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May 8th, 2017
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  3. [21:56:31] * pcp (root@*** has joined #wht
  4. [21:56:36] <pcp> lmfao im ircing from burstnet
  5. [21:56:40] <pcp> fight the power
  6. [21:56:40] <pcp> niggers
  7. [21:58:13] -pcp:#wht- HI
  8. [21:58:16] -pcp:#wht- HI
  9. [21:58:17] -pcp:#wht- HI
  10. [21:58:17] -pcp:#wht- HI
  11. [21:58:17] -pcp:#wht- HI
  12. [21:58:17] -pcp:#wht- HI
  13. [21:58:31] <pcp> LOL
  14. [21:58:32] <pcp> SUP FAGGOT
  15. [21:58:44] * pcp (root@*** Quit (Quit: leaving)
  17. thought nothing of it, wasnt directed at me atall, so meh, who cared?! Then the fun started......
  19. [22:20:18] <WEPUMPPiN> u gettin ddosed
  20. [22:20:24] <Benji> am I?
  21. [22:20:28] <Benji> awesome
  22. [22:20:29] <WEPUMPPiN> peace kiddieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  25. WEPUMPPiN is * Charlie root
  26. WEPUMPPiN on @##WE @##PUMPED @#vap0r
  27. WEPUMPPiN using LOL'N OVER LULZ 08!
  28. WEPUMPPiN actually using host
  29. WEPUMPPiN End of /WHOIS list.
  31. Looks like he was trying to frame vap0r/pp4l? badluck :(:(
  33. Then the lulz began in #bsdshellz >......
  37. [22:22:38] * WEPUMPPiN ( has joined #bsdshellz
  38. [22:22:40] <WEPUMPPiN> LOL BENJI
  40. [22:22:44] <WEPUMPPiN> k
  41. [22:22:49] <Benji> er
  42. [22:22:50] <pbnj> go ahead
  43. [22:22:51] <Benji> what did I do
  44. [22:22:52] <Benji> exactly?
  45. [22:22:57] <Benji> i dont even know who you are
  46. [22:22:58] <pbnj> nah benji, fuck him
  48. [22:23:00] <@madmax> you gonna drop our boxes?
  49. [22:23:01] <pbnj> just stop talking
  50. [22:23:03] <WEPUMPPiN> iM GONNA DROP ALL of U
  51. [22:23:05] <pbnj> let him packet all he wants
  52. [22:23:07] <Benji> lol
  53. [22:23:09] <@madmax> ok man
  55. [22:23:10] <Benji> im a packetting kiddy
  56. [22:23:10] <WEPUMPPiN> :)))
  57. [22:23:11] <WEPUMPPiN> OK
  58. [22:23:12] <@madmax> stop talking shit
  59. [22:23:16] <@madmax> if your gonna do something, do it
  60. [22:23:19] <@madmax> dont just mouth off
  61. [22:23:24] <WEPUMPPiN> k
  62. [22:23:24] <@madmax> actions speak louders than words
  63. [22:23:30] <WEPUMPPiN> ok enjoy u ping timeou ;0)))
  64. [22:23:36] <pbnj> enjoy yours aswell
  65. [22:23:39] * WEPUMPPiN ( Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
  66. [22:23:40] * WEPUMPPiN ( has joined #bsdshellz
  67. [22:23:43] <@cut> CAPS LOCKS SPEAQKS LOUDER THAN W0RDS
  68. [22:23:45] <Benji> HAHAHA
  69. [22:23:46] <@madmax> no stop mouthing off
  70. [22:23:47] <@madmax> just do it
  71. [22:23:49] <Benji> ][22:23:39] * WEPUMPPiN ( Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
  72. [22:23:58] <WEPUMPPiN> 1 sec my ircd is lagged
  73. [22:24:04] <WEPUMPPiN> udp flood coming :))) wooooosh
  74. [22:24:07] <@madmax> i dont wanna listen to your bullshit, so if your gonna packet someone hurry up and do it
  75. [22:24:10] <WEPUMPPiN> udp flood coming :))) wooooosh
  76. [22:24:10] <WEPUMPPiN> udp flood coming :))) wooooosh
  77. [22:24:17] <@madmax> yeah come on hurry up
  78. [22:24:21] <@cut> ./ <ip> <port>
  79. [22:24:21] <@madmax> im not lagging yet
  80. [22:24:24] <@cut> l33t0burr1t0
  81. [22:24:30] <@h4sh> heh
  82. [22:24:31] <@cut> hax hax hax
  83. [22:24:31] * WEPUMPPiN ( Quit (Ping timeout: 600 seconds)
  84. [22:24:32] <@madmax> ohh and use some proper tools, is a joke
  85. [22:24:37] <@h4sh> what a fag
  86. [22:24:42] <Benji> lolololololol
  87. [22:24:47] <@madmax> the guy is pathetic
  88. [22:24:52] <@madmax> i wonder if he even tried
  89. [22:24:56] <@madmax> benji, what box are you on?
