

Mar 12th, 2018
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Bash 12.37 KB | None | 0 0
  1. lava-dispatcher, installed at version: 2018.2-1-1
  2. start: 0 validate
  3. Start time: 2018-03-12 12:23:50.935744+00:00 (UTC)
  4. validate duration: 0.00
  5. case: validate
  6. case_id: 246
  7. definition: lava
  8. result: pass
  9. start: 1 scp-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  10. start: 1.1 lava-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  11. [common] Preparing overlay tarball in /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT
  12. makedir: /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin
  13. makedir: /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/tests
  14. makedir: /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/results
  15. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-add-keys
  16. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-add-sources
  17. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-background-process-start
  18. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-background-process-stop
  19. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-echo-ipv4
  20. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-install-packages
  21. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-installed-packages
  22. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-os-build
  23. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-probe-channel
  24. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-probe-ip
  25. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-target-ip
  26. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-target-mac
  27. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-target-storage
  28. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-case
  29. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-feedback
  30. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-raise
  31. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-reference
  32. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-runner
  33. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-set
  34. Creating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-test-shell
  35. Updating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-add-keys (ubuntu)
  36. Updating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-add-sources (ubuntu)
  37. Updating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-install-packages (ubuntu)
  38. Updating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-installed-packages (ubuntu)
  39. Updating /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/bin/lava-os-build (ubuntu)
  40. start: 1.1.1 ssh-authorize (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  41. No authorisation required.
  42. end: 1.1.1 ssh-authorize (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  43. start: 1.1.2 lava-vland-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  44. skipped lava-vland-overlay
  45. end: 1.1.2 lava-vland-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  46. start: 1.1.3 lava-multinode-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  47. skipped lava-multinode-overlay
  48. end: 1.1.3 lava-multinode-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  49. start: 1.1.4 test-definition (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  50. Loading test definitions
  51. start: inline-repo-action (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  52. Using /lava-32 at stage 0
  53. uuid=32_1.1.4.1 testdef={'testdef_pattern': {'pattern': '(?P<test_case_id>.*-*)\\s+:\\s+(?P<result>(PASS|pass|FAIL|fail|SKIP|skip|UNKNOWN|unknown))', 'fixupdict': {'FAIL': 'fail', 'SKIP': 'skip', 'UNKNOWN': 'unknown', 'PASS': 'pass'}}}
  54. end: inline-repo-action (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  55. start: test-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  56. end: test-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  57. case: test-overlay
  58. case_id: 247
  59. definition: lava
  60. duration: 0.01
  61. extra: ...
  62. level:
  63. namespace: common
  64. result: pass
  65. start: test-install-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  66. end: test-install-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  67. case: test-install-overlay
  68. case_id: 248
  69. definition: lava
  70. duration: 0.01
  71. extra: ...
  72. level:
  73. namespace: common
  74. result: pass
  75. start: test-runscript-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  76. runner path: /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/0/tests/0_echo-test-ssh test_uuid 32_1.1.4.1
  77. end: test-runscript-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  78. case: test-runscript-overlay
  79. case_id: 249
  80. definition: lava
  81. duration: 0.03
  82. extra: ...
  83. level:
  84. namespace: common
  85. result: pass
  86. Creating lava-test-runner.conf files
  87. Using lava-test-runner path: /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32/lava-overlay-q9ERUT/lava-32/0 for stage 0
  88. - 0_echo-test-ssh
  89. end: 1.1.4 test-definition (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  90. start: 1.1.5 compress-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  91. end: 1.1.5 compress-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  92. start: 1.1.6 persistent-nfs-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  93. end: 1.1.6 persistent-nfs-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  94. end: 1.1 lava-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  95. start: 1.2 prepare-scp-overlay (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  96. start: 1.2.1 extract-rootfs (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  97. end: 1.2.1 extract-rootfs (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  98. start: 1.2.2 extract-modules (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  99. end: 1.2.2 extract-modules (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  100. Preparing to copy: overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz
  101. end: 1.2 prepare-scp-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  102. start: 1.3 deploy-device-env (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  103. end: 1.3 deploy-device-env (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  104. end: 1 scp-overlay (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  105. start: 2 login-ssh (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  106. start: 2.1 scp-deploy (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  107. Using device data host_address for primary connection.
