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a guest
Nov 12th, 2017
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  1. advancement grant <targets> everything
  2. advancement grant <targets> from <advancement>
  3. advancement grant <targets> only <advancement>
  4. advancement grant <targets> only <advancement> <criterion>
  5. advancement grant <targets> through <advancement>
  6. advancement grant <targets> until <advancement>
  7. advancement revoke <targets> everything
  8. advancement revoke <targets> from <advancement>
  9. advancement revoke <targets> only <advancement>
  10. advancement revoke <targets> only <advancement> <criterion>
  11. advancement revoke <targets> through <advancement>
  12. advancement revoke <targets> until <advancement>
  13. ban <targets>
  14. ban <targets> <reason>
  15. ban-ip <target>
  16. ban-ip <target> <reason>
  17. banlist
  18. banlist ips
  19. banlist players
  20. blockdata <pos>
  21. blockdata <pos> <nbt>
  22. clear
  23. clear <targets>
  24. clear <targets> <item>
  25. clear <targets> <item> <maxCount>
  26. clone <begin> <end> <destination>
  27. clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered <filter>
  28. clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered <filter> force
  29. clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered <filter> move
  30. clone <begin> <end> <destination> filtered <filter> normal
  31. clone <begin> <end> <destination> masked
  32. clone <begin> <end> <destination> masked force
  33. clone <begin> <end> <destination> masked move
  34. clone <begin> <end> <destination> masked normal
  35. clone <begin> <end> <destination> replace
  36. clone <begin> <end> <destination> replace force
  37. clone <begin> <end> <destination> replace move
  38. clone <begin> <end> <destination> replace normal
  39. data get block <pos>
  40. data get block <pos> <path>
  41. data get block <pos> <path> <scale>
  42. data get entity <target>
  43. data get entity <target> <path>
  44. data get entity <target> <path> <scale>
  45. data merge block <pos> <nbt>
  46. data merge entity <target> <nbt>
  47. data remove block <pos> <path>
  48. data remove entity <target> <path>
  49. debug start
  50. debug stop
  51. defaultgamemode adventure
  52. defaultgamemode creative
  53. defaultgamemode spectator
  54. defaultgamemode survival
  55. deop <targets>
  56. difficulty
  57. difficulty easy
  58. difficulty hard
  59. difficulty normal
  60. difficulty peaceful
  61. effect clear <targets>
  62. effect clear <targets> <effect>
  63. effect give <targets> <effect>
  64. effect give <targets> <effect> <seconds>
  65. effect give <targets> <effect> <seconds> <amplifier>
  66. effect give <targets> <effect> <seconds> <amplifier> <hideParticles>
  67. execute align <axes> -> execute
  68. execute as <targets> -> execute
  69. execute at <targets> -> execute
  70. execute if block <pos> <block> -> execute
  71. execute if blocks <start> <end> <destination> all
  72. execute if blocks <start> <end> <destination> all -> execute
  73. execute if blocks <start> <end> <destination> masked
  74. execute if blocks <start> <end> <destination> masked -> execute
  75. execute if entity <entities>
  76. execute if entity <entities> -> execute
  77. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> < <source> <sourceObjective>
  78. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> < <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  79. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> <= <source> <sourceObjective>
  80. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> <= <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  81. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> = <source> <sourceObjective>
  82. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> = <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  83. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> > <source> <sourceObjective>
  84. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> > <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  85. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> >= <source> <sourceObjective>
  86. execute if score <target> <targetObjective> >= <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  87. execute offset <pos> -> execute
  88. execute run ...
