
Skyblock GUI

Dec 31st, 2017
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  1. command /Menu:
  2. trigger:
  3. open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lMenu" to player
  4. wait 0.1 seconds
  5. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  6. format slot 10 of player with Grass named "&6» Skyblock Menu «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/is"]
  7. format slot 12 of player with diamond sword named "&6» Player Menu «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/player"]
  8. format slot 14 of player with 76 named "&6» Admin Menu «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/admin"]
  9. format slot 16 of player with 388 named "&6» Skyblock Team Menu «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/islandTeam"]
  11. command /is:
  12. trigger:
  13. open chest with 6 row named "&b&lSkyblock Menu" to player
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. format slot 10 of player with 13 named "&6» Create a New Skyblock «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/island"]
  16. format slot 12 of player with 1 of grass named "&b&lGo to your Island" to close then run [execute player command "/island go"]
  17. format slot 14 of player with Book named "&6» Skyblock challenge «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/challenge"]
  18. format slot 16 of player with 1 of 384 named "&b&lSkyblock Level" to close then run [execute player command "/island level"]
  19. format slot 28 of player with 1 of 386 named "&b&lSee more help" to close then run [execute player command "/island help"]
  20. format slot 30 of player with 368 named "&6» See all Players Warps «" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/island warps"]
  21. format slot 32 of player with 6 named "&6» Skyblock Biomes«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/island biomes"]
  22. format slot 34 of player with 1 of 151 named "&b&lReset you Island" to close then run [execute player command "/island reset"]
  23. format slot 33 of player with 19 named "&6» Skyblock settings«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/island settings"]
  24. format slot 53 of player with 33 named "&6» Back to Menu«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/Menu"]
  25. format slot 22 of player with 19 named "&6» Skyblock Top«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/island top"]
  26. format slot 40 of player with 1 of 101 named "&bSkyblock Lock" to close then run [execute player command "/island lock"]
  30. command /player:
  31. trigger:
  32. open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lPlayer Menu" to player
  33. wait 0.1 seconds
  34. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  35. format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&6» Stats «" with lore "&4Death ➳ %{deaths.%player%}% ||&aKilled ➳ %{kills.%player%}%" to close
  36. format slot 16 of player with 33 named "&6» Back to Menu«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/Menu"]
  39. on sign change:
  40. if line 1 is "[skyblock]":
  41. set line 1 to "&8&m-----------"
  42. set line 2 to "&c&lSkyblock Menu"
  43. set line 3 to "&c&lOpen here"
  44. set line 4 to "&8&m-----------"
  46. click on sign:
  47. if line 2 is "&c&lSkyblock Menu":
  48. cancel event
  49. wait 3 ticks
  50. make player execute command "/is"
  53. on sign change:
  54. if line 1 is "[menu]":
  55. set line 1 to "&8&m-----------"
  56. set line 2 to "&c&lMenu"
  57. set line 3 to "&c&lOpen here"
  58. set line 4 to "&8&m-----------"
  60. click on sign:
  61. if line 2 is "&c&lMenu":
  62. cancel event
  63. wait 3 ticks
  64. make player execute command "/menu"
  69. on death of player:
  70. victim is a player:
  71. attacker is a player:
  72. add 1 to {kills.%player%}
  73. on death:
  74. victim is a player:
  75. attacker is a player:
  76. add 1 to {deaths.%player%}
  80. command /admin:
  81. permission: Admin.Menu
  82. permission message: {SkyBlock Menu} you do not have access to this.
  83. trigger:
  84. open chest with 5 rows named "&b&lAdmin Menu" to player
  85. wait 0.1 seconds
  86. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  87. format slot 10 of player with 1 of 76 named "&bReload Askyblock" to close then run [execute player command "/asadmin reload"]
  88. format slot 15 of player with 1 of 123 named "&bSee more Admin Help" to close then run [execute player command "/asadmin"]
  89. format slot 33 of player with 1 of 52 named "&bAdd World Spawn" to close then run [execute player command "/asadmin setspawn"]
  90. format slot 22 of player with 33 named "&6» Back to Menu«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/Menu"]
  91. format slot 28 of player with 1 of 22 named "&bStaffChat" to close then run [execute player command "/sc"]
  92. format slot 31 of player with 101 named "&6»Hack Menu«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute message "{@prefix} "/bgui (Player)"]
  97. options:
  98. prefix: &c(&4StaffChat&c)
  100. command /sc [<text>]:
  101. aliases: /staffchat
  102. permission: Admin.Menu
  103. permission message: {SkyBlock Menu} you do not have access to this.