  108. scp-deploy Connecting to device iarishchenko_pc using 'ssh -o Compression=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o LogLevel=FATAL -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22'
  109. export PS1="lava-test: # "
  110. export PS1=\"lava-test: # \"
  111. scp-deploy: Wait for prompt ['lava-test: # '] (timeout 00:01:00)
  112. Copying overlay using scp -o Compression=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o LogLevel=FATAL -P 22 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/slave/tmp/32/overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz to iarishchenko_pc
  113. [scp, -o, Compression=yes, -o, PasswordAuthentication=no, -o, LogLevel=FATAL, -P,
  114.   '22', -o, UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null, -o, StrictHostKeyChecking=no, /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/slave/tmp/32/overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz,
  115.   'root@iarishchenko_pc:/32-overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz']
  116. nice scp -o Compression=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o LogLevel=FATAL -P 22 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/slave/tmp/32/overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz root@iarishchenko_pc:/32-overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz
  117. command output bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)
  118. Already connected
  119. end: 2.1 scp-deploy (duration 00:00:01) [common]
  120. case: scp-deploy
  121. case_id: 250
  122. definition: lava
  123. duration: 0.50
  124. extra: ...
  125. level: 2.1
  126. namespace: common
  127. result: pass
  128. start: 2.2 prepare-ssh (timeout 00:00:59) [common]
  129. end: 2.2 prepare-ssh (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  130. start: 2.3 ssh-connection (timeout 00:00:59) [common]
  131. Already connected
  132. end: 2.3 ssh-connection (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  133. start: 2.4 auto-login-action (timeout 00:00:59) [common]
  134. The string 'ivan@iarishchenko_pc ~ $ ' does not look like a typical prompt and could match status messages instead. Please check the job log files and use a prompt string which matches the actual prompt string more closely.
  135. Using line separator: #'\n'#
  136. No login prompt set.
  137. Skipping kernel messages
  138. Setting shell prompt(s) to ['ivan@iarishchenko_pc ~ $ ', 'lava-test: # ']
  139. export PS1="lava-test: # "
  140. export PS1=\"lava-test: # \"export PS1=\"lava-test: # \"
  141. end: 2.4 auto-login-action (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  142. start: 2.5 expect-shell-connection (timeout 00:00:59) [common]
  143. expect-shell-connection: Wait for prompt ['ivan@iarishchenko_pc ~ $ ', 'lava-test: # '] (timeout 00:01:00)
  144. export PS1=\"lava-test: # \"
  145. -bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)
  146. root@iarishchenko_pc ~ # export PS1=\"lava-test: # \"
  147. lava-test: # export PS1=\"lava-test: # \"
  148. end: 2.5 expect-shell-connection (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  149. start: 2.6 export-device-env (timeout 00:00:59) [common]
  150. end: 2.6 export-device-env (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  151. start: 2.7 scp-overlay-unpack (timeout 00:00:59) [common]
  152. tar --warning no-timestamp -C / -xzf /32-overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz
  153. lava-test: # tar --warning no-timestamp -C / -xzf /32-overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz
  154. scp-overlay-unpack: Wait for prompt ['ivan@iarishchenko_pc ~ $ ', 'lava-test: # '] (timeout 00:01:00)
  155. end: 2.7 scp-overlay-unpack (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  156. end: 2 login-ssh (duration 00:00:01) [common]
  157. start: 3 lava-test-retry (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  158. start: 3.1 lava-test-shell (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  159. Using namespace: common
  160. #
  161. #
  162. lava-test-shell: Wait for prompt ['ivan@iarishchenko_pc ~ $ ', 'lava-test: # '] (timeout 00:03:00)
  163. Using /lava-32
  164. ls -l /lava-32/
  165. ls -l /lava-32/
  166. export SHELL=/bin/sh
  167. export SHELL=/bin/sh
  168. /lava-32/bin/lava-test-runner /lava-32/0
  169. /lava-32/bin/lava-test-runner /lava-32/0
  170. Test shell timeout: 10s (minimum of the action and connection timeout)
  171. tar --warning no-timestamp -C / -xzf /32-overlay-1.1.5.tar.gz
  172. #lava-test: # #
  173. lava-test: # ls -l /lava-32/
  174. total 16
  175. drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 12 15:23 0
  176. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 12 15:23 bin
  177. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 12 15:23 results
  178. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 12 15:23 tests
  179. lava-test: # export SHELL=/bin/sh
  180. lava-test: # /lava-32/bin/lava-test-runner /lava-32/0
  181. /bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)
  182. /lava-32/0
  183. <LAVA_TEST_RUNNER>: started
  184. <LAVA_TEST_RUNNER>: looking for work in /lava-32/0/lava-test-runner.conf-1520857432
  185. <LAVA_TEST_RUNNER>: Using /bin/sh
  186. <LAVA_TEST_RUNNER>: running 0_echo-test-ssh under lava-test-shell...