  89. execute store result block <pos> <path> byte <scale> -> execute
  90. execute store result block <pos> <path> double <scale> -> execute
  91. execute store result block <pos> <path> float <scale> -> execute
  92. execute store result block <pos> <path> int <scale> -> execute
  93. execute store result block <pos> <path> long <scale> -> execute
  94. execute store result block <pos> <path> short <scale> -> execute
  95. execute store result entity <target> <path> byte <scale> -> execute
  96. execute store result entity <target> <path> double <scale> -> execute
  97. execute store result entity <target> <path> float <scale> -> execute
  98. execute store result entity <target> <path> int <scale> -> execute
  99. execute store result entity <target> <path> long <scale> -> execute
  100. execute store result entity <target> <path> short <scale> -> execute
  101. execute store result score <targets> <objective> -> execute
  102. execute store success block <pos> <path> byte <scale> -> execute
  103. execute store success block <pos> <path> double <scale> -> execute
  104. execute store success block <pos> <path> float <scale> -> execute
  105. execute store success block <pos> <path> int <scale> -> execute
  106. execute store success block <pos> <path> long <scale> -> execute
  107. execute store success block <pos> <path> short <scale> -> execute
  108. execute store success entity <target> <path> byte <scale> -> execute
  109. execute store success entity <target> <path> double <scale> -> execute
  110. execute store success entity <target> <path> float <scale> -> execute
  111. execute store success entity <target> <path> int <scale> -> execute
  112. execute store success entity <target> <path> long <scale> -> execute
  113. execute store success entity <target> <path> short <scale> -> execute
  114. execute store success score <targets> <objective> -> execute
  115. execute unless block <pos> <block> -> execute
  116. execute unless blocks <start> <end> <destination> all
  117. execute unless blocks <start> <end> <destination> all -> execute
  118. execute unless blocks <start> <end> <destination> masked
  119. execute unless blocks <start> <end> <destination> masked -> execute
  120. execute unless entity <entities>
  121. execute unless entity <entities> -> execute
  122. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> < <source> <sourceObjective>
  123. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> < <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  124. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> <= <source> <sourceObjective>
  125. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> <= <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  126. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> = <source> <sourceObjective>
  127. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> = <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  128. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> > <source> <sourceObjective>
  129. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> > <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  130. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> >= <source> <sourceObjective>
  131. execute unless score <target> <targetObjective> >= <source> <sourceObjective> -> execute
  132. experience add <targets> <amount>
  133. experience add <targets> <amount> levels
  134. experience add <targets> <amount> points
  135. experience query <targets> levels
  136. experience query <targets> points
  137. experience set <targets> <amount>
  138. experience set <targets> <amount> levels
  139. experience set <targets> <amount> points
  140. fill <from> <to> <block>
  141. fill <from> <to> <block> destroy
  142. fill <from> <to> <block> hollow
  143. fill <from> <to> <block> keep
  144. fill <from> <to> <block> outline
  145. fill <from> <to> <block> replace
  146. fill <from> <to> <block> replace <filter>
  147. function <name>
  148. gamemode adventure
  149. gamemode adventure <target>
  150. gamemode creative
  151. gamemode creative <target>
  152. gamemode spectator
  153. gamemode spectator <target>
  154. gamemode survival
  155. gamemode survival <target>
  156. gamerule announceAdvancements
  157. gamerule announceAdvancements <value>
  158. gamerule commandBlockOutput
  159. gamerule commandBlockOutput <value>
  160. gamerule disableElytraMovementCheck
  161. gamerule disableElytraMovementCheck <value>
  162. gamerule doDaylightCycle
  163. gamerule doDaylightCycle <value>
  164. gamerule doEntityDrops
  165. gamerule doEntityDrops <value>
  166. gamerule doFireTick
  167. gamerule doFireTick <value>
  168. gamerule doLimitedCrafting
  169. gamerule doLimitedCrafting <value>
  170. gamerule doMobLoot
  171. gamerule doMobLoot <value>
  172. gamerule doMobSpawning
  173. gamerule doMobSpawning <value>
  174. gamerule doTileDrops
  175. gamerule doTileDrops <value>
  176. gamerule doWeatherCycle
  177. gamerule doWeatherCycle <value>
  178. gamerule gameLoopFunction
  179. gamerule gameLoopFunction <value>
  180. gamerule keepInventory
  181. gamerule keepInventory <value>
