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Apr 11th, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "TaxiSettings": {
  3. "Id": "mdtaxiclub",
  4. "RealName": "MdTaxiClub",
  5. "RealScid": 0,
  6. "AuthCodes": [
  7. "mdtaxiclub"
  8. ],
  9. "ExceptCarClasses": [
  10. "Vip"
  11. ],
  12. "ExceptPaymentTypes": [
  13. "Cashless",
  14. "InternationalCard",
  15. "RussianCard"
  16. ],
  17. "DefaultFilingTime": 8,
  18. "DefaultDistanceToOrder": 5,
  19. "CompanyDistanceToOrder": 1,
  20. "MinDistanceForParkingDetect": 500,
  21. "ShowDirection": true,
  22. "DenyReassignOrdersAcceptedByDriver": true,
  23. "PartnerKnopka": false,
  24. "PartnerYandex": false,
  25. "Partner1331": false,
  26. "RegistrationEnabled": false,
  27. "NoFeeForOrderFromDrivers": false,
  28. "MinDriverBalance": 0,
  29. "CostRoundType": "None",
  30. "TelephonySettings": {
  31. "Domain": "",
  32. "Port": 5060,
  33. "TransportType": "Udp",
  34. "IncomingCallSoundFileName": "Resources\\Sounds\\IncomingCall.wav",
  35. "OutgoingCallSoundFileName": "Resources\\Sounds\\OutgoingCall.wav",
  36. "AsteriskDbConnectionString": "server=;user=asteriskuser;password=UR87zJWJC3E7;database=asteriskcdrdb;port=13306;"
  37. },
  38. "PBXSettings": {
  39. "CarNotFoundPbxNotificationType": "Call",
  40. "CarNotFoundInformPeriod": "00:03:00",
  41. "CarNotFoundInformRepeatCallPeriod": "00:01:00",
  42. "CarNotFoundInformRepeatCallCount": 3,
  43. "AssignedPbxNotificationType": "Call",
  44. "AssignedInformPeriod": "00:03:00",
  45. "AssignedInformRepeatCallPeriod": "00:00:00",
  46. "AssignedInformRepeatCallCount": 1,
  47. "WaitingPbxNotificationType": "Call",
  48. "WaitingInformPeriod": "00:03:00",
  49. "WaitingInformRepeatCallPeriod": "00:01:00",
  50. "WaitingInformRepeatCallCount": 3,
  51. "LatePbxNotificationType": "Call",
  52. "LateInformPeriod": "00:01:00",
  53. "LateInformRepeatCallPeriod": "00:01:00",
  54. "LateInformRepeatCallCount": 1,
  55. "CallDelayForKnopka": "00:03:00",
  56. "WaitingInformRepeatCallCountForKnopka": 1,
  57. "ConnectionSettings": {
  58. "Key": "PbxSettings",
  59. "TaxiServiceId": "mdtaxiclub",
  60. "Host": "",
  61. "Port": 5038,
  62. "Username": "taxiclubmd",
  63. "Password": "38K1ixv0xDk7AZ0dN",
  64. "OutContext": "outbound-allroutes",
  65. "CallerId": "14300",
  66. "AmiChanelPrefix": "Local"
  67. },
  68. "SmsGatewaySettings": {
  69. "SmsGatewayUrl": "{0}&act=add",
  70. "SmsLogin": "89651825550",
  71. "SmsPassword": "M4asd8v",
  72. "SmsGatewayStatusUrl": "{0}",
  73. "SmsGatewayStatusTimeoutMinutes": 5,
  74. "SmsFinalStateWaitingPeriod": "00:02:00"
  75. }
  76. },
  77. "PaySystemSettings": {
  78. "PlatronSettings": {
  79. "Enabled": false,
  80. "OverrideUrls": true,
  81. "SuccessUrl": "",
  82. "FailureUrl": "",
  83. "ResultUrl": "",
  84. "StateUrl": "",
  85. "PaymentDescription": "Пополнение пользовательского счёта службы такси",
  86. "UpdateReuestStateUrl": "",
  87. "RecurrentPaymentSystem": "TINKOFFBANKCARD",
  88. "RecurrentLifeTime": 12
  89. },
  90. "ElecsNetSettings": {
  91. "Enabled": true,
  92. "AllowedIpAdresses": [
  93. "",
  94. "",
  95. ""
  96. ],
  97. "Currency": "810"
  98. }
  99. },
  100. "SmsSettings": {
  101. "ClientInformOrderCreated": "Multumesc, comanda voastra cu №{Order.Number} la {Order.BookingTime} a fost preluata",
  102. "ClientInformOrderCompleted": "Multumesc ca iti ales serviciul taxi club.",
  103. "ClientInformOrderCreatedEn": "Thank you, your order #{Order.Number} at {Order.BookingTime} is accepted.",
