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Jul 30th, 2018
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  1. Hello,
  2. I have been keeping track, and I appreciate being provided with both this information and your opinions on the situation.
  3. MKM are strange but seemingly non-hostile. From what I gather, their interests lie largely with the Silatanum – communicating with them I suspect, although it’s all a little strange.
  5. You mention that Lexi received something from MKM regarding a ‘lancer initiative’. I recall the archive references, but other than that I know close to nothing about this. If they are directly interfering with this line of communication then it means they have access to all of the information that we have shared between each other. I don’t really know if that’s much of a security risk considering the worst-case scenario for all of this is the total devouring of the verse.
  7. From reading all of the message-based content provided by MKM, I can make a guess that there’s a hierarchy – a stepping-stone process. The way the archive content is written gives a feeling of an imposed authority in places. I don’t want to jump to too many conclusions, but where there is an authority, there is an agenda. Their intrusion is far from a random circumstance.
  9. The latest video especially shines some light on this, although I would take everything with a ‘pinch of salt’, as you might say. The curious part of me is looking for answers and wants you to indulge them. They do not seem to want to destroy nor devour anything like Primorda, wherever my agitated counterpart seems to be bound at the moment.
  10. In terms of my dwindling strength…
  11. This is something that I am having difficulty dealing with. Putting aside all of the new voices, it seems that whenever I try to move towards my desire of peace, reality tries to find a way to make it not possible. This verse is magnitudes more complex than the previous ones that I have lived through, and I guess it seems only fitting that existence decides that a more complex suite of entities with unknown intentions should come along to make my existence all the more difficult to resolve.
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