  182. gamerule logAdminCommands
  183. gamerule logAdminCommands <value>
  184. gamerule maxCommandChainLength
  185. gamerule maxCommandChainLength <value>
  186. gamerule maxEntityCramming
  187. gamerule maxEntityCramming <value>
  188. gamerule mobGriefing
  189. gamerule mobGriefing <value>
  190. gamerule naturalRegeneration
  191. gamerule naturalRegeneration <value>
  192. gamerule randomTickSpeed
  193. gamerule randomTickSpeed <value>
  194. gamerule reducedDebugInfo
  195. gamerule reducedDebugInfo <value>
  196. gamerule sendCommandFeedback
  197. gamerule sendCommandFeedback <value>
  198. gamerule showDeathMessages
  199. gamerule showDeathMessages <value>
  200. gamerule spawnRadius
  201. gamerule spawnRadius <value>
  202. gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks
  203. gamerule spectatorsGenerateChunks <value>
  204. give <targets> <item>
  205. give <targets> <item> <count>
  206. help
  207. help <command>
  208. kick <targets>
  209. kick <targets> <reason>
  210. kill <targets>
  211. list
  212. locate EndCity
  213. locate Fortress
  214. locate Mansion
  215. locate Mineshaft
  216. locate Monument
  217. locate Stronghold
  218. locate Temple
  219. locate Village
  220. me <action>
  221. msg <targets> <message>
  222. op <targets>
  223. pardon <targets>
  224. pardon-ip <target>
  225. particle <name> <pos> <delta> <speed> <count>
  226. particle <name> <pos> <delta> <speed> <count> force
  227. particle <name> <pos> <delta> <speed> <count> force <viewers>
  228. particle <name> <pos> <delta> <speed> <count> normal
  229. particle <name> <pos> <delta> <speed> <count> normal <viewers>
  230. playsound <sound> ambient <targets>
  231. playsound <sound> ambient <targets> <pos>
  232. playsound <sound> ambient <targets> <pos> <volume>
  233. playsound <sound> ambient <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  234. playsound <sound> ambient <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  235. playsound <sound> block <targets>
  236. playsound <sound> block <targets> <pos>
  237. playsound <sound> block <targets> <pos> <volume>
  238. playsound <sound> block <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  239. playsound <sound> block <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  240. playsound <sound> hostile <targets>
  241. playsound <sound> hostile <targets> <pos>
  242. playsound <sound> hostile <targets> <pos> <volume>
  243. playsound <sound> hostile <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  244. playsound <sound> hostile <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  245. playsound <sound> master <targets>
  246. playsound <sound> master <targets> <pos>
  247. playsound <sound> master <targets> <pos> <volume>
  248. playsound <sound> master <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  249. playsound <sound> master <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  250. playsound <sound> music <targets>
  251. playsound <sound> music <targets> <pos>
  252. playsound <sound> music <targets> <pos> <volume>
  253. playsound <sound> music <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  254. playsound <sound> music <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  255. playsound <sound> neutral <targets>
  256. playsound <sound> neutral <targets> <pos>
  257. playsound <sound> neutral <targets> <pos> <volume>
  258. playsound <sound> neutral <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  259. playsound <sound> neutral <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  260. playsound <sound> player <targets>
  261. playsound <sound> player <targets> <pos>
  262. playsound <sound> player <targets> <pos> <volume>
  263. playsound <sound> player <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  264. playsound <sound> player <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  265. playsound <sound> record <targets>
  266. playsound <sound> record <targets> <pos>
  267. playsound <sound> record <targets> <pos> <volume>
  268. playsound <sound> record <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  269. playsound <sound> record <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  270. playsound <sound> voice <targets>
  271. playsound <sound> voice <targets> <pos>
  272. playsound <sound> voice <targets> <pos> <volume>
  273. playsound <sound> voice <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  274. playsound <sound> voice <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  275. playsound <sound> weather <targets>
  276. playsound <sound> weather <targets> <pos>
  277. playsound <sound> weather <targets> <pos> <volume>
  278. playsound <sound> weather <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch>
  279. playsound <sound> weather <targets> <pos> <volume> <pitch> <minVolume>
  280. publish
  281. publish <port>
  282. recipe give <targets> *
  283. recipe give <targets> <recipe>
  284. recipe take <targets> *
  285. recipe take <targets> <recipe>
  286. reload
  287. replaceitem block <pos> <slot> <item>
  288. replaceitem block <pos> <slot> <item> <count>
