
New to Dungeons

Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. Are you a raid lead? Can you explain fast and lead your team to victory? This is Newbie Dungeon Contest!
  2. Rules are simple, take newbies to a dungeon and score the most points in the least amount of time.
  3. Sing up Sheet:
  4. (This is atm very much work in progress so ask me questions if something is not clear)
  6. ==What are newbies?== New players (preferably pre-GA) acquired from either nexus chat or random /who 50. Take note returning players are good as well, but not alts.
  8. ==Which dungeon?== With the popular vote of participating team leaders we will choose one from all prime dungeons. My suggestions are UPG, SSM and CBC. The dungeon will be Prime 0.
  10. ==What rules?== Time and points will be counted towards victory separately. The team that scores the highest in both wins. In case of a tie, we will decide the winner with a vote.
  12. ==How to participate?== To join you simply need to provide a screenshot of your team, time and points you scored in the dungeon. Please link me the screenshot on discord, don't leave it on the sign up sheet.
  14. ==When to do stuff?== Submissions are okay until the end of October 2018.
  16. ==Gear and Heroism Requirements== For newbies, they need to be below 4k hero, and they need to use items equal or lower than ilvl 120. No raid gear (5 slots) is allowed.
  18. For leaders with max hero it would be preferred them having the ilvl 68 gear from the vendor. Any other heroism between 11k and 4k should allow a little higher gear, but please contact me first.
  20. <<Notice>> You can try as many times with your team as you want, improving your score. You can even try it with different people. What matters is your submission.
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