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May 24th, 2018
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  1. #!/usr/bin/php
  2. <?php
  3. //***************************************************************************
  4. //**** PASSWORD MANAGER FOR SHELL ver 1.0
  5. //**** Features:
  6. //**** 3 layers of encryption: AES 256, Camellia 256 and Chacha
  7. //**** Data is never saved on the disk
  8. //**** No cache
  9. //**** short source code easy to check for security
  10. //**** db saved in the current folder as pwd.encrypted
  11. //**** db backup at every rewrite as pwd.encrypted.backup
  12. //**** no graphical interface
  13. //**** Requirements:
  14. //**** - PHP 7
  15. //**** - OPENSSL library for PHP
  16. //****
  17. //**** Tested on:
  18. //**** Mac Os/x 13.4 (High Sierra), requirement are installed by default.
  19. //**** It should work on Linux and Windows as well.
  20. //***************************************************************************
  21. // create empty db
  22. if(!file_exists("pwd.encrypted"))
  23. create_pwdfile();
  24. $r=NULL;
  25. // ask Master Password
  26. while($r==NULL){
  27. $pwd=ask_hidden("Master Password:" );
  28. $GLOBALS['r']=load_pwdfile($pwd);
  29. if($GLOBALS['r']==NULL){
  30. echo "Wrong password\n";
  31. continue;
  32. }
  33. echo "\n";
  34. system("clear");
  35. }
  36. $s=explode("\n",$GLOBALS['r']);
  37. while(1){
  38. echo "######################################################################\n";
  39. echo "Password Manager - Commands: /add /delete /exit /pwd /gen /all/ /help\n";
  40. echo "######################################################################\n";
  41. $ss=readline("Search String/Command: ");
  42. if(strlen($ss)==0)
  43. continue;
  44. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/ADD")!=NULL){
  45. new_entry($pwd);
  46. $s=explode("\n",$GLOBALS['r']);
  47. continue;
  48. }
  49. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/EXIT")!=NULL)
  50. exit(0);
  51. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/QUIT")!=NULL){
  52. system(clear);
  53. exit(0);
  54. }
  55. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/PWD")!=NULL){
  56. change_pwd($pwd);
  57. continue;
  58. }
  59. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/HELP")!=NULL){
  60. show_help();
  61. continue;
  62. }
  63. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/GEN")!=NULL){
  64. generate_randompwd();
  65. continue;
  66. }
  67. if(strstr(strtoupper($ss),"/DELETE")!=NULL){
  68. delete_entry($ss,$pwd);
  69. $s=explode("\n",$GLOBALS['r']);
  70. continue;
  71. }
  72. //*** SEARCHING
  73. $c=1;
  74. $x=count($s);
  75. $ss=strtoupper($ss);
  76. for($i=1;$i<$x;$i++){
  77. $j=json_decode($s[$i]);
  78. if(strstr(strtoupper($j->description),$ss)!=NULL ||
  79. strstr(strtoupper($j->username),$ss)!=NULL ||
  80. strstr(strtoupper($j->url),$ss)!=NULL || ($ss=="/ALL" && strlen($j->description)>0))
  81. {
  82. echo "******************************************************************\n";
  83. echo "#..........:".$i."\n";
  84. echo "Description: ".$j->description."\n";
  85. echo "Username...: ".$j->username."\n";
  86. echo "Password...: ";
  87. echo "\033[30;40m";
  88. echo $j->password;
  89. echo "\033[0m";
  90. echo "\n";
  91. echo "Url........: ".$j->url."\n";
  92. $c=$c+1;
  93. }
  94. }
  95. if($c>1) echo "******************************************************************\n";
  96. }
  97. //******************************************
  98. // function to change password
  99. //******************************************
  100. function change_pwd($pwd){
  101. while(1){
  102. $pwd1=ask_hidden("Current Master Password: ");
  103. if(strlen($pwd1)==0)
  104. return;
  105. if($pwd!=$pwd1){
  106. echo "Wrong password\n";
  107. continue;
  108. }
  109. $pwdn1=ask_hidden("NEW Master Password: ");
  110. $pwdn2=ask_hidden("Repeat NEW Master Password:");
  111. if($pwdn1!=$pwdn2){
  112. echo "NEW Passwords are not the same!\n";
  113. continue;
  114. }
  115. save_pwdfile($pwdn1);
  116. $GLOBALS['pwd']=$pwdn1;
  117. echo "Password changed.";
  118. return;
  119. }
  120. }
  122. //******************************************
  123. //*** function to delete an entry
  124. //******************************************
  125. function delete_entry($ss,$pwd){
  126. $id=substr($ss,8);
  127. if($id==0){
  128. echo "Entry number is missing. for example: /delete 2\n";
  129. echo "to delete the entry #2\n";
  130. return;
  131. }
  132. $s=explode("\n",$GLOBALS['r']);
  133. echo "******************************************************************\n";
  134. $j=json_decode($s[$id]);
  135. echo "#..........:".$id."\n";
  136. echo "Description: ".$j->description."\n";
  137. echo "Username...: ".$j->username."\n";
  138. echo "Password...: ";
  139. echo "\033[30;40m";
  140. echo $j->password;
  141. echo "\033[0m";
  142. echo "\n";
  143. echo "Url........: ".$j->url."\n";
  144. echo "******************************************************************\n";
  145. $c=readline("Delete? (Y/n) ");
  146. if(strtoupper($c)=="Y"){
  147. $s[$id]="";
  148. $x=count($s);
  149. $GLOBALS['r']="";
  150. for($i=0;$i<$x;$i++){
  151. if(strlen($s[$i])>0)
  152. $GLOBALS['r'].=$s[$i]."\n";
  153. }
  154. save_pwdfile($pwd);
  155. echo "#".$id." has been deleted.\n";