  187. /bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)
  188. /bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)
  189. + export TESTRUN_ID=0_echo-test-ssh
  190. + TESTRUN_ID=0_echo-test-ssh
  191. + cd /lava-32/0/tests/0_echo-test-ssh
  192. ++ cat uuid
  193. + UUID=32_1.1.4.1
  194. + set +x
  195. <LAVA_SIGNAL_STARTRUN 0_echo-test-ssh 32_1.1.4.1>
  196. + echo Hello,: 'world!'
  197. Hello,: world!
  198. + set +x
  199. <LAVA_SIGNAL_ENDRUN 0_echo-test-ssh 32_1.1.4.1>
  200. Received signal: <STARTRUN> 0_echo-test-ssh 32_1.1.4.1
  201. Starting test lava.0_echo-test-ssh (32_1.1.4.1)
  202. Enabling test definition pattern '(?P<test_case_id>.*-*)\\s+:\\s+(?P<result>(PASS|pass|FAIL|fail|SKIP|skip|UNKNOWN|unknown))'
  203. Enabling test definition fixup {'FAIL': 'fail', 'SKIP': 'skip', 'PASS': 'pass', 'UNKNOWN': 'unknown'}
  204. Received signal: <ENDRUN> 0_echo-test-ssh 32_1.1.4.1
  205. Ending use of test pattern.
  206. Ending test lava.0_echo-test-ssh (32_1.1.4.1), duration 0.00
  207. case: 0_echo-test-ssh
  208. case_id: 251
  209. definition: lava
  210. duration: 0.00
  211. namespace: common
  212. path: inline/echo-test.yaml
  213. metadata: {'description': 'echo test at target device', 'format': 'Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0', 'scope': ['functional'], 'yaml_line': 18, 'os': ['ubuntu'], 'name': 'echo-test'}
  214. run: {'steps': ['echo "Hello,:" "world!"'], 'yaml_line': 24}
  215. yaml_line: 17
  216. result: pass
  217. revision: unspecified
  218. uuid: 32_1.1.4.1
  219. <LAVA_TEST_RUNNER>: 0_echo-test-ssh exited with: 0
  220. 0_echo-test-ssh-1520857432
  221. <LAVA_TEST_RUNNER>: exiting lava-test-runner
  222. ok: lava_test_shell seems to have completed
  223. end: 3.1 lava-test-shell (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  224. end: 3 lava-test-retry (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  225. start: 4 finalize (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  226. start: 4.1 power-off (timeout 00:00:05) [common]
  227. end: 4.1 power-off (duration 00:00:00) [common]
  228. case: power-off
  229. case_id: 252
  230. definition: lava
  231. duration: 0.00
  232. extra: ...
  233. level: 4.1
  234. namespace: common
  235. result: pass
  236. start: 4.2 read-feedback (timeout 00:01:00) [common]
  237. Listened to connection for namespace 'common' for 1s
  238. Finalising connection for namespace 'common'
  239. logout
  240. lava-test: # logout
  241. end: 4.2 read-feedback (duration 00:00:01) [common]
  242. end: 4 finalize (duration 00:00:01) [common]
  243. Cleaning after the job
  244. Root tmp directory removed at /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/tmp/32
  245. Job finished correctly
  246. case: job
  247. case_id: 253
  248. definition: lava
  249. result: pass
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