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Jul 6th, 2016
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  1. /*
  2. Script de creación de base de datos de HP
  3. recopilación de datos
  4. tabla:
  5. adv_potion_book
  6. antidotos
  7. hechizos
  8. ingredientes
  9. libros
  10. pociones
  11. pociones_temp
  12. 08/05/2016
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. documentación:
  15. inglés:
  18. español:
  21. */
  22. drop schema if exists HP_DB;
  24. create database if not exists HP_DB;
  26. use HP_DB;
  28. #drop table if exists pociones;
  29. create table if not exists pociones(
  30. nombre_esp varchar(100) default '',
  31. nombre_en varchar(100) unique,
  32. efecto varchar (100) default '',
  33. descript varchar (255) default '',
  34. ingredientes_esp varchar (500) default '',
  35. ingredientes_en varchar (500) default '',
  36. preparacion_en text,
  37. preparacion_esp text
  38. );
  40. create table if not exists pociones_temp(
  41. nombre_esp varchar(100),
  42. nombre_en varchar(100)
  43. );
  45. #drop table if exists hechizos;
  46. create table if not exists hechizos(
  47. nombre_esp varchar(100) default '',
  48. nombre_en varchar(100) default '',
  49. efecto varchar (1000) default '',
  50. tipo varchar (100) default '',
  51. /* Transformación (transfiguration), Encantamiento (charm), embrujo (hex),
  52. maleficio (jinx), maldición (curse), contrahechizo (counter-spell),
  53. hechizo de curación (healing spell), artes osucuras (dark-arts) */
  54. luz varchar (100) default '',
  55. movimiento_varita varchar (100) default ''
  56. );
  58. create table if not exists libros(
  59. nombre_esp varchar(200) default '',
  60. nombre_en varchar(200) unique default '',
  61. autor varchar(100) default 'desconocido'
  62. );
  64. create table if not exists antidotos(
  65. nombre_esp varchar(100) default '',
  66. nombre_en varchar(100) unique,
  67. efecto varchar (100) default '',
  68. descript varchar (255) default '',
  69. ingredientes varchar (255) default '',
  70. preparacion text
  71. );
  73. create table if not exists ingredientes(
  74. nombre_esp varchar(100) default '',
  75. nombre_en varchar(100) unique,
  76. efecto varchar (100) default '',
  77. descript varchar (255) default ''
  78. );
  80. insert into ingredientes (nombre_esp,nombre_en) values
  81. ('Acónito','Aconite'),
  82. ('Fluido de Acónito','Aconite Fluid'),
  83. ('Veneno de Acromántula','Acromantula venom'),
  84. ('Lengua de Víbora','Adder\'s Fork'),
  85. ('Sal de mar Africano','African Sea Salt'),
  86. ('Agrippa','Agrippa'),
  87. ('Alihots','Alihotsy'),
  88. ('Amoniaco','Ammoniacum'),
  89. ('Trompeta de Ángel','Angel\'s Trumpet'),
  90. ('Antimonio','Antimony'),
  91. ('Aqua Vitæ','Aqua Vitæ'),
  92. ('Bilis de Armadillo','Armadillo bile'),
  93. ('Amotentia','Amotentia'),
  94. ('Huevo de Ashwinder','Ashwinder egg'),
  95. ('Pelo de Dragón Asiático','Asian Dragon Hair'),
  96. ('Asphodel','Asphodel'),
  97. ('Bálsamo','Balm'),
  98. ('Baya de la Perdición','Baneberry'),
  99. ('Bazo de Murciélago','Bat spleen'),
  100. ('Ala de Murciélago','Bat wing'),
  101. ('Bdelium','Bdelium'),
  102. ('Belladona','Belladonna'),
  103. ('','Betony'),
  104. ('Bezoar','Bezoar'),
  105. ('Aguijón de Billywig','Billywig sting'),
  106. ('Baba de Aguijón de Billywig','Billywig sting slime'),
  107. ('Ojo Negro de Escarabajo','Black beetle eye'),
  108. ('Blatta Pulvereus','Blatta Pulvereus'),
  109. ('Aguijón de Gusano Ciego','Blind-worm\'s Sting'),
  110. ('Sangre','Blood'),
  111. ('','Bloodroot'),
  112. ('Moscarda','Blowfly'),
  113. ('Hueso','Bone'),
  114. ('','Boom Berry'),
  115. ('Serpiente arbórea africana','Boomslang'),
  116. ('Piel de Serpiente arbórea africana','Boomslang skin'),
  117. ('','Bouncing Spider Juice'),
  118. ('Bubotubérculo','Bubotuber'),
  119. ('Pus de Bubotubérculo','Bubotuber pus'),
  120. ('Jugo de Bulbadox','Bulbadox juice'),
  121. ('Secreción de Bundimun','Bundimun Secretion'),
  122. ('Seta Explosiva','Bursting mushroom'),
  123. ('Caramelo de azúcar con mantequilla','Butterscotch'),
  124. ('','Camphirated Spirit'),
  125. ('Aceite de Castor','Castor oil'),
  126. ('Pelo de Gato','Cat hair'),
  127. ('Oruga','Caterpillar'),
  128. ('Cenaturo','Centaury'),
  129. ('Queso','Cheese'),
  130. ('Cereza (fruta)','Cherry (fruit)'),
  131. ('Pico de Gallina','Chicken Lips'),
  132. ('Col Masticadora China','Chinese Chomping Cabbage'),
  133. ('Caparazon de Chizpurfle','Chizpurfle carapace'),
  134. ('Colmillo de Chizpurfle','Chizpurfle fang'),
  135. ('Canela','Cinnamon'),
  136. ('Pústula de Clabbert','Clabbert pustule'),
  137. ('Cucaracha','Cockroach'),
  138. ('Cicuta virosa','Cowbane'),
  139. ('Croakoa','Croakoa'),
  140. ('Corazón de Cocodrilo','Crocodile heart'),
  141. ('Margarita','Daisy'),
  142. ('Raíz de Dandelion','Dandelion root'),
  143. ('Caspa','Dandruff'),
  144. ('Deadlyius (Seta)','Deadlyius'),
  145. ('Death-Cap (Seta)','Death-Cap'),
  146. ('Dittany (Planta)','Dittany'),
  147. ('Huevo de Doxy','Doxy egg'),
  148. ('Veneno de Doxy','Doxy venom'),
  149. ('Sangre de Dragón','Dragon blood'),
  150. ('Jugo de Garras de Dragón','Dragon Claw Ooze'),
  151. ('Cuerno de Dragón','Dragon horn'),
  152. ('Hígado de Dragón','Dragon liver'),
  153. ('Tórax de Libelula','Dragonfly thorax'),
  154. ('Pluma de Lechuza Águila','Eagle owl feather'),
  155. ('Ojo de Anguila','Eel eye'),
  156. ('Cuerno de Erumpent','Erumpent horn'),
  157. ('Cola de Erumpent','Erumpent tail'),
  158. ('Esencia de Comfrey (Planta)','Essence of comfrey'),
  159. ('Fluido explosivo','Exploding Fluid'),
  160. ('','Exploding Ginger Eyelash'),
  161. ('Ojo de Tritón','Eye of Newt'),
  162. ('Ojo','Eyeball'),
  163. ('Alas de Hada','Fairy wings'),
  164. ('Filete de Serpiente Fenny','Fillet of a Fenny Snake'),
  165. ('Sanguijuela Flabberghasted','Flabberghasted leech'),
  166. ('Carne','Flesh'),
  167. ('Flitterbloom (Planta)','Flitterbloom'),
  168. ('Flitterby (Planta)','Flutterby'),
  169. ('Mucosa de Flobberworm (Gusano)','Flobberworm Mucus'),
  170. ('Cabeza de Flor','Flower head'),
  171. ('Fluoruro','Fluoride'),
  172. ('Dascurainia sophia (Planta)','Fluxweed'),
  173. ('Caballito de mar Volador','Flying Seahorses'),
  174. ('Formatogoria (Planta)','Formatogoria'),
  175. ('Foxglove (Planta)','Foxglove'),
  176. ('Rana','Frog'),
  177. ('Cerebro de Rana','Frog brain'),
  178. ('Galanthus Nivalis (Planta)','Galanthus Nivalis'),
  179. ('Verruga Púrpura Gigante de Sapo','Giant Purple Toad wart'),
  180. ('Gengibre','Ginger'),
  181. ('Cabezas de Mosquitos','Gnat Heads'),
  182. ('Gomas Barbadensis (Planta)','Gomas Barbadensis'),
  183. ('Goosegrass (Planta)','Goosegrass'),
  184. ('Cuerno de Graphorn','Graphorn horn'),
  185. ('Garra de Grifo','Griffin claw'),
  186. ('Garganta ("Momia de Bruja")','Gulf'),
  187. ('Haliwinkles (Planta o Animal)','Haliwinkles'),
  188. ('Eléboro (Planta)','Hellebore'),
  189. ('Conium maculatum (Planta)','Hemlock'),
  190. ('Herbaria (Planta)','Herbaria'),
  191. ('Miel','Honey'),
  192. ('Aguamiel','Honeywater'),
  193. ('Jugo de Horklump (Seta)','Horklump juice'),
  194. ('Cuerno de Bicornio','Horn of Bicorn'),
  195. ('Babosa con Cuernos','Horned slug'),
  196. ('Sapo con Cuernos','Horned toad'),
  197. ('Pelo de Caballo','Horse hair'),
  198. ('Alas de Howlet (Lechuza)','Howlet\'s Wing'),
  199. ('Helado','Ice pop'),
  200. ('Infusión de Ajenjo','Infusion of Wormwood'),
  201. ('Impaciencia (Planta)','Jewelweed'),
  202. ('Pluma de Jobberknoll (Lechuza)','Jobberknoll feather'),
  203. ('Alga Marina','Kelp'),
  204. ('Knotgrass (Planta)','Knotgrass'),
  205. ('Mosca Lacewing','Lacewing fly'),
  206. ('Alchemilla (Planta)','Lady\'s Mantle'),
  207. ('Lavanda','Lavender'),
  208. ('Seta Venosa Saltadora','Leaping Toadstool'),
  209. ('Sanguijuela','Leech'),
  210. ('Jugo de Sanguijuela','Leech juice'),
  211. ('Polvo de Uñas de la Mano Izquierda','Left handed nazle powder'),
  212. ('Lemongrass (Planta)','Lemongrass'),
  213. ('Agua del Rio Lethe','Lethe River Water'),
  214. ('Pez León','Lionfish'),
  215. ('Espinas de Pez León','Lionfish spine'),
  216. ('Pierna de Lagartija','Lizard\'s Leg'),
  217. ('Veneno de Lobalug (Animal)','Lobalug venom'),
  218. ('Apio','Lovage'),
  219. ('Mandrágora','Mandrake'),
  220. ('Hoja de Mandrágora','Mandrake leaf'),
  221. ('Raíz de Mandrágora','Mandrake Root'),
  222. ('Resina de Lentina (Planta)','Mastick'),
  223. ('Fauces','Maw'),
  224. ('Mercurio','Mercury and Mars'),
  225. ('Menta','Mint'),
  226. ('Bayas de Muerdago','Mistletoe berry'),
  227. ('Moly (Planta)','Moly'),
  228. ('Moondew (Planta)','Moondew'),
  229. ('Moonseed (Planta)','Moonseed'),
  230. ('Moonstone (Planta)','Moonstone'),
  231. ('Rocío','Morning dew'),
  232. ('Agripalma (Planta)','Motherwort'),
  233. ('Tentaculo de Murlap','Murtlap tentacle'),
  234. ('Seta','Mushroom'),
  235. ('Veneno de Nagini','Nagini\'s venom'),
  236. ('','Neem oil'),
  237. ('','Nettle'),
  238. ('Tritón','Newt'),
  239. ('Bazo de Tritón','Newt spleen'),
  240. ('','Niffler\'s fancy'),
  241. ('','Nux Myristica'),
  242. ('','Octopus Powder'),
  243. ('','Olibanum'),
  244. ('Jugo de Cebolla','Onion juice'),
  245. ('','Oppopanax'),
  246. ('','Peacock feather'),
  247. ('Hierbabuena','Peppermint'),
  248. ('','Petroleum Jelly'),
  249. ('','Pickled Slugs'),
  250. ('','Plantain'),
  251. ('','Plimpy eye'),
  252. ('','Poison ivy'),
  253. ('','Polypody'),
  254. ('Zumo de Granada','Pomegranate juice'),
  255. ('Babosa del Estanque','Pond Slime'),
  256. ('','Poppy head'),
  257. ('Púa de Puercoespín','Porcupine quill'),
  258. ('','Potio Nimbus'),
  259. ('','Preacher\'s porridge'),
  260. ('','Ptolemy (potion ingredient)'),
  261. ('','Puffer-fish eyes'),
  262. ('Cebolla con Espinas','Pungous Onion'),
  263. ('Pus','Pus'),
  264. ('Bazo de Rata','Rat spleen'),
  265. ('Cola de Rata','Rat tail'),
  266. ('Sangre de Re\'em','Re\'em blood'),
  267. ('','Red Myrrhe'),
  268. ('Raíz de Acónito','Root of aconite'),
  269. ('Aceite de Rosa','Rose oil'),
  270. ('Espina de Rosa','Rose thorn'),
  271. ('Huevo Podrido','Rotten egg'),
  272. ('Rue','Rue'),
  273. ('','Runespoor egg'),
  274. ('','Runespoor fang'),
  275. ('Uñas de Dragón Ruso','Russian\'s Dragon Nails'),
  276. ('','Sal Ammoniac'),
  277. ('Sangre de Salamandra','Salamander blood'),
  278. ('','Salpeter'),
  279. ('Sal','Salt'),
  280. ('Agua Salada','Salt water'),
  281. ('Salitre','Saltpetre'),
  282. ('Sardina','Sardine'),
  283. ('Escama de Dragón','Scale of Dragon'),
  284. ('Escarabajo','Scarab beetle'),
  285. ('','Scurvy grass'),
  286. ('','Shrake spine'),
  287. ('Higos secos abisinos','Shrivelfig'),
  288. ('','Silverweed'),
  289. ('Cerebro de Perezoso','Sloth brain'),
  290. ('Colmillo de Serpiente','Snake fang'),
  291. ('','Snakeweed'),
  292. ('','Sneezewort'),
  293. ('','Sopophorous bean'),
  294. ('Araña','Spider'),
  295. ('','Spirit of Myrrh'),
  296. ('','Spleenwart'),
  297. ('Escila (Planta)','Squill'),
  298. ('Bulbo Escila (Planta)','Squill bulb'),
  299. ('','St. John\'s-wort'),
  300. ('Asta de Ciervo','Staghorn'),
  301. ('Ingrediente Estandar','Standard Ingredient'),
  302. ('','Standard potioning water'),
  303. ('','Star Grass'),
  304. ('','Starthistle'),
  305. ('Madragora Estofada','Stewed Mandrake'),
  306. ('','Sulphur Vive'),
  307. ('','Syrup of Arnica'),
  308. ('','Syrup of Hellebore'),
  309. ('Alquitrán','Tar'),
  310. ('Sarro','Tartar'),
  311. ('Tomillo','Thyme'),
  312. ('Anca de Rana','Toe of Frog'),
  313. ('Lengua de Perro','Tongue of Dog'),
  314. ('Diente de Lobo','Tooth of Wolf'),
  315. ('','Tormentil'),
  316. ('','Tubeworm'),
  317. ('Sangre de Unicornio','Unicorn blood'),
  318. ('Cuerno de Unicornio','Unicorn horn'),
  319. ('Orina','Urine'),
  320. ('Valeriana (Planta)','Valerian'),
  321. ('Tentácula venenosa','Venomous Tentacula'),
  322. ('Hoja de Tentácula venenosa','Venomous Tentacula leaf'),
  323. ('','Vervain'),
  324. ('Vinagre','Vinegar'),
  325. ('','Vitriol'),
  326. ('','Wartcap powder'),
  327. ('','Wartizome'),
  328. ('Agua','Water'),
  329. ('','White spirit'),
  330. ('','Wiggenbush bark'),
  331. ('','Wiggentree'),
  332. ('','Wiggentree bark'),
  333. ('Ganglio de bruja','Witch\'s ganglion'),
  334. ('Momia de Bruja','Witches Mummy'),
  335. ('Cochinilla','Wood louse'),
  336. ('Extracto 63 de Cochinillas','Woodlice Extract 63'),
  337. ('Lana de Murciélago','Wool of Bat'),
  338. ('Ajenjo','Wormwood'),
  339. ('Esencia de Ajenjo','Wormwood Essence'),
  340. ('Gillyweed','Branquialgas');
  343. /*
  345. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. Gillyweed Branquialgas
  352. Arbusto Autofertilizante
  353. Asfódelo
  354. Coclearia
  355. Díctamo
  356. Gerdyroot
  357. Gurdirraíz
  358. Flor Voladora
  360. Ligústico
  361. Luparia
  362. Mimbulus Mimbletonia
  363. Narcisos Pitantes
  364. Sauce Boxeador
  365. Snargaluff
  366. Tármica
  367. Arbusto nervioso
  368. Bulbo rebotador
  369. Chasquichirridos
  370. Ciruela dirigible
  371. Geranio con colmillos
  372. Gurdirraíz
  373. Hongo saltarín
  374. Narcisos que graznan
  375. Puffapod
  376. Snargaluff
  377. Campana
  378. Artemisia
  379. Astrancia
  380. Botones de oro
  381. Centaurea
  382. Diente de león
  383. Dracaena
  384. Jaramago
  385. Mimulus Guttatus
  386. Edelweis
  387. Heliantemo
  388. Vainilla de viento
  390. */
  391. insert into antidotos (nombre_esp,nombre_en) values
  392. ('Poción Anri Parálisis','Anti-Paralysis Potion'),
  393. ('Poción Anti Veneno','Potion Anti-venom'),
  394. ('Antidoto de la cerveza de mantequilla','Antidote to Butterbeer'),
  395. ('Antídoto para Venenos Comunes','Antidote to Common Poisons'),
  396. ('Antídoto para el veneno rosa chillón mezclado','Antidote to garish pink blended poison'),
  397. ('Antidoto para Venenos No Comunes','Antidote to Uncommon Poisons'),
  398. ('Antídoto para la poción Veritaserum','Antidote to Veritaserum'),
  399. ('Huevo de Aswinder','Ashwinder egg'),
  400. ('Bezoar','Bezoar'),
  401. ('Pasta elimina moratones','Bruise removal paste'),
  402. ('Pus de Bubotubérculo','Bubotuber pus'),
  403. ('Ungüento para Quemaduras','Burn-healing paste'),
  404. ('Chocolate','Chocolate'),
  405. ('Poción Curadora de Forúnculos','Boil Cure Potion'),
  406. ('Solución contra la hinchazón','Deflating Draught'),
  407. ('Elixir para inducir Euforia','Elixir to Induce Euphoria'),
  408. ('Antídoto de la Poción de amor','Love Potion Antidote'),
  409. ('Filtro de Mandrágoras','Mandrake Restorative Draught'),
  410. ('Mimbulus Mimbletonia','Mimbulus Mimbletonia'),
  411. ('Antidoto para el Picor de Boca','Mouth Itching Antidote'),
  412. ('Esencia de Murtlap','Murtlap Essence'),
  413. ('Ungüento Amnésico del Doctor Ubbly','Dr. Ubbly\'s Oblivious Unction'),
  414. ('Poción Oculus','Oculus Potion'),
  415. ('Poción Pimentónica','Pepperup Potion'),
  416. ('Lágrimas de Fénix','Phoenix tears'),
  417. ('Poción para dormir sin soñar','Potion for Dreamless Sleep'),
  418. ('Poción para Revivir','Revive Potion'),
  419. ('Crece-huesos','Skele-Gro'),
  420. ('','Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher'),
  421. ('Poción de Ojos Abiertos','Wideye Potion'),
  422. ('Poción Wiggenweld','Wiggenweld Potion'),
  423. ('Poción Matalobos','Wolfsbane Potion');
  426. insert into pociones_temp (nombre_esp,nombre_en) values
  427. ('Brebaje parlanchín', ''),
  428. ('Poción Encontradora', ''),
  429. ('Poción Herbovitalizante', ''),
  430. ('Poción Magnatus', ''),
  431. ('Solución de Fortalecimiento', ''),
  432. ('Poción Sonorus', ''),
  433. ('Solución de celebridad', ''),
  434. ('Poción Vigorizante', ''),
  435. ('Poción Visionis', ''),
  436. ('Poción Velsotit', ''),
  437. ('Poción para Arpías', ''),
  438. ('Poción Protectora contra Lord Voldemort', '')
  439. ;
  442. insert into pociones (nombre_esp,nombre_en,ingredientes_esp) values
  443. ('Poción Desinfladora', 'Deflating Draught','Vertisum de Sapo, Polvo de mucosa humana'),
  444. ('Poción Vigorizante', 'Invigoration Draught','Sangre de Uro, Esencia de Rue, Ojos de anguila'),
  445. ('Solución para Encoger', 'Shrinking Solution','raíces de margarita cortadas, higo seco pelado, ciempiés cortado, unas gotas de jugo de sanguijuela, un bazo de rata'),
  446. ('Zumo de Mandrágora', 'Mandrake juice','raices de mandrágora maduras'),
  447. ('Esencia de Díctamo', 'Essence of Dittany','Díctamo'),
  448. ('Poción Calmante', 'Calming Draught','Opio en polvo, Hojas de adelfa, Estramonio, Arena fina
  449. Roca volcánica'),
  450. ('Doxycida', 'Doxycide','5 pizcas de cuerno de unicornio triturado, 3 gotas de JARABE eléboro, Bilis de armadillo, Alas e hígado de Doxy, belladona'),
  451. ('Pocion de Lord Voldemort I(mantiene vivo)', 'Lord Voldemort\'s Potion I','sangre de Unicornio y leche de Nagini'),
  452. ('Pocion de Lord Voldemort II(restablece cuerpo)', 'Lord Voldemort\'s Potion II','conformada por los huesos de su padre, la sangre de un enemigo, y carne de un vasallo'),
  453. ('Solución Chispeante', 'Scintillating Solution',''),
  454. ('Elixir del cerebro Baruffio','Baruffio\'s Brain Elixir',''),
  455. ('Esencia de Rue', 'Essence of Rue',''),
  456. ('Solución Quodpot', 'Quodpot Solution',''),
  457. ('Poción del Olvido', 'Forgetfulness Potion','2 gotas de agua del Río Leteo, 2 ramitas de valeriana, 2 medidas de los ingredientes standar, 4 bayas de muérdago'),
  458. ('Poción de la Memoria', 'Memory Potion','plumas de Jobberknoll, otros'),
  459. ('Poción Matalobos', 'Wolfsbane Potion','Acónito'),
  460. ('Elixir para inducir Euforia', 'Elixir to Induce Euphoria','Ramitas de menta, Ajenjo,
  461. Púas de puerco espín, Semillas de ricino'),
  462. ('Poción para Limpiar Heridas', 'Wound-Cleaning Potion','Gotas de sangre de dragón puras y filtradas que den la vida eterna, hielo seco, huesos de sapo quemados, cenizas de druida, agua pura de manantial'),
  463. ('Poción Agudizadora de Ingenio', 'Wit-Sharpening Potion','escarabajos machacados, bilis de armadillo, raíz de jengibre cortada'),
  464. ('Veritaserum', 'Verum serum','Un pelo de cola de Unicornio adulto macho, Pluma de Fénix
  465. Medio litro de agua del Río Nilo (Egipto), Un trozo de dedo de un Grindylow, Corazón de dragón, Acónito, Jarabe de eleboro'),
  466. ('Filtro de Amor', 'Love Potion','Huevos de Ashwinder, Espinas de Rosas, Menta, Polvo de roca lunar'),
  467. ('Solución de Hipo', 'Hiccoughing Solution',''),
  468. ('Poción para inducir sueño', 'Sleeping Draught','Una pinta de jugo de Horklump, 2 gotas de mucosa de gusarajo, 7 colmillos Chizpurfle, Una ramita de menta, Jugo de fruto bomba, Una compota de Mandrágora, Gotas de aguamiel, Mucosa de cerebro, Polvo de raíces de asfódelos, Escencia de díctamo, Corteza de azarollo, pétalos de molibdeno, Sangre de Salamandra, 10 espnas de pez león, Cuerno de unicornio'),
  469. ('Poción de Ojos Abiertos', 'Wideye Potion','6 Colmillos de Serpiente, 4 medidas de Ingrediente Estándar, 6 aguijones secos de Billywig, 2 ramas de Acónito'),
  470. ('Poción de Odio', 'Hate Potion',''),
  471. ('Esencia de Murtlap', 'Murtlap Essence','Tensa, tentáculos de Murtlap'),
  472. ('Amortentia', 'Amortentia','Asfódelo cortado, Tisana, Semillas de anís verde, Raíz de Angélica, Comino, Hinodo, Acónito, Ajenjo'),
  473. ('','Aconite Fluid',''),
  474. ('Poción Envejecedora', 'Ageing Potion','Cuerno, cola o fluido de Erumpent'),
  475. ('Filtro de trompeta de Ángel','Angel\'s Trumpet Draught',''),
  476. ('','Anti-jinx varnish',''),
  477. ('','Anti-Paralysis Potion',''),
  478. ('Antídoto para Venenos Comunes', 'Antidote to Common Poisons','bezoar, ingrediente estándar, cuerno de unicornio, baya de muérdago (principe mestizo: aguamiel, ramillas de menta, mandrágora cocida, y esencia de lavanda)'),
  479. ('','Antidote to garish pink blended poison',''),
  480. ('','Antidote to Uncommon Poisons',''),
  481. ('','Armadillo Bile Mixture',''),
  482. ('','Babbling Beverage',''),
  483. ('','Baneberry Potion',''),
  484. ('Poción Embellecedora', 'Beautification Potion','pus de bubotuberculo, Mucosa de lobo, Pelos de cola de unicornio'),
  485. ('Poción Reabastecedora de Sangre', 'Blood-Replenishing Potion',''),
  486. ('','Brewed glory',''),
  487. ('','Bruise removal paste',''),
  488. ('','Bruisewort Balm',''),
  489. ('','Bubble Juice',''),
  490. ('','Bulgeye Potion',''),
  491. ('','Bundimun Pomade',''),
  492. ('Ungüento para Quemaduras', 'Burn-healing Paste','Limón, Clara de huevo, harina de doxi, sangre de dragón'),
  493. ('','Burning Bitterroot Balm',''),
  494. ('','Butterfly Weed Balm',''),
  495. ('','Caxambu Style Borborygmus Potion',''),
  496. ('','Cheese-Based Potions',''),
  497. ('','Chelidonium Miniscula',''),
  498. ('','Cleaning Solutions',''),
  499. ('Confección para Confusión', 'Confusing Concoction','Coclearia, Ligústico, Tármica'),
  500. ('','Cough potion',''),
  501. ('','Cure for ague',''),
  502. ('Poción Curadora de Forúnculos', 'Boil Cure Potion','ortiga seca, colmillos de serpiente aplastados, pedazos de cuerno, púas de erizo'),
  503. ('','Death-Cap Draught',''),
  504. ('','Dentifricium Mouthwash',''),
  505. ('Poción Mágica Reveladora', 'Magical Developing Potion','Luparia, cerebros de ranas, orejas de ardilla listada, asta de corzo'),
  506. ('','Dogbane Potion',''),
  507. ('','Dogbreath Potion',''),
  508. ('','Dr. Pinguis Thinning Elixir',''),
  509. ('','Dragon dung Fertiliser',''),
  510. ('','Dragon Poison',''),
  511. ('','Dragon pox cure',''),
  512. ('','Dragon Tonic',''),
  513. ('Filtro de la Paz','Draught of Peace','Polvo de ópalo y dos gotas de jarabe de eléboro, entre otros'),
  514. ('','Drowsiness Draught',''),
  515. ('','Elixir 7',''),
  516. ('Elixir de la Vida', 'Elixir of Life','Piedra filosofal, otros'),
  517. ('','Erumpent Potion',''),
  518. ('','Essence of Daisyroot',''),
  519. ('','Everklena',''),
  520. ('','Everlasting Elixirs',''),
  521. ('Poción Explosiva','Exploding Potion',''),
  522. ('','Extra Strength Potion QWS',''),
  523. ('','Fairy Spark Dust',''),
  524. ('','Fake protective potions',''),
  525. ('Felix Felicis', 'Felix Felicis',''),
  526. ('','Fergus Fungal Budge',''),
  527. ('','Fertiliser',''),
  528. ('','Fire Protection Potion',''),
  529. ('','Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent',''),
  530. ('','Forbidden XPotions',''),
  531. ('','Foul Brew',''),
  532. ('','Frog Parts Mixture',''),
  533. ('','Fungiface Potion',''),
  534. ('','Garish pink blended poison',''),
  535. ('','Garrotting Gas',''),
  536. ('','Gentleman\'s-tooth-pearling-paste',''),
  537. ('Poción de resistencia','Girding Potion','Tórax de Dragón volador, Alas de hadas, Caballitos de mar voladores, Huevos de Doxy'),
  538. ('','Golden liquid',''),
  539. ('','Grand Pepperup Potion',''),
  540. ('','Grand Wiggenweld Potion',''),
  541. ('','Hair care potions',''),
  542. ('Poción Crece-Pelo', 'Hair-Raising Potion','colas de rata, otros'),
  543. ('','Herbaria',''),
  544. ('Poción Herbicida', 'Herbicide Potion','Mocos de Flobberworm, Zumo de Horklump, Espinas de Pez León, Ingrediente Estándar'),
  545. ('','Invisibility Potion',''),
  546. ('','Jawbind Potion',''),
  547. ('','Laugh-inducing Potion',''),
  548. ('','Laughing Potion',''),
  549. ('','Laxative Potion',''),
  550. ('Filtro de Muertos en Vida', 'Draught of the Living Death','Colmillos de serpientes aplastados, Moondew, Ajenjo, Asfódelo, Raíces de valeriana, Granos de sopophorous, Pereza cerebral'),
  551. ('','Lowdour','Liquen, Bud de mandrágora, Aloe vera'),
  552. ('','Madame Glossy\'s Self-Polishing Shoe Polish',''),
  553. ('','Malevolent Mixture',''),
  554. ('','Mandrake Elixir',''),
  555. ('','Mandrake Restorative Draught',''),
  556. ('','Manegro Potion',''),
  557. ('','Maximum Turbo Farts Potion',''),
  558. ('','Mixture of powdered silver and dittany',''),
  559. ('','Moonseed Poison',''),
  560. ('Poción Mopsus', 'Mopsus Potion',''),
  561. ('','Mouth Itching Antidote',''),
  562. ('Quitamanchas Mágico Multiusos de la Señora Skower','Mrs Skower\'s All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover',''),
  563. ('','Muffling Draught',''),
  564. ('','Mysterious black liquid',''),
  565. ('','Noxious Potion',''),
  566. ('','Nº 515X Potion',''),
  567. ('','Nº. AO53q Potion',''),
  568. ('Ungüento Amnésico del Doctor Ubbly', 'Dr. Ubbly\'s Oblivious Unction',''),
  569. ('','Occamy egg yolk shampoo',''),
  570. ('Poción Oculus', 'Oculus Potion','Ajenjo, Mandrágora cocida, Polvo de cuerno de unicornio, Agua cristalizada'),
  571. ('','Pepperup Elixir',''),
  572. ('Poción Pimentónica', 'Pepperup Potion','Cuerno de bicornio, Raíz de mandrágora'),
  573. ('','Piquant Toothpaste',''),
  574. ('Poción Multijugos', 'Polyjuice Potion','Crisopos, Sanguijuelas, Descurainia Sophia, Centinodia, Polvo de Cuerno de Bicornio, Piel en Tiras de Serpiente Arbórea Africana, un objeto de la persona en la cual se realizará la transformación'),
  575. ('','Pomfrey\'s Pick-Me-Up',''),
  576. ('','Pompion Potion',''),
  577. ('','Potion N. 220',''),
  578. ('','Potion N. 317',''),
  579. ('','Potion No. 07',''),
  580. ('','Potion No. 113',''),
  581. ('','Potion No. 329',''),
  582. ('','Potion No. 86',''),
  583. ('','Potion Nº &83Y1',''),
  584. ('','Potion Nº 3x9W7',''),
  585. ('','Potion Nº 448AO',''),
  586. ('','Potion Nº 4875X*',''),
  587. ('','Potion Nº 86f3q',''),
  588. ('','Potion of All Potential',''),
  589. ('','Potion № 68487',''),
  590. ('','Rano Potion',''),
  591. ('','Rat Spleen Mixture',''),
  592. ('','Rat tonic',''),
  593. ('','Regeneration potion',''),
  594. ('','Regerminating Potion',''),
  595. ('','Rejuicing Potion',''),
  596. ('','Replenishing Potion',''),
  597. ('','Restoration Potion',''),
  598. ('','Restorative Draughts',''),
  599. ('','Restorative Potion No. ',''),
  600. ('','Restorative Potion No. 3',''),
  601. ('','Revive Potion',''),
  602. ('','Richly purple drink',''),
  603. ('','Rudimentary body potion',''),
  604. ('','Screaming Snakes Hair Potion',''),
  605. ('','Silvery liquid',''),
  606. ('Poción Alisadora', 'Sleekeazy\'s Hair Potion and Scalp Treatment','Hojas de te afrodisíaco, pulpa de mandarina, tinta de calamar pentacular'),
  607. ('','Sleeping Potion',''),
  608. ('','Snuffling Potion',''),
  609. ('','Solution 078',''),
  610. ('','Solution 125',''),
  611. ('','Star Grass Salve',''),
  612. ('Solución de fortalecimiento','Strength Potion','Sangre de salamandra,
  613. Polvo de garras de Griffin'),
  614. ('','Strengthening Solution',''),
  615. ('','Superlative Rat Tonic',''),
  616. ('Solución Agrandadora', 'Swelling Solution','Ojos de Pez Globo, Bazos de Murciélago,Ortigas secas'),
  617. ('','Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher',''),
  618. ('','Thick golden potion',''),
  619. ('','Tolipan Blemish Blitzer',''),
  620. ('','Toxic Potion N.º 86955',''),
  621. ('','Unidentified peppery potion',''),
  622. ('','Vitamix Potion',''),
  623. ('Poción Volubilis', 'Volubilis Potion','Aguamiel, Ramitas de menta, Mandrágora cocida, Jarabe de eléboro'),
  624. ('','Weakness Potion',''),
  625. ('','Weedosoros',''),
  626. ('Poción Wiggenweld','Wiggenweld Potion','Metal magico, Monedas de oro, Miel pura, Pétalos de rosa blanca (opcional)'),
  627. ('','Wizard\'s Sculpting Gel',''),
  628. ('Crece-huesos', 'Skele-Gro','Basilius de gusarapo, pétalos de rosa, Varitaseum'),
  629. ('Poción para Arpías', '','Hígado de liebre patagónica, lengua de tritón jaspeado, muela de banshee'),
  630. ('Polvos Verrugosos','Wartcap Powder','pelusas sucias, Agua salada')
  631. ;
  633. insert into hechizos (nombre_esp,nombre_en,efecto) values
  634. ('Bauleo','','Ordena y mete las cosas del mago en el baúl que éste apunte.'),
  635. ('Baúl Locomotor','','Se utiliza para hacer que los baúles se muevan en una dirección deseada.'),
  636. ('Confringo','','Crea explosiones en todo tipo de objetos, excepto en humanos.'),
  637. ('Calvario','','Deja calvo al recibidor del hechizo durante varios minutos.'),
  638. ('Casco Burbuja','Bubble-Head Charm','Crea un casco alrededor de la cabeza proporcionando oxígeno y aire puro para la respiración. Suele utilizarse para respirar bajo el agua.'),
  639. ('Defodio','','Encantamiento excavador. Se utiliza para cavar, generalmente, en la roca.'),
  640. ('Deletrius','',' Borra el rastro de los hechizos, maldiciones o encantamientos realizados.'),
  641. ('Diffindo','Diffindo','Separa o corta un objeto por la mitad.'),
  642. ('Duro','','Endurece objetos que son naturalmente flexibles y blandos.'),
  643. ('Ennervate','','Vuelve consciente a la persona aturdida por el hechizo Desmaius.'),
  644. ('Espongificación','','Transforma alfombras especiales y losas para convertirlas en una sustancia muy saltarina y gelatinosa.'),
  645. ('Petalo de Lirio a Pez','Lily Petal to fish',''),
  646. ('Homenum Revelio','Homenum Revelio',''),
  647. ('Repello Muggletum','Repello Muggletum',''),
  648. /*
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  716. */
  717. ('Inmovilus','Inmovilous',''),
  718. ('Ridiculus','Riddikulus',''),
  719. ('Rictusempra','Rictusempra',''),
  720. ('Expeliarmus','Expeliarmus','Desarma al oponente. Tambien puede ser utilizado para empujar el cuerpo de oponente muy fuertemente. Si no es bien conjurado, puede desarmar a quien lo realiza.'),
  721. ('Quietus','Quietus','Niega el efecto del hechizo Sonorus, hacienda que una voz magnificada mágicamente, regrese a su estado normal.'),
  722. ('Monilarbus','Monilarbus',''),
  723. ('Nox','Nox','Apaga la luz de la varita creada por el conjuro Lumos.'),
  724. ('Obliviate','Obliviate','Se usa para borrar algunos o todos los recuerdos de la mente de un individuo.'),
  725. ('Legerement','Legerement','Permite a quien lo usa leer la mente de su oponente.'),
  726. ('Carpe Retractum','Carpe Retractum','Crea una cuerda mágica que te permite: agarrar o tirar de objetos y palancas, o hacer que la cuerda entre el objeto y el que la conjura tire de él.'),
  727. ('Aparecium','Aparecium','Revela lo escrito con tinta invisible.'),
  728. ('Accio','Accio','Atrae un objeto sin importar la distancia en la que se encuentre.'),
  729. ('','Aberforth Dumbledore\'s goat charm','Mantiene los cuernos de una cabra curvados y limpios.'),
  730. ('Línea de edad','Age Line','Crea una línea que se encuentra intransitable por personas menores de una edad determinada'),
  731. ('Volate Ascendere','Volate Ascendere','Lanza un objeto hacia arriba.'),
  732. ('','Albus Dumbledore\'s forceful spell',''),
  733. ('Alohomora','Alohomora','Abre una puerta o una ventana cerrada. Sin embargo, no abre puertas selladas mágicamente, aunque funciona contra el hechizo “Colloportus.”'),
  734. ('Colloportus','Colloportus','Sella puertas mágicamente, pero no es particularmente efectivo. Puede ser contrarestado fácilmente con el hechizo Alohomora.'),
  735. ('Encantamiento Amplificador (Sonorus)','Amplifying Charm (Sonorus)','Aumenta la voz como si se estuviera usando un megáfono. La varita debe estar apuntando hacia la garganta del que va a hablar.'),
  736. ('Anapneo','Anapneo','Despeja las vías respiratorias de la persona a la que se le aplica, permitiéndole respirar apropiadamente.'),
  737. ('','Animagus reversal spell','Es una destranfiguración que retorna a un animago (transformado en animal) en su forma humana. Puede ser necesario que sea realizado por mas de un mago. Si se realiza en un no-animago, el hechizo no tendra efecto y no dañara al animal.'),
  738. ('Annihilare','Annihilare','Abre o incluso puede destruir puertas.'),
  739. ('Anteoculatia','Anteoculatia','Maleficio que causa que broten astas en la cabeza del objetivo.'),
  740. ('','Anti-Alohomora Charm','Contrahechizo de Alohomora, Protege contra hechizos que abren objetos.'),
  741. ('Encantamiento Anti-Aparición','Anti-Apparition Charm','Es un hechizo que protege un área de personas que quieren aparecerse ahí.'),
  742. ('','Anti-Cheating Spell','Hechizo lanzado en los pergaminos y en las plumas para prevenir al escritor de copiar mientras escribe las respuestas.'),
  743. ('','Anti-Disapparition Jinx','Usado para prevenir DEsaparicion en un area por un tiempo; posiblemente usado para atrapar un enemigo en un area.'),
  744. ('','Anti-intruder jinx','Malefício que repele a intrusos de un área.'),
  745. ('','Anti-jinx','Previene los efetos de un maleficio sobre un objetivo animal u objeto.'),
  746. ('','Anti-theft charm','También conocido como dispositivo antirobo, es un encantamiento que previene el uso del hechizo Accio al objeto encantado por cualquiera que no sea su dueño. Por motivos de seguridad, la mayoria de objetos magicos vendidos en tiempos modernos estan encantados con este hechizo.'),
  747. ('','Anti-unlocking charms',''),
  748. ('','Antonin Dolohov\'s curse','Maldición que posiblemente está cerca de ser un hechizo letal usado para causar heridas internas.'),
  749. ('Aparición','Apparition','Cuando se realiza una Aparición, es posible que un mago calificado haga que se Aparezca otra persona, como parte del proceso de su propia aparición. Ésta técnica se conoce como Aparición Conjunta. El pasajero que es transportado, debe sujetarse fuertemente de quien se Aparece, para asegurarse de que el transporte se realice correctamente.'),
  750. ('Aqua Eructo','Aqua Eructo Charm','Invoca un potente chorro de agua para apagar fuego, o criaturas/objetos de este tipo. Por ejemplo: salamandras o cangrejos de fuego, antorchas encantadas, etc.'),
  751. ('Arania Exumai','Arania Exumai','Mata, paraliza o repele acromántulas o arañas de gran tamaño.'),
  752. ('','Area spell','Encantamiento usado para conjurar una onda expansiva omnidireccional que aturde a todos los oponentes en un pequeño radio.'),
  753. ('','Armchair to human','Devuelve a un humano transformado en sillón a su forma humana.'),
  754. ('Aresto Momentum','Arresto Momentum','Detiene el tiempo momentáneamente. Puede servir para salvarse de caídas o detener objetos cayendo.'),
  755. ('','Arrow-shooting spell','Dispara flechas desde la varita del mago.'),
  756. ('Ascendio','Ascendio','Hace ascender una persona o cosa.'),
  757. ('','Atmospheric Charm','Tipo de encantamiento modificador del clima. Este puede funcionar en interiores.'),
  758. ('','Aviatus',''),
  759. ('Avifors','Avifors Spell','Convierte objetos inanimados en aves.'),
  760. ('','Babbling Curse',''),
  761. ('','Backfiring Jinx',''),
  762. ('','Badgering',''),
  763. ('','Banishing Charm',''),
  764. ('','Bat-Bogey Hex',''),
  765. ('','Baubillious',''),
  766. ('','Beauty spell',''),
  767. ('','Bedazzling Hex',''),
  768. ('','Beetle Buttons',''),
  769. ('','Bewitched sleep',''),
  770. ('','Bewitched Snowballs',''),
  771. ('Avis','Bird-Conjuring Charm','Invoca pájaros de pequeño tamaño.'),
  772. ('','Biting jinx',''),
  773. ('','Blackboard writing spell',''),
  774. ('','Blasting Curse',''),
  775. ('','Blocked Barrier',''),
  776. ('Chispas Azules','Blue sparks',''),
  777. ('','Blue Special Jinx',''),
  778. ('','Bluebell Flames',''),
  779. ('','Boggart-Banishing Spell',''),
  780. ('Bombarda','Bombarda','Invocación de una explosión de calibre menor. Sirve para hacer explotar cosas medianamente pequeñas como una puerta.'),
  781. ('Bombarda Maxima','Bombarda Maxima','Tiene un efecto más potente que el conjuro Bombarda.'),
  782. ('','Bond of blood charm',''),
  783. ('','Book transfiguring spell',''),
  784. ('Braquiam Emendo','Brackium Emendo','Repara un hueso quebrado. Si el hechizo no se conjura bien, el hueso que se está intentando reparar desaparece. '),
  785. ('','Braking Charm',''),
  786. ('','Bridge-conjuring spell',''),
  787. ('','Bridging Charm',''),
  788. ('','Broom jinx',''),
  789. ('','Bubble-producing spell',''),
  790. ('','Butterfly-conjuring spell',''),
  791. ('','Button to beetle',''),
  792. ('','Candle to purple rabbit',''),
  793. ('Cantis','Cantis',''),
  794. ('','Cascading Jinx',''),
  795. ('','Cat into tea cosy',''),
  796. ('','Caterwauling Charm',''),
  797. ('','Caught!',''),
  798. ('','Cauldron to badger',''),
  799. ('','Cauldron to Sieve',''),
  800. ('Cave inimicum','Cave inimicum','Hechizo de protección. Crea un escudo más fuerte que el hechizo Protego Totalum, pero menor que Protego Horribilis. Si se utiliza con suficiente poder, puede repeler las Maldiciones Imperdonables.'),
  801. ('','Chair to cat',''),
  802. ('','Charm',''),
  803. ('','Charm to Cure Reluctant Reversers',''),
  804. ('','Charm to insult Severus Snape',''),
  805. ('','Cheering Charm',''),
  806. ('','Christmas decorations conjuring spell',''),
  807. ('Cistem Aperio','Cistem Aperio','Crea fuertes sacudidas en un objeto hasta hacer que se abra o rompa.'),
  808. ('Encantamiento de limpeza','Cleaning Charm',''),
  809. ('Hechizo de limpeza','Cleaning spell',''),
  810. ('','Clothing-animating spell',''),
  811. ('','Colour Change Charm',''),
  812. ('','Concealing charms',''),
  813. ('','Concealment Charm',''),
  814. ('','Conflagration Spell',''),
  815. ('Confundus','Confundus Charm','Confunde a una persona en su coordinación y estabilidad.'),
  816. ('','Conjunctivitis Curse',''),
  817. ('','Containment Charm',''),
  818. ('','Corgi to hamster',''),
  819. ('','Cornflake skin spell',''),
  820. ('Finite','Finite',''),
  821. ('Finite Incantatem','Finite Incantatem',''),
  822. ('','Counter-charm for hiccoughs',''),
  823. ('','Counter-curse',''),
  824. ('','Counter-curse for Broom-jinxing',''),
  825. ('','Counter-curse for Curse of the Bogies',''),
  826. ('','Counter-curse for Leg-Locker Curse',''),
  827. ('','Counter-curse for the Jelly-Legs Curse',''),
  828. ('','Counter-curse for the Transmogrifian Torture',''),
  829. ('','Counter-enchantment',''),
  830. ('','Counter-jinx',''),
  831. ('','Counter-spell',''),
  832. ('','Cracker Jinx',''),
  833. ('','Cribbing Spell',''),
  834. ('','Crinus Muto',''),
  835. ('','Crop-related charms',''),
  836. ('Crucio','Cruciatus Curse','La maldición de tortura. Infringe un dolor insoportable a la víctima. Esto lo hace la más usada por los mortífagos en otros magos y muggles. Considerando que esta maldición no produce ningún tipo de daño físico, aunque hay quien dice que quema los huesos, se cree que solamente estimula los receptores de dolor. Maldecir a otro ser humano con la maldición Cruciatus conlleva una sentencia de por vida en Azkaban.'),
  837. ('','Curse',''),
  838. ('','Curse of the Bogies',''),
  839. ('','Curse on Marvolo Gaunt\'s ring',''),
  840. ('','Curse-dependent locking spell',''),
  841. ('','Cursed barrier',''),
  842. ('','Cushioning Charm',''),
  843. ('Tarantallegra','Dancing Feet Spell',''),
  844. ('','Dark Mark counter-curse',''),
  845. ('','Darning spell',''),
  846. ('','Defensive charge',''),
  847. ('','Defensive Charm',''),
  848. ('Densaugeo','Densaugeo','Aumenta el tamaño de los dientes incisivos. '),
  849. ('Deprimo','Deprimo','Causa un gran estallido en el suelo, lo que se traduce en un agujero lo suficientemente grande como para ser atravesado por una o varias personas.'),
  850. ('Descendo','Descendo','Hace descender objetos.'),
  851. ('','Desk Into Pig',''),
  852. ('Diminuendo','Diminuendo','Disminuye el tamaño del objeto o animal al que se le apunte con la varita. No funciona en humanos.'),
  853. ('','Dinner plate to mushroom',''),
  854. ('','Disarming Charm',''),
  855. ('','Disguising Spell',''),
  856. ('','Disillusionment Charm',''),
  857. ('','Disintegration curse',''),
  858. ('Dissendium','Dissendium','Revela un camino secreto.'),
  859. ('','Dolores Umbridge\'s neatness charm',''),
  860. ('','Door-opening spell',''),
  861. ('','Draco Malfoy\'s unspecified hex',''),
  862. ('Draconifors','Draconifors Spell','Transforma objetos en mini-dragones con escasas habilidades mágicas.'),
  863. ('','Drone Jinx',''),
  864. ('','Drought Charm',''),
  865. ('','Ducklifors Jinx',''),
  866. ('','Dumbledore\'s Army parchment jinx',''),
  867. ('','Dunamis',''),
  868. ('','Ears to kumquats',''),
  869. ('','Ebublio Jinx',''),
  870. ('Ecto','Ecto Spell',''),
  871. ('','Emancipare',''),
  872. ('','Endless Sandwiches',''),
  873. ('','Engorgement Charm',''),
  874. ('Engorgio','Engorgio Skullus','Aumenta el tamaño de un objeto o animal.'),
  875. ('','Enlargement Charm',''),
  876. ('','Enlarging Spell',''),
  877. ('','Entomorphis',''),
  878. ('','Entrail-Expelling Curse',''),
  879. ('','Entrancing Enchantments',''),
  880. ('Episkey','Episkey','Detiene el flujo de sangre o cura huesos rotos.'),
  881. ('Epoximise','Epoximise','Pega objetos.'),
  882. ('','Eradication Spell',''),
  883. ('','Erecto',''),
  884. ('Evanesco','Evanesce','Hace que el objeto o sustancia señalado por la varita desaparezca.'),
  885. ('Everte Statum','Everte Statum','Golpea al oponente fuertemente haciendo que este vuele por los aires.'),
  886. ('','Ex Cappa',''),
  887. ('Expulso','Expulso Curse','Causa una explosión y empuja bruscamente por los aires un objeto o una persona.'),
  888. ('','Extinguishing spell',''),
  889. ('Ojo de conejo, arpa y su son, haced que este agua se haga ron','Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum',''),
  890. ('','False memory charm',''),
  891. ('','Feather-light charm',''),
  892. ('','Felixempra',''),
  893. ('','Ferret to human',''),
  894. ('','Ferula',''),
  895. ('Fianto Duri','Fianto Duri',''),
  896. ('','Fidelius Charm',''),
  897. ('','Fiendfyre',''),
  898. ('','Finger-removing jinx',''),
  899. ('','Fire rope',''),
  900. ('','Fire to snake',''),
  901. ('','Fire-Making Spell',''),
  902. ('','Firestorm',''),
  903. ('','Fixing Charm',''),
  904. ('','Flagrante Curse',''),
  905. ('','Flagrate',''),
  906. ('','Flame-Freezing Charm',''),
  907. ('','Flashing paint charm',''),
  908. ('','Flintifors',''),
  909. ('Flipendo','Flipendo',''),
  910. ('','Floating Charm',''),
  911. ('','Floating eye curse',''),
  912. ('Volar','Flying charm',''),
  913. ('','Focus',''),
  914. ('','Fountain of wine',''),
  915. ('','Four-Point Spell',''),
  916. ('','Freeze!',''),
  917. ('','Freezing Charm',''),
  918. ('','Freezing Spell',''),
  919. ('','Full Body-Bind Curse',''),
  920. ('Fumos','Fumos',''),
  921. ('','Fur spell',''),
  922. ('','Gemino Curse',''),
  923. ('','General Counter-Spell',''),
  924. ('','Ghostly head curse',''),
  925. ('Glacius','Glacius',''),
  926. ('','Glass to sand',''),
  927. ('Glisseo','Glisseo',''),
  928. ('','Golden flame',''),
  929. ('','Golden jinx',''),
  930. ('','Gouging Spell',''),
  931. ('Chispas Verdes','Green Sparks',''),
  932. ('','Green Special Jinx',''),
  933. ('','Gripping Charm',''),
  934. ('','Growth Charm',''),
  935. ('Fuego de Gubraith','Gubraithian Fire',''),
  936. ('','Guinea fowl to guinea pig',''),
  937. ('','Gytrash-conjuring spell',''),
  938. ('','Hair Loss Curse',''),
  939. ('','Hair-regrowing spells',''),
  940. ('','Hair-thickening Charm',''),
  941. ('','Hand-held flames',''),
  942. ('','Hardening Charm',''),
  943. ('Harmonia Nectere Passus','Harmonia Nectere Passus','Activa objetos, tanto mágicos como muggles.'),
  944. ('','Healing spell',''),
  945. ('','Hedgehog to pincushion',''),
  946. ('Herbifors','Herbifors',''),
  947. ('Herbivicus','Herbivicus Charm',''),
  948. ('','Hex',''),
  949. ('','Hex Zapper',''),
  950. ('','Hex-Breaker',''),
  951. ('','Hex-deflection',''),
  952. ('','Hive-conjuring spell',''),
  953. ('','Hocus Pocus',''),
  954. ('','Homing spell',''),
  955. ('','Homonculous Charm',''),
  956. ('','Homorphus Charm',''),
  957. ('Hechizo para crear Horrocrux','Horcrux-making spell',''),
  958. ('','Horn tongue hex',''),
  959. ('','Horton-Keitch Braking Charm',''),
  960. ('','Hot-Air Charm',''),
  961. ('','Hour-Reversal Charm',''),
  962. ('','Hover Charm',''),
  963. ('Humano a sillón','Human to armchair',''),
  964. ('','Human to bat',''),
  965. ('','Human to bone',''),
  966. ('','Human to bull',''),
  967. ('','Human to chicken',''),
  968. ('','Human to ferret',''),
  969. ('Humano a cerdo','Human to pig',''),
  970. ('','Human to pocket watch',''),
  971. ('','Human to shark',''),
  972. ('','Human to toad',''),
  973. ('','Human to viper',''),
  974. ('','Human to yak',''),
  975. ('','Human-presence-revealing Spell',''),
  976. ('','Hurling Hex',''),
  977. ('','Illegal growth hex',''),
  978. ('','Illegibilus',''),
  979. ('impedimenta','Impediment Jinx',''),
  980. ('Imperius','Imperius Curse',''),
  981. ('','Imperturbable Charm',''),
  982. ('','Impervius Charm',''),
  983. ('','Inanimatus Conjurus Spell',''),
  984. ('','Incacerata',''),
  985. ('','Incantation',''),
  986. ('Incarcerous','Incarcerous Spell',''),
  987. ('Incarcifors','Incarcifors',''),
  988. ('Incendio','Incendio',''),
  989. ('','Inflating Charm',''),
  990. ('','Informous Spell',''),
  991. ('','Instant Scalping Hex',''),
  992. ('','Intercepting a Counter Incantation \'On-the-Go\'',''),
  993. ('','Intruder Charm',''),
  994. ('','Invisibility Charm',''),
  995. ('','Invisibility Spell',''),
  996. ('','Invisible ropes',''),
  997. ('','Jelly-Brain Jinx',''),
  998. ('','Jelly-Fingers Curse',''),
  999. ('','Jelly-Legs Curse',''),
  1000. ('','Jiggery Pokery',''),
  1001. ('','Jinx',''),
  1002. ('','Jinx against marriage',''),
  1003. ('','Jinx on the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher',''),
  1004. ('','Knee-reversal hex',''),
  1005. ('','Knitting charm',''),
  1006. ('','Knockback Jinx',''),
  1007. ('','Knockback Jinx Duo',''),
  1008. ('Lacarnum Inflamarae','Lacarnum Inflamari',''),
  1009. ('','Langlock',''),
  1010. ('Lapifors','Lapifors Spell',''),
  1011. ('','Leek jinx',''),
  1012. ('','Leg-Locker Curse',''),
  1013. ('','Legilimency Spell',''),
  1014. ('Levicorpus','Levicorpus',''),
  1015. ('','Levitation Charm',''),
  1016. ('','Levitation Spell',''),
  1017. ('Liberacorpus','Liberacorpus',''),
  1018. ('Liberare','Liberare',''),
  1019. ('','Light-creation spells',''),
  1020. ('','Lightning spell',''),
  1021. ('','Limbo Mist',''),
  1022. ('','Limbo Mist anticharm',''),
  1023. ('','Litter-box to wildebeest',''),
  1024. ('','Locking Spell',''),
  1025. ('Locomotion','Locomotion Charm',''),
  1026. ('Lumos','Lumos',''),
  1027. ('Lumos Maxima','Lumos Maxima',''),
  1028. ('Lumos Solem','Lumos Solem',''),
  1029. ('','Lycacomia Curse',''),
  1030. ('Magicus Extremos','Magicus Extremos',''),
  1031. ('','Masking Spell',''),
  1032. ('','Match to needle',''),
  1033. ('','Maxima',''),
  1034. ('','Meddling Man to Monkey',''),
  1035. ('','Melofors Jinx',''),
  1036. ('','Memory Charm',''),
  1037. ('','Memory extraction spell',''),
  1038. ('','Mending Charm',''),
  1039. ('','Merope Gaunt\'s charm',''),
  1040. ('','Metelojinx',''),
  1041. ('','Meteolojinx Recanto',''),
  1042. ('','Mice to Snuffboxes',''),
  1043. ('','Minerva McGonagall\'s fire-creating spell',''),
  1044. ('','Minerva McGonagall\'s Spell',''),
  1045. ('','Ministry of Magic Fog',''),
  1046. ('','Mobiliarbus',''),
  1047. ('','Mobilicorpus',''),
  1048. ('','Momentum-reversing spell',''),
  1049. ('','Morsmordre',''),
  1050. ('Mucus ad Nauseam','Mucus ad Nauseam',''),
  1051. ('Mucus Projectum','Mucus Projectum',''),
  1052. ('Muffliato','Muffliato Charm',''),
  1053. ('','Muggle-Repelling Charm',''),
  1054. ('','Multi-Shot Jinx',''),
  1055. ('','Multicorfors',''),
  1056. ('','Music spell',''),
  1057. ('','Mutatio Skullus',''),
  1058. ('','Necromancy',''),
  1059. ('Magia no verbal','Nonverbal spell',''),
  1060. ('','Obliteration Charm',''),
  1061. ('Obscuro','Obscuro',''),
  1062. ('Oculus reparo','Oculus Reparo',''),
  1063. ('','Open Sesame',''),
  1064. ('Oppugno','Oppugno Jinx',''),
  1065. ('','Orange hex',''),
  1066. ('','Orbis Jinx',''),
  1067. ('Orchideous','Orchideous',''),
  1068. ('','Ossio Dispersimus',''),
  1069. ('','Owl to opera glasses',''),
  1070. ('','Pack',''),
  1071. ('','Pandora Lovegood\'s unknown spell',''),
  1072. ('','Parchment-sealing spell',''),
  1073. ('','Partial Vanishment',''),
  1074. ('Partis Temporus','Partis Temporus',''),
  1075. ('Expecto Patronum','Patronus Charm','Sirve como escudo contra Dementores. Para convocarlo tienes que pensar en un recuerdo feliz, entre mas feliz mas fuerte es el patronus, si se tiene experiencia suficiente se hace un patronus de cuerpo entero que es mucho mas fuerte que un patronus normal. El patronus toma forma de un animal, el animal es según como sea la personalidad del que lo convoca o por ser su animal preferido.'),
  1076. ('','Pepper breath hex',''),
  1077. ('Periculum','Periculum',''),
  1078. ('','Permanent Sticking Charm',''),
  1079. ('','Peskipiksi Pesternomi',''),
  1080. ('Petrificus Totalus','Petrificus Totalus',''),
  1081. ('Piertotum Locomotor','Piertotum Locomotor',''),
  1082. ('','Pig into desk',''),
  1083. ('','Pigley Dudley',''),
  1084. ('','Pimple Jinx',''),
  1085. ('','Piscifors',''),
  1086. ('','Placement Charm',''),
  1087. ('','Portaberto',''),
  1088. ('Portus','Portus',''),
  1089. ('','Post-box to wildebeest',''),
  1090. ('','Potato peeling spell',''),
  1091. ('','Potion-making spell',''),
  1092. ('Priori Incantatem','Priori Incantatem',''),
  1093. ('','Protean Charm',''),
  1094. ('','Protection orb',''),
  1095. ('','Protective enchantments',''),
  1096. ('Protego','Protego',''),
  1097. ('Protego horribilis','Protego horribilis',''),
  1098. ('Protego Maxima','Protego Maxima',''),
  1099. ('Protego totalum','Protego totalum',''),
  1100. ('','Pullus Jinx',''),
  1101. ('','Purple Firecrackers',''),
  1102. ('','Pus-squirting hex',''),
  1103. ('','Quietening Charm',''),
  1104. ('Conejos blancos a zapatillas','Rabbit Slippers',''),
  1105. ('','Rabbit to footstool',''),
  1106. ('','Raven to Writing Desk',''),
  1107. ('','Red Special Jinx',''),
  1108. ('Redactum Skullus','Redactum Skullus',''),
  1109. ('Reducto','Reductor Curse',''),
  1110. ('','Refilling Charm',''),
  1111. ('','Regrowing hair spell',''),
  1112. ('','Repairing charms',''),
  1113. ('Reparifarge','Reparifarge',''),
  1114. ('Reparifors','Reparifors',''),
  1115. ('Reparo','Reparo',''),
  1116. ('','Repelling Spell',''),
  1117. ('Repello Inimicum','Repello Inimicum',''),
  1118. ('Revela tus secretos','Revealing Charm',''),
  1119. ('','Revelio Charm',''),
  1120. ('','Reviving Spell',''),
  1121. ('','Revulsion Jinx',''),
  1122. ('','Rock to dog',''),
  1123. ('','Rocket Charm',''),
  1124. ('','Room-sealing spell',''),
  1125. ('','Rose Growth',''),
  1126. ('','Rowboat spell',''),
  1127. ('Suma Protección','Sacrificial protection',''),
  1128. ('Salvio hexia','Salvio hexia',''),
  1129. ('','Sardine hex',''),
  1130. ('','Sauce-conjuring spell',''),
  1131. ('','Scarpin\'s Revelaspell',''),
  1132. ('','Scouring Charm',''),
  1133. ('','Scribblifors',''),
  1134. ('','Scuba-Spell',''),
  1135. ('','Sea urchin jinx',''),
  1136. ('Sectumsempra','Sectumsempra',''),
  1137. ('','Security Spell',''),
  1138. ('','Seize and Pull Charm',''),
  1139. ('Serpensortia','Serpensortia',''),
  1140. ('','Severing Charm',''),
  1141. ('Escudo','Shield Charm',''),
  1142. ('','Shield penetration spell',''),
  1143. ('','Shock Spell',''),
  1144. ('','Shooting spell',''),
  1145. ('','Shrinking Charm',''),
  1146. ('','Signature spell',''),
  1147. ('','Silencing Charm',''),
  1148. ('','Silver shield spell',''),
  1149. ('','Silver spell',''),
  1150. ('','Skurge Scouring Charm',''),
  1151. ('Traga babosas','Slug Vomiting Curse',''),
  1152. ('','Slug-vomiting Charm',''),
  1153. ('','Small Child to Rat',''),
  1154. ('','Smashing spell',''),
  1155. ('','Smoke into daggers',''),
  1156. ('','Smudge-removing spell',''),
  1157. ('Caracol a tetera','Snail to Teapot',''),
  1158. ('','Snake Summons Spell',''),
  1159. ('','Snowflake-creating spell',''),
  1160. ('','Snufflifors Spell',''),
  1161. ('','Softening Charm',''),
  1162. ('','Somnambulist Charm',''),
  1163. ('Sonorous','Sonorous Charm','Emite una onda de sonido muy fuerte desde la punta de la varita, que puede dañar a un oponente y mover los objetos a su paso.'),
  1164. ('','Special Jinx',''),
  1165. ('Specialis Revelio','Specialis Revelio',''),
  1166. ('','Spell for growing legs',''),
  1167. ('','Spell to conjure a circle of fire',''),
  1168. ('','Spell to cure Wartcap powder infection',''),
  1169. ('','Spell to turn Scabbers yellow',''),
  1170. ('','Spell-harvesting spell',''),
  1171. ('','Sponge-Knees Curse',''),
  1172. ('','Squiggle Quill',''),
  1173. ('','Squiggly wiggly',''),
  1174. ('','Stealth Sensoring Spell',''),
  1175. ('','Steelclaw',''),
  1176. ('','Steleus',''),
  1177. ('','Stickfast Hex',''),
  1178. ('','Sticking Charm',''),
  1179. ('Hechizo punzante','Stinging Jinx',''),
  1180. ('','Stream of Flames',''),
  1181. ('','Stretching Jinx',''),
  1182. ('','Stunning Spell',''),
  1183. ('Desmaius','Stupefy','Hechizo aturdidor. Si se lanza con éxito puede causar un aturdido grave.'),
  1184. ('','Substantive Charm',''),
  1185. ('','Summoning Charm',''),
  1186. ('','Supersensory Charm',''),
  1187. ('','Switching Spell',''),
  1188. ('','Table Trouble',''),
  1189. ('','Taboo',''),
  1190. ('','Tail-growing hex',''),
  1191. ('','Take Root',''),
  1192. ('','Talon-Clipping Charm',''),
  1193. ('','Tea-making spell',''),
  1194. ('','Teacup to gerbil',''),
  1195. ('','Teacup to tortoise',''),
  1196. ('','Teapot to ferret',''),
  1197. ('','Teapot to tortoise',''),
  1198. ('','Teddy bear to spider',''),
  1199. ('','Teeth-straightening spell',''),
  1200. ('','Teleportation spell',''),
  1201. ('','Tempest Jinx',''),
  1202. ('','Tentaclifors',''),
  1203. ('','Tergeo',''),
  1204. ('','The Trace',''),
  1205. ('','Thief\'s Curse',''),
  1206. ('','Thief\'s Downfall',''),
  1207. ('','Thought',''),
  1208. ('','Tickling Charm',''),
  1209. ('','Tickling Hex',''),
  1210. ('','Time',''),
  1211. ('','Toe Biter',''),
  1212. ('','Toenail-growing hex',''),
  1213. ('','Tongue-Tying Curse',''),
  1214. ('','Trans-Species Transformation',''),
  1215. ('','Transmogrifian Torture',''),
  1216. ('','Transmogrify',''),
  1217. ('','Tree animating jinx',''),
  1218. ('','Trip Jinx',''),
  1219. ('','Twitchy-Ears Hex',''),
  1220. ('','Unbreakable Charm',''),
  1221. ('Juramento inquebrantable','Unbreakable Vow',''),
  1222. ('','Underwater Charm',''),
  1223. ('','Undetectable Extension Charm',''),
  1224. ('','Unforgivable Curses',''),
  1225. ('','Unidentified buffalo spell',''),
  1226. ('','Unidentified protective spells',''),
  1227. ('','Unlocking Charm',''),
  1228. ('','Unplottability',''),
  1229. ('','Unsupported flight',''),
  1230. ('','Untransfiguration',''),
  1231. ('','Usual library book spells',''),
  1232. ('','Vanishing Spell',''),
  1233. ('Ventus','Ventus',''),
  1234. ('','Ventus Jinx',''),
  1235. ('Vera Verto','Vera Verto',''),
  1236. ('Verdillious','Verdillious',''),
  1237. ('Verdimillious','Verdimillious Charm',''),
  1238. ('','Vermiculus Jinx',''),
  1239. ('','Vermillious',''),
  1240. ('','Vinegar to wine',''),
  1241. ('Vipera Evanesca','Vipera Evanesca',''),
  1242. ('Vomitare Viridis','Vomitare Viridis',''),
  1243. ('Vulnera Sanentum','Vulnera Sanentur',''),
  1244. ('','Waddiwasi',''),
  1245. ('','Wakefield\'s Sambata',''),
  1246. ('','Wand-Extinguishing Charm',''),
  1247. ('','Wand-Lighting Charm',''),
  1248. ('','Washing up spell',''),
  1249. ('Aguamenti','Water-Making Spell','Llena de agua pura cualquier recipiente expulsándola desde la punta de la varita.'),
  1250. ('','Weather-Modifying Charms',''),
  1251. ('','Whip Spell',''),
  1252. ('','Whirlwind',''),
  1253. ('','Whistle into watch',''),
  1254. ('Chispas Blancas','White sparks',''),
  1255. ('Wingardium Leviosa','Wingardium Leviosa',''),
  1256. ('','Yellow Special Jinx',''),
  1257. ('Avada Kedabra','Avada Kedabra','Maldición asesina. Mata a quien alcanza su luz. Utilizar esta maldición en un ser humano conlleva a una cadena perpetua en Azkaban. Es inmune al Hechizo Protego, el cuál repele los hechizos, embrujos o maldiciones que van dirigidas al mago que lo ejecuta.');
  1259. insert into libros (nombre_esp,nombre_en,autor) values
  1260. ('Mil hierbas mágicas y hongos','One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi','Phyllida Spore'),
  1261. ('Moste Potente Potions','Moste Potente Potions', 'Phineas Bourne'),
  1262. ('Elaboración de Pociones Avanzadas','Advanced Potion-Making','Libatius Borage'),
  1263. ('Filtros y Pociones Mágicos','Magical Drafts and Potions','Arsenius Jigger'),
  1264. ('','Abracadabra: An A-Z of Spooky Spells','Ministry of Magic'),
  1265. ('','Achievements in Charming',''),
  1266. ('','Advanced Rune Translation','Yuri Blishen'),
  1267. ('Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn','Adventures of Huckleberry Finn','Mark Twain'),
  1268. ('LAs Adventuras de Sherlock Holmes','The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes','A. Conan Doyle'),
  1269. ('','Albus Dumbledore\'s journal','Albus Dumbledore'),
  1270. ('','Alchemical duodecimo',''),
  1271. ('','Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science','Argo Pyrites'),
  1272. ('Ley Antigüa','Ancient Law',''),
  1273. ('','Ancient Runes Made Easy','Laurenzoo'),
  1274. ('Rebelión en la granja','Animal Farm','George Orwell'),
  1275. ('','Animal Ghosts of Britain','Mopsy Fleabert'),
  1276. ('','An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe',''),
  1277. ('','Armando Dippet: Master or Moron?','Rita Skeeter'),
  1278. ('Ars Morendi','Ars moriendi','Anónimo'),
  1279. ('Anti venenos asiáticos','Asiatic Anti-Venoms','Libatius Borage'),
  1280. ('Libros de Bathilda Bagshot','Bathilda Bagshot\'s books','Bathilda Bagshot'),
  1281. ('','The Beaters\' Bible','Brutus Scrimgeour'),
  1282. ('','Beating the Bludgers - A Study of Defensive Strategies in Quidditch','Kennilworthy Whisp'),
  1283. ('','A Beginner\'s Guide to Transfiguration','Emeric Switch'),
  1284. ('Biblia','Bible',''),
  1285. ('','Big Foot\'s Last Stand','Ortiz O\'Flaherty'),
  1286. ('','Cuthbert Binns\'s books',''),
  1287. ('','Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires','Eldred Worple'),
  1288. ('','Bonniers Konversationslexikon','Yngve Lorents y Gotthard Johansson'),
  1289. ('Listado de estudiantes de Hogwarts','Book containing a list of Hogwarts students',''),
  1290. ('','Book in the Founders\' Tower',''),
  1291. ('Libro de admisión','Book of Admittance',''),
  1292. ('Libro de hechizos y encantamientos','The Book of Charms & Spells','Samuel Journeux'),
  1293. ('','Book of Common Prayer','Thomas Cranmer'),
  1294. ('Libro de pociones','Book of Potions','Zygmunt Budge'),
  1295. ('','Book on Nogtails',''),
  1296. ('Libro sobre vampiros','Book on vampires',''),
  1297. ('','Break with a Banshee','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1298. ('Una breve historia del tiempo','A Brief History of Time','Stephen Hawking'),
  1299. ('','Broken Balls: When Fortunes Turn Foul',''),
  1300. ('Los trabajos de Byron','Byron\'s Works','Lord Byron'),
  1301. ('Cash Feast','Ca$h Fea$t',''),
  1302. ('','The Call of the Wild','Jack London'),
  1303. ('','Cassandra and Her Cat Gustavus',''),
  1304. ('','Catch 22','Joseph Heller'),
  1305. ('','Charm Your Own Cheese','Greta Catchlove'),
  1306. ('','Charms of Defence and Deterrence','Professor Catullus Spangle'),
  1307. ('','Cheering Charms (book)',''),
  1308. ('','A Children\'s Anthology of Monsters','Newton Scamander'),
  1309. ('','Children\'s Stories',''),
  1310. ('','Colin Creevey\'s photoalbum',''),
  1311. ('','A Collection of Above Three Hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick, and Surgery',''),
  1312. ('','The Commitments','Roddy Doyle'),
  1313. ('','Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions',''),
  1314. ('','A Companion to Wizardly Decor','Stephenie McMillan'),
  1315. ('','Confronting the Faceless',''),
  1316. ('','Cookery',''),
  1317. ('','Cooking the Muggle Way','Mordicus Egg'),
  1318. ('Libros de Cornelio Agripa','Cornelius Agrippa\'s books','Cornelius Agrippa'),
  1319. ('','Cram It!: How to Soar on Your O.W.L.s',''),
  1320. ('','Cursed book owned by witch in Bath',''),
  1321. ('','Curses and Counter-Curses','Vindictus Viridian'),
  1322. ('','Compatibility of the Order of Preservation through Faith',''),
  1323. ('','Dark Arts Defence – Basics for Beginners','Ministry of Magic'),
  1324. ('','The Dark Arts Outsmarted',''),
  1325. ('','The Dark Arts — A Legal Compendium',''),
  1326. ('','The Dark Arts: A Legal Companion',''),
  1327. ('','The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection','Quentin Trimble'),
  1328. ('David Copperfield','David Copperfield','Charles Dickens'),
  1329. ('','Death Omens: What to Do When You Know the Worst is Coming',''),
  1330. ('El declive de la magia pagana','The Decline of Pagan Magic','Bathilda Bagshot'),
  1331. ('Teoría de la defensa mágica','Defensive Magical Theory','Wilbert Slinkhard'),
  1332. ('','Dictionnaire du Chiffre-monogramme dans les Styles Moyen-age et Renaissance et couronnes nobilaires universelles','Charles Demengeot'),
  1333. ('','Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit',''),
  1334. ('','Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland',''),
  1335. ('','Dreadful Denizens of the Deep',''),
  1336. ('','The Dream Oracle','Inigo Imago'),
  1337. ('','Dumbledore\'s Army: The Dark Side of the Demob','Rita Skeeter'),
  1338. ('','E. Nesbit\'s Fairy Tales','E. Nesbit'),
  1339. ('Emma','Emma','Jane Austen'),
  1340. ('En Ful Flicka - Så Tuktas En Modedocka','En Ful Flicka - Så Tuktas En Modedocka','Albus Dumbledore'),
  1341. ('','Enchanted Encounters','Fifi LaFolle'),
  1342. ('','Enchantment in Baking',''),
  1343. ('','The Enclopedia of Bat Eyes',''),
  1344. ('','Encyclopedia of Toadstools',''),
  1345. ('','The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts','Arsenius Jigger'),
  1346. ('','Extraordinary Trials in History',''),
  1347. ('','Fairy Tails',''),
  1348. ('','Famous Fire-Eaters',''),
  1349. ('','Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them','Newt Scamander'),
  1350. ('','Fifteenth-Century Fiends',''),
  1351. ('','Flesh-Eating Trees of the World',''),
  1352. ('','Flying with the Cannons','Julius Dehoffe'),
  1353. ('','Folio Brevis',''),
  1354. ('','Folio Bruti',''),
  1355. ('','Folio Triplicus',''),
  1356. ('','Folio Universitas',''),
  1357. ('','Fowl or Foul? A Study of Hippogriff Brutality',''),
  1358. ('','From Egg to Inferno: a Dragon-Keeper\'s Guide',''),
  1359. ('','A Fully Illustrated History of the Flying Carpet',''),
  1360. ('','Gadding with Ghouls','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1361. ('','Gilderoy Lockhart\'s Guide to Household Pests','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1362. ('','Gilderoy Lockhart\'s published works','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1363. ('','Good Gardens Guide 1990',''),
  1364. ('','Goshawk\'s Guide to Herbology','Miranda Goshawk'),
  1365. ('','Grammatica','M. Carneiro'),
  1366. ('','Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century',''),
  1367. ('','Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century',''),
  1368. ('Guía de hechicería medieval','A Guide to Medieval Sorcery',''),
  1369. ('Guía de oclumancia avanzada','Guide to Advanced Occlumency','Maxwell Barnett'),
  1370. ('Guía de transfiguración avanzada','A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration',''),
  1371. ('','The Hairy Heart: A Guide to Wizards Who Won\'t Commit',''),
  1372. ('','Hairy Snout, Human Heart','Anónimo'),
  1373. ('Hamlet','Hamlet','William Shakespeare'),
  1374. ('','Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broomcare',''),
  1375. ('','The Handbook of Hippogriff Psychology',''),
  1376. ('cuaderno de Harry Potter','Harry Potter\'s notebook',''),
  1377. ('','Have Yourself a Fiesta in a Bottle!','Libatius Borage'),
  1378. ('','He Flew Like a Madman','Kennilworthy Whisp'),
  1379. ('','The Healer\'s Helpmate','H. Pollingtonious'),
  1380. ('','Healing at Home with Herbs','Phyllida Spore'),
  1381. ('','Het Stads-muziekcollegie te Utrecht (Collegium musicum ultrajectinum): Eene Bydrage tot de Geschiedenis der Toonkunst in Nederland','Johan Cornelis Marius van Riemsdijk'),
  1382. ('','The Hierarchie of the blessed Angells','Thomas Heywood'),
  1383. ('','A History of Magic','Bathilda Bagshot'),
  1384. ('','Hogwarts student records',''),
  1385. ('Hogwarts: La Historia','Hogwarts: A History','Bathilda Bagshot'),
  1386. ('','Holidays with Hags','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1387. ('','Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles','Wilhelm Wigworthy'),
  1388. ('','Homework planner',''),
  1389. ('','House-Elves & Self-Hatred',''),
  1390. ('','Household Stories','Brothers Grimm'),
  1391. ('','How to Tame Tigers','Vindictus Viridian'),
  1392. ('','The Hunting of the Snark','Lewis Carroll'),
  1393. ('Cazando hombres lobo','Hunting Werewolves',''),
  1394. ('Yo capturé el castillo','I Capture the Castle','Dodie Smith'),
  1395. ('Compendio ilegal 198','Illegal Compendium 198',''),
  1396. ('Descubrimientos importantes de la magia moderna','Important Modern Magical Discoveries',''),
  1397. ('Encicopledia de ingredientes','Ingredient Encyclopedia',''),
  1398. ('','Intermediate Transfiguration',''),
  1399. ('El libro invisible de la invisibilidad','The Invisible Book of Invisibility',''),
  1400. ('','The Island of Doctor Moreau','H. G. Wells'),
  1401. ('','Jiggery Pokery and Hocus Pocus','Brian Gagwilde'),
  1402. ('Kokain Nästet','Kokain Nästet','Edgar Wallace'),
  1403. ('Ley y Literatura','Law and Literature',''),
  1404. ('','Laws of Conduct When Dealing With Muggles',''),
  1405. ('','Learn Magic Fast with Kwikspell','Kwikspell Company'),
  1406. ('','Learned Comments of Wisdom',''),
  1407. ('','Legal Guidelines for the Manufacture of Magical Apparatus',''),
  1408. ('','Legislative Guide to the Proper Use of Magic',''),
  1409. ('','The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore','Rita Skeeter'),
  1410. ('Mi vida como un muggle','My Life as a Muggle','Daisy Hookum'),
  1411. ('Gente pequeña, grandes planes','Little People, Big Plans','Ragnok the Pigeon-Toed'),
  1412. ('','Living With Legilimens: Choose Your Mind Wisely',''),
  1413. ('','Lizard\'s Claws From Africa',''),
  1414. ('','Lupine Lawlessness: Why Lycanthropes Don\'t Deserve to Live','Emerett Picardy'),
  1415. ('','Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks',''),
  1416. ('Magia','Magic (book)',''),
  1417. ('MAgia en Norte América','Magic in North America','J. K. Rowling'),
  1418. ('','Magic Storybook',''),
  1419. ('Criaturas mágicas','Magical Creatures (book)',''),
  1420. ('','Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms',''),
  1421. ('','Magical Misdemeanors in the Modern Law',''),
  1422. ('','Magical Moral Perspective',''),
  1423. ('Estudios mágicos','Magical Studies',''),
  1424. ('Teoría mágica','Magical Theory','Adalbert Waffling'),
  1425. ('','Magical Water Plants of the Highland Lochs','Hadrian Whittle'),
  1426. ('','Magical Water Plants of the Mediterranean','Hadrian Whittle'),
  1427. ('Magick Moste Evile','Magick Moste Evile','Godelot'),
  1428. ('Manual M39h-z','Manual M39h-z','Ministry of Magic'),
  1429. ('','Manxmouse','Paul Gallico'),
  1430. ('','Marauding with Monsters','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1431. ('','Men Who Love Dragons Too Much',''),
  1432. ('Libro de Merlín','Merlin\'s book','Merlin'),
  1433. ('','Merpeople: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Language and Customs','Dylan Marwood'),
  1434. ('','The Mill on the Floss','George Eliot'),
  1435. ('Historia mágica moderna','Modern Magical History',''),
  1436. ('','The Monster Book of Monsters','Edwardus Lima'),
  1437. ('','Moronic Muggles',''),
  1438. ('','Most Macabre Monstrosities',''),
  1439. ('','Mudbloods and How to Spot Them','Barrett Fay'),
  1440. ('Ley y orden muggle - guía completa','Muggle \'Law & Order\' - Complete Guide',''),
  1441. ('','The Muggle Conspiracy','Sinistra Lowe'),
  1442. ('','Muggles Who Notice','Blenheim Stalk'),
  1443. ('','My Life as a Squib','Angus Buchanan'),
  1444. ('','Nature\'s Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy',''),
  1445. ('','New Theory of Numerology','Lukas Karuzos'),
  1446. ('','Newts of Bognor','Walter Aragon'),
  1447. ('','The Noble Sport of Warlocks','Quintius Umfraville'),
  1448. ('','Notable Magical Names of Our Time',''),
  1449. ('Modelo cirílico','Cyrillic Model',''),
  1450. ('Numerología','Numerology (book)','L. Wakefield'),
  1451. ('Numerología y grmática','Numerology and Grammatica',''),
  1452. ('guía oficial de la copa mundial de Quidditch','The Official Guide to the Quidditch World Cup','
  1453. International Confederation of Wizards Quidditch Committee'),
  1454. ('','Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes','E. Limus'),
  1455. ('','Omens, Oracles & the Goat','Bathilda Bagshot'),
  1456. ('','One Minute Feasts - It\'s Magic!',''),
  1457. ('','The Oracle of Palombo','Bathilda Bagshot'),
  1458. ('','Owl Breeds',''),
  1459. ('','A Perambulation of Kent','William Lambarde'),
  1460. ('','The Philosophy of the Mundane: Why the Muggles Prefer Not to Know','Professor Mordicus Egg'),
  1461. ('','The Pilgrim\'s Progress','John Bunyan'),
  1462. ('','Potion Opuscule','Jigger'),
  1463. ('','Powers You Never Knew You Had and What To Do With Them Now You\'ve Wised Up',''),
  1464. ('Libro de defensa contra las Artes Oscuras','Practical Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook',''),
  1465. ('','Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts',''),
  1466. ('','Practical Household Magic','Zamira Gulch'),
  1467. ('','Predicting the Unpredictable: Insulate Yourself Against Shocks',''),
  1468. ('','Prefects Who Gained Power',''),
  1469. ('','Preferred Preface for Perfect Prefects',''),
  1470. ('Crimen y castigo','Pride and Prejudice','Jane Austen'),
  1471. ('Salmos del Rey David','Psalms of David','King David'),
  1472. ('','Pure-Blood Directory','Cantankerus Nott'),
  1473. ('','Quaint Muggle Machinery',''),
  1474. ('','Quality Street','J. M. Barrie'),
  1475. ('Equipos de quidditch de Bretaña e Irlanda','Quidditch Teams of Britain and Ireland','Miro Limus y Luccas Carusus'),
  1476. ('','Quidditch Through the Ages','Kennilworthy Whisp'),
  1477. ('','Quintessence: A Quest',''),
  1478. ('','The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts',''),
  1479. ('Robinson Cruso','Robinson Crusoe','Daniel Defoe'),
  1480. ('','Rosenbaum\'s Motorcycle Owner\'s Manual','Rosenbaum'),
  1481. ('Diccionario rúnico','Rune Dictionary',''),
  1482. ('','Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts',''),
  1483. ('','Secrets of the Darkest Art','Owle Bullock'),
  1484. ('','Self-Defensive Spellwork',''),
  1485. ('','Sense and Sensibility','Jane Austen'),
  1486. ('Historias breves','Short Stories',''),
  1487. ('','Shrieking book',''),
  1488. ('','Shrubs & Trees for the Garden','A. Osborn'),
  1489. ('Hechizos simples del segundo año','Simple Spells for Year 2',''),
  1490. ('','Sites of Historical Sorcery',''),
  1491. ('','Skrifter af Knos',''),
  1492. ('','Sonnets of a Sorcerer',''),
  1493. ('','Spell potions','Tim'),
  1494. ('','Spellman\'s Syllabary','Spellman yRosana Amorim'),
  1495. ('','Spells (book)',''),
  1496. ('','A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry',''),
  1497. ('','A Study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter','Bertrand de Pensées-Profondes'),
  1498. ('Misterios de la botánica subaquática','Sub-Aquatic Botanical Mysteries','Quiac Marinus'),
  1499. ('','Tails','Edith Nesbit'),
  1500. ('','Tales and Fantasies','Robert Louis Stevenson'),
  1501. ('','The Tales of Beedle the Bard','Beedle the Bard'),
  1502. ('Teorías de transfiguración transubstancial','Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration',''),
  1503. ('','The Toadstool Tales','Beatrix Bloxam'),
  1504. ('Transformación a lo largo del tiempo','Transformation Through the Ages',''),
  1505. ('','The Travel Trilogy','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1506. ('Viajando con trolls','Travels with Trolls','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1507. ('','Triwizard Tragedies','Ministry of Magic'),
  1508. ('','Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches',''),
  1509. ('','Unfogging the Future','Cassandra Vablatsky'),
  1510. ('Maldiciones imperdonables y sus implicaciones legales','Unforgivable Curses and their Legal Implications',''),
  1511. ('','Unidentified female Hogwarts teacher\'s book',''),
  1512. ('El valle del miedo','The Valley of Fear','A. Conan Doyle'),
  1513. ('Monólogo de vampiro','A Vampire\'s Monologue','Amarillo Lestoat'),
  1514. ('La furgoneta','The Van','Roddy Doyle'),
  1515. ('Viajes con vampiros','Voyages with Vampires','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1516. ('Guía de revisión W.O.M.B.A.T','W.O.M.B.A.T. Revision Guide',''),
  1517. ('','Wanderings of a Tree in the Alps',''),
  1518. ('Caminando con hombres lobo','Wanderings with Werewolves','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1519. ('La guerra de los mundos','The War of the Worlds','H. G. Wells'),
  1520. ('Dilemas extraños de magos y sus soluciones','Weird Wizarding Dilemmas and Their Solutions',''),
  1521. ('Cuando atacan los muggles','When Muggles Attack','Barrett Fay'),
  1522. ('','Where There\'s a Wand, There\'s a Way',''),
  1523. ('¿Qué lechuza?','Which Owl?','Miranda Goshawk'),
  1524. ('¿Quién soy?','Who Am I?','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1525. ('¿Por qué no morí cuando Augurey lloró','Why I Didn\'t Die When the Augurey Cried','Gulliver Pokeby'),
  1526. ('','Winogrand\'s Wondrous Water Plants','Selina Sapworthy'),
  1527. ('¿Qué mago?','Witch Wizard?',''),
  1528. ('Un mago en Oriente','A Wizard in the Orient','Jim Luna'),
  1529. ('','Wizard\'s Spells',''),
  1530. ('Los magos son de Neptuno, las brujas son de Saturno','Wizards Are from Neptune, Witches Are from Saturn','Irsis Pius'),
  1531. ('','Wizard\'s Book','J. K. Rowling'),
  1532. ('','The Wonder of Wigtown Wanderers','Kennilworthy Whisp'),
  1533. ('Mitología mundial','World Mythology',''),
  1534. ('Xilomancia','Xylomancy (book)','Selina Sapworthy'),
  1535. ('Un año con el Yeti','Year with the Yeti','Gilderoy Lockhart'),
  1536. ('Tu lechuza y tú','You & Your Owl','')
  1537. ;
  1538. #Advanced Potion Making book
  1539. /*
  1540. 1)
  1541. 2)
  1542. 3)
  1543. 4)
  1544. 5)
  1545. 6)
  1546. 7)
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  1578. */
  1579. drop table if exists adv_potion_book;
  1580. create table adv_potion_book(name varchar (100),
  1581. about text,
  1582. Instructions text,
  1583. substitutions text,
  1584. notes text);
  1585. insert into adv_potion_book values
  1586. -- nearly impossible Potions
  1587. ('Love Potion','Recognizable by its distinctive luminescent sheen and by the fact that its steam rises in charactristic waves. The Love Potion smells differently to different peopleaccording to what attracts them. Though it\'s named the "love potion" it does not, in fact, really cause the person who drinks it to fall in love but instead to develop a powerfull infatuation or obssesion with the target. The duration of the effects of the Love potion vary depending on such factors as the weight of the person drinking the potion and the general attractiveness of the target - wich is subjective',
  1588. '1) Boil the botthe of red clotted mil wax for about 10 minutes in a silver cauldron until it\'s reduced by half.
  1589. 2) Add the following and brew for at least 12 hours from the point of bubbling.
  1590. 3) Allow the cauldron to return to room temperature.
  1591. 4) Discard the toadstools and strai the riverweed out, reserving the serpent eggs, lovage ad gnome wax.
  1592. 5) Heat 2 scoops of goblin oil.
  1593. 6) Add the toadstools back with 3 red rose petals.
  1594. 7) Brew over low heat for about 15 minutes or until light blue sparks are seen on the edges of the cauldron.
  1595. 8) Transfer the cauldron to a steam bath.
  1596. 9) Syphon off any excess oil from the top of the potion.
  1597. 10) Add 1/2 goblet of acrobat beetle juice to it and bring it to a boil.
  1598. 11) Boil until reduced and syrupy.
  1599. 12) Add another goblet of acrobat beetle juice.
  1600. 13) Bring to a boil, scraping away any crust that forms alongthe edges and reduces the sparking.
  1601. 14) Cover the cauldron with a wet, wrinkled sheet of parchment paper and then tight a fitting lid.
  1602. 15) Brew on weak fire for 4 hours 37 minutes, until the sparks subside and the potion has a pearl-like sheen to its surface.
  1603. 16) Gather 13 large daisy petals and toast them individually over over a open flame evenly on both sides. note: they should be lightly browned with no black edges.
  1604. 17) In a mortar pound or grind the petals along with another goblet of diced lovage into a thick paste.
  1605. 18) Discard the paper and add the lovage/daisy petal paste.
  1606. 19) Using a levitation incantation, transfer target\'s personal item (hair, bit of clothing, etc.) to the cauldron. Note: It should be noted that the target\'s personal item should never be touched by anyone but the target. Note: A burst of smoke should appear the moment the target\'s personal item is completely submerged and continue to slowly rise in a spiral manner.
  1607. 20) Your potion preparation is now complete.
  1608. Serve as a draught, or use in baking or other confectioneries; further heat, cooking or addition to items which are altered here out will not disrupt the potion. Best served in wine',
  1609. 'Goblin oil can be disrupted with certain gnome oils which hae been prepared specifically for love potion. Ask your local apothecary or potions master gor help when procuring them.
  1610. Silver coated pewter cauldrons are acceptable and will work. It should be noted, however, that they have been often found to cause a weaker or shorter lasting lasting Love Potion.
  1611. Rose petals may de used in place of daisy petals. In this case they should be toasted on onl one side and only until the perfume of the petal is released. Rose petals cause more of a "dream like" state in the patient and has been known to cause the potion to be somewhat harder to control the target.
  1612. ','In the smoke burst appears at any point before the target\'s personal item is submerged destroy the potion and cauldron immediately.
  1613. Students should keep a close eye on the cauldron during the entire two-day brewing preocess as it is possible, however unlikely, that rancid goblin oil can cause certain undesirable effects. Signs of these effects beginning are light refracting smoke, green (not blue) sparks appearing around the edges of the cauldron, or a severe reduction and/or expansion of the posin between stages 3 and 4. If any of these are noted alert your potions master at once.
  1614. Familiars should not inhale or digest this potion neither after completion nor during any part of the process past stage 1.
  1615. Use on oneself is severely discouraged.'),
  1617. #('Filtro de Amor', 'Love Potion',''),
  1619. ('Drink of Waking Death',
  1620. 'The Drink of the Waking Death is an extremely powerful sleeping potion. It sends the drinker into a deep trance that mimics the state of death. The potion should resemble a smooth, black melted wax liquid at the halfway stage; it should then turn a light shade of turquoise, then almost invisible when completed.',
  1621. '1) Begin by making certain the cauldron is completely clean of any dust and debris.
  1622. 2) Add 500 ml of stagnant water until bubbling slowly.
  1623. 3) Add the in 4 of the 20 valerian roots, one at each key point of the cauldron circle. Note: Take no more than 30 seconds to do this work.
  1624. 4) Divide the sloth brain into quarters.
  1625. 5) Add one quarter of the sloth brain to cauldron. Note: Be mindful to not allow cauldron to boil over.
  1626. 6) Stir the cauldron for 5 minutes, clockwise, at a whisking pace.
  1627. 7) Rotate the cauldron counterclockwise on the flame 45º
  1628. 8) Add in 6 more of the 20 valerian roots, one at each complimentary point of the cauldron circle.
  1629. 9) Carefully cut the sopophorous bean in two and extract as much juice as posible.
  1630. 10) Add 7 drops of the wormwood from one of each of the viles. Make sure there are no drips on the edges of the cauldron.
  1631. 11) Stir the potion 10 times clockwise. Note: Your potion should now be resembling black melted wax.
  1632. 12) Slowly pour 7 square pieces of asphodel petals & stir the potion 10 times anti-clockwise.
  1633. 13) Add 150oz. powered Dragon Horn.
  1634. 14) Your potion preparation is now complete.
  1635. ','No substitutions are allowed.
  1636. ','While brewing the potion releases blue steam. The ideal halfway stage should be of a black colour (deep purple), although at a later stage if stirred properly the potion will turn a light shade of turnçrquoise and then, eventually, almost invisible.
  1637. Testing the effectiveness of the potion is easily done with the leaf or petal of any flowering plant. Simply dip the plant half way into the potion and withdraw it. The dipped section will disintegrate as if being burned. No ash, however, nor any other signs of item will remain but only the area untouched with a very clean line where it was submerged.
  1638. If any residue is left of any kind the potion is a failure and should be discarded.
  1639. '),
  1640. #('Filtro de Muertos en Vida', 'Draught of the Living Death'),
  1642. ('Peace Giver','The Peace Giver is a potion wich releves anxiety and agitation. Its ingredients are powdered pumice stone, powdered troll ears, and owdered pegasus hooves. It should be a turquoise blue when finished and simmered before being drunk.
  1643. This draught is ironically difficult and making a mistake can have drastic consecuences. Adding too much of the ingredients, for instance, will put the drinker of the potion into a deep -And possibly irreversible - sleep.
  1644. Ingredients must be added exactly in order and amounts specified, and the potion needs to be stirred 7 times, both clockwise and anti-clockwise. Before the addition of the final ingredient, troll ears, the temperature of the flames must be lowered, and the potion allowed to simmer for seven minutes.
  1645. If brewed correctly, the potion will emit a lightly humming smoke, but the possible characteristics of a failed batch seem to be endless.',
  1646. '1)Add powdered umice stone to 400 ml of basic potion starter until the potion turns green.
  1647. 2) Stir until the potion turns blue.
  1648. 3) Add powdered pumice stone until the potion turns purple.
  1649. 4) Allow to simmer until the potion turns pink.
  1650. 5) Add liquid until the potion turns turquoise. Note: Do not add with high flame.
  1651. 6) Allow to simmer until the potion turns purple.
  1652. 7) Shake powdered troll ears vigorously until well separated and then sprinkle in until the potion turns red. Note: Keep at constant temp as quills are added.
  1653. 8) Stir until the potion turns orange.
  1654. 9) Add more powderd troll ears until the potion turns turquoise.
  1655. 10) Allow to simmer till the potion turns purple.
  1656. 11) Add powdered pegasus hooves until the potion turns pink.
  1657. 12) Stir until the potion turns red.
  1658. 13) Allow to simmer until the potion turns purple.
  1659. 14) Add more powdered pumice stone until the potion turns grey.
  1660. 15) Allow the potion to simmer until it turns orange.
  1661. 16) Add more powdered troll ears until the potion turns white.',
  1662. 'No substitutions are allowed.',
  1663. 'stop potion and discard if any of the following occur: green sparks, dark grey steam, a sulforous odour, or a cement-like consistency.'),
  1664. #('Filtro de la Paz','Draught of Peace'),
  1666. ('Old Age Potion', 'An Old Age Potion is a potion which causes the drinker to become older to a degree wich is measurable by other sciences. The more of the potion is drunk, the larger the aging which occurs.
  1667. The effects of this potion are to be temporarily and usually last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours','
  1668. 1) Heat 450 ml of full-moon oil over medium heat in copper cauldron.
  1669. 2) Add balmony by shyphoning in trhough glass flask.
  1670. 3) Simmer until the balmony is somking, about 12 minutes.
  1671. 4) Potion will begin to burn; as it burns repeat icantation 3 times.
  1672. 5) Wave your wand.
  1673. 6) Add in half of a scorched maiden hair fern.
  1674. 7) Grind the wormwood while waving wand clockwise.
  1675. 8) Add paste-like wormwood while waving wand clockwise.
  1676. 9) Rub an image of the subject with cinquefoil and add image to potion.
  1677. 10) Let boil 37 seconds.
  1678. 11) Cover and let rest for 45 minutes.
  1679. 12) Remove from fire and allow to cool.
  1680. ',
  1681. 'A personal item may be substituted for an image in Steps 9 & 10. The item should be something that is known by all to belong to the subject.','
  1682. The mixture you created should go bubbly and taste like a bitter-lemonade. The bubbles that form when you add the baking soda to the lemon mixture are carbon dioxide (CO2), there are the same bubbles you\'ll find in proper fizzy drinks. Of course they add a few other flavored sweeteners but it\'s not much different to what you made. If you are wondering how the carbon dioxide bubbles formed, it was because you created a chemical reaction when you added the lemon (an acid) to the baking soda (a base).'),
  1683. #('Poción Envejecedora', 'Ageing Potion'),
  1685. ('black fire potion','Fire Protection Potion, also known as Ice Potion, is a potion used to move through flames unscathed. When drunk, it induces a sensation of ice and frigidity in the drinker, and provides protection from most magical fires.
  1686. But for Sol, when heat is withdrawn and the cold supervenes after liquefaction, to coagulate and to become hard and solid, there is a need of the other fice materials, whose nature it embraces in itself - Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, Luna. In these five metals the cold abodes with their regimens are especially found. Hence it happens that Sol can with difficulty be liquified without the heat of fire, on account of the cold whereof mention has been made. For Mercury cannot assist with his natural heat or liquefaction, or defend himself against the cold of the five metals, because the heat of Mercury is not sufficient to retain Sol in a state f liquefaction. Wherefore Sol has to obey the five metals rather than mercury alone. Mercury itself has no office of itself save always to flow. hence it happens that in coagulations of the other metals it can effect nothing, since its nature is not to make anything hard or solid, but liquid. To render fluid is the nature of heat and life, but cold has the nature of hardness, consolidation and immobility, which is compared to death.
  1688. The six cold metals, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Luna, if they are to be liquefied must be brought to that condition by the heat of fire. Snow or ice, which are cold, will not produce this effect, but rather will harden. As soon as ever the metal liquefied by fire is removed therefromthe cold, seizing upon it, renders it hard, congelated, and immovable of itself. But in order that Mercury may remain fluid and alive continually, say, I pray for you, wheter this will be affected with heat on cold? Whoever answers that this is brought about by a cold and damp nature, and that it has its life from cold - the promulgator of this opinion, having no knowledge of Nature, is led away b the vulgar. For the vulgar man judges only falsely, and always holds firmly on to his error. So then let him who loves the truth withdraw therefrom. Meruty, in fact, lives not at all from cold but from a warm a fiery nature. Whatever lives is fire, because heat is life, but cold the occasion of death.',
  1689. '1) Heat a mixture of 30 ml liquified moss and 70 ml goat milk.
  1690. 2) Slice bursting mushrooms with knife and add to cauldron one slice at a time - no more than 4 slices per mushroom.
  1691. 3) Drain any excess mushroom juice from cutting surface into cauldron.
  1692. 4) Stir clockwise 8 times. Note: or until potion turns blue.
  1693. 5) Add 3 ounces of blue salamander blood to cauldron.
  1694. 6) Brew potion for 5 hours on medium heat.
  1695. 7) Stir anti-clockwise Note: until potion turns green.
  1696. 8) Crush wartcap in pestle until fine and powder begins to clump onto sides of mortar.
  1697. 9) Add wartcap powder to cauldron by tapping it out of the pestle and making sure it does not touch anything besides the mortar and pestle on the way into cauldron.
  1698. 10) Brew it for 3 hours 16 minutes on low heat until potion stops smoking.
  1699. 11) Stir clockwise (approximately 15 times). Note: until potion turns red.
  1700. 12) Wave wand and your potion is complete.','',''),
  1701. #('','Fire Protection Potion',''),
  1703. ('forgetfulness potion advanced', 'The Forgetfulness Potion causes an unknown degree of memory loss in the drinker The degree of memory loss is equal to the amount of the potion consumed and the strenght of the potion but it is unknown because it is unmeasurable. It is roughly estimated that the amount of memory loss is approximately one hour of directed time to one swallow of normal strength Forgetfulness Potion.
  1704. This version of the Forgetfulness Potion is considered more advanced and is not the same as that listed in Magical Drafts as one is able to control which memories are to be forgotten. Memory loss is not permanent and subjects will fully regain their memories approximately 24 to 78 hours after ingesting it.',
  1705. '1) Add 2 drops of Lethe river water to your Cauldron.
  1706. 2) Gently heat for 20 seconds.
  1707. 3) Add 2 Valerian sprigs to your cauldron.
  1708. 4) Stirr 3 times, clockwise.
  1709. 5) Wave your wand.
  1710. 6) Leave to brew and return in 45-60 minutes.
  1711. 7) Create an enchanted paper with a detailed description of the memory you wish the subject to forget by holding the paper above the potion smoke as you write. The mmore specific the better but generalities work just as well.
  1712. 8) Drop the paper into the cauldron.
  1713. 9) Add 2 measures of standard ingredient to the mortar.
  1714. 10) Add 4 mistletoe berries to the mortar.
  1715. 11) Crush into a medium-fine powder using the pestle.
  1716. 12) Add 2 pinches of the crushed mixture to your cauldron.
  1717. 13) Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise.
  1718. 14) Wave your wand to complete the potion.',
  1719. '',''),
  1720. #('Poción del Olvido', 'Forgetfulness Potion'),
  1722. ('Servus Velle','The Servus Velle concoction will temporarily enslave the subject to the maker\'s will. The subject will have no memory of what was done during the time of effect thought most often is aware that time is missing. The subject will obey any command even if it is personally life threatening.
  1723. The subject also may exhibit increase in strength, agility and healing during the time when they\'re under the effects of the potion.',
  1724. '1) Heat cauldron to medium heat.
  1725. 2) Add 25 ml liver oil.
  1726. 3) Season toad legs with moonseed and nightshade.
  1727. 4) Cook toad legs in batches until browned, 5-6 minutes per side. Transfer to plate.
  1728. 5) Add horned slug to cauldron; cook until rendered.
  1729. 6) Add mandrake roots, riverweed stalks, and flabbergasted slug.
  1730. 7) Cook until slug is translucent, 7-8 minutes.
  1731. 8) Stir in 250 ml pond slime and lobalug venom paste.
  1732. 9) Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add remaining 750ml pond slime.
  1733. 10) Boil until pond slime is reduced by half, 15-20 minutes.
  1734. 11) Return toad legs to cauldron.
  1735. 12) Add syrup of arnica.
  1736. 13) Tie thyme and rosemary springs together; add to cauldron.
  1737. 14) Bring to a boil and cover.
  1738. 15) Transfer cauldron to over and braise until toad legs are tender, about 1 1/4 hours.
  1739. 16) Meanwhile, heat 14 ml liver oil in a large cauldron over medium-high head. Add mushrooms; sauté until browned, about 5 minutes.
  1740. 17) Transfer toad legs from sauce to cauldron with mushrooms; keep warm.
  1741. 18) simmer sauce over medium heat until reduced by 1/3, about 20 minutes.
  1742. 19) Season with moonseed and nightshade.','','Most often recognized in Voodoo witchcraft as the zombie maker.'),
  1743. #('','',''),
  1745. ('Canis Oratio',
  1746. 'The Canis Oratio potion will give any relatively intellugent canine the ability to speak. The animal will only be able to speak a language it knows - i.e. a language it has been exposed to. Wild dogs, for example, may only speak in a different animal language rendering the effects of the potion nill.',
  1747. '1) Pluck a few hairs from the back of an unwashed canine\'s skull. Note: to find the best location simply put one finger on each ear of the dog and move them to the middle of the head. Then trace the line back torwards the tail until you find the back of the skull.
  1748. 2) Heat 250 ml of basic potion starter in a standard sized cauldron.
  1749. 3) Add canine hairs to heated brew.
  1750. 4) Bite off one square of chewing tobacco and gently chew for approximately one minute (spit as needed).
  1751. 5) Add Chewed tobacco to brew
  1752. 6) Increase heat to mediom high and allow to begin slow boil for approximately 30 minutes.
  1753. 7) Add two tablespoons of coffee grounds.
  1754. 8) Raise heat to full boil and allow the mixture to boil for 5 minutes. Note: the tobacco should act as a binding agent and begin to turn the potion light golden brown.
  1755. 9) Reduce to medium heat and mix in a dash of ground fabricata and a pinch of speekleweed.
  1756. 10) Wait for the mixture to turn a radiant orange.
  1757. 11) Stir gently for 2 minutes until the mixture becomes black.
  1758. 12) Using a fine strainer transfer the mixture into a small cauldron pushing any excess liquid out with a wooden spoon.
  1759. 13) In a mortar add a pinch of finely ground rosetta clay and two petals from the purple polkadotted dictionarius flower. Grind with pestle until a fine powder is produced.
  1760. 14) Sprinkle powder ontop of the inky extractus.','','Once completed you may dehydrate as desired or bottle for a later date.
  1761. If dehydrated simply add a couple of pinches to some meat and feed to the subject - if the subject speech is slowed or slurred continue to put more pinches in more food for the subject. The subject may attempt to slow their speech so as to trick you into giving them more meat.
  1762. If the entire brew is bottled in liquid form then you may add up to one tablespoon to meat or place it in the water.
  1763. The subject should retain speech for up to 90 minutes.
  1764. Placing the potion in the subject\'s water will dilute the mixture and the mixture will then build over time and increase the ammount of time the subject will retain speech.
  1765. You may dose a subject with an initial meat-treat then adding the suspension to the water so the dog will continue to speak.'),
  1766. #('','',''),
  1768. ('incrementa sapientiae', 'The Incrementa Sapientae potion temporarily improves the wisdom of the one who imbibes it. This is not a book or even a street smart sort of wisdom but a true Wisdom - capital W.
  1769. \"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing\". -Socrates',
  1770. '1) Heat owl feathers to medium-high heat on open flame and hold temperature for 20 min.
  1771. 2) Remove the owl feathers from flame and inmmediately dust tops with finely cut wizard beard hair.
  1772. 3) In a standard pewter cauldron stir together the sweetened Hippogryph milk and dried Oraculum
  1773. 4) Slowly drizzle mixture over owl feathers.
  1774. 5) Allow the feathers to cool completely at room temperature, then chill for at least 1 hour.
  1775. 6) Boil black root in 250 ml of pure water until water is completely black and thick.
  1776. 7) Fold in 3 turtle eggs whites.
  1777. 8) Crumble dried rose petals into mixture.
  1778. 9) Whip into froth.
  1779. 10) Allow to simmer for 20 minutes on low heat.
  1780. 11) Add chilled feathers to brew.
  1781. 12) Bring to boil for 1 hour.
  1782. 13) Burn shredded pages of an old text book.
  1783. 14) Add ashes to cauldron.
  1784. 15) Cover, remove from heat and allow to rest for 3 days. When opened a faint bluish grey should be overing just below the lid and above the potion itself.','','Hold nose and close eyes while imbibing.'),
  1785. #('','',''),
  1787. ('fortuna liquid','Fortuna Liquid is a magical potion that makes the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt will be successful.
  1788. It is meant to be used sparingly, however, as it causes giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence if taken in excess. Fortuna Liquid is highly toxic in large quantities and is also a banned substance in all organised competitions along with all other methods of cheating. It is very difficult to make, disastrous if made wrong, and requires six months to brew before it is ready to be consumed.',
  1789. '1) Add 2 drops of Lethe river water to your cauldron.
  1790. 2) Gently heat for 20 seconds.
  1791. 3) Add 2 Valerian springs to your cauldron.
  1792. 4) Stir 3 times, clockwise.
  1793. 5) Wave your wand.
  1794. 6) Leave to brew and return in 45-60 minutes.
  1795. 7) Create an enchanted object with a detailed wish of good fortune. The imprints should not be specific but should instead be simply general good fortune as specific imprints of ideas, goals or desires tend to muddy the potion\'s effect. Allow the object to change your wishes as i is being imprinted if itso desires as this will actually lend itself to being a more suitable enchantment.
  1796. 8) Drop the enchanted object into the cauldron.
  1797. 9) Add 2 measures of standard igredient to th mortar.
  1798. 10) Add 4 mistletoe berries to the mortar.
  1799. 11) Crush into a medium-fine powder using the pestle.
  1800. 12) Add 2 pinches of the crushed mixture to your cauldron.
  1801. 13) Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise.
  1802. 14)Allow to simmer, completely undisturbed, on a low fire for six full months. The timing must be six months exactly - to the hour, minute and preferably second. Once the time has expired remove from heat.
  1803. 15) wave your wand to complete the potion.'
  1804. ,'','Many believe that Fortuna Liquid does not actually make one lucky - as luck, while very real and usable by magical creatures such as Leprechauns, is not a replicable magical property - but instead causes the subject to have a heightened sense of awareness od probability and understanding of relational theory. It also releases personal inhibitions and self-awareness which often hinders on who combine and cause one to simply become unable to fail - hence lucky'),
  1805. #('Felix Felicis', 'Felix Felicis',''),
  1807. ('modo plus incantatores','Modo Plus Incantatores greatly increases and clarifies the drinker\'s sense of smell. The person taking this potion should easily be able to identify specific smells from over 3 miles away - depending on wind direction.',
  1808. '1) Dust your work with powdered porcupine quill. Place the boomberries and the water in a large cauldron. Boil hard for 5 minutes until the berries are puffy and expanded.
  1809. 2) Using your wand stir the beries until the are soft and smooth. If some berry pieces remain, return to the heat for 3-4 minutes, until the berry mixture is entirely smooth and free of lumps.
  1810. 3) Add the powdered porcupine quill and begin to stir with wand. Stir until the quill begins to incorporate and it becomes imposiible to stir anymore.
  1811. 4) Scrape the berry-quill mixture out onto the preparated work surface. It will be sticky and lumpy, with lots of quill that has not been incorporated yet -- this is normal. Dust your hands with powdered porcupine quill, and begin to knead the mixture like bread dough, working the quill into the berry mix with your hands.
  1812. 5) Continue to knead the concoction until it smoother out and loses its stickiness. Add more quill if necessary, but stop adding quill once it is smooth -- too much quill will make it stiff and difficult to work with. Once the dough is a smooth ball, divide it evenly into three balls.
  1813. 6) Take one of the dough alls and flatten it into a round disc. Add 4-5 drops of honey water to the centre of the disc, and fold the disc over on itself so that the honey water is enclosed in the centre of the dough ball.
  1814. 7) Begin to knead the ball of dough just like you did before. As you work it, you will begin to see straks of colour comming through from the centre. Continue to knead until the streaks are gone and the fondant is a uniform yellow colour. Repeat the process with the third small ball, adding the leech juice (or a combination ofred and yellow to produce orange) so that you end up with the three smooth dough balls, in white, yellow ad orange.
  1815. 8) Now it is time to roll out the dough. If you have a very log workbench you can do it all at once, but if you are pressed for space you might find it easier to divide your dough balls in half and assemble the concoction in two batches.
  1816. 9) On your powdered quill-coater workstation, begin to roll the yellow fondant ball into a long worm shape, using your palms to roll it into a very long, thin cylinder. The exact size will depend on your preference for the size of your finished concoction, recommended to keeping around 2 cm thick. Try to keep it the same size along the length of the dough strip, but some minor variation is fine. Once the yellow worm is rolled out, repeat the process with the orange and the white strips, placing them next to each other when completed. When you finish you should have three long cylinders of yellow, orange and white dough, each approximately the same length and width.
  1817. 10) If your dough is slightly sticky, you should be able to press the strips together to create one unified dough strip with three colours. If they are well-dusted with powdered quill, they might not stick. If this is the case, you can wet a potion brush and lightly run it along the sides of the strips, and the water will cause them to fuse together.
  1818. 11) Once your strips are firmly pressed together, you should be able to start cutting. Cutting them in their present state produces a rounded piece of dough. If you prefer, you can very gently run a rolling pin along the top of the tri-coloured dough strip, to flatten the tops and press them closer together. Use a large, sharp knife to cut triangles out of the dough strip. the kernels will have alternating white and yellow tips.
  1819. 12) Store in an airtight container at a room temperature for several weeks. This concoction will get sticky if exposed to too much moisture, so it is best made and stored in a place with low humidity.
  1820. 13) After storage time bake in a covered cauldron with a flat bottom for 30 min.
  1821. 14) After 30 min pour in powdered fairy wing. stir with wand until all kernels are coated.
  1822. 15) Chill. Use 5 kernels at a time.
  1823. ','','Non-mMagic People eat a candy that resembles this concoction. If you don\'t eat the kernels cold there is no effect.
  1824. During step 6 you might want to wear gloves or cast a protection spell to avoid durning hands during this step.'),
  1825. #('','',''),
  1827. ('picasso\'s hammer','Picaso\'s Hammer wil help in releasing mental blocks. This potion seems most helpful for artists and/or writers but will work well on any subject that is having issue concentrating or considering something wich they most often would be able to do without interruption',
  1828. '1) Add 60 ml of freshly brewed root beer to a standard pewter cauldron.
  1829. 2) Heat to a slow boil.
  1830. 3) Add 3 hairs of a poet.
  1831. 4) Allow to simmer for 30 minutes.
  1832. 5) Into the brew add one wildflower found growing in rock.
  1833. 6) Drop in one flake of paint from an old canvas.
  1834. 7) Allow to simmer for 30 minutes more. The colour of the potion should begin to go dark gray.
  1835. 8) Raise heat to boiling point and then add in one small oinch of crumbled parchment.
  1836. 9) Wave wand.
  1837. 10) Add a single drop of India ink.
  1838. 11) Reduce heat back to simmer and cover for 3 days.
  1839. 12) On the morning of the 3rd day remove the cover and drop in one tear of frustration - preferably from the subject.
  1840. 13) Stir three times clockwise with a branch from a willow tree.
  1841. 14) Drink immediately.
  1842. ','The hairs of a poet do not have to be from the same poet - nor does the poet need to be any good by any measure of goodness.','Effects last for approximately 24 hours. Some subjects report that the block seems stronger after imbibing the potion though this is most likely a result of comparison.'),
  1843. #('','',''),
  1845. ('positivum mentis habitu','The Positivum Mentis Habitu potion gives one a completely heightened spirit causing them to see the positive in every aspect of life. Making the user immune to any sort of gloom or despair.',
  1846. '1) Add 250g dried white sopophorous beans that have been soaked overnight in cold water unto a standard sized cauldron.
  1847. 2) Raise heat to medium-high.
  1848. 3) Add 1 small boomslang, flesh peeled.
  1849. 4) Add 1 medium erumppent tail, flesh peeled.
  1850. 5) Add 1 bouquet garni (springs of thyme, flat-leaf parsley and rosemary tied together).
  1851. 6) Add 800 ml eagle claw stock.
  1852. 7) Add 150 ml flipper worms mucus and 2g of exploding ginger eyelash.
  1853. 8) Add freshly ground black fairy wing
  1854. 9) Add 10 ml owl eye-inflused dragon blood.
  1855. 10) Slice in a few knobs of ice-cold ogre toe butter.
  1856. 11) Allow to simmer for 3 hours.
  1857. 12) Reduce heat to simmer.
  1858. 13) Slice in a few thin slices of fresh frog brain.
  1859. 14) Drain the soaked beans and transfer them to a larger cauldron.
  1860. 15) Cover by about 5 cm with lightly Dead Sea salted codl water.
  1861. 16) Push back in the boomslang, erumpent tail and bouquet garni.
  1862. 17) Increase the heat back to boil.
  1863. 18) Boil vigorously for 10 minutes.
  1864. 19) Lower the heat to a simmer and cook for a further 1-1 1/2 hours or until the beans are soft.
  1865. 20) Using a slotted spoon, remove about 2.5 oz tbs of the beans and reserve.
  1866. 21) Continue simmering the remaining beans for a further 10-15 minutes until they are very soft.
  1867. 22) Drain the beans, discarding the boomslang, erumpent tail and bouquet garni, but reserving a few tablespoons of the coocking liquid.
  1868. 23) Pulverize the beans and whizz to a fine purée with wand.
  1869. 24) Add a little splash of the cooking liquid slowly to the beans.
  1870. Note: if you add to fast the exploding ginger eyelash will react - if necesary. You may have to stop whizzing the puree and scrape down the sides of the cauldron a few times to get a really smooth result.
  1871. 25) Pass the purée through a fice sieve, pressing the pulp with the back of your wand.
  1872. 26) Heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  1873. 27) Add back in the reserved beans
  1874. 28) Freeze.
  1875. 29) Pulverize with your wand
  1876. 30)Pour the pieces of the frozen potion out and ingest the potion frozen.','','If you ingest thawed pieces the potion will have an opposite effect. A side effect of this potion may find the user with no friends.'),
  1877. #('','',''),
  1879. ('metamorphic potion', 'Metamorphic Potion temporarily transforms the drinker into another person. The drinker will take on the appearance of the person whose hair, fingernails, etc., are added to the potion. Independent of this actual brewing process, the Metamorphic Ption requires a good deal of preparation prior to making it. For example, the lacewing flies must be stewed for twenty-one days prior to making the potion, and only riverweed picked at the full moon is acceptable. The total process takes approximately one month to complete.',
  1880. '1) Add three measures of riverweed to the cauldron (must be picked on a full moon)
  1881. 2) Add two bundles of knotgrass to the cauldron.
  1882. 3) Stir three times, clockwise.
  1883. 4) Add four leeches to the cauldron.
  1884. 5) Add two scoops of lacewing flies to the mortar, crush to a fine powder, then add two measures of the crushed lacewings to the cauldron.
  1885. 6) * reduction reverberation 2 reverberation 1
  1886. 7) Wave your wand to complete this stage of the potion
  1887. 8) Add three measures of boomslang skin to the cauldron.
  1888. 9) Add one measure of unicorn to the mortar, crush to a fine powder, then add one measure of the crushed horn to the cauldron.
  1889. 10) Heat for twenty seconds at high temperature.
  1890. 11) Wave your wand then let potion brew for twenty-four hours (for a Pewter Cauldron. A Brass Cauldron will only require 1224 minutes and a copper ne only eighteen hours.)
  1891. 12) Add one additional scoop of lacewings to the cauldron.
  1892. 13) Stir three times, anti-clockwise
  1893. 14) Split potion into mutiple doses, if desired, then add the pieces of the person you wish to become.
  1894. 15) Wave your wand to complete the potion.','','While it can be account for both age and gender the Metamorphic Potion cannot be used for a human to take an animal form or for a half-breed to assume a human form and therefore should not to be used for transforming into an animal.
  1895. A piece of the person who is to be imitated - usually hair, but toenail clippings, dandruff, or worse can be used - is needed for the transformation; the person must be alive when the piece is taken. Before this final ingredient is added, the Metamorphic Potion looks like thick, dark mud that bubbles slowly. When the piece of the person to me imitated is added, however, the potion changes colour; it seems to react according to colours and tastes, while mean people cause the opposite effect. Itis likely that the taste differs from potion to potion.
  1896. Likewise, the potion cannot be used by a non-human of half-breed individual to turn into human. However, it seems that individuals whose non-human ancentry is less than half can succesfully use Metamorphic Potion.'),
  1897. #('Poción Multijugos', 'Polyjuice Potion'),
  1899. ('drink of gloom', 'The Drink of Gloom is amysterious potion wich induces fear, delirium, and extreme thirst.
  1900. This is an incredibly difficult potion to get correct, how ever a failed version may bring the desired effect without the protection from incantations or vice versa. You must transport the completed potion to it\'s final vessel within minutes of its completion.
  1901. The potion causes the drinker intense pain, extreme thirst and hallucinations of their worst fears. The drinker is aware, however, that they are hallucinating those experiences and they know that it is the potion causing them to suffer, and therefore often stop drinking.',
  1902. '1) Heat 600 ml base potion oi in pewter cauldron over high heat until smoking.
  1903. 2) Reduce heat almost completely.
  1904. 3) Slowly fill cauldron with vinegar solution.
  1905. 4) Add 4 stalks of cinquefoil weed. Note: continue stirring while weed is added.
  1906. 5) Add black goblin-sickle seeds. Note: No wand needed
  1907. 6) Cast incantation. Note: No wand needed.
  1908. 7) Place Celestial artifacts into cauldron one at a time being careful ot to let your flesh contamine the potion.
  1909. 8) Heat cauldron to smoking point again and brew for 30 minutes. Note: Smoke should be thick purple with laces of green.
  1910. 9) Reduce heat.
  1911. 10) Allow to simmer for a minimum of two hours and no more than five.
  1912. 11) Place Elementary artifacts into caldron length-wise.
  1913. 12) Heat cauldron until contents catch fire (approximately 7 minutes).
  1914. 13) Kill heat at togeter and cover top of cauldron with spider silk and tight fitting lid. Note: Remove cover when fire is extinguished.
  1915. 14) Place Metallic artifacts into cauldron using levitation spell. Note: Arifacts should dissolve in clear liquid in contact. Note: Liquid should appear almost metallic in colour.
  1916. 15)Slowly syphon completed porion into final holding receptacle.','This potion CAN NOT be transferred from its final holding receptacle!','As poweful and horrible as this potion can be its effects will wear off quickly if the subject ingests a glass of pure water.'),
  1917. #('','',''),
  1919. ('girding potion','The Girding Potion is a potion that gives the consumer extra endurace. Endurance mst ofte comes in the form of that which the user most needs at the time - physical strength and mental endurance are both common, however, all other sorts of endurance could be gained.
  1920. This potion is excellent for long journeys, public speaking, and parenting though it may not be used for professional sports or in court and is thus monitored by the Courts of Magical Arts.',
  1921. '1) Add one set of fairy wings.
  1922. 2) Heat until the potion turns turquoise.
  1923. 3) Add one measure of squirm fox eggs.
  1924. 4) Heat until the potion turns pink.
  1925. 5) Add the toasted dragonfly thoraxes until the potion turns red.
  1926. 6) Heat until the potion turns blue.
  1927. 7) Add toasted dragon fly thoraxes until the potion turns silver.
  1928. 8) Heat the potion until it turns red.
  1929. 9) Add three measures of squirm fox eggs.
  1930. 10) Add some dragonfly thoraxes.
  1931. 11) Heat the potion until it turns blue.
  1932. 12) Add three flying seahorses.
  1933. 13) Heat until the potion turns green','','The completed porion has a rather foul odour.'),
  1934. #('Poción de resistencia','Girding Potion'),
  1936. ('Capturam de aráneam hominem','The Capturam De Aráneam Hominem potion gives one the habilities of and arachnid. Abilities include heightened speed, reflexes and strength. In most cases the subject will also gain the ability of clinging to surfaces at will as well as the ability to create a \"web\" like substance by friction between their finger-tips.',
  1937. '1) Beat 120 ml banebarry into 200 ml Kinnifrog sting slime in a bowl with a wooden spoon until combined.
  1938. 2) Pour mixture into a 8-inch cauldron.
  1939. 3) Pour 300 ml bleek water into a separate 8-inch cauldron.
  1940. 4) Cover both cauldrons and freeze until firm, at least 3 hours.
  1941. 5) Remove cauldrons and place on medium heat. Note: keep heated until steps 14 & 15.
  1942. 6) Use dragon fat to grease the inside of a clean cauldron and line bottom with a round of parchment, then grease paper.
  1943. 7) Sift 30 g powdered Ingens aranea legs and 25.5g Valerian into a bowl.
  1944. 8) Heat 3 rotten eggs and 20g fairy wing in a large cauldron.
  1945. 9) Set caudron on top of simmering water, gently whisking constantly, until lukewarm and fairy wing is dissolved.
  1946. 10) Remove cauldron from water.
  1947. 11) Add hallwings and ouncing spider juice, then beat with a wand quickly until very thivk, pale, and tripled in volume - about 10 minutes.
  1948. 12) Transfer to a large cauldron.
  1949. 13) Resift powdered Ingens Aranea legs and Valerian over eggs in 2 batches, folding gently but thoroughly after each batch.
  1950. 14) Fold 59 ml of rendered dragon fat into about 236 ml of the mixture into one of the previously frozen cauldrons.
  1951. 15) Fold rendered dragon fat mixture into one of the previously frozen cauldrons.
  1952. 16) Allow both to simmer for 3 hours.
  1953. 17) Allow both into greased cauldron, smoothing top.
  1954. 18) Heat concoction until a wand inserted in centre comes out clean, about 15 minutes.
  1955. 19) Allow to cool on a rack for approximately 5 minutes. The brew will solidify.
  1956. 20) Run a goblin madre knife between coocked cake like potion and side of cauldron.
  1957. 21) Invert racker over brew.
  1958. 22) Flip solidified brew onto rack and cool completely.
  1959. 23) Peel off paper.
  1960. 24) Cut solid potion horizontally in half with a long serrated goblin knife to form 2 layers.
  1961. 25) Tighyly wrap each layer in Ingens Aranea abdomen skin and freeze 30 minutes.
  1962. 26) Place one half layer on workspace.
  1963. 27) Dip cauldron containing baneberry and Kinnyfrog sting slime mixture in a large cauldon of hot water briefly to loosen, 5 to 7 seconds. Note: Have a towel ready to wipe off water.
  1964. 28) Unmold mixture onto solid brew. Note: top mixture ayer with second layer, cut side up.
  1965. 29) Unmold bleek water layer onto solid brew in same manner and freeze until firm, about 1 hour.
  1966. 30) Beat 50 Ingens Aranea egg whites and a pinch of salt in a very large cauldron with 3 cleaned wands at moderately high spee until foamy. Note: do not inhale steam.
  1967. 31) Add cream of nettle and continue to beat until whites hold soft peaks.
  1968. 32) Add powdered fairy wing a little at a time, beating, and continue beating until whites just hold still, glossy peaks.
  1969. 33) Beat in brown recluse blood.
  1970. 34) Heat to approximately 230ºC
  1971. 35) Transfer frozen potion to a large cauldron lined with parchment.
  1972. 36) Spread Ingens Aranea eff and fairy wing foam over solidified brew, making it at least 1 inch thick and mounding it on top.
  1973. 37) Heat on open flame until foam is black.
  1974. 38) Use goblin knife to cut into bite size pieces.','','Use of anything but fresh Ingens Aranea egg whites in the potion will turn the brew to poison and kill the user.'),
  1975. #('','',''),
  1977. ('venuste mutatio','The Vetuste Mutatio enhances ones charisma. The user should expect to experience an altered state of self-perception causing others to more positively view them. This potion can become addictive.',
  1978. '1) Heat the cauldron to 160ºC.
  1979. 2) Pour 32 ounces of wormwood essence in the cauldron.
  1980. 3) Add 30g of diced unicorn horn and 35g of nighshade.
  1981. 4) Add 24 ounces of snogglewine.
  1982. 5) Boil hard until the wine is rendered.
  1983. 6) Add 5 ounces nux musterica stir vigorously with your wand.
  1984. 7) Freeze for 2 days.
  1985. 8) Let thaw slowly - approximately 5 hours.
  1986. 9) Burns 5 large rat spleens and crush until juices flow.
  1987. 10) Chop the spleens and crush until juices flow. Catch juice in a clay vessel. Note: let juice fester for a few hours then add to concoction
  1988. 11) Cover and braise the remaining spleen meat in liquid for 3 hours.
  1989. 12) Menawhile, fry the innards of 12 large cockcroaches in 12 ounces of dragon blood for 5 minutes.
  1990. 13) Add 13g of wiggenbush bark and chopped pufferfish eyes.
  1991. 14) Bre for another 5 minutes. Leave to cool.
  1992. 15) Pulverize 10 chicken hearts with pulverization spell.
  1993. 16) Add runsoor egg white and dragon cream.
  1994. 17) Add 10g shrivelfig and ogre sweat.
  1995. 18) Mix on with the cockroach mixture.
  1996. 19) Take the spleen meat out of and strain the juices - keeping the stock but discarding spleens.
  1997. 20) Add stock to the concoction. Leave to cool.
  1998. 21) Using a chill spell chill the potion and allow to sit for 2 hours.
  1999. 22) Heat the cauldron back up to 220ºC for 15 minutes. Note: should reduce by half.
  2000. 23) drink potion very hot.','',''),
  2001. #('','',''),
  2003. ('bonovox', 'The Bonovox Potion manipulates the vocal cords in a way wich bestows a pleasing and often melodic voice upon the imbiber. The effect has been known to last and entire life-time (without a counter spell)',
  2004. '1) Using a Mortar and Pestle grind 10 seeds from an Iris that was picked 14 days previous.
  2005. 2) In a bowl made of Joshua tree wood, combine the Iris seed powder and lemon juice. Set aside.
  2006. 3) In a clay cauldron, add together 1 litre of spring water from Ireland.
  2007. 4) Add 50 ml of clover.
  2008. 5) Kill a fly by the edge of a knife - add to brew.
  2009. 6) Place cauldron on fire and bring cauldron to a boil for 40 minutes.
  2010. 7) Remove from heat.
  2011. 8) Pour the Iris/lemon juice mixture into the cauldron.
  2012. 9) Let the concoction cool. DO NOT STORE OVERNIGHT!
  2013. 10) Pour potion into 2 large vials
  2014. 11) Upon drinking recite de incantation in nomine amoris.','','The preferred method of stirring the potion is witha brass rod so that it can rattle and hum, though some have noted that a wooden spoo allows for more pop.'),
  2015. #('','',''),
  2017. ('vidimus tantùm','The Vidimus Tantùm will allow you to view the contents of the subjects dreams. Boh you and the subject (subject first) must drink of the same potion mixture just before sleep. The potion will put you into a sleep soon after and the second person to drink will be the observer of the dreams of the first person.
  2018. The ability to interact with the subject during the dreams seems to depend more greatly on the lucidity of the potion master who concocted the potion than on either of the drinkers.',
  2019. '1) Heat large cauldron.
  2020. 2) Line a smaller cauldron for baking with pond slime.
  2021. 3) Chop the bandicoot ears and cut the pumpkin rind into cubes, then warm them together in a cauldron set over another cauldron of barely simmering water, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat as soon as both are soft and smooth.
  2022. 4) Whisk by hand, whip the bouncing spider juice, asphodel, araculum, instant coffee and a confibula quickly for about ten minutes until foamy and stiff.
  2023. 5) By hand, stir in the confibula mixture, then the bat blood.
  2024. 6) Smooth half of the mix into the cauldron. Place a layerof goosgrass over the confibula, breaking it into pieces to fill in any large gaps.
  2025. 7) Pour the rest of the mix over the grass and smooth the top.
  2026. 8) Bake the concoction for over 35 minutes, rotating the vessel midway during baking. When the mix is baked, it will have a firm crust on top but a wand inserted into the centre should come out wet. Do not overbake the mix.
  2027. 9) Let the concoction cool completely, then lift it out of the cauldron ad slice into rectangles.
  2028. 10) Arrange rectangles in a row and por Sal Ammoniac across the top. Cover all pices equally.
  2029. 11) crush together shrivelfig and riverweed until fine dust.
  2030. 12) Sprinkle shrivelfig and riverweed dust over rectangles.
  2031. 13) Freeze hard.
  2032. 14) Soak rectangles in peppermint oil.
  2033. 15) Use flipper worms mucus to thicken the bulbisdonk juice.
  2034. 16) Boil bulbisdonk mixture.
  2035. 17) Cool mixture then add a pinch of cinnamon.
  2036. 18) Pour over rectangles.','','Dreamer must eat no less than 5 minutes before sleep.
  2037. The rectangles will keep at room temperature for up to three days. They can be frozen, well-wraped, for up to two months.'),
  2038. #('','',''),
  2040. ('halitus mortis','A precautionary nore: Halitus Mortis is dangerous in both preparation and use. It\'s use WILL result in death. It\'s only uses are to kill and therefore to be only used in extreme circumstnces. Other uses will result in implications of Black Arts.
  2041. This potion will give the user the ability to cause death woth nothing more than a puff of exhaling breath.
  2042. The Courts of Magical Arts keeps strict magical records of every isntance of this potion being brewed.',
  2043. '1) Arrange your distillation apparatus to accomodate 4 liters of input to 1.5 lithers of output.
  2044. 2) Distill 2 liters of exploding fluid.
  2045. 3) Pour .357 liters of the distilled liquid into a large cauldron very gently.
  2046. 4) Distill 3.7 liters of rendered dragon breath ignition fluid.
  2047. 5) Add - extremely gently - the result to the cauldron.
  2048. 6) Boil 30 grams each of stink weed and scurvy grass together in 3.7 liters of hipogryph blood.
  2049. 7) Render down until liquid is half.
  2050. 8) Completely strain out any particles.
  2051. 9) Distill the hipogryph blood.
  2052. 10) Pour 30 ml of the distilled hippogryph blood gently into your cauldron.
  2053. 11) Rapidly freeze the mixture. Note: use of spell is acceptable.
  2054. 12) Vary slowly reheat using no fire. The fumes are very explosive.
  2055. 13) Repeat steps 11 and 12, at least 10 more times. Note: if concoction doesn\'t choke you drastically then repeat several more times
  2056. 14) Concoction is very volatile so handle with every caution.
  2057. 15) add 10 grams of sulphur vive.
  2058. 16) Add 30 medium sized giant purple toad warts.
  2059. 17) wait for toad warts to completely melt before adding next ingredient.
  2060. 18) Add 40 ml of rendered andgry centaur ear wax.
  2061. 19) Dice 20 medium sized deathcap mushroom stems.
  2062. 20) Press the juice from them and slowly add to the cauldron until a blue mist floats just above the concoction.
  2063. 21) Add 10 ml of horklump juice.
  2064. 22) When the blue mist starts rising the user must inhale the mist until concoction no longer produces.
  2065. 23) DDiscard the remainder very carefully.
  2066. 24) Contain the completed potion in an infinished gemshorn - one that has no tone-holes yet cut - and inhale before use. Note: an old, pre-17th century, gemshorn is best.
  2067. 25) Exhale the potion on the target. Note: the user must become very angry and hiss the vapor deep from their lungs into the face of the victim','','This potion is for extremely advanced potion masters only and, due to the restrictions and monitoring by the courts of Magical Arts, is often only deminstrated by a potions master during a lecture. DO NOT attempt this potion on your own without strict supervision and authorization.'),
  2068. #('','',''),
  2070. -- Elixirs and Serums
  2071. ('Elixir of life','This potion is impossible to create successfully but is listed here as a practice. There are at least four steps (noted) which are unknown yet obviously essential: not to mention the lack of a sorcerer\'s stone. Your instructor may choose to skip over this elixir during instruction.
  2072. Use of at least five of the Six Keys of Eudoxus is most likely used; though it is not certain which of the five are needed.
  2073. Limitations: The Elixir does not make the drinker truly inmmortal, but only lengthens the lifespan. It is also inknown whether or not use of sorcerer\'s stone halts, reverses or slows ageing and whether or not there are any drawbacks to being reincarnated in this way.
  2074. The Elixir of life grants the drinker an indefinitely extended life, for as long as they keep drinking it regularly, though, the frequency wit which it needs to be consumed (along with its entire creation process) is unknown.
  2075. Any person who relies on the Elixir will die if they cannot obtain more Elixir before the last quantity imbibed wears off.
  2077. The Elixir may also have the ability to reincarnate a disembodied, earthbound soul via its powerfull magical, life-based properties.',
  2078. '1) Unknown base.
  2079. 2) Add 15 grams of cemetery dust.
  2080. 3) Allow to boil and add in 3 ground raven beaks.
  2081. 4) Place over low heat.
  2082. 5) Brew for 14 hours or until top of the potion skins over luminescent green and blue.
  2083. 6) Allow the cauldron to return to room temperature.
  2084. 7) Melt in 15 centimeters of giant boar\'s ear wax.
  2085. 8) Heat 3 scoops of goblin oil.
  2086. 9) Unknown step.
  2087. 10) Brew over low heat for 3 days. Note: Monitor closely - if colouring begins to change lower or raise heat accordinly. more blue = lower heat | more green = higher heat.
  2088. 11) Inhale vapor and exhale back into cauldron 12 times slowly Note: a bellows may be used.
  2089. 12) Simmer until reduced and black.
  2090. 13) Unknown step.
  2091. 14) Unknown step -believed to be addition of Sorcerer\'s Stone.
  2092. 15) Scrape edge of cauldron with tip of wand anti-clockwise 7 times until potion turns golden.
  2093. 16) Cover the cauldron with stretched bats wings and a heavy stone.
  2094. 17) Brew on weak fire for 14 hours.
  2095. 18) Remove covering and add 18 ounces of holy ghost root.
  2096. 19) The mixture should begin to shimmer and smell of sarsaparilla.
  2097. 20) Your potion preparation is now complete.','',''),
  2098. #('Elixir de la Vida', 'Elixir of Life'),
  2100. ('Everlasting elixer','Everlasting Elixirs are a type of potion with the effect to either never run out of potion or to work forever. Effects vary based on the success of the potion and an ember of the potion must be kept brewing for the effects to last.
  2101. While this elixir appears relatively simple its successful completion is only accomplished after years of practice by the most accomplished potion-masters: so don\'t be discouraged.',
  2102. '1) Choice of potion/elixir to extend.
  2103. 2) Raise or lower completed potion to medium heat.
  2104. 3) Use levitation spell to add 3 grams of pure, untouched hour glass sand.
  2105. 4) Infuse with blue earth-smoke by slowly folding the smoke into the potion until the potion begins to shimmer.
  2106. 5) Lower the heat and allow to simmer no less than 10 minutes.
  2107. 6) Wave wand clockwise 3 times. The potion will thicken.
  2108. 7) Melt approximately 5 ml of Artic glacier ice and pour slowly into potion in a figure 8 shape making sure to complete the shape no less than 2 times. The symbol will glow a faint green.
  2109. 8) Allow the infinity shape to stop glowing completely then remove cauldron from heat and cover with lid.
  2110. 9) Once the cauldron is cool to the touch rotate the base of the cauldron 3 times anti-clockwise while rotating the lid 3 times clockwise.
  2111. 10) Remove the lid and your potion is complete.','','The Elixir is only truly successful if it is used on materials which it can soak into. An absorption spell may be used for non-porous objects.
  2112. Warnings: The Everlasting Elixir should never be used on a living organic being. It is not an extender of life but merely of use. Purely magical creatures - such as unicorns - can use the power of the elixir to some degree but this has benn undocumented and should only be considered after consulting a potion master.'),
  2113. #('','Everlasting Elixirs'),
  2115. -- Astounding Antidotes
  2116. ('cure for boils','Being an effective remedie against pustules, hives, boils and many other scrofulous conditions. This is a robust potion of powerful character. care should be taken when brewing. Prepared incorerctly this potion has been known to cause boils, rather than cure them',
  2117. '1) Add crushed snake fangs to 200 ml of melted goose fat in a small cast-iron cauldron.
  2118. 2) Slice your pungous onions finely and place in cauldron, then heat the mixture.
  2119. 3) Add dried nettles.
  2120. 4) Add a dash of flint snake mucus and stir vigorously.
  2121. 5) Add a sprinkle of powdered ginger root and stir vigorously again.
  2122. 6) Add pickled Shrake spines.
  2123. 7) Stir gently, so as not to overexcite the Shrake spines.
  2124. 8) Add a glug of stewed horned slugs.
  2125. 9) Add powdered troll ears.
  2126. 10)Finally, wave your wand over the caouldron to finish the potion','','When brewing the potion, the cauldron must be taken off the fire before adding the powdered troll ears, or the cauldron will melt and create a horrid odour, and if it spills will cause the skin to erupt in vicious boils.
  2127. If the potion is made successful, there will be pink smoke raising from the cauldron.'),
  2128. #('Poción Curadora de Forúnculos','Boil Cure Potion'),
  2130. ('Oculus potion','The Oculus Potion is a healing potion that assumes a deep orange colour when completed. It has the power to restore the drinker\'s sight, and counteracts the effects of the Conjunctivitis Curse.',
  2131. '1) Shake and add the ground unicorn horn until the potion turns green.
  2132. 2) Stir the potion until it turns purple.
  2133. 3) Add crystalize water until the potion turns red.
  2134. 4) Allow the potion to heat until it turns yellow.
  2135. 5) Add stewed mandrake until the potion turns turquoise.
  2136. 6) Shake and add the ground unicorn horn until the potion turns pink.
  2137. 7) Stir until the potion turns orange.
  2138. 8) Add wormwood until the potion turns green.
  2139. 9) Add crystalized water until it turns turquoise.
  2140. 10) Add the mandrake until it turns indigo.
  2141. 11) Stir until the potion turns orange.
  2142. 12) Heat until the potion turns purple.
  2143. 13) Shake and add the wormwood until the potion turns orange.','',''),
  2144. #('Poción Oculus','Oculus Potion'),
  2146. ('Love potion antidote','Although a love potion\'s effect will eventually wear off on their own, this antidote can be used as an expedient alternative. The potion may appear clear, bright red, or pink in colour.',
  2147. '1) Into 425 ml of a water-based potion base add four Witches tree twigs, or until the potion turns green.
  2148. 2) Stir until the potion turns orange.
  2149. 3) Add castor oil until the potion turns blue.
  2150. 4) Stir until the potion turns purple.
  2151. 5) Add extract of Ruddyroot until the potion turns red.
  2152. 6) Add Witches Tree twigs.
  2153. 7) Add Extract of Ruddyroot until the potion turns purple.
  2154. 8) Leave the potion to simmer till it turns red.
  2155. 9) Add more Ruddyroot extract till it turns green.
  2156. 10) Stir till it turns orange.
  2157. 11) Add seven Witches Tree twigs.
  2158. 12)Allow to simmer till it turns pink.','','A Hate Potion can also cancel out Love Potion\'s effects, and vice versa.'),
  2159. #('Antídoto de la Poción de amor','Love Potion Antidote'),
  2161. ('antidote to verum serum', 'Verum serum is powerful truth serum that effectively forces the drinker to answer any questions put to them truthfully. Use of the potion is stricly controlled by the Courts of Magical Arts and is therefore not listed in this book. This antidote counteracts the effects of the serum',
  2162. '1) Fill a small cauldron with 250 ml of mer-water.
  2163. 2) Shave in 3 flakes of ash with a silver dagger.
  2164. 3) Begin heating the cauldron at a slow rate as to reach medium heat not before 10 minutes.
  2165. 4) Stir 4 ounces of knotted black widow webs.
  2166. 5) add 30 ml of heavy water - preferably black.
  2167. 6) Bring cauldron to boil for 20 minutes while continuing to keep the ensuing froth from boiling over.
  2168. 7) Lower heat and stir anti-clockwise 4 times.
  2169. 8) Add 3 shadow leaves - leave whole, stem and all.
  2170. 9)Wave wand, cover cauldron with lid and allow potion to sit on low heat undisturbed for 2 days.
  2171. 10) Cast obfuscation spell around immediate area, remove lid and immediately empty potion into light-resistant receptacle.','','Daylight of any sort will weaken the potion\'s strength exponentially so keep your completed potion stored in a light-tight container. You may also wish to use a darkening spell on the container to add extra protection. The potion will lose its effect by 1/2 for every week it sits without use.'),
  2172. #('Antídoto para la poción Veritaserum','Antidote to Veritaserum'),
  2174. ('expergiscimini potion','The expergiscimini Potion is a healing potion with the power to awaken a person from a magically-induced sleep.
  2175. It is said that prince once used this potion to awaken a princess who had been giventhe Drink of Somnus by her evil step mother. The prince first put some of the potion on his lips and then kissed the princess',
  2176. '1) Add salamander blood to 300 ml of basic potion starter until the potion turns red.
  2177. 2) Stir until the potion turns orange.
  2178. 3) Add more salamander blood, this time until it turns yellow.
  2179. 4) Stir util the potion turns green.
  2180. 5) Add more salamander blood, until the potion turns turquoise.
  2181. 6) Heat until it turns indigo.
  2182. 7) Add more salamander blood until the potion turns pink.
  2183. 8) Heat until the potion turns red.
  2184. 9) Add ive more lionfish spines.
  2185. 10) Heat until the potion turns yellow.
  2186. 11) Add fire more lionfish spines.
  2187. 12) Add flint snake mucus, until the potion turns purple.
  2188. 13) Stir until it turns red.
  2189. 14) Add more flint snake mucus, this time until it turns orange.
  2190. 15) Stir till it turns yellow.
  2191. 16) Shake and add until it turns orange again.
  2192. 17) Add honeywater until it turns turquoise.
  2193. 18) Heat until it turns pink.
  2194. 19) Add salamander blood until it turns green.','',''),
  2195. #('','',''),
  2197. ('volubilis potion','Volubilis Potion is a potion that alters the drinker\'s voice. It will also restore their voice if they have lost it, and thus will end the effects of the Silencing Charm.',
  2198. '1) In a standard pewter cauldron mix add 3 puffs of frog\'s breath to 275 ml of basic potion starter.
  2199. 2) Infuse approximately 3 drops of cat tongue saliva into mix via infusing spell.
  2200. 3) Heat the initial mix of ingredients until red.
  2201. 4) Continue heating until green.
  2202. 5) Add honeywater until the potion turns pink.
  2203. 6) Heat the potion again, this time until it turns orange.
  2204. 7) Add 4 mint sprogs causing the potion to turn into a shade of green.
  2205. 8) Heat the potion once more, until it turns blue.
  2206. 9) Add 4 more mint sprigs.
  2207. 10) The potion should turn pink again.
  2208. 11) Add in 13 ounces of stewed mandrake causing the potion to turn orange.
  2209. 12) Add in a very small amount of liquid, turning the potion blue.
  2210. 13) Finish the potion by heating until the colour goes from bright red to a pleasant yellow.
  2211. 14) Once finished, the potion should release some sparks.','','In some rare occasions a small wisp of bright yellow flame will appear from the centre of the cauldron instead of the sparks mentioned in step 14. This is not something to worry about but rather be proud of as the normal sparking is not ideal but simply more common.'),
  2212. #('Poción Volubilis', 'Volubilis Potion'),
  2214. ('wolfsbane potion','The Wolfsbane potion is an innovative and complex potion that relieves, but does not cure, the symptoms of lycanthropy. The main ingredient is wolfsbane(also referred to as aconite or monkshood). As such, this Potion is very dangerous when incorrectly concocted, sicne Aconite is a very poisonous substance.
  2215. The way one must imbibe it is very unique among potions, in that a gobletful of wolfsbane potion must be taken for each day of a week preceding the full moon.',
  2216. '1) Heat up to 300 ml of standard potion oil over medium heat until hot.
  2217. 2) Add moonlake oil and bring to shimmer but DO NOT BURN.
  2218. 3) Add the bezoar & garlic and brew until garlic cloves are translucent and starting to brown. Thiswill take 8 to 10 minutes.
  2219. 4) wave wand 5 times anti-clockwise.
  2220. 5) Continue brewing until dark purple smoke begins to rise. Note: This must be watched closely as the potion will ruin if the smoke becomes thick before going to step 6.
  2221. 6) add one pinch of black cat\'s hair.
  2222. 7) Stir until the smoke begins to turn blue.
  2223. 8) Wave wand. Note: the ompleted potion exudes a faint blue smoke.','','');
  2224. #('Poción Matalobos','Wolfsbane Potion')
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