
Jordan Peterson and Pathological Preferences/Identities

Apr 29th, 2018
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  1. 6:49:48 PM+LowInformationVoterI generally like Jordan Peterson.
  2. 6:50:15 PM+LowInformationVoterI thought part of his Real Time appearance was his greatest example of dishonesty to this point.
  3. 6:50:17 PM@DreamstwiceMothers Day coming soon
  4. 6:51:19 PM@lauchlinas far as i can tell his appeal is telling old white en, and pissed off young white men, that it is the world that's wrong
  5. 6:51:31 PM+LowInformationVoterlauchlin: Have you consumed much of his content?
  6. 6:51:36 PM+LowInformationVoterI have consumed about 50 of his videos.
  7. 6:51:48 PM@lauchlinlike, with ketchup?
  8. 6:51:52 PM+LowInformationVoterIn one of his early videos, he talks about gender pronouns as subjects v. objects.
  9. 6:52:11 PM+LowInformationVoterThat is, Does the individual determine their gender, or does the community of observers. Anyways, I found it an interesting debate.
  10. 6:52:21 PM@lauchlini have seen a few of his videos, i don't see the appeal
  11. 6:52:34 PM+LowInformationVoterIn that debate, he made a critical point -- 'Why the hell should I respect your identity? What if your identity is wrong? What if it's pathological?'
  12. 6:52:43 PM+LowInformationVoterThis segment raises an interesting issue: Can an identity be pathological?
  13. 6:52:47 PM@lauchlinanyway, night folks
  14. 6:52:53 PM← lauchlin has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
  15. 6:53:00 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd I think, as a philosopher, I am inclined to say, Yes, an identity can be pathological.
  16. 6:53:15 PM← ForexTrader has quit (Ping timeout)
  17. 6:53:17 PM+LowInformationVoterSo, on Real Time, Peterson implores us to remember that Trump supporters did, in fact, vote for Donald Trump, and that's emotionally salient for them.
  18. 6:53:25 PM@DreamstwiceMaple Syrup Taffy:
  19. 6:53:46 PM+LowInformationVoterLiberals ought to keep that tightly abreast when contemplating the potential impeachment/removal of Donald Trump.
  20. 6:53:57 PMⓘ ForexTrder` is now known as ForexTrader
  21. 6:53:59 PMⓘ Debates set mode +l 62
  22. 6:54:09 PM+LowInformationVoterSo, I would ask Jordan this question, 'Why the hell should I respect your political preferences? What if they're wrong? What if they're pathological?'
  23. 6:54:21 PM+LowInformationVoterWhich raises the interesting question: Can a person's political preferences be pathological.
  24. 6:54:39 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd I think, as a philosopher, I am inclined to say, Yes, your political preferences can be pathological.
  25. 6:56:12 PM+LowInformationVoterI think the function of civil society is not to respect all views, behaviors, and preferences, as some of those are incongruent with civil society.
  26. 6:56:42 PM+LowInformationVoterI think the goal is close to how Rawls and Popper described it: a broadly open market with variation, with some constraints on 'extreme behavior'.
  27. 6:56:43 PM→ Banquo has joined
  28. 6:56:50 PM+LowInformationVoterSo, do constraints exist?
  29. 6:56:52 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Banquo
  30. 6:57:00 PM+LowInformationVoterYes. One constraint is doing violence in response to unpleasant speech.
  31. 6:57:29 PM+LowInformationVoterSecond, how should we respond when somebody deviates from the large space of civil society past the boundaries of constraint? Should we be focused on empathy and understanding?
  32. 6:57:54 PM+LowInformationVoterNo. Those are for behaviors, thoughts, and preferences inside the boundaries. We, as liberals, need to steadfastly hold our ground against any forces which disrupt the foundations of our republic.
  33. 6:57:59 PM→ Brehier has joined
  34. 6:58:05 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Brehier
  35. 6:58:14 PM+LowInformationVoterThe political preference for Donald Trump -- and especially continued support today -- violates the foundations of our republic and is pathological.
  36. 6:59:59 PM+LowInformationVoterAs scientist-philosophers, we should strive to accurately understand the causes of this pathological preference -- which appear to be multifactorial and somewhat innate to our species -- and then take the varied responses to mitigate, although probably not remove the sources of this factionalism, ala James Madison.
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