
Log II

Feb 3rd, 2014
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  1. 16:56] Session Ident: PS (, Sue) (
  2. [16:56] <PS> you okay? o3o
  3. 01[16:56] <Sue> I really don't think people should bring up there personal business in the chat, and be sharky about it, without expecting others to become sharky in return.
  4. 06[16:57] * Sue is just tired of Crissy shark ^^;
  5. 01[16:58] <Sue> And kind of in a sharky mood myself ^^;
  6. [16:59] <PS> its okay
  7. [16:59] <PS> what she did was rude
  8. 01[16:59] <Sue> I was quite rude myself. And I'm sorry if I seem rude to you right now milady.
  9. [16:59] <PS> No it's okay
  10. 01[17:04] <Sue> May I do anything to help you milady>
  11. [17:05] <PS> <PS> Sue is really upset
  12. [17:05] <PS> <PS> and knowing sue
  13. [17:05] <PS> <PS> tahtw as really un called for
  14. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> not according to sue
  15. [17:05] <PS> <PS> Sue dosnet want to draw attention to them self
  16. [17:05] <PS> <PS> and be picke don
  17. [17:05] <PS> <PS> and I understand that
  18. [17:05] <PS> <PS> and I think it wasnt fair
  19. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> I know sue plenty well enough and talk to him often... if he had a problem and I asked him he'd tell me
  20. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> I asked
  21. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> he said he was fine
  22. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> to be perfectly honest I'm fed up with your constant sniping at crissy
  23. [17:05] <PS> <PS> If thats what you think then Im sorry.
  24. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> I'm not white knighting just following advice given from multiple other staff members
  25. [17:05] <PS> <PS> Please odnt make a big deal out of nothing
  26. [17:05] <PS> <PS> I left the main im not looking to mess with any one.
  27. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> it's not out of nothing
  28. [17:05] <PS> <Ai> it's the straw that broke the camels back
  29. [17:05] <PS> yes please
  30. 01[17:06] <Sue> What can I milady?
  31. [17:06] <PS> see taht text?
  32. [17:06] <PS> please tell ai I was honestly trying to look out for you
  33. 01[17:06] <Sue> Yes ma'am
  34. [17:06] <PS> thank you very much
  35. 06[17:08] * Sue hopes everything can be worked out in a fair and even way.
  36. [17:12] <PS> ive been demodde
  37. [17:12] <PS> d
  38. [17:12] <PS> Im really upset
  39. 06[17:12] * Sue hugs...
  40. 01[17:17] <Sue> Can I provide any kind of care in anway?
  41. [17:17] <PS> my heart hurst
  42. [17:17] <PS> and Im crying
  43. [17:17] <PS> idk
  44. [17:17] <PS> I think I need help frpm every one
  45. 01[17:18] <Sue> Your a wonderful person, PS. Don't let this get you down.
  46. 01[17:18] <Sue> People who can count you as a friend are blessed, blessed because you honesty care in your own way about there warefare.
  47. 01[17:22] <Sue> And that while we may not be as close and I would like. Means alot to me.
  48. [17:22] <PS>
  49. Session Close: Sat Feb 01 18:07:54 2014
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