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a guest
Dec 27th, 2016
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  1. D/EventHub( 1550): No input device configuration file found for device 'sfdroid-input'.
  2. I/EventHub( 1550): New device: id=1, fd=78, path='/dev/input/event8', name='sfdroid-input', classes=0x14, configuration='', keyLayout='', keyCharacterMap='', builtinKeyboard=false, wakeMechanism=EVIOCSSUSPENDBLOCK, usingClockIoctl=true
  3. W/InputReader( 1550): MultiTouch Device sfdroid-input reported 256 slots but the framework only supports a maximum of 32 slots at this time.
  4. I/InputReader( 1550): Device reconfigured: id=1, name='sfdroid-input', size 1080x1920, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
  5. I/InputReader( 1550): Device added: id=1, name='sfdroid-input', sources=0x00001002
  6. I/ActivityManager( 1550): Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc de_DE ?layoutDir sw360dp w360dp h567dp 480dpi nrml port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.5 themeResource=null}
  7. E/NetlinkListener( 907): recvmsg failed (I/O error)
  8. E/NetlinkListener( 905): recvmsg failed (I/O error)
  9. E/NetlinkListener( 907): recvmsg failed (I/O error)
  10. E/NetlinkListener( 905): recvmsg failed (I/O error)
  11. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 25
  12. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 22
  13. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 22
  14. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 22
  15. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 27
  16. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 27
  17. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 26
  18. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 24
  19. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 22
  20. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 27
  21. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 17
  22. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 25
  23. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 27
  24. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 26
  25. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 26
  26. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 24
  27. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 26
  28. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 23
  29. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 25
  30. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 30
  31. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 27
  32. V/SurfaceFlinger( 906): FPS: 27
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