
Aurea Venen Part 3

Nov 11th, 2014
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  1. ..:: AUREA VENEN || PART 3 || DEMENS I ::..
  3. God damn rookies, the lot of them. I'm not exactly an expert on tactics, but only a complete amateur would announce a squad's presence to literally an entire building in hostile territory. I glanced over to where Cynn was crouched down behind a cabinet, her polychromatic iris returning my gaze anxiously. It was only a matter of time before at least one of the rookies would stumble into this room, conveniently located at the end of the hall. Just my luck.
  5. They ruined my peace and quiet, and for that they won't be forgiven.
  7. I silently slid myself to the edge of the door, carefully peering around it to get a better view. It wasn't hard for me to see them, even in the darkness -- about six or seven girls, all dressed in flashy and colorful costumes. They were all huddled around in a group, probably deciding who was going into what room or something. It was easy to tell even from this distance how carefree -- how cheerful they were despite being stuck in this shitstorm of a city. Sickening.
  9. "Got it? If you do, then get a move on already!" The squad leader's obnoxiously loud voice thundered down the hall, probably waking a portion of the nearby dead. I quickly ducked back behind the bookshelf, giving Cynn a small hand signal to stay on her toes. The hall was filled with the cacophony of muttering, giggling, and footsteps -- a set getting closer. The girl's heels were haltingly clacking away against the tiled flooring, easily giving away how reluctant and fearful she was to approach. How adorable.
  11. Giving Cynn one last signal, I pressed myself up against the wall as much as I could, the bookshelf's placement obscuring me from immediate line of sight. After all, if this girl had any intelligence, she would make sure nothing was on the sides of the entry before waltzing into the room.
  13. As if on cue, the heels stopped at the door frame. A warm light shone into the room, casting long creeping shadows, seeming to grasp for anything they could find. With a creak of the wood flooring, she took her first step into the room, the halo of light entering my field of vision. Her right arm was held out, palm up as a glowing magic orb floated a little above it, the source of the light. The next thing that caught my attention was the gleam of her weapon, what appeared to be some sort of rapier -- nearly vibrating from how much she was shaking. I suppose I couldn't blame her too much after all, this room was pretty damn dark and had quite a bit of furniture to hide behind.
  15. The girl hesitated for a moment, before she turned her head in my general direction, taking a step towards my end of the room. I quietly clicked my tongue, as I'd hoped I could sneak up on her from behind. At this rate though, the light was going to get close enough for her to see me. Damn, there goes my plans to be stealthy.
  17. <clatter>
  19. Just as the edge of the light neared my position, something fell behind her, causing the girl to yelp and whirl around. Cynn was huddled up facing a corner of the room, her mask hidden from view behind her. Excellent, she must have knocked something over to grab the girl's attention. After some hesitation the girl stepped over to where Cynn -- who had been making a show of shivering like a scared puppy -- was, the light fully revealing her. Now was my chance.
  21. "U-Um...are...are you alright?" She murmured, clearly unsure whether or not to approach Cynn in the corner. I began to slowly creep forward, keeping an eye on both the girl as well as the doorway; but more than anything trying my utmost to prevent my legs from making noise. It's really difficult to sneak around when your limbs are made from solid whatever-alloy-this-shit-is. There didn't seem to be anyone else in the hallway, which made the timing all the better, as I had just about reached her back.
  23. It was then that the glimmer of the large hairpin holding up her ponytail drew my attention, and it was like everything around me just stopped. I could feel my pulse quicken and muscles tense -- ahh, it's THIS feeling again. This feeling of intensity. How could I have forgotten. How could I have been so mistaken. Being trapped with a bunch of magical girls wasn't horrible. It wasn't horrible at all, no -- it was exquisite. All these soul gems, in one place. All these souls, tasty souls. Fufu~
  25. I'll make them mine.
  27. Then I heard a giggle. It came from this very room. It surely wasn't Cynn, who was slowly turning towards the girl now, probably one of the biggest grins on her face that you couldn't even see. It wasn't this delicious little girl in front of me, every millimeter of her hair probably standing on end from sheer terror. No -- it was me.
  29. I didn't give her a chance to turn her head to look at me, or even time to scream. The large and black monstrous claw known as my left hand firmly planting itself over the girl's mouth, gripping so tightly I could hear more than just the metal creaking. Before I even realized it, my lips had already found her hairpin -- her soulgem. I pulled it free from the constraints of her hair with my mouth, the ponytail breaking apart, perhaps analogous to what was going to happen to the rest of her.
  31. The girl squirmed violently in my grasp, attempting to pierce me with the rapier, her efforts to cry for help reduced to muffled sobs. I couldn't help but rake my right hand across her body, tearing her costume to shreds, amongst other things. With her gem now completely inside my mouth, it wasn't long before her flailing began to become less intense, and the sounds she made took a different turn. It was almost like eating a lollipop -- stick and everything, now all you have to do is...
  33. "MMmffhhh!" Her body suddenly arched back as my teeth ground into the surface of the soul gem, not hard enough to crack it of course. I can't have even more fun if it doesn't stay intact, after all. Amidst the girl's convulsions, I could hear the sound of trickling water, the faint scent further indicative that she had gone incontinent. Whoops~ It wasn't too much longer that she stopped writhing in my grip, breathing heavily and likely exhausted.
  35. A dull pain in my side caused me to look down and notice that the rapier had been jabbed into me at some point, likely when she had been squirming about earlier. Oh, she'd done it now, I've had enough fun with her anyways. In the next instant, both tails pierced her torso, her screams still muffled into my left hand. A return path resulted in even more gore, covering the front of my costume in dark crimson, and I let go of her once she went limp. Her lifeless body crumpled to the floor, a pool of her blood slowly forming around her corpse as I swiftly whipped the remnants off of my tails.
  37. I let out another chortle, my face contorting into a sneer as I turned to look down the hallway. The fun had just begun, my body felt like it was on fire. I pulled the hairpin out of my mouth, giving it a small kiss, before it turned into a ring. The ring easily slipped onto the long slender metal, and the power flow hit me like a truck. This -- this was my drug -- the surge of another girl's magic energy entering my body as I hungrily drained the gem like a battery. The tips of my tails began to change shape, the needles growing much longer as if they had become individual rapiers.
  39. It's time for the blood lust to begin -- it WILL continue. Fufufufu~
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