  90. [22:24:58] <Benji> um
  91. [22:25:00] <Benji> jade
  92. [22:25:06] <Benji> i dont even know what I did :/
  93. [22:25:14] <pbnj> yeah , log some packets
  94. [22:25:17] <pbnj> maybe we can steal his shit
  95. [22:25:18] <Benji> i probably got too much info on him
  96. [22:25:32] <Benji> even though I dont know him
  97. [22:25:36] <@madmax> average of 2.8kb/sec traffic on jade right now
  98. [22:25:39] <Benji> he's tried to frame vap0r
  99. [22:25:39] <@madmax> nothing is hitting it
  100. [22:25:45] <@madmax> who is he?
  101. [22:25:47] <@madmax> drop us his info :)
  102. [22:25:53] <@cut> he's not even in those chans i dont think
  103. [22:25:58] <@madmax> some people are extremely cowardly
  104. [22:25:58] <@cut> 16:23:09 [EFNet] -!- channels : #torrentfreak #bsdshellz @#^B^_^C7UR_PACKETS_R_GONNA_GET_PUMPED
  105. [22:26:23] * Benjl ( has joined #bsdshellz
  106. [22:26:25] <Benjl> enjoying ur ddos ???
  107. [22:26:31] <pbnj> yes
  108. [22:26:35] <pbnj> thank you
  109. [22:26:39] <@madmax> what ddos?
  110. [22:26:45] <Benji> lol
  111. [22:26:50] <@madmax> what are you supposed to be hitting?
  112. [22:26:52] <Benji> Benjl; what have I done?
  113. [22:26:57] * Benjl ( Quit (Benjl)
  114. [22:27:00] <@madmax> dont tell me the 2.8kb/sec of traffic is your doing
  115. [22:27:05] * iND- ( has joined #bsdshellz
  116. [22:27:07] <@madmax> dont tell me the 2.8kb/sec of traffic is your doing
  117. [22:27:10] <iND-> im ddosing u
  118. [22:27:12] <iND-> with the udps
  119. [22:27:13] <iND-> ...
  120. [22:27:17] <@madmax> what, me?
  121. [22:27:17] * iND- is now known as BEN_JI
  122. [22:27:19] <@madmax> your dossing me?
  123. [22:27:20] <BEN_JI> yes
  124. [22:27:25] <@madmax> not very well
  125. [22:27:31] <BEN_JI> [udp] Now attacking 2001 for 6000 seconds
  126. [22:27:33] <BEN_JI> you're down
  127. [22:27:34] <BEN_JI> bye
  128. [22:27:34] <BEN_JI> : )
  129. [22:27:35] <Benji> lol
  130. [22:27:35] <Benji> 2001
  131. [22:27:37] <@madmax> 2001?
  132. [22:27:37] <Benji> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  133. [22:27:41] <@madmax> its 2008 now man
  134. [22:27:43] <Benji> he's trying to flood ipv6
  135. [22:27:44] <@madmax> didnt you realise that?
  136. [22:27:48] <BEN_JI> im know
  137. [22:27:49] <@cut> PING Benji 56(84) bytes of data
  138. [22:27:50] <BEN_JI> its 2008 :)))
  139. [22:27:57] <@madmax> man, how stupid are you?
