

Mar 7th, 2019
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  1. (Tells): On tendrils of air, you let your velvety voice reach Toz's mind: "Come find me. Now."
  3. You have emoted: Tatia is standing in the center of the room with a look of impatience on her face, a hand resting on each hip. She watches Toz close the door and silently lifts a hand to halt him from moving any further into the room. She appraises him silently for a time, her icy gaze dragging slowly along Toz's large frame. Seeming satisfied she sets her jaw and lifts her chin towards him in a challenging expression. "We're going to do things a little different this time." she tells Toz firmly, continuing, "You are going to do whatever I decide, and I'll hear no complaints..or else." she finishes, leveling her challenging stare directly on Toz. "Right?" she presses.
  5. Securing a simplistic iron collar etched with wolves around his neck as he steps in, Toz has a vibrant bouquet of sunset hues kept in his other hand, giving it a few flicks through the air in the face of your apparent impatience. His lips twitch faintly, but he gives a slow nod of his head, agreeing with you, simply, "Right."
  7. You have emoted: Swishing her hips from side to side slowly, Tatia cants her head with a slight grin creeping over her features while she eyes the collar and Toz's attire. Her expression softens when she notices the bouquet, a smile threatening to break past her stern demeanor. Clearing her throat, she shakes her head lightly. "Set those down, then knees." she directs, watching Toz expectantly while she takes a few steps backwards until she bumps into the desk behind her. Glancing backwards at the desk, she swipes a hand across the desk sending all it's contents sprawling to the floor. With this, she looks back to Toz with a challenging stare, almost hoping to hear retort.
  9. "I wasn't organizing those for a report anyway," Toz murmurs absently as he watches some papers go tumbling to the floor, along with the inkwell and quill. He moves to dutifully comply, however, setting the bouquet down out of the way by the door. He steps forward after, and then drops to his knees, one after another, looking slowly over you with a distinct, clear sort of hunger to his gaze, and only after his inspection completes does he look back towards you, expectant, quiet and obedient- if only for now.
  11. You have emoted: Tatia grins wickedly while her eyebrow arches, using her arms to slip herself onto the edge of the desk, crossing one stocking-clad leg over the other. Glancing at the scattered contents, she lifts both shoulders in an exaggerated shrug, "See what happens when you keep me waiting?" she returns while leaning down from her perch on the desk in attempt to catch Toz's glance, bringing her hand down to beckon him to her with a single finger. "Come here." she directs, pausing to chuckle softly. "On all fours." she adds on, leaning back up to watch him while pointing to the floor in front of her.
  13. Though he glowers faintly at the additional instruction, Toz breathes in and shuts his eyes, then nods once, simply, assenting and leaning forward. On all fours, he brings himself over to you, looking actually vaguely embarrassed about it. When he comes to a stop, he settles down onto his knees and straightens again, leaving him with your crossed legs directly in front of him - a fact that certainly does not go unnoticed by the man, his gaze remaining there while flicking occasionally up to your face, clearly impressed by the stockings.
  15. You have emoted: Tatia leans down to hook her index finger underneath his chin, lifting Toz's glance to her own. Her fingertips wander down to brush against the collar encircling his neck. "In this, you belong fully to me." She watches him silently for a few moments before smiling devilishly. "Kiss me, here." she instructs, uncrossing her legs and running her fingertips along her toned inner thigh just above the band of her fishnet stockings. "Then, here." she continues, shifting her hand to the same place on her opposite thigh. She slips her fingers away from Toz's collar, resting her arm behind her to support herself. Her position shifts her tiny skirt, drawing attention to the fact she isn't wearing anything underneath. "Use your claws too." she adds as an afterthought.
  17. Lingering with his chin lifted, Toz lets his eyes lid a little, clearly enjoying the touch of your hand against his neck. His lips twitch, just a little, and he gives a very slight nod of his head to you. He pauses at the instruction, then the shift, brows lightly arching in clear appreciation, shifting a little where he sits. He leans in as instructed, then, and kisses your inner thigh at the spot. He lifts his hand after, sliding his palm along the fishnet until his thumb reaches the spot he just kissed. His thumb digs in there, fingertips flexing on the other side to do the same. While that hold remains tight, he turns his head and flicks his tongue against your thigh, then places a lingering kiss, repeating the act with his other hand, sliding up and catching your thigh, flexing hard against it, clearly working to restrain himself a great deal as he lazily flicks a glance up to you once more.
  19. You have emoted: Tatia bites down hard on her lower lip with Toz's attention to her thighs, tilting her face towards the ceiling and inhaling sharply. Her body twitches involuntarily with Toz's claws diggingin against the smooth flesh of her thighs. "Mm." she murmurs towards the ceiling, shifting herself slightly against the desk - clearly enjoying Toz's touch. Lifting her head after a few moments, she smiles slightly while bringing her foot up to rest on Toz's shoulder, her tight little slit on display now for Toz. "Taste me. Show me how bad you want me." she decides, her free hand roaming along the curve of her breast trapped just under the sanguine colored fabric of her corset.
  21. With an instinctive tug as your sex comes into full view, Toz almost drags you towards him using his claws, but halts himself after only a brief yank that rakes against your fishnets. He halts after and brings himself to you instead, sliding forward. Rather than diving in directly, though he clearly wants to, he moves to kiss at your inner thigh, working his way up teasingly slow, his claws digging in harder and harder bit by bit as he moves. Finally, pushing up on his knees a little, he leans in and grazes his lips against your cunt, kissing there softly. He murmurs, pleased, and repeats the gesture, sliding his tongue against you after. His methodical attempt at teasing falls apart here, however, as raw want takes over and he leans eagerly into the task, using lips and tongue while his left hand lifts from your thigh and hooks behind you, clamping down on your backside, as if to keep you from scooting away.
  23. You have emoted: Tatia squeaks softly with Toz's tongue grazing against her, her hand slipping from her breast to instead slip through his hair. Her body twitches against the desk with Toz's focused attention to her slit and claws digging in, the hand behind her supporting her weight balling into a fist. "Mm, good Alpha." she murmurs softly, her head tilting towards the ceiling once more, fighting to keep her wits about her and remain in control.
  25. In reply to your murmur, Toz gives a low growl against your sex, pressing more into the touch, scooting forward yet again on his knees out of the restless, clear urge to get closer to you. His hand on your thigh shifts, raking down and threatening the fishnet with his sharp claws, scoring the skin beneath with them. The hand behind you curls, digging into your backside hard. His lips lift, as well, seeking your clit for a moment, lavishing attention there.
  27. You have emoted: Tatia lets a moan slip from her parted lips, her body jumping once more against the desk, beginning to tremble. The fingers in Toz's hair curl up into a fist while she attempts to scoot backwards against the desk, surely about to be pushed over her limit. "Enough." she tells Toz, taking a quick moment to collect herself. She drops her leg from his shoulder, she leans forward and smiles. "Up." she directs, pushing herself to the edge of the desk. Leaning forward, she reaches for the fastening on Toz's pants. "Off." she directs, her glance lifting to Toz's with a longing look to her.
  29. Quick to comply, with an undisguised eagerness to his movements, Toz pushes up to his feet immediately as you does, starting to lunge forward. He catches himself however, jaw setting against the clear instinct to press you back to the table. He instead pauses, breathes in, and then moves his hands to his pants, fumbling with the fasten a few times while staring hard at your eyes, giving a messy shove of them downwards, leaving them to pool around his ankles. Almost panting, he absently licks his lips, chin lifting just a little as his head tilts at you, waiting with visible impatience for the rest.
  31. You have emoted: Lifting her leg and wrapping it around Toz's waist, Tatia smiles up at Toz. "Start slow, and pick up your pace as it builds for you." she tells Toz in a lusty almost impatient murmur. She lifts a hand to brush the hair from her face then bites down on her lip. "And dont even think of finishing until I say." she decides, a challenging tone to her voice. She leans back on her arm, angling her body to ensure the silhouette of each curve can be noticed even being still clothed. She pulls the leg wrapped around Toz towards her, urging him in close. She reaches down to brush her hand teasing along his shaft then presses the tip against herself. "Go." she whispers seductively up at Toz, her eyes staying fixed to his.
  33. With a clear groan as you leans back, Toz's eyes wander across the entirety of you, following the guide of your leg as it ushers him close. your guiding hand has him flinch, the contact unexpected, but certainly welcome - instead, both hands come to brace on the table as he leans over you. His head lowers, seeking your lips in a hard kiss, teeth biting down on your lips without hesitation as he rolls his hips forward. There is a clear strain to resist harsh movements as he moves against you, settling for long pauses between each stroke, trying to keep the presence of mind to do as instructed. He breaks from the kiss as abruptly as it started, finding your ear and pressing against it, eyes shut tight. "You feel, and taste, amazing," he murmurs to you, grip tightening on the tabletop.
  35. You have emoted: Tatia quirks an eyebrow at Toz with his flinch, a slight grin passing over her features. She presses her lips eagerly to Toz's, her frustrations clearly showing. She drapes an arm around his neck, her hand slipping under the vest to dig roughly into Toz's back. She inhales sharply as soon as his lips press against her ear, her leg around him tightening. "Show me how amazing." she murmurs in return, dragging her nails across his shoulders.
  37. At your encouragement, Toz distinctly picks up the pace, taking it clearly to heart. He lifts his hand and plants it on your chest, giving a push and trying to shove you back, so he can take more control. "This good," he hisses, finding your thigh around his waist and flexing a claw into it, nails digging in hard. "Tight, wet, and mine," he continues on, head butting against your head.
  39. You have emoted: Her breath catching in her throat with the rougher pace, Tatia arches her back while following Toz's guide against her chest and leaning back. Her hand snaps up shortly after to catch Toz's wrist, seemingly remembering that she's in control. She yelps the moment Toz's claw threatens to tear the skin along her thigh, her eyes threatening to roll back for a moment. Shaking her head lightly, she corrects "Mine." with a cracking voice, following with, "Dont stop." in a hushed whisper.
  41. Though he settles back towards obedience verbally, echoing, "Yours," to you, Toz does not - in the slightest - slow or lessen his pace. His hand remains on your chest and contests the grip, still pushing from the clear desire to claim you against the table. Driving down hard and fast enough that he pants for breath with each motion, he curls his talons into the floor and braces - both for more control, and to fight back against the steadily building pleasure.
  43. You have emoted: Tatia clamps her eyes closed tightly and leys a squeak slip out, her nails digging roughly into Toz's wrist. In an effort to reclaim the control she knows is slipping from her grasp, she attempts to push herself up against your hand. Unable to press past Toz's hand or not really trying, she lets a loud moan escape her while her free hand comes up to entangle in her hair. She brings her other leg up to wrap around Toz's waist, her entire body beginning to twitch and tremble beneath Toz.
  45. Toz gives a shove as he feels you starting to give way beneath him. He leans in a little more, making his claim of, "Mine," again, louder this time, leaning more weight against you. The trembling does not go unnoticed either, groaning out his own pleasure as his wings stir and start to stretch out behind him. His tail lashes once, sharply, and he warns, "Getting close. Fuck. Tatia..." His hand slashes, yanking against the fishnets, slicing through a few of the strands as he does, leaving red marks behind.
  47. You have emoted: Tatia jerks roughly against Toz's hand pinning her to the desk. Her back arches while the hand in her hair balls into a fist, and she grits her teeth together, anything to hold on. Her attempts prove unsuccessful the moment Toz's claws tear through her stockings, her legs tightening roughly around Toz while she tilts her chin up and moans loudly throughout her body clenching tightly around Toz inside of her. Even through her intense climax, she seems to remember something and gasps out, "Let go, for me."
  49. Toz slams into you a few more times, holding out while you moans. Leaning down, he finds your neck and bites at it with needle-like teeth, slamming home a final time. Cock buried in you, he finds his own release, moaning his pleasure against the captive skin, hand still raking down your thigh, slicing along deliberately piece by piece until he can pull his hand back no further. His release has him shoving down a few more times without drawing out at all, clearly pent up, another blissful moan escaping.
  51. You have emoted: Tatia yelps loudly and twitches, unable to hide her clear enjoyment from each mixed sensation. She unravels her fist from her hair to instead wrap around Toz's neck, her chest still heaving with quiet whimpers slipping out caused by aftershock. She doesn't unwrap her legs from around Toz, content to revel in euphoria for a bit longer.
  53. In the aftermath of his own climax, Toz leans into your hand as it goes around his neck, pulling up just slightly for it. He lets go of your neck with his teeth and turns his head, instead kissing you on the lips soundly, holding there with his eyes shut tight, still buried within you. He is forced to break from the kiss quickly however, panting hard for breath, wearing a grin he can't quite get rid of. "Yours, mm?" he murmurs finally.
  55. You have emoted: Tatia lifts her head slightly to meet Toz's kiss, a soft smile creeping over her features as Toz draws back to take a breath. She quirks an eyebrow and snickers quietly, nodding up at Toz. "Mine." she confirms confidently. "You agreed." she teases, wrinkling her nose up at Toz.
  57. "I did," Toz chuckles, kissing you back. "Though I don't think the promise of a man in the throes of passion would hold up as a binding contract..." He trails off and straightens, reaching up to touch the collar on his neck. He gives you a soft smile, unclasping it and setting it down onto the tabletop beside you. "And so, without any compulsion whatsoever, when that's on? I belong to you and you alone," he concludes.
  59. You have emoted: Tatia quirks an eyebrow as Toz speaks, watching him intently. Her gaze follows the collar as it is laid on the desk next to her, lifting her chin once more to look at him. She smiles warmly and leans forward to press her lips to Toz's. "Have fun?" she questions with a laugh.
  61. Moving to slide back, Toz strokes instead of claws at your thigh on the second pass, grinning even into the kiss. "Mmhm," he agrees to you. "Did you like trying to be in charge for a few minutes?" he asks, his gaze drifting to the spilled pages and ink on the ground, then glancing back over his shoulder towards the bouquet on the floor.
  63. You have emoted: Tatia purses her lips together for a moment, a faint shade of crimson washing over her cheeks. "I did." she decides then laughs. "I am good, until you get ahold of me and then.." she trails of, following Toz's glance to the scattered pages on the floor. "Heat of the moment." she explains, scrunching her face up with a quiet laugh.
  65. Toz lifts a finger, hooking beneath your chin. He directs your eyes to him, flashing a small grin, and tilting his head to the side. "I like when the heat of the moment strikes," he murmurs lowly down to you. "And getting hold of you, too. You make good noises."
  67. Toz lifts a finger, hooking beneath your chin. He directs your eyes to him, flashing a small grin, and tilting his head to the side. "I like when the heat of the moment strikes," he murmurs lowly down to you. "And getting hold of you, too. You make good noises."
  69. You have emoted: Tatia tilts her head forward to rest her forehead against Toz's wearing a slight smile. "I'm glad you can actually draw them out of me." she counters, lifting her head to instead press a few soft kisses against Toz's neck. "You're amazing, you know that?" she murmurs against his neck.
  71. "Yes," Toz confirms to you, with a light laugh after. His head tilts and he welcomes the kisses, raking his claws up your sides, slow and firm, using both hands to do so. "I hope to draw lots out of you in the future, too," he teases warmly, glancing down to you.
  73. You have emoted: Tatia lifts her head from Toz's neck, squinting her eyes playfully. "Since you tripped me into your bed, I don't think I've turned you down." she says thoughtfully, leaning back down to nuzzle her face against Toz's neck with a slight laugh.
  75. "Speaking of," Toz begins with a slight grin, glancing down to you. "Does this mean you're going to crawl to bed and drift off? Because I recall that usually being your pattern." He bumps against you, his hands drifting down and catching your ass after, squeezing firmly. "...And, mmh. Hope you never do turn me down."
  77. You have emoted: "Rushing me off to bed?" Tatia asks with an amused lift of her eyebrow, lifting her head to look at him. The squeeze to her ass has he jump slightly, pressing against Toz. She tilts her head, her attention drifting toward the flowers by the door.
  79. "Just offering to carry you," Toz tells you, grinning a little at the jump. He steps back more, following your gaze. Turning, he steps over and moves to retrieve them, not bothering to put pants back on. He scoops the flowers up, re-arranges them carefully, then returns to offer them to you. "Freshly assembled bouquet," he claims, smiling warmly. "In our colors, too- red and gold."
  81. With an array of colors like that of a sunset sky, this bouquet has been arranged from a number of different flowers, almost all of them in shades of red, orange, and gold. Several tiger lilies form the core of the bouquet, each flower a different shade of orange - some dark, and some extremely pale. Arranged around the lilies are a number of exotic red hibiscus blooms. The stamens of the exotic flowers have been left in their centers both as decoration and to give the floral arrangement a much stronger scent. Spaced between the lilies and hibiscus are small clusters of yellow freesias and sprigs of lavender, the blossoms of the latter rising out of the top of the bouquet in a noticeable splash of purple. Bits of fern and other greenery have been placed around the flowers, which have all been tied together in a dazzling starburst-like arrangement with a thick gold ribbon.
  83. You have emoted: Tatia tilts her head to the side while watching Toz move towards the door and back, an appreciative grin on her face. She accepts the bouquet, smiling softly while lifting them to smell them. "They're beautiful." she tells Toz, lifting her eyes to look up at him. "Thank you." she says with a bright smile, leaning forward to kiss Toz softly.
  85. Toz leans into your kiss, lingering a little long into it. His hand reaches out, finding your hip, touching softly before curling slowly into your skin, holding fast even as he pulls back from the kiss a little. "You're welcome," he murmurs lowly. "It was suggseted I surprise you, while you were surprising me," he explains.
  87. You have emoted: "By whom?" Tatia questions while dropping her glance to admire the bouquet after the kiss breaks. She uses her free hand to reach to her hip, brushing lightly against Toz. "And you certainly did surprise me." she confirms.
  89. "Teani," Toz tells you, giving you hip a tighter squeeze still, pressing in close once more while you admires the bouquet. His free hand raises, finding your stocking-covered leg, rubbing slowly against it, absently enjoying the feel of skin beneath his touchthrough the material.
  91. You have emoted: "Sweet of her to earn you extra points." Tatia teases softly, wrapping both arms around Toz's neck - still holding the bouquet in one hand. "You have plans when I decide to let you go?" she asks, pressing her chest against Toz's own.
  93. "Pin you down and take you again?" Toz teases back to you, both hands sliding to your ass, pulling your body in to press firmly to his own. "Maybe on the bed, if I can even get that far?" His hips bump to your, very lightly, supposing, "If we've the time for it, anyway.."
  95. You have emoted: Tatia leans her head forward to press her lips to Toz's ear and whispers, "I wasn't planning on letting you go." she reveals, nipping lightly at Toz's earlobe. She shifts her hips lightly from side to side against Toz, lifting her head just enough to run her tongue teasingly along his ear.
  97. Shifting back, with a distinct firmness felt pressing against your body as he does, Toz digs his claws in harder still and twists, murmuring his pleasure at the feel of your tongue against his ear. His lips find your, and he murmurs lowly, "Then why don't you bend over the table so I can fuck you again?" He follows this instruction up with a quick, hard nip to your earlobe, tugging on it with his teeth briefly.
  99. You have emoted: Tatia uses her body to press against Toz, inhaling sharply with the nip to her own ear. "Mm." she murmurs softly while she makes it a point to turn very slowly against Toz, making sure she maintains skin to skin contact while she does. She presses her hips against the table and glances over her shoulder at him. "You want it, take it." she challenges.
  101. With you grinding against him the entire time, Toz he keeps his hips pressed in against you, savoring the touch. He smirks slightly at the whisper, glancing down at where his body presses to your, pulling back just slightly and catching his length with his left. Lifting his right hand up, he rakes it through your hair, scratching his claws against your scalp until his hand curls over the top of your head. Then, he leans into the shove, trying to slam you down against the table in a single move, grunting with the effort.
  103. You have emoted: Tatia catches herself just barely with her hands as she is shoved down against the table, squeaking softly. She attempts to look back at you, biting down lightly on her bottom lip. "What's it going to be, Alpha?" she asks with a smirk.
  105. With you bent over the table, Toz lets himself rest in the crook of your ass, rocking lightly back and forth. "Tempting as it is to put you in your place," he murmurs to you, keeping his hand still pressing on your head, "And good as this feels..." He glances down at himself, allowing a very faint, if toothy, grin. "It's Spring, and I know exactly what I want." He draws back and takes his length in his hand again, pressing it against the entrance to your slit. In contrast to the last time, there is no hesitation or soft beginning, driving into you. His left hand comes to plant on your ass after, both to help him in balancing, and to let his claws flex, digging into the skin hard as he sets his pace.
  107. You have emoted: Tatia shifts her hand over to grip the edge of the table, listening while Toz's speaks but also bracing herself. She starts to open her mouth to respond, instead crying out the moment Toz drives inside of her, followed directly by jumping with Toz's claws digging into her ass. She uses her free hand to bring to her face, covering her yelps and moans the best she can with Toz's every rough stroke against her.
  109. With his claws digging in, this time to keep him from sliding back as he drives into you, Toz slides his hand down your leg as much as the position will let him, then lifts his hand and hooks it into your back, clawing shamelessly down you skin, drawing blood in several spots. "Let me hear them," he instructs, with a flash of teeth in a grin, though he winds up soon panting through it, his hand pinning your hair curling to a tight fist within it. "I love your moans, your voice. I was yours, before. But now you're mine - does this feel good?"
  111. You have emoted: Tatia lifts her head from being buried against her hand, a mis between moans and yelps flowing freely from her. Her back arches into Toz's claws raking against the soft skin of her back, her voice elevating with each stroke Toz makes against her. "Y..y..y.." she tries, eventually just nodding her head against Toz's fist in her hair. Her hand gripping the edge of the table tightens into a fist, her knuckles turning a bright white against her usual chestnut hued skin.
  113. If anything, your yelps and groans seem to inspire Toz, his motions quicker and harder until he loses all sense of rhythm. Eventually he catches your hip, hand completing its claw down you back, and he pulls your body back against his own. "Good," he tells you, voice barely a growl, "I'm close." His eyes squeeze shut tightly for a moment, wings flaring out for balance as usual. "Who-" he starts, but falls off with a quiet, pleased murmur. "Whose are you?" he manages, on the second try.
  115. You have emoted: Tatia trembles hard underneath Toz, every stroke against her making her shake a little more. She lets her head hang down, supported only by Toz's fist in her hair. "F..Fuck." she almost yells, her entire body tensing rigidly against Toz. "Y-yours!" she cries out entangled between moans and whimpers.
  117. Feeling you start to tremble against him, Toz leans his head back just a little, openly reveling in the feeling of your body gripping his own. He keeps your head lifted, you crying out heralding his own climax. He gives a few messy rolls of his hips and thrusts in a final time, keeping hilted as he finds his release, flexing his hand on your hip hard against you. Even when he starts to come down from it, he keeps your head suspended, giving a lazy, long and wordless murmur of approval to you.
  119. You have emoted: Tatia falls silent after a time, her chest heaving while she catches her breath. She tilts her head and pulls forward lightly, testing the grip Toz has in her hair. Eventually she lets her fist clutching the table relax, slipping off the desk completely in her exhausted state. She turns her head the best she can to look over her shoulder at Toz, offering a crooked grin. "Missed being in control, hm?" she teases quietly.
  121. Letting you lower you head slowly, so you doesn't slam against it, Toz steps back and free of you, flashing a grin- though his mirrors you tiredness in it. "Mmhm," he agrees to you, casting an admiring glance across your form. "Should I carry you to bed now that we're both sufficiently worn out?" he wonders, glancing over that way briefly. "Or are you going to try to drag a third out of me?"
  123. You have emoted: Tatia rests her weight heavily against the desk for a moment, eventually pushing herself up and turning to face Toz. "Are you challenging me?" she asks, making sure to lean her weight against the desk to support her trembling body.
  125. With a quiet laugh at your expression, and clearly noting the trembling of your form, Toz instead lifts his arm and offers it out to you. "Come on. Don't even strip, just come crawl into bed with me." He grins wide after, suggesting, "Do remember to change before you go out, though. I'd hate the Templars to see what I've twisted you into."
  127. You have emoted: Tatia scoffs while narrowing her eyes at Toz. "Oh, is this your doing then?" she asks sarcastically, but still reaching out for Toz's arm shakily. "I do believe you, Alpha, started with me that time." she reminds, bringing her other hand up to grip Toz's wrist and moving slowly towards the bed.
  129. Guiding you along, Toz laughs quietly, but he nods his head in simple assent. "I did, yes. But I had a pressing need to?" He slyly glances to you, continuing on in a warm murmur, "You are...spectacular, you know." He bumps against you, very carefully, as the pair reach the bed, waiting for you to crawl in before going to join you.
  131. You have emoted: "Mm, I felt your pressing need." Tatia returns with a slight smirk while she climbs - slowly - onto the bed and crawls to her spot. She stretches lightly and laughs, "I know." she teases lightly, watching Toz expectantly. "Only for you though, so don't go telling anyone and ruining my awful traitorous reputation." she continues with a laugh.
  133. With a sage nod of his head, Toz moves to crawl onto the bed, joining you- though rather than settling on his back he drops down partially draped atop you instead, kissing you warmly and nestling in after. He reaches over, finds an agreeable pile of furs, and drags them over the two. "Your secret's safe with me," he assures you.
  135. You have emoted: "My hero." Tatia murmurs, lifting her head to meet Toz's kiss, smiling softly afterward and curling in against Toz half atop her. She yawns quietly after, letting her eyes fall closed. "I love you, you know." she whispers, nestling herself under a fur against him.
  137. "Love you too," Toz tells you simply, fondly. He bumps his leg against you, letting his eyes shut. "I'll be your blanket, for a change," he murmurs to you, patting your side softly. "See you soon," he adds, with a smile he can't quite shake off.
  139. You have emoted: "Pleasant dreams, Bam." Tatia murmurs with a slight smile, slipping off to sleep shortly after.
  141. Toz Aquila-Seirath murmurs to you, "You too, Tat."
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