
mpbt4 audrey vs witch

Jun 7th, 2017
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  1. Carelessly, she pulled off the cloth neckerchief and swung it in front of her. Two dozen 2-inch medium mortars loaded with their large, unwieldy-looking 'Toffee Apple' shells slammed onto the parchment ground, displacing runes and symbols. With a snap of her fingers, the battery of mortars fired and the large bombs pierced through the newspapers hanging from the sky and rained all over the remaining paper balls and the paper crane, knocking the crane out of its upside down perch. Before it hit the ground, the crane twisted and flew at top speed towards Audrey seeking revenge.
  3. Unafraid, Audrey waved the cloth again, replacing the mortars with 20mm anti-aircraft guns that pounded the approaching crane with clouds of black shrapnel. Despite the heavy bombardment, the blackened crane, its body lacerated and its black ink-blood spilling all over the paper ground, managed to withstand the punishment Audrey had dished out. It closed in on Audrey and prepared to swipe at her with its serrated talons.
  5. "No touching, please!" Audrey taunted as she threw her neckerchief into the air. What appeared now was a single 57mm anti-tank gun aimed directly at the heart of the paper crane. With one hand, she pulled the trigger, the 57mm shell tore easily through the paper crane, while catching her cloth with the other. Smiling, she watched the crane explode into a million shreds of burnt paper.
  7. A peculiar black object, a Grief Seed, then dropped onto the paper floor.
  9. (Magia, Pacem, Bellum Terrarum, Chapter 4)
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