

Dec 17th, 2016
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  1. papa sighs again. He seems to be doing that a lot.
  3. "What that means is, well. You've seen Synthetics on the Grid, right @Firagadam? It's a little like that, but your body will be... something else. Magic. Made of magic, quite literally. It's like..."
  5. He holds out his hand.
  7. [Wenn der Schrecken der Nacht verstummt wird bleiben nichts all Wahrhaftigkeit!]
  9. All the light in the living room seems to fall towards his outstretched palm, everything darkening briefly before returning to normal.
  11. In his hand he holds a gleaming white spear, its blade shaped like a cross.
  13. "It'll be like this. Matter made of pure thought. You'll be nothing but an imposter pretending to be alive".
  15. His voice hardens at that.
  17. Firagadam - Hoje às 01:07
  18. Eyes Sparkle at her daddy also being a magic man "Papa is also a.....a....a SUPER HERO!.....But papa...if you and mom are magic....and I was born....shouldnt that be fine?"
  19. "....Unless....Unless Pure love only makes human babies!"
  20. The girl loses herself on her wild imaginations
  21. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:21
  22. "Hero. Hah. Well, I suppose".
  23. He mutters something that @Firagadam may understand to sound something like 'not enough for a hero for her', but it's quickly over.
  25. "It's not the same magic your mother has and--"
  26. He blinks.
  27. "We're not sure how it works, but it seems like our, uhm... union. It made her more 'real' while she had you in her belly".
  29. He raises @Fidbot's chin with two fingers of his free hand.
  31. "You're human, alright? That's the most important thing to remember. If you'd been a boy it'd be different, but you're human, and even if you accept this... burden... you must remember what you are now".
  32. He puts the spear on his lap. It flickers, becoming less solid for the brief instant it's not touching his skin.
  33. Firagadam - Hoje às 01:23
  34. Is not sure she understands it....but maybe " is a miracle made from papa and mama's love...A-And if I become a mahou shoujo then....It will be...kind of....undone?"
  35. The Sparkle in her eyes dissapear as she gets a bit...sad
  36. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:27
  37. He rubs the bridge of his nose again.
  39. "Do you see now why we - well, I - just want to think about this again?"
  40. He shakes himself, as if waking up from a dream.
  42. "But I think it's time to introduce you to my other-- to my old friend".
  43. He pats the blade.
  44. "This is Fleurete, Divider Of Truth From Falsehood. She served me well, and if you're nice to her she might answer some of the questions you have".
  45. Firagadam - Hoje às 01:29
  46. Looks at the sword "Um...uummmm....H-Hello Fleurete, Diviner of truth from Uh...Falsehood, I am Orange Mikan, nice to meet you...."
  47. "Papa....I...Well.....Orange-chan is...sad about the whole...thing now"
  48. "Orange-chan doesnt want to ruin yours and mama's wish..."
  49. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:37
  50. The spear thrums in response, a small 'poke' being felt in the back of @Firagadam's head. Not alien or hostile, just a bit odd, perhaps, like a soft paw flicking her forehead.
  52. 'Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... been a while. I feel him in you. You must be the daughter of that girl he kept talking about. Hello. Just call me Fleur. Mikan? Nice. Heard something about getting a contract, hmm?'
  54. How can voices that aren't even there sound sleepy, relaxed yet oddly attentive at the same time? We don't know, this one certainly does all three.
  56. "There, there. Neither would we want to ruin your wish either. You're your own person, not our property".
  58. Papa plays absentmindedly with @Firagadam's hair, seemingly unaware of the unspoken words exhanged between his weapon and his daughter.
  59. Firagadam - Hoje às 01:39
  60. "B-But that would make papa and mama sad!....I dont want that!...I....Orange-chan wants them to be happy!"
  61. Kind of....cant pay much attention to the voice in her head, her dreams are crashing down
  62. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:45
  63. "Your mother would certainly be happy, just--"
  65. "Hmm?"
  67. Mama walks into the room again, all cool poise, no trace of this morning's incident - or for that matter much of her flesh - being visible anymore. Instead she's dressed in a modest yet far from prudish dress whose skirt goes about down to her mid-thigh, the faint outlines of her heroine brace hidden beneath dark purple sleeves.
  69. "You'd never make me unhappy for doing what you've dreamed of, @Orange-chan!"
  71. She sits down beside the girl, giving her a reassuring hug.
  74. "Dear, please".
  76. She gives Papa a long look. After a few seconds, he shrugs.
  78. "She's right. I shouldn't have said it like this".
  79. Orange-chan - Hoje às 01:46
  80. "Mama....but....but"
  81. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:46
  82. "Heeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-"
  83. She poes @Orange-chan's side.
  84. "No buts!"
  85. Orange-chan - Hoje às 01:47
  86. The Little girl has tiny cute tears gathering on her eyes "My dream.....Orange-chan's dream make you happy and proud.....B-But if that hurts papa and mama's wish and dreams...."
  87. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:51
  88. Mama seems to have paid quite a bit of attention to Papa, because the way her camelia eyes roll is almost-audible and very expressive.
  90. She hugs @Orange-chan tighter.
  92. "But what makes you happy makes us happy. Your father just wanted you to know the other side".
