
Hospital Finale IC2

Jun 29th, 2018
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  1. 9:29 PM <Sax> Leon's sitting the cafeteria.
  2. 9:29 PM <Sax> Enjoying a late-night coffee.
  3. 9:35 PM <Sax> *ssssiiiiiipppppppp*
  4. 9:35 PM → spookybee joined • taylor_zzz → taylor_iOStkin
  5. 9:47 PM <@Balthazaar> <<Site 40 has fallen!! Send help!>> Comes a panicked cry over the comms
  6. 9:47 PM <Sax> Leon's eyes narrow, and he cocks his pistol.
  7. 9:47 PM <Sax> Looks like it's time to work.
  8. 9:53 PM <taylor_iOStkin> Adie is rushing around, trying to find anyone and everyone to rally.
  9. 9:57 PM <taylor_iOStkin> She hears a loud crash from where the gorilla baby thing was.
  10. 9:58 PM <taylor_iOStkin> Adie rushes outside to Juan.
  11. 9:59 PM <taylor_iOStkin> Adie rushes back inside, compiling more carts.
  12. 9:59 PM → &Wogglebug (promoted to admin, opped) joined
  13. 10:06 PM <taylor_iOStkin> <<Helping in the infirmary!>> Comes Adie’s reply.
  14. 10:07 PM → Izzy227_, ~DiePotato (promoted to owner, opped) and Magnobile joined ⇐ &Roget quit ↔ VinylS nipped out • taylor_iOStkin → taylor_zzz, Soulless → %Soulless|Dreamin, War_ → War_slep
  15. 10:36 PM <spookybee> Maple works out in the gym with some bulky headphones on playing the Chordettes on a prototype portable record-player. She's dastardly oblivious to the chaos going on around the facility.
  16. 10:37 PM <@Balthazaar> And nothing will breach the gym at any point
  17. 10:38 PM <@Balthazaar> Though some people may end up trapped inside the punching bags
  18. 10:40 PM <spookybee> 4df+4 Doot dooty doot just doin' some weight liftin' uwu
  19. 10:40 PM <Glacon> spookybee: Doot dooty doot just doin' some weight liftin' uwu: 3 (4df+4=0, -, +, -)
  20. 10:40 PM <spookybee> Dang Maple's not on her A-game tonight!
  21. 10:47 PM → @DSJ (opped) joined ⇐ GabrielJade and @DSJ|Mobile quit ↔ Magnobile nipped out
  22. 11:20 PM <spookybee> Maple sits up and looks around. "... Wonder where everyone is. Huh."
  23. 11:27 PM <%Cocoa> Library/House/Alley forces arrive in other parts of the site. There's so many of them.
  24. 11:33 PM <@Balthazaar> the hospital forces falter
  25. 11:39 PM ⇐ DrSavage quit ( Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
  26. 11:40 PM <@Balthazaar> The corpses then burst into green flame as they burn away to nothingness
  27. 11:43 PM ⇐ Magnobile quit ( Ping timeout: 181 seconds
  28. 11:46 PM <@Balthazaar> <,Hospital cunts have been beaten... Striketeam that left last week seems to have succeeded in sutting off the head of the fuckin snake... We did it. We fucking did it.>> Comes Alberts voice over the loudspeaker
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