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Mar 20th, 2019
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  1. Name: Hibiki Kobayashi
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Age: 15
  4. Sexual Orientation: He really don't give a shit
  5. Occupation: School Student
  6. Height: 5'7
  7. Weight: 139lbs
  8. Hair Color: Brown and black, it grows in brown but turns black after a while.
  9. Hair Type: Short and messy
  10. Eye Color: Black
  11. Skin Color: *pasty*
  12. Nationality: Japanese
  13. School: UA
  14. Year: First Year
  15. Distinguishing Features: Hibiki has large ears (like a fruit bat)
  16. ------------------------------------------------------
  17. Hero/Villain Profile
  18. Hero/villain Name: Sky Mouse
  19. Costume: black and brown hooded jacket with a pair of pants that match. His shoes have a sticky bottom to them so he can stand on hard-to-stand-on surfaces and even the sides of buildings. His whole outfit is made to help him use echolocation and fly without much hassle. There is also a visor that is part of the outfit that replaces his glasses. It helps him see, but the colors are off.
  20. Quirk: Bat
  21. Weapons: Hibiki carries around small knives and a
  22. Gadgets/Tech: His hero outfit has his visor, and it helps him see when not wearing his glasses. Beside that he has a small sound booster attached to his sleeves that help maximize the output of frequencies to give him a better view of his surroundings.
  23. -------------------------------------------------
  24. Extra
  25. Likes: He loves sweets, and will be easily bribed by chocolate or caramel. He also likes fruit! And comic books, but he can't read them too well.
  26. Dislikes: Loud, sudden sounds. Losing in competitions or fights.
  27. Habits: Hibiki makes higher frequency sounds to see if anyone else hears it and reacts. Usually he does it to fuck with people and get them annoyed.
  28. Fears: vaccum cleaners
  29. ---------------------------------------------------------
  30. Family: He has a mother with the same quirk, and his father is quirkless but works at a hero company as a desk worker, and six siblings. He's the oldest.
  31. Romantic Interests: he flirts with goddamn anyone he figures out is standing near him.
  32. Allies: yeet
  33. Rivals: yote
  34. Enemies: vaccum cleaners. they scare him
  35. Physical Weaknesses: Hibiki has SHITTY eyesight and has to wear thick glasses just to see five feet in front of him.
  36. Mental/Emotional Weaknesses:
  37. ----------------------------------------------
  38. Quirk
  39. Name of your quirk: Bat
  40. Description: He has the ability to use the high frequencies and echolocation like bat does, as well as giving him more bat-like ears and wings that sprout from his back
  41. Strength: He can use hella high frequencies, hear very well, and fly.
  42. Weaknesses: He can't see shit and his frequencies hurt his ears after overuse or using too high of a frequency.
  43. What age did you obtain it: Birth
  44. How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): Birth
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