  140. [22:28:13] <shroomy> you're not even on the right tunnel idiot
  141. [22:28:16] <BEN_JI> I GOT IPV6 FUCK PROGRAM
  142. [22:28:16] <BEN_JI> :)
  143. [22:28:20] <BEN_JI> it will drop all ipv6
  144. [22:28:23] <@madmax> great
  145. [22:28:24] <@madmax> go on then
  146. [22:28:28] <BEN_JI> enjoy ur ddos :)
  147. [22:28:34] <@cut> PORTFUCK.exe
  148. [22:28:48] <BEN_JI> cut
  149. [22:28:49] <BEN_JI> you too :)
  150. [22:28:51] <@madmax> i find that hard to believe since you dont even know enough about ipv6 to recognise it
  151. [22:28:52] <@cut> do it
  152. [22:28:58] <BEN_JI> u talk shits
  153. [22:29:00] <BEN_JI> u get owned ;)
  154. [22:29:04] <BEN_JI> i know ipv6 :)
  155. [22:29:07] <BEN_JI> its 2001.ip.ip.ip
  156. [22:29:10] <BEN_JI> like ipv4 :)
  157. [22:29:12] <@cut> haha
  158. [22:29:12] <pbnj> ben_ji will send bratty after us
  159. [22:29:14] <BEN_JI> but starts with 2001
  160. [22:29:14] <BEN_JI> :)
  161. [22:29:16] <pbnj> i heard he is in love with her
  162. [22:29:18] <BEN_JI> what is bratty ?
  163. [22:29:21] <BEN_JI> is she ure gf
  164. [22:29:25] <pbnj> yes
  165. [22:29:25] <Benji> BEN_JI; whatever i did to piss you off, IM FUCKING PROUD OF IT
  166. [22:29:31] <BEN_JI> benji ure warez :)
  167. [22:29:32] <BEN_JI> hacker
  168. [22:29:37] <Benji> yeh dude
  169. [22:29:39] <Benji> im pro 1337
  170. [22:29:41] <Benji> h4x0r
  171. [22:29:43] <@cut> where's my flood?
  172. [22:29:44] <Benji> for the c1a
  173. [22:29:44] <@madmax> no actually its x:x:x:x with colons not dots you monkey
  174. [22:29:45] <@madmax> eth0: 6.50 KB/s 6.05 KB/s 12.55 KB/s
  175. [22:29:48] <@madmax> come on man
  176. [22:29:52] <@madmax> 6.5kb/sec traffic
  177. [22:29:56] <@madmax> surely that cant be your attack
  178. [22:29:58] * BEN_JI ( Quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
  180. [22:30:06] <Benji> im pissing myself
  181. [22:30:09] <Benji> oh shit, literally ;]
  182. [22:30:10] * iND- ( has joined #bsdshellz
  183. [22:30:12] * iND- is now known as B_ENJI
  184. [22:30:19] <B_ENJI> suptupid
  185. [22:30:20] <B_ENJI> is worthless :|
  186. [22:30:24] <@madmax> welcome back world's most pathetic packet kiddie
  187. [22:30:24] <B_ENJI> let me do syn :)
  188. [22:30:28] <@madmax> come on then
  189. [22:30:29] <@cut> haha
  190. [22:30:31] <@cut> ./
  191. [22:30:33] <B_ENJI> bye :)))
  192. [22:30:34] <B_ENJI> no
  193. [22:30:35] <@madmax> lets see if you have an ipv6 synflood tool
  194. [22:30:38] <B_ENJI> its Gcc O Syn.c
  195. [22:30:38] <B_ENJI> :)
  196. [22:30:51] <@madmax> do you even know how to use gcc?
  197. [22:30:57] <B_ENJI> Yes :)
  198. [22:31:03] <@cut> he's gonna compile our asses offline
  199. [22:31:06] <shroomy> you smile alot for nothin happening to anyone
  200. [22:31:06] <@madmax> prove it
  201. [22:31:07] <B_ENJI> you're run by "./gcc ddos file"
  202. [22:31:09] <B_ENJI> : )
  203. [22:31:14] <Benji> hahahahaa
  204. [22:31:15] <@madmax> haha
  205. [22:31:16] <@madmax> dude
  206. [22:31:18] <@madmax> man gc
  207. [22:31:21] <@madmax> man gcc
  208. [22:31:22] <B_ENJI> dude its not work :)
  209. [22:31:23] <Benji> B_ENJI
  210. [22:31:26] <B_ENJI> wow ur a noob ?