  156. }
  157. return;
  158. }
  159. //******************************************
  160. //*** Load pwd.encrypted
  161. //******************************************
  162. function load_pwdfile($pwd){
  163. $s=file_get_contents("pwd.encrypted");
  164. $iv=substr($s,0,512);
  165. $dbh=substr($s,512);
  166. $db=base64_decode($dbh);
  167. $dpwd=openssl_pbkdf2($pwd,$iv,64,10000,"sha512");
  168. $ivl=openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="CAMELLIA-256-CFB");
  169. $ivc=substr($iv,0,$ivl);
  170. $r=openssl_decrypt($db,"CAMELLIA-256-CFB",$dpwd,$options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$ivc);
  171. $ivl=openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="ChaCha");
  172. $ivc=substr($iv,0,$ivl);
  173. $r=openssl_decrypt($r,"ChaCha",$dpwd,$options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$ivc);
  174. $ivl=openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="AES-256-OFB");
  175. $ivc=substr($iv,0,$ivl);
  176. $r=openssl_decrypt($r,"AES-256-OFB",$dpwd,$options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$ivc);
  177. if(substr($r,0,1)=="{")
  178. return($r);
  179. else
  180. return(NULL);
  181. }
  182. //******************************************
  183. //**** function to add new entry
  184. //******************************************
  185. function new_entry($pwd){
  186. while(1){
  187. $d=readline("Description: ");
  188. $u=readline("Username...: ");
  189. $p=readline("Password...: ");
  190. $url=readline("Url........: ");
  191. $c=readline("Confirm?(Y/N/Edit)");
  192. if($c=="Y" || $c=="y"){
  193. $s='{"description":';
  194. $s.=json_encode($d);
  195. $s.=',"username":';
  196. $s.=json_encode($u);
  197. $s.=',"password":';
  198. $s.=json_encode($p);
  199. $s.=',"url":';
  200. $s.=json_encode($url);
  201. $s.="}\n";
  202. $GLOBALS['r'].=$s;
  203. save_pwdfile($pwd);
  204. }
  205. if($c=="E" || $c=="e")
  206. continue;
  207. return;
  208. }
  210. }
  211. //******************************************
  212. //**** function to create new pwd.encrypted
  213. //******************************************
  214. function create_pwdfile(){
  215. echo "Creating new pwd.encrypted file\n";
  216. INIT:
  217. $pwd=ask_hidden("Master Password (very,very long please!): ");
  218. $pwd2=ask_hidden("Repeat Master Password:");
  219. if($pwd!=$pwd2){
  220. echo "Passwords are not the same!\n";
  221. goto INIT;
  222. }
  223. $GLOBALS['r']="{}\n";
  224. save_pwdfile($pwd);
  225. echo "pwd.encrypted file has been created!\n";
  226. return;
  227. }
  229. // save pwd.encrypted
  230. function save_pwdfile($pwd){
  231. echo "Generating True Random Init Vector...\n";
  232. $iv=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512,$cs);
  233. $iv=substr(base64_encode($iv),0,512);
  234. echo "Encrypting...\n";
  235. $s=$iv;
  236. $dpwd=openssl_pbkdf2($pwd,$iv,64,10000,"sha512");
  237. $ivl=openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="AES-256-OFB");
  238. $ivc=substr($iv,0,$ivl);
  239. $rc=openssl_encrypt($GLOBALS['r'],"AES-256-OFB",$dpwd,$options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$ivc);
  240. $ivl=openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="ChaCha");
  241. $ivc=substr($iv,0,$ivl);
  242. $rc=openssl_encrypt($rc,"ChaCha",$dpwd,$options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$ivc);
  243. $ivl=openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher="CAMELLIA-256-CFB");
  244. $ivc=substr($iv,0,$ivl);
  245. $rc=openssl_encrypt($rc,"CAMELLIA-256-CFB",$dpwd,$options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA,$ivc);
  246. $rcf=$iv."!".base64_encode($rc);
  247. echo "Encryption completed\n";
  248. system("cp pwd.encrypted pwd.encrypted.backup");
  249. file_put_contents("pwd.encrypted",$rcf);
  250. return;
  251. }
  253. function ask_hidden( $prompt ) {
  254. echo $prompt;
  255. echo "\033[30;40m";
  256. $input=readline();
  257. echo "\033[0m";
  258. return rtrim( $input, "\n" );
  259. }
  260. //******************************************************
  262. //******************************************************
  263. function generate_randompwd(){
  264. $tr=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512);
  265. $p=substr(bin2hex($tr),0,64);
  266. echo "Random STRONG password: ".$p."\n";
  267. return;
  268. }
  269. //*** function to show an help
  270. //******************************************
  271. function show_help(){
  272. echo "****************************************************************\n";
  273. echo "Password Manager - Help\n";
  274. echo "****************************************************************\n";
  275. echo "You can write a string to search or a command and press enter.\n";
  276. echo "The available commands are the following:\n";
  277. echo "/add - To add a new entry\n";
  278. echo "/delete # - To delete and entry where # should the entry number\n";
  279. echo "/pwd - To change the master password\n";
  280. echo "/gen - Generate a true random strong passwrd\n";
  281. echo "/all - List all the entries\n";
  282. echo "/exit - To exit from the program\n";
  283. echo "/help - To access this help\n";
  284. echo "****************************************************************\n";
  285. return;
  286. }
  287. ?>
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