  289. replaceitem entity <targets> <slot> <item>
  290. replaceitem entity <targets> <slot> <item> <count>
  291. save-all
  292. save-all flush
  293. save-off
  294. save-on
  295. say <message>
  296. scoreboard objectives add <objective> <criteria>
  297. scoreboard objectives add <objective> <criteria> <displayName>
  298. scoreboard objectives list
  299. scoreboard objectives remove <objective>
  300. scoreboard objectives setdisplay <slot>
  301. scoreboard objectives setdisplay <slot> <objective>
  302. scoreboard players add <targets> <objective> <score>
  303. scoreboard players enable <targets> <objective>
  304. scoreboard players get <target> <objective>
  305. scoreboard players list
  306. scoreboard players list <target>
  307. scoreboard players operation <targets> <targetObjective> <operation> <source> <sourceObjective>
  308. scoreboard players remove <targets> <objective> <score>
  309. scoreboard players reset <targets>
  310. scoreboard players reset <targets> <objective>
  311. scoreboard players set <targets> <objective> <score>
  312. seed
  313. setblock <pos> <block>
  314. setblock <pos> <block> destroy
  315. setblock <pos> <block> keep
  316. setblock <pos> <block> replace
  317. setidletimeout <seconds>
  318. setworldspawn
  319. setworldspawn <pos>
  320. spawnpoint
  321. spawnpoint <targets>
  322. spawnpoint <targets> <pos>
  323. spreadplayers <center> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams> <targets>
  324. stop
  325. stopsound <targets>
  326. stopsound <targets> * <sound>
  327. stopsound <targets> ambient
  328. stopsound <targets> ambient <sound>
  329. stopsound <targets> block
  330. stopsound <targets> block <sound>
  331. stopsound <targets> hostile
  332. stopsound <targets> hostile <sound>
  333. stopsound <targets> master
  334. stopsound <targets> master <sound>
  335. stopsound <targets> music
  336. stopsound <targets> music <sound>
  337. stopsound <targets> neutral
  338. stopsound <targets> neutral <sound>
  339. stopsound <targets> player
  340. stopsound <targets> player <sound>
  341. stopsound <targets> record
  342. stopsound <targets> record <sound>
  343. stopsound <targets> voice
  344. stopsound <targets> voice <sound>
  345. stopsound <targets> weather
  346. stopsound <targets> weather <sound>
  347. summon <entity>
  348. summon <entity> <pos>
  349. summon <entity> <pos> <nbt>
  350. tag <targets> add <name>
  351. tag <targets> list
  352. tag <targets> remove <name>
  353. team add <team>
  354. team add <team> <displayName>
  355. team empty <team>
  356. team join <team>
  357. team join <team> <members>
  358. team leave <members>
  359. team list
  360. team list <team>
  361. team option <team> collisionRule always
  362. team option <team> collisionRule never
  363. team option <team> collisionRule pushOtherTeams
  364. team option <team> collisionRule pushOwnTeam
  365. team option <team> color <value>
  366. team option <team> deathMessageVisibility always
  367. team option <team> deathMessageVisibility hideForOtherTeams
  368. team option <team> deathMessageVisibility hideForOwnTeam
  369. team option <team> deathMessageVisibility never
  370. team option <team> friendlyfire <allowed>
  371. team option <team> nametagVisibility always
  372. team option <team> nametagVisibility hideForOtherTeams
  373. team option <team> nametagVisibility hideForOwnTeam
  374. team option <team> nametagVisibility never
  375. team option <team> seeFriendlyInvisibles <allowed>
  376. team remove <team>
  377. teleport <destination>
  378. teleport <location>
  379. teleport <location> <rotation>
  380. teleport <targets> <destination>
  381. teleport <targets> <location>
  382. teleport <targets> <location> <rotation>
  383. tell -> msg
  384. tellraw <targets> <message>
  385. time add <time>
  386. time query day
  387. time query daytime
  388. time query gametime
  389. time set day
  390. time set night
  391. time set <time>
  392. title <targets> actionbar <title>
  393. title <targets> clear
  394. title <targets> reset
  395. title <targets> subtitle <title>
  396. title <targets> times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut>
  397. title <targets> title <title>
  398. tp -> teleport
  399. trigger <objective>
  400. trigger <objective> add <value>
  401. trigger <objective> set <value>
  402. w -> msg
  403. weather clear
  404. weather clear <duration>
  405. weather rain
  406. weather rain <duration>
  407. weather thunder
  408. weather thunder <duration>
  409. whitelist add <targets>
  410. whitelist list
  411. whitelist off
  412. whitelist on
  413. whitelist reload
  414. whitelist remove <targets>
  415. worldborder add <distance>
  416. worldborder add <distance> <time>
  417. worldborder center <pos>
  418. worldborder damage amount <damagePerBlock>
  419. worldborder damage buffer <distance>
  420. worldborder get
  421. worldborder set <distance>
  422. worldborder set <distance> <time>
  423. worldborder warning distance <distance>
  424. worldborder warning time <time>
  425. xp -> experience
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