  211. [22:31:27] <B_ENJI> or something?
  212. [22:31:29] <Benji> I have contacts at Burstnet
  213. [22:31:33] <Benji> say bye to your box
  214. [22:31:36] <B_ENJI> wtf is brust net ?
  215. [22:31:43] <B_ENJI> im CARDED box from noc ster :)
  216. [22:31:45] <@madmax> im waiting for your attack man
  217. [22:31:48] <B_ENJI> uaeuaeuiauiaeiuaeu
  218. [22:31:50] <@cut> BN couldn't flood their way into new orleans
  219. [22:31:55] <B_ENJI> im CARDED box from noc ster :)!!!
  220. [22:31:56] <B_ENJI> not burst
  221. [22:31:56] <@h4sh> lol
  222. [22:31:57] <B_ENJI> u noob !
  223. [22:31:58] <B_ENJI> uaeuaeuiauiaeiuaeu
  224. [22:31:59] <B_ENJI> uaeuaeuiauiaeiuaeu
  225. [22:32:02] <Benji> nocster = burstnet
  226. [22:32:02] <Benji> fool.
  227. [22:32:11] <Benji> yeh that;s right bitch
  228. [22:32:12] <Benji> i owned you
  229. [22:32:14] <B_ENJI> nope ;)
  230. [22:32:15] <Benji> now packetz me some more
  231. [22:32:17] <Benji> for the lulz
  232. [22:32:18] <Benji> skiddie
  233. [22:32:20] <@madmax> please packet me
  234. [22:32:21] <B_ENJI> i got rooted volumedrive uspport desk too
  235. [22:32:22] <B_ENJI> :0
  236. [22:32:22] <@madmax> please
  237. [22:32:23] <@madmax> i beg you
  238. [22:32:26] <@madmax> packet me
  239. [22:32:35] <@madmax> i can join from an ipv4 host if ipv6 is too much for you to manage
  240. [22:32:40] <B_ENJI> ok join :)
  241. [22:32:41] <B_ENJI> :)
  242. [22:32:42] <B_ENJI> :-)
  243. [22:32:45] <B_ENJI> :--)
  244. [22:32:48] <B_ENJI> :--)))
  245. [22:32:56] <Benji> damn
  246. [22:32:58] <Benji> im saving this log
  247. [22:33:02] <Benji> and uploading it to
  248. [22:33:04] * B_ENJI is now known as B_EN_JI_
  249. [22:33:07] * B_EN_JI_ is now known as Benji0
  250. [22:33:11] * Benji0 is now known as Benji02
  251. [22:33:12] * Benji02 is now known as Benji023
  252. [22:33:12] * Benji023 is now known as Benji0234
  253. [22:33:13] * Benji0234 is now known as Benji023
  254. [22:33:13] * Benji023 is now known as Benji02
  255. [22:33:18] * Benji02 is now known as Benji0
  256. -
  257. Benji0 is * Benji
  258. Benji0 on #bsdshellz
  259. Benji0 using LOL'N OVER LULZ 08!
  260. Benji0 actually using host
  261. Benji0 End of /WHOIS list.
  262. -
  263. [22:33:32] * dosmagnet ( has joined #bsdshellz
  264. [22:33:36] <dosmagnet> here you go
  265. [22:33:37] <Benji0> lol bye dosmaget :)
  266. [22:33:38] <dosmagnet> an ipv6
  267. [22:33:51] <dosmagnet> my ip is
  268. [22:34:04] <dosmagnet> awaiting your attack
  269. [22:34:14] * j^2 ( has joined #bsdshellz
  270. [22:34:17] <@cut> hey i'm getting your box turned off for CC fraud
  271. [22:34:29] <@madmax> his box should be turned off for stupidity
  272. [22:34:47] <@cut> someone is looking into it
  273. [22:35:03] <pbnj> you realize its probably not his
  274. [22:35:05] <pbnj> stolen acct, etc
  275. [22:35:07] * Benji0 ( Quit (Lost terminal)
  279. and now we learn, the true essence of efnet :)
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