  104. "ClientInformOrderCompletedEn": "Tatal {0}r., Thank you for your order, we will be glad to see you again!",
  105. "LateSmsMessageEn": "The driver is late for {LateForMinutes} minutes.",
  106. "WaitingSmsMessageEn": "Car {CarBrand} {CarModel} {CarColor} {CarNumber} is waiting for you. Drivers phone is {DriverPhone}. Have a good trip!",
  107. "AssignedSmsMessageEn": "Order was appointed. A car is {CarNumber} {CarBrand} {CarModel} {CarColor}.",
  108. "CarNotFoundSmsMessageEn": "",
  109. "WebApiForgotCodeMessage": "Код для восстановления пароля: ",
  110. "WebApiRegistrationMessage": "Код подтверждения регистрации: "
  111. },
  112. "RegionGeoSettings": [
  113. {
  114. "RegionId": "238e2503-cf17-4304-8b6b-874c97d68632",
  115. "GeoSettings": {
  116. "LatitudeSize": 1,
  117. "LongitudeSize": 1,
  118. "Country": "Moldova",
  119. "Region": "MD",
  120. "DefaultCity": "Chişinău",
  121. "HasMetro": false,
  122. "GeoCodingServiceProvider": "PointMdService",
  123. "RoutingServiceProvider": "GoogleMapsService",
  124. "SecondGeoCodingServiceProvider": "GoogleMapsService",
  125. "SecondRoutingServiceProvider": "GoogleMapsService",
  126. "SmartTaxiGeoServerAddresses": [
  127. ""
  128. ],
  129. "SmartTaxiUpdateSettingsPath": "/1.x/updateGeoSettings",
  130. "Center": {
  131. "Lon": 28.8581765,
  132. "Lat": 46.9998691
  133. }
  134. }
  135. }
  136. ],
  137. "DispatcherSettings": {
  138. "MapType": "Osm",
  139. "ClientHistoryOrdersCount": 10,
  140. "IsDisabled": false,
  141. "IsFrozenCost": false,
  142. "IsGroupExactOrdersEnabled": false
  143. },
  144. "BillingSettings": {
  145. "DriverPerOrderFee": 20,
  146. "PerDayUpdateTime": "15:00:00",
  147. "DefaultDriverPerOrderRate": 0.2,
  148. "DefaultDriverFinancialGroupId": "bdf1c770-4fdb-11e6-92f4-719115ccd067",
  149. "DefaultDriverGroupId": "a0edb76f-a958-4a56-b50d-e51413f03f2b",
  150. "CurrencyFullName": "MDL",
  151. "CurrencyShortName": "MDL",
  152. "CurrencySymbol": "MDL",
  153. "DayBeginningUtc": "07:00:00",
  154. "DriverCanChangeRequirementsForOrder": true
  155. },
  156. "ResourceSettings": {
  157. "ImageUrl": "storage"
  158. },
  159. "ModuleConfiguarion": {
  160. "AssemblyFileName": "Plugins\\Taxi.TaxiRf.dll",
  161. "CoreModuleTypeName": "Taxi.TaxiRf.TaxiRfCoreModule"
  162. },
  163. "KnopkaConfiguarion": {
  164. "IsFixedPriceForOrders": true,
  165. "CanShowDriverPhone": true,
  166. "Settings": []
  167. },
  168. "OrderNumberSettings": {
  169. "CharCount": 5
  170. },
  171. "AgentSettings": {
  172. "DefaultComission": 0
  173. },
  174. "LocalizationSettings": {
  175. "DefaultLanguage": "ru",
  176. "Languages": [
  177. "ru",
  178. "en"
  179. ]
  180. },
  181. "DefaultBranchSettings": {
  182. "PenaltyDriverForCancelOrder": 0,
  183. "PenaltyDriverForIgnoreOrder": 0,
  184. "SubAccountPriority": []
  185. },
  186. "IntegrationSettings": [],
  187. "TaximeterSettings": {
  188. "ShowClientPhoneToDriver": true,
  189. "ShowOnlyDistrictInDestinationAddress": true
  190. }
  191. },
  192. "ModuleSettings": {
  193. "Id": "mdtaxiclub",
  194. "NotLaterFatOrderDelayForEnteringToConveyer": "00:00:00",
  195. "DelayForExternalDriver": "00:00:30",
  196. "MinimalTimeWindowForOrder": "00:15:00",
  197. "DistributionStepPreAssignedExact": {
  198. "StepDuration": "00:05:00",
  199. "WaitAfterFirstAccept": "00:00:05",
  200. "RealRouteEnable": false,
  201. "MaxRouteRequestCount": 0
  202. },
  203. "DistributionStepPreAssignedNotLater": {
  204. "StepDuration": "00:01:00",
  205. "WaitAfterFirstAccept": "00:00:05",
