
Four Friggin' Famous Fanfiction

Jul 14th, 2016
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  1. A dark and stormy night it was, with a lone female human/cat hybrid scientist going through several files as she looked at an empty space that would be home to a portrait.
  2. Human/Cat Hybrid Scientist: I'm going to do it... I'm going to get four souvenirs from the most known stories... and turn them into my newest work of art!
  3. And then she opened up a warp portal with her warp cannon, jumping right through the bright rainbow colored warp as she screamed, being hurled through a series of warps that she didn't expect.
  4. Silver The Hedgehog munched on his slice of pepperoni pizza as he had finished cleaning the green counter he worked behind at the Pizza Hut of Sonic Adventure's Station Square, wondering why the details were being specific as he noticed the customers acting like they normally do, with Vector The Crocodile coming into the kitchen simply to rub the green dollar bills all over his crocodilian body, with Espio The Chameleon meditating upside down on the ceiling while Charmy Bee was playing around with the various ovens, which weren't baking anything due to all the pizza being ready to go.
  5. Human/Cat Hybrid Scientist: This got to go over 700 chapters? A series about humanoid animals working at a Pizza Hut? (shrugs) Oh well, I won't question it. After all, I got what I came for. (grabs honey topped pizza and runs off)
  6. Waluigi was cranking out several salty tacos as he was in his typical annoyed mood, with Princess Daisy farting in tight jeans and pooping her pants for the hungry tourists who were waiting to get some tacos to devour. Dry Bowser was selling off some of his excess dusty bones on the beach, while Toadette was twirling around in the air to cool off the sun drenched area from being too hot by Daisy's flatulence emitting out of her stinky big butt, with Petey Piranha showing off the other tourists all sorts of seashells he collected on the shore.
  7. Human/Cat Hybrid Scientist: Man, that lanky dude is cranky... and that human tomboy girl is gassy, phew! Maybe coming here wasn't a good idea... (goes to by Waluigi's tacos)
  8. Universal Orlando Resort was undergoing all sorts of bullshit. There was a robotic T-Rex from the Jurassic Park area of Universal's Islands of Adventures running around causing havoc, with there being several time travelers and dimension hoppers, not to mention all the bounter hunters that caused the poor innocent tourists and employees to run off away in fear as they didn't want to be beaten or killed.
  9. Human/Cat Hybrid Scientist: (while holding several plushies brought from the Universal Studios tour) Hmm, not that many friendly folks here. Must be preparing for Halloween Horror Nights.
  10. Relicanth hummed as he blasted a bunch of salty pretzels using his water type attacks to make them soggy. He then glanced up at Arceus, who was visiting the tropical beaches of Seaside Hill as he then used his godly powers to summon a bunch more pretzels for Relicanth to spray water with. Relicanth was pleased with this predicament as he then kept on blasting the pretzels with water.
  11. Human/Cat Hybrid Scientist: Wow... I didn't know that old fish like Relicanth could run a shop... hell, I didn't know that any Pokemon could manage a shop beyond their own world of the Mystery Dungeon! This is a new discovery... (goes to get soggy pretzels)
  12. Going back to her lab, the human/cat hybrid scientist managed to cobble up her souvenirs, combining them to make one hell of a portrait, with her being satisfied as she folded her arms together and smiled, being satisfied with her dimension hopping work.
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