. StuckInSeason3: dont expect an adc this game
  106. Post-Game
  107. StuckInSeason3: you are retarded
  108. StuckInSeason3: 30 minutes to get core items
  109. StuckInSeason3: 0 damage
  110. StuckInSeason3: play crit adc
  111. StuckInSeason3: go on
  112. StuckInSeason3: i hope i get you in the enemy team
  113. StuckInSeason3: freelo
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