
goodbye [saved version]

Oct 24th, 2015
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  1. [10/24/2015 11:48:08 PM] ケー: hamster just died in my paws
  2. [10/24/2015 11:48:28 PM] NovaSquirrel: woww
  3. [10/24/2015 11:48:32 PM] NovaSquirrel: I'm really sorry to hear that
  4. [10/24/2015 11:48:35 PM] NovaSquirrel: what happened?
  5. [10/24/2015 11:49:00 PM] ケー: ah, his back leg was broken
  6. [10/24/2015 11:49:10 PM] NovaSquirrel: from when he got out earlier?
  7. [10/24/2015 11:49:10 PM] ケー: I thought it was just a normal break
  8. [10/24/2015 11:49:12 PM] ケー: yes
  9. [10/24/2015 11:49:20 PM] ケー: when he fell out of the cage
  10. [10/24/2015 11:49:37 PM] ケー: it was the kind where the bone goes through the flesh
  11. [10/24/2015 11:49:39 PM] ケー: and
  12. [10/24/2015 11:49:51 PM] ケー: I didn't notice because of his coat pattern
  13. [10/24/2015 11:50:03 PM] ケー: or I'd have had my aunt snap his neck
  14. [10/24/2015 11:50:25 PM] ケー: instead he suffered the last couple days
  15. [10/24/2015 11:51:33 PM] NovaSquirrel: is euthanasia the only solution for those kinds of breaks?
  16. [10/24/2015 11:51:43 PM] NovaSquirrel: sounds really serious
  17. [10/24/2015 11:51:57 PM] ケー: yeah.
  18. [10/24/2015 11:52:09 PM] NovaSquirrel: well I'm really sorry to hear that
  19. [10/24/2015 11:52:15 PM] ケー: his bone is the size of a toothpick.
  20. [10/24/2015 11:52:24 PM] ケー: it looks EXACTLY like one
  21. [10/24/2015 11:53:06 PM] NovaSquirrel: you have so many issues with hamsters getting out of cages that I'm surprised cages aren't more resilient to escaping hamsters
  22. [10/24/2015 11:53:08 PM | Edited 11:53:35 PM] ケー: l uh, I found him and I tried to give him water with a tiny syringe
  23. [10/24/2015 11:53:15 PM] ケー: he inhaled it instead
  24. [10/24/2015 11:53:44 PM] ケー: I patted most of it out
  25. [10/24/2015 11:53:55 PM] ケー: but I guess he drowned
  26. [10/24/2015 11:54:10 PM] ケー: it was easier on him I guess
  27. [10/24/2015 11:54:21 PM] ケー: he bit me
  28. [10/24/2015 11:54:30 PM] ケー: I bled a lot
  29. [10/24/2015 11:55:49 PM] NovaSquirrel: bled a lot from mourning your hamster's death rather than getting something to stop the bleeding, or just bled a lot?
  30. [10/24/2015 11:55:58 PM] ケー: just bled a lot
  31. [10/24/2015 11:56:03 PM] NovaSquirrel: ah
  32. [10/24/2015 11:56:21 PM] ケー: yeah I bleed like profusely
  33. [10/24/2015 11:57:14 PM] ケー: at least I got to say goodbye and I love you
  34. [10/24/2015 11:57:30 PM] NovaSquirrel: that's very important
  35. [10/24/2015 11:57:52 PM] ケー: I tried to do cpr without the breathing part
  36. [10/24/2015 11:58:06 PM] ケー: and I gave up and petted him
  37. [10/24/2015 11:58:30 PM] NovaSquirrel: you didn't realize the bone break yet, or...?
  38. [10/24/2015 11:58:38 PM] ケー: no I realized it
  39. [10/24/2015 11:58:48 PM] NovaSquirrel: or you just wanted him to go out in a better way than drowning or something
  40. [10/24/2015 11:58:54 PM] ケー: I thought of taking him to the vet and seeing if there was any chance
  41. [10/24/2015 11:58:58 PM] ケー: yeah
  42. [10/24/2015 11:59:02 PM] NovaSquirrel: ah
  43. [10/24/2015 11:59:23 PM] ケー: sometimes they do surgery
  44. [10/24/2015 11:59:32 PM] NovaSquirrel: well I'm really sorry about your hamsters. I know how much you cared about him
  45. [10/24/2015 11:59:39 PM] ケー: but he was likely gonna get euthanized regardless
  46. [10/24/2015 11:59:41 PM] NovaSquirrel: sounds a lot harder to find care for anything that isn't a cat or a dog
  47. [10/24/2015 11:59:52 PM] ケー: he was a really good friend
  48. [10/24/2015 11:59:59 PM] ケー: he licked me a lot
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