
lawrence - guns & ideology

Sep 28th, 2015
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  1. Tuesday, 29 September 2015
  2. Chinese Gordon: lmao
  3. Chinese Gordon: RYKONUS
  4. Chinese Gordon: JORGE
  9. BOMBER HