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Aug 19th, 2017
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  1. ▲: Hello There
  2. ▼: Hello, Kanaya. What a wonderful surprise.
  3. ▲: Wonderful
  4. ▲: Interesting Choice Of Words
  5. ▲: But I Suppose Analyzing Your Diction Would Be A Waste Of My Time
  6. ▼: On the contrary.
  7. ▼: I feel compelled to expound upon my meaning.
  8. ▼: Perhaps it would be better to say, I do not feel compelled at all, and in the absence of compulsion, I want to explain myself.
  9. ▼: Wanting, Kanaya, is a remarkably powerful thing.
  10. ▲: Im Afraid I Do Not Follow
  11. ▲: Please Elaborate
  12. ▼: Scarce moments ago, I was entirely convinced we would never speak again. Indeed, conversation of any sort appeared a dubious, if not outright ludicrous, luxury for my very short foreseeable future.
  13. ▼: As a future is once again something I can entertain notions of, however fleeting, I find the simple act of drawing breath brings at least a little joy.
  14. ▼: Discourse with someone as pleasant as yourself must thus be elevated to a higher plane still.
  15. ▼: Hence, wonderful.
  16. ▲: Why Thank You
  17. ▲: I Should Inform You However
  18. ▲: That Through The Mechanics Of This Timeline
  19. ▲: Im Afraid That I Am Yet To Have This Last Conversation You Speak Of
  20. ▲: But I Will Try To Understand
  21. ▼: Oh dear. In my newfound joie de vivre, I seem to have abandoned the principles my dear paradox sibling so valiantly sought to instill in me.
  22. ▼: Without further ado, Kanaya -
  23. ▼: When, precisely, are you?
  24. ▲: Precisely
  25. ▲: Recent Events Have Left Me Unable To Find The Current Time
  26. ▼: Perhaps describing those events would prove more illuminating.
  27. ▲: I Will Say That A Good Margin Of My Comrades Have Recently Faced A Rather Unfortunate Fate
  28. ▼: Oh. I'm very sorry to hear that, Kanaya.
  29. ▲: I Type This With A Feeling Of Shallow Remorse
  30. ▲: For One Of These Was By My Own HAnd
  31. ▲: *Hand
  32. ▼: Ah.
  33. ▲: But It Had To Be Done
  34. ▼: I am newly uncomfortable with intimations of necessity in such matters.
  35. ▼: But by all means, go on.
  36. ▼: Actually, if you'll permit the interjection?
  37. ▼: I am unfamiliar with any of these events, leading me to suspect you and I are, insofar as one may make such claims across diverging timelines, in fact concurrent.
  38. ▲: That Is Plausible But I Cannot Be Sure
  39. ▼: The mere fact we are unaware of each others' circumstances suffices for purposes of temporal management, if I correctly interpret the lingo of my beloved brother.
  40. ▼: He can be opaque at the best of times, and it is a difficult subject.
  41. ▲: If Hypothetically Our Timelines Were As You Say Concurrent
  42. ▲: In What Way Could We Use This Circumstance
  43. ▲: Namely To Our Own Benefit
  44. ▼: We can speak unfettered by fear of dooming our timelines, at the very least. Neither of us need couch her words in vague allusions and oracular portents.
  45. ▼: A few moments ago I might have been possessed of more elaborate notions, but I misused said moment. Mere conversation suffices.
  46. ▼: In short, you may speak plainly, and I may restrict myself to vagueness and insincerity only insofar as it amuses the both of us.
  47. ▲: While That Does Not Seem Entirely Fair I Will Humor You
  48. ▼: My thanks.
  49. ▲: And Not Pry Or Resent Your Insincerity
  50. ▼: Am I such a source of resentment to you?
  51. ▲: Quite The Contrary
  52. ▲: From What I Understand The Fabric Of Paradox Space And The Delicacy Of Any Given Timeline Is Crucial To Survival
  53. ▲: And Complete Comprehension Of Ones Situation
  54. ▲: Moreover One Must Take Caution When Tampering With Said Variables
  55. ▲: Such As The Way My Colleagues And I Have
  56. ▲: So I Understand That Your Taking Precaution When Speaking To Me Is Imperative
  57. ▼: You may safely consider caution thrown to the wind, at least as regards our present conversation.
  58. ▼: I have recently come into possession of a great deal more knowledge of things climatological, albeit second-hand, so take that statement as incontrovertible scientific fact.
  59. ▼: It is as set in stone as a matter revolving around air can be said to be.
  60. ▲: I Must Apologize
  61. ▲: Im Afraid I Do Not Follow
  62. ▼: We may speak without fear of temporal recriminations.
  63. ▼: I am also making a small play upon the idea of throwing caution "to the wind," as I am in John's company and he is the Heir of Breath.
  64. ▲: Pun Appreciated
  65. ▼: I prefer to think my meager attempts at wordplay surpass the level of a mere pun, Kanaya.
  66. ▲: My Apologies
  67. ▲: I Am Still Learning The Etiquette Of Human Interaction And Regards
  68. ▼: Think nothing of it. The distinction is largely an affectation on my part, undoubtedly, but your friend Eridan has left the thought of punnery unpalatable to me.