  206. "RealRouteEnable": true,
  207. "MaxRouteRequestCount": 10,
  208. "RadiusKm": 4
  209. },
  210. "DistributionStepByRobot": {
  211. "RealRouteEnable": true,
  212. "MaxRouteRequestCount": 3
  213. },
  214. "DistributionStepByManual": {
  215. "RealRouteEnable": false,
  216. "MaxRouteRequestCount": 0,
  217. "StepDuration": "00:00:30",
  218. "WaitAfterFirstAccept": "00:00:05"
  219. },
  220. "DistributionStepByRed": {
  221. "RealRouteEnable": true,
  222. "MaxRouteRequestCount": 5
  223. },
  224. "NotLater": {
  225. "DistributionMaxTime": "00:07:00",
  226. "DistributionPeriodTime": "00:01:00",
  227. "CancelTimeAfterDistributionFail": "00:00:30",
  228. "BookedOrdersFillingTime": "00:30:00",
  229. "ZeroDurationFromOrder": "00:02:00",
  230. "CompanyFillingTime": "00:07:00",
  231. "CallTimeToDriver": "00:00:00",
  232. "CancelDriverIfNoAnswer": "00:00:30",
  233. "WarningDriverWaitingTime": "00:20:00",
  234. "WarningAssignedAndNotDrivingTime": "00:00:15"
  235. },
  236. "Exact": {
  237. "DistributionMaxTime": "10:00:00",
  238. "DistributionPeriodTime": "00:01:00",
  239. "CancelTimeAfterDistributionFail": "00:00:00",
  240. "BookedOrdersFillingTime": "00:30:00",
  241. "ZeroDurationFromOrder": "00:02:00",
  242. "CompanyFillingTime": "00:07:00",
  243. "CallTimeToDriver": "00:00:00",
  244. "CancelDriverIfNoAnswer": "00:00:30",
  245. "WarningDriverWaitingTime": "00:20:00",
  246. "WarningAssignedAndNotDrivingTime": "00:00:15"
  247. },
  248. "BonusPoints": {
  249. "ShowDirectionTime": "00:15:00",
  250. "ShowDirectionCost": 0,
  251. "PenaltyPoints": 10,
  252. "BonusForRobot": 5,
  253. "BonusForManual": 4,
  254. "BonusForRed": 15,
  255. "BonusForManualCritical": 25,
  256. "BonusForManualCriticalVip": 50,
  257. "NotLaterBonusPointCost": 10,
  258. "DailyBonus": {
  259. "RequirementBonus": [
  260. {
  261. "RequirementTypeId": "4777db0f-eaf6-4e1a-a748-21ee7792ff39",
  262. "BonusPoints": 3
  263. },
  264. {
  265. "RequirementTypeId": "cb084bb4-f059-47ea-8ec5-4afe758b8f77",
  266. "BonusPoints": 3
  267. },
  268. {
  269. "RequirementTypeId": "2528ee14-7c80-41ec-b868-21d22acfab58",
  270. "BonusPoints": 3
  271. }
  272. ],
  273. "CarClassBonus": [
  274. {
  275. "CarClass": "Eco",
  276. "BonusPoints": 0
  277. },
  278. {
  279. "CarClass": "Com",
  280. "BonusPoints": 2
  281. },
  282. {
  283. "CarClass": "Biz",
  284. "BonusPoints": 4
  285. },
  286. {
  287. "CarClass": "Vip",
  288. "BonusPoints": 6
  289. }
  290. ],
  291. "RentCarBonus": 15,
  292. "FullMinutesInHour": 55,
  293. "PeakHourBonus": [
  294. {
  295. "Start": "06:00:00",
  296. "Finish": "08:00:00",
  297. "BonusPoints": 3
  298. },
  299. {
  300. "Start": "14:00:00",
  301. "Finish": "17:00:00",
  302. "BonusPoints": 3
  303. }
  304. ],
  305. "MinWorkHour": 5,
  306. "MinWorkHourPenalty": 10
  307. }
  308. },
  309. "AdditionalTimes": [],
  310. "Waybills": [
  311. {
  312. "PenaltyTimeoutAfterExpired": "01:00:00",
  313. "PanaltyAmount": 10,
  314. "BanTimeoutAfterExpired": "01:00:00",
  315. "BranchId": "ebc40bdc-3bfc-496d-882e-38d52bd28755"
  316. },
  317. {
  318. "PenaltyTimeoutAfterExpired": "01:00:00",
  319. "PanaltyAmount": 0,
  320. "BanTimeoutAfterExpired": "01:00:00",
  321. "BranchId": "38c8e495-004d-46d9-aafb-d7292702e13d"
  322. }
  323. ],
  324. "MdTaxiClub": {
  325. "HighBonusPoints": 0,
  326. "LowBonusPoints": 0,
  327. "Partner": {
  328. "DistributionMaxTime": "00:00:00",
  329. "DistributionPeriodTime": "00:00:00",