  104. trigger:
  105. loop all players:
  106. loop-players has permission "Admin.Menu"
  107. send "{@prefix} &7%player%&8: &7%arg text%" to loop-player
  112. #Tempban messages
  114. options:
  115. BSlot 4: Hack is NOT allowed!
  116. BSlot 6: Hack is NOT allowed!
  117. BSlot 8: DO NOT exploit bugs!
  118. #Tempban Time s=Seconds m=minutes h=hours d=Day
  119. TSlot 4: 30 m
  120. TSlot 6: 2 h
  121. TSlot 8: 30 m
  122. #Kick Beskeder
  123. KSlot 12: DO NOT use hacks!
  124. KSlot 14: Stop spamming!
  125. #Mute tider s=Seconds m=minutes h=hours d=Day
  126. MSlot 20: 10 m
  127. MSlot 22: 15 m
  128. MSlot 24: 25 m
  129. MSlot 26: 10 m
  132. command /bgui [<player>]:
  133. permission: Admin.Menu
  134. permission message: {SkyBlock Menu} you do not have access to this.
  135. trigger:
  136. open chest with 3 rows named "%arg-1%" to player
  137. wait 1 tick
  138. format slot 0 of player with arg-1's skull named "&a%arg-1%" to be unstealable
  139. format slot 2 of player with diamond sword named "&4&lPermban" to close then run [execute console command "ban %arg-1%"]
  140. format slot 4 of player with iron sword named "&c&lTempban: {@TSlot 4} Hack" to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 30 m {@BSlot 4}"]
  141. format slot 6 of player with gold sword named "&c&lTempban: {@TSlot 6} Roughly hack" to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 2 h {@BSlot 6}"]
  142. format slot 8 of player with wood sword named "&c&lTempban: {@TSlot 8} Bugs" to close then run [execute console command "tempban %arg-1% 30 m {@BSlot 8}"]
  143. format slot 12 of player with bow named "&6&lKick: Hack" to close then run [execute console command "kick %arg-1% {@KSlot 12}"]
  144. format slot 14 of player with arrow named "&6&lKick: Spam" to close then run [execute console command "kick %arg-1% {@KSlot 14}"]
  145. format slot 20 of player with diamond axe named "&a&lMute: 10 m Spam" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 10 m"]
  146. format slot 22 of player with iron axe named "&a&lMute: 15 m Ugly language" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 15 m"]
  147. format slot 24 of player with gold axe named "&a&lMute: 25 m Threats" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 25 m"]
  148. format slot 25 of player with wood axe named "&a&lMute: 10 m Flippant" to close then run [execute console command "mute %arg-1% 10 m"]
  149. format slot 26 of player with 33 named "&6» Back to Menu«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/Menu"]
  156. command /IslandTeam:
  157. trigger:
  158. open chest with 4 rows named "&b&lTeam Skyblock Menu" to player
  159. wait 0.1 seconds
  160. set {_p} to "%player%" parsed as player
  161. format slot 10 of player with 1 of 397:3 named "&bInvite a Player" to close then run [execute player command "/island invite"]
  162. format slot 15 of player with 1 of 397:4 named "&bAccept a Player" to close then run [execute player command "/island accept"]
  163. format slot 33 of player with 1 of 388 named "&bTeam" to close then run [execute player command "/island team"]
  164. format slot 28 of player with 1 of 22 named "&bTeam Chat" to close then run [execute player command "/island teamchat"]
  165. format slot 22 of player with 33 named "&6» Back to Menu«" with lore "&cClick Here" to run [make player execute command "/Menu"]
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