
d3d11_shaders.ini for Special K to use in FFSOP

Mar 19th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. [DrawState.Vertex]
  2. 7c89c207=Disable
  3. ;Kaldaien made this uhhh I'm just keeping it here, alright?
  4. 03a2dcee=HUD
  5. 57d7c0ca=HUD
  6. ;HUD Toggle created by Kaldaien
  7. dfa45f08=Disable
  8. b5627367=Disable
  9. ;Grass Shaders
  10. ;e512ffc5=Disable
  11. ;Skybox Lighting? Might impact cutscenes too much
  12. ;e682cf18=Disable
  13. ;Scene Lighting, greatly impacts Cutscenes so it's not disabled by default
  14. ;Above, are the Lighting Shaders
  15. 7923ec40=Disable
  16. ;Reflection + Lighting changes?
  17. ;3c914ed1=Disable
  18. ;Breaks Subtitles/Menus in favour of fixing Lighting broken by the Lighting Shaders toggle, disable at your own risk. Makes game unplayable
  19. 130a2c2a=Disable
  20. ;Minister FPS Fix(Removes Fur on Coat)
  21. da5721f5=Disable
  22. ;King FPS Fix(Also Removes their Fur on Coat)
  23. 413a256e=Disable
  24. ;Cutscene Blur(Not Tested)
  25. ;2bbb8239=Disable
  26. ;Baldens Jack, Neon, Sophia and other NPCs (Less GPU usage during Soul bursts, all Shaders that make people Bald improve FPS when too close to the character)
  27. ;8383b12e=Disable
  28. ;397a9ae2=Disable
  29. ;Removes the rest of Neon's Hair that somehow lingers in the game. First is the...shadow aura?(might break shadows?) Second is the actual hair.
  30. ;0592259b=Disable
  31. ;Bald Ash and Jed
  32. ;0592259b=Disable
  33. ;Baldens Astos to remove the 8 FPS monster hair
  34. 53a24ff2=Disable
  35. ;af4b2efb=Disable
  36. ;This one seems to disable effects for stuff like the Jinpu skill, enable if you don't mind.
  37. e1fcb06c=Disable
  38. ;This can disable effects like the white glow from Cubes, the particles coming from Garland after his defeat on a cutscene or Fire from Bombs
  39. ;Soul Bursting Effects below
  40. 44edabc7=Disable
  41. ;Naming this one above in special, as it ALSO disables the Cube Save Particles.
  42. 648ea881=Disable
  43. b0516797=Disable
  44. f8db6de0=Disable
  45. fdd04021=Disable
  46. a9b33fbb=Disable
  47. ;This can also disable effects like fire coming out of Bombs.
  48. ;Extremely WIP: Soul Burst effects. If you're in the Special K Discord check here( for details on what each SHOULD do.
  49. ;Also
  50. ;Please don't forget to enable D3D11 Deferred Mode in the Special K Control Panel or NONE of this will work even if you edit the comments
  51. ;Delete the Comments after you're done editing
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