  330. "CancelTimeAfterDistributionFail": "00:00:00",
  331. "BookedOrdersFillingTime": "00:00:00",
  332. "ZeroDurationFromOrder": "00:00:00",
  333. "CompanyFillingTime": "00:00:00",
  334. "CallTimeToDriver": "00:00:00",
  335. "CancelDriverIfNoAnswer": "00:00:00",
  336. "WarningDriverWaitingTime": "00:00:00",
  337. "WarningAssignedAndNotDrivingTime": "00:00:00"
  338. }
  339. },
  340. "TaxiRf": {
  341. "FatOrderMinCalculatedCost": 1000,
  342. "MorningHoursFrom": "02:30:00",
  343. "MorningHoursTo": "10:00:00",
  344. "Vip": {
  345. "DistributionMaxTime": "10:00:00",
  346. "DistributionPeriodTime": "00:01:00",
  347. "CancelTimeAfterDistributionFail": "00:00:05",
  348. "BookedOrdersFillingTime": "00:45:00",
  349. "ZeroDurationFromOrder": "00:02:00",
  350. "CompanyFillingTime": "00:07:00",
  351. "CallTimeToDriver": "00:00:00",
  352. "CancelDriverIfNoAnswer": "00:00:30",
  353. "WarningDriverWaitingTime": "00:20:00",
  354. "WarningAssignedAndNotDrivingTime": "00:00:15"
  355. },
  356. "ExactFatBonusTimes": [
  357. {
  358. "BonusTime": "00:20:00",
  359. "BonusPoints": 15
  360. },
  361. {
  362. "BonusTime": "00:40:00",
  363. "BonusPoints": 30
  364. },
  365. {
  366. "BonusTime": "01:15:00",
  367. "BonusPoints": 50
  368. }
  369. ],
  370. "MorningBonusTimes": [
  371. {
  372. "BonusTime": "17:00:00",
  373. "BonusPoints": 50
  374. },
  375. {
  376. "BonusTime": "17:10:00",
  377. "BonusPoints": 40
  378. },
  379. {
  380. "BonusTime": "17:20:00",
  381. "BonusPoints": 30
  382. },
  383. {
  384. "BonusTime": "17:30:00",
  385. "BonusPoints": 20
  386. },
  387. {
  388. "BonusTime": "17:40:00",
  389. "BonusPoints": 10
  390. },
  391. {
  392. "BonusTime": "18:00:00",
  393. "BonusPoints": 0
  394. }
  395. ],
  396. "VipBonusTimes": [
  397. {
  398. "BonusTime": "00:20:00",
  399. "BonusPoints": 15
  400. },
  401. {
  402. "BonusTime": "00:40:00",
  403. "BonusPoints": 30
  404. },
  405. {
  406. "BonusTime": "01:15:00",
  407. "BonusPoints": 50
  408. }
  409. ]
  410. },
  411. "ClientDiscount": {
  412. "DiscountForOrderComplete": 0,
  413. "MaxDiscount": 0.1
  414. },
  415. "AdditionalSubscribtion": {
  416. "ByOrderCountFeeInDays": 10,
  417. "RangeOrdersCountForSubscriptionFee": [
  418. {
  419. "Min": 0,
  420. "Max": 30,
  421. "Fee": 0
  422. },
  423. {
  424. "Min": 31,
  425. "Max": 40,
  426. "Fee": 500
  427. },
  428. {
  429. "Min": 41,
  430. "Max": 50,
  431. "Fee": 1000
  432. },
  433. {
  434. "Min": 51,
  435. "Max": 60,
  436. "Fee": 1500
  437. },
  438. {
  439. "Min": 61,
  440. "Max": 70,
  441. "Fee": 2000
  442. },
  443. {
  444. "Min": 71,
  445. "Max": 149,
  446. "Fee": 3000
  447. },
  448. {
  449. "Min": 150,
  450. "Max": 2147483647,
  451. "Fee": -1
  452. }
  453. ]
  454. }
  455. },
  456. "distributionSteps": [
  457. "Taxi.Modules.Distribution.DistributionStepByRobot, Taxi.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
  458. "Taxi.Modules.Distribution.DistributionStepByManual, Taxi.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
  459. "Taxi.Modules.Distribution.DistributionStepByRed, Taxi.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
  460. ],
  461. "driverStateValidationSteps": [
  462. "Taxi.Modules.DriverStateValidator.DriverCheckFinanceForReady, Taxi.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
  463. "Taxi.Modules.DriverStateValidator.DriverCheckWaybillForReady, Taxi.Modules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
  464. ]
  465. }
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