  93. She seems to change a little toward's this morning's self again, the hug becoming a lot more 'personal'.
  95. "Sooooo what I'm baaaaasically saying is, dont'cha worry about it, it's TOTES gunna be worth it!"
  96. Orange-chan - Hoje às 01:52
  97. The little cute cry girl hugs back her soft mom "Uweeeeh~ mama~"
  98. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 01:55
  99. "Come 'ere my lil roll of sunshine!"
  100. Mama rubs her cheek against @Orange-chan's.
  101. Papa coughs softly and lets Fleur dissipate.
  103. "Let's get you to cram school. I hear the traffic system had a glitch so I'll drive you there myself".
  104. Orange-chan - Hoje às 01:56
  105. "Haaay- W-Wait S-School?....Fueh...."
  106. Thinks to Herself "Maybe...I can wait to make my dreams come true...for just a while longer"
  107. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 02:01
  108. "Well yes. Your marks aren't bad but they could be better soo-"
  109. Mama hops up from the sofa, bouncing on her heels.
  111. "Oh! OH! CAN I DRIVE HER? CAN I????!"
  113. Papa squints.
  115. "@Orange-chan, which one would you prefer?"
  117. It's clear he doesn't quite trust Mama to use a manually opeated vehicle, but she'd INSISTED on renewing her license and apparently passed quite well, whatever that meant exactly.
  118. Orange-chan - Hoje às 02:01
  119. "Hmmmmmm I think Papa and mama should take orange-chan together!"
  120. "Sooooo Mama can drive and papa can watch to make sure she is being safe!"
  121. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 02:20
  122. The drive goes fairly smoothly, except... well. Mama seems to really like looking at Papa more than the road a lot.
  124. For some reason @Orange-chan feels herself drifting, eyelids growing heavier and heavier.....
  126. A vast tapestry, all multicoloured threads woven together by an invsible hand... one of them is 'hers', she realizes, and it's... ending? Wha--
  129. "Dear, that's not a shortcut tha--"
  131. Huh, this part of the city is all green and--
  136. @Orange-chan feels herself flung from the car, sharp glass tearing through her body and she realizes she's.... she's...
  138. The world slows down again, just like this morning.
  140. Something that looks like a sort of multi-coloured snake wriggles through the air until she's next to the still-falling girl.
  142. "This is just about the worst way of doing this".
  144. It's voice is annoyed.
  146. "Free will. Choice. What does it matter if..."
  148. It hisses.
  150. "Alright. @Orange-chan. Do you want to live?"
  152. The ground is comng closer, though incredibly, INCREDIBLY slowly, the car behind her spinning and... hm. there's a sort of aura around it, Mama and Papa seeming to be doing SOMETHING, but they'll be too slow at this rate...
  153. Orange-chan - Hoje às 02:22
  154. Orange-chan.....she looks around at the slow takes her a while to realize what is going on...but once she does...and swallows her panic....she knows she only has one choice "Yes....YES I WANT TO LIVE, I WANT TO LIVE AND MAKE SURE MAMA AND PAPA WILL ALSO LIVE WITH HAPPINESS AND HEALTH!"
  155. Desperately wishes for a miracle now, A miracle to save everyone...Like....Like a true mahou shoujo
  156. Winter, the Booze Weaver - Hoje às 02:34
  157. The snake hisses again, looking over to the car going end over end. Suddenly, its displeasure deepens.
  159. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh fun. The Almighty sure has a sense of... right".
  161. It turns towards @Orange-chan again. Somehow, it seems almost unwilling to do what it's about to do.
  163. "Then under the Mandate of Heaven, before the Powers and Principalities, in the Name of the Four Beings And The One Living Flame I, Azaya, claim thy soul and body, thy heart and destiny, that you may forever be remembered as a servant of good against evil and a light to hold back darkness unending".
  165. @Orange-chan feels herself cease, every part of her pulled apart and inverted, every cell replaced by something else that now bears a tiny part of the holiest of names.
  168. [METATRON-LINK]!!
  170. Suddenly, she's whole again, and---
  172. Everything speeds up again, the care crashing into the second story of a building, Papa and Mama landing a few metres away looking absolutely...
  174. But she can't pay attention to that. Not right now. She's... new. Different. BEtter. Reborn. Healed. Perfected, wearing...
  175. Orange-chan - Hoje às 02:44
  176. Full Heart Princess Orange-chan looks like she is wearing some kind of, battle royal dress, a leotard-like bodysuit covering her torso, A long frilly skirt extending from the sides with some kind of soft rubbery material underneath, she is wearing white stockings with elaborate designs straight out of some deck of cards thing
  178. Her legs and arms are armored with a white and orange futuristic plate armor, the armor on her chest seems to cover everything except for the huge heart shape opening on top of breasts, which would reveal her cleavage if a soft blue material wasnt covering it
  180. Finally her hair reshapes into drill forms as a cute tiara sits there looking cute, her pupils change to an light green-ish blue, with some kind of symbol in it
  181. The Reborn girl looks at herself....then at her parents, tears growing in her eyes as....she realizes what happened, she wants to go and hug them, apologize....and make sure they are safe.....may her wish be true and they be safe...they have to!
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