  69. ▲: I Can Empathize
  70. ▲: During His Time His Infatuation With Nautical Elements Could Be Rather
  71. ▲: Distasteful
  72. ▲: And Also Redundant
  73. ▼: I could not agree more. Am I to infer from your reference to his time as being passed that he was among the recent casualties on your side?
  74. ▼: I shall endeavor to find the news as tragic as politeness dictates.
  75. ▲: Your Inference Is Correct
  76. ▼: How odd. I actually do feel a measure of sorrow at the news.
  77. ▲: It Was A Very Unfortunate Way To See Him Go
  78. ▲: Im Afraid I Did Not Do Him Justice
  79. ▼: Oh...?
  80. ▼: I'm sure you did your best, Kanaya.
  81. ▼: We cannot save everyone. Heaven knows I have had recent reminders to that effect.
  82. ▲: I Think Youve Misunderstood
  83. ▲: Im Sure A More Theatrical Display Would Have Suited Him
  84. ▲: But With The Way He Was Acting
  85. ▲: Oh I Believe Im Rambling As You Humans Call It
  86. ▼: No, by all means, go on. I'm beginning to gather a clearer picture of the circumstances.
  87. ▲: You See When I Mentioned Earlier That One Of My Associates Died By My Own Hand
  88. ▲: I Was Referring To Eridan
  89. ▲: But It Was Not So Much A Murder As
  90. ▲: Excuse The Inappropriate Simile
  91. ▲: Taking Out The Trash
  92. ▼: Emphatically said.
  93. ▼: I would never have thought to accuse you of murder, Kanaya. Perhaps it is an insult to say this to a troll, but if you'll forgive the cultural insensitivity, you do not appear the murderous type.
  94. ▼: Might I ask what my erstwhile rival did to deserve his fate, deserved as it no doubt was?
  95. ▲: No Offense Taken
  96. ▲: In My Society I Am Considered To Be A Token Bourgeois
  97. ▲: Murder Is More Common Among Royalty
  98. ▼: If I might appropriate my brother's favorite word, how ironic.
  99. ▲: Eridan Was A Member Of An Elite Class
  100. ▲: But I Took Him Under My Wing And Taught Him The Ways Of The Wand
  101. ▼: Hence the irony inherent in your statement, as from a human perspective he was rather lacking in class, whereas you, unfailingly polite as you are, conduct yourself much as one might expect an aristocrat to.
  102. ▲: Ah
  103. ▲: He Ended Up Misusing His Newfound Powers Over A Petty Rivalry With A Different Friend Of Mine
  104. ▲: Which Resulted In The Death Of His Unrequited Lover
  105. ▲: He Also Spoke Of Joining The Enemy Side
  106. ▼: I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific, Kanaya.
  107. ▼: I'm given to understand the late Eridan was rich with unrequited lovers.
  108. ▲: Her Name Was Feferi
  109. ▲: You May Know Her As The Excited One
  110. ▼: Ah, yes. She seemed a harmless soul, disregarding our mutual affections for things tentacled and ineffably eldritch.
  111. ▼: For her, I will mourn earnestly.
  112. ▲: As Do I
  113. ▲: She Was One Of The Most Humble Royalbloods I Had Ever Come Into Contact With
  114. ▲: And I Respect Her For That
  115. ▼: If it is any consolation, my brief brush with the Farthest Ring left me with intimations of what I believe to be her eventual fate. For her, at least, it is probably a pleasant one.
  116. ▲: Rightly So
  117. ▼: What's more, any deficiencies in your extermination of Eridan will surely be remedied post-mortem.
  118. ▼: The Horrorterrors are...
  119. ▼: ... well, suffice to say I pity him, after all.
  120. ▲: Hopefully He Will Meet Proper Justification For The Acts He Committed
  121. ▼: If that is your wish and if it is a relevant statement to offer to you as a troll - pray mercy for him.
  122. ▼: Just retribution will not constitute even remotely the limit of what They will visit upon him.
  123. ▲: They
  124. ▼: My recent patrons.
  125. ▲: I Assume They Are Some Form Of Unforgiving And Presumable Omnipotent Being
  126. ▼: Omnipotent?
  127. ▲: *Presumably
  128. ▼: Alas, no.
  129. ▼: Altogether too limited, as I discovered to my regret.
  130. ▼: I can't even speak to their opinions on forgiveness.
  131. ▼: As to their ability to inflict pain, however - even unintentionally upon those they wished to aid - I may be considered the seminal authority.
  132. ▲: I See
  133. ▲: Rose It Has Been A Pleasure Conversing With You
  134. ▲: But Seeing As I Can Barely Keep My Eyes Open Much Less Withold Interesting Conversation
  135. ▲: With Your Regards I Must Retire
  136. ▼: I understand, Kanaya.
  137. ▼: I shall bid you good... day, is it?
  138. ▲: Actually It Is Just Becoming Dark But For The Other Trolls I Suppose A Good Day Would Be Appropriate
  139. ▲: So I Bid You Good Day As Well
  140. ▲: And Good Luck
  141. ▼: Thank you, and likewise.
  142. ▼: Onward, Kanaya, to an uncertain future. For both of us.
  143. ▼: It has, as usual, been a pleasure.
  144. ▲: Until Next We Meet
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