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Apr 16th, 2017
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  1. "It is. I think. I've been awake all night, so it could still be night. Now that you say that, I have no idea. Anyway, it's likely morning somewhere. So good morning." Isolde waves a hand, laughing lightly, with little humor. "So, this Bringer thing is horrible, but we're going to overcome it, so I'm not worried. But, it has nothing to do with what I wanted to talk to you about. After the siege, I've found out that you are friendly with Orazio?" She tilts her head a little, curious and nothing more in her expression.
  3. "There is no time in the Shining Lands," Prism says, and her gaze, as she looks out upon the garden, is rich with nostalgia. "Friendly...?" she asks. She tilts her head, light swirling through her hair. "Skald is not fond of this man. His son is, though, and so I have kept an eye on him. He is a man who seeks redemption."
  5. "That man is a lying, corruptive hypocrite. He doesn't want redemption, he wants to purge the Lyceum of worship of the Thirteenth." Isolde's jaw sets a little, but that's the only expression she allows on her normally expressive masked face. She's cold and there's steel. "A demon whispers in his ear and he corrupts the Faith with it." She lifts her chin a little, looking at Prism. "I think the two sides of this issue are not clear. I'm not going to ask you to take sides, or regale me with any bit of information you know, but I need to know what your role is in all of this. I need to understand the playing field, what could become the battlefield down the road. I'd rather avoid the latter, but..." She points to the mask. "-I- will not be judged and demonized by one who -literally has made pacts with demons-. None may harm us unpunished, after all."
  7. "Ahhh, you still choose to hate people," Prism says. She unhooks her staff from her back, and leans it against the bench. One less burden. "If you believe a demon whispers in his ear, you have perhaps chosen to believe the worst of all stories," she says. "I do not believe this is so. But I also do not care. The Faith bores me. Too many rules. Too much tradition. That they have embraced the Lost Gods anew is a step in the right direction. And yet already they twist them up in rules and tradition." She spins her finger, like it is twisted around invisible threads. "Dull. It is an uphill battle."
  9. "You mistake me. There is no hate. There is only justice. I am not who you used to be. I do not need love, or to be loved. I will see justice done. I will see him be a Silent Reflection for his crimes against the Faith, and his crimes against me." Isolde shakes her head slightly. "This is the story from his own lips, so yes, I believe it." She shakes her head. "But I am not bringing you in to this directly. I am only concerned if you are going to end up working against me. But if the Faith is dull, it does not sound like it is a concern." She shakes her head.
  11. "A demon whispers in your ear too, dear sister," Prism says. "You do not listen to all that he says. Your will is yet your own." She spins her finger again, letting go of that invisible thread, and takes a seat upon the bench after. "I wonder what justice might be brought against your soul...?" She lifts her hands, palm upward. "I wonder if you are the just one in this tale?" The smile that follow is radiant. "But that is the beauty of choice. We become what we will ourselves to be. We are not bound, in perpetuity, to any one choice. It is within all of us to rise."
  13. "Certainly. But I am not second in command of the Faith. And I do not cast judgment about those that worship differenly than I, action superior and more holy, when I am just as corrupt, if not moreso." Isolde lifts a finger. "And you know our words, even still. Am I supposed to forget them? Even as I prepare to take what was forced onto me, as I should have from the beginning after you left? Should I let this family be mocked, humiliated at every turn? -You- may not care about it anymore. But -I- have to still." She takes a deep breath, leveling a cold gaze on Prism. "You do not get to preach choice to me, Prism. Not anymore. Are you going to work against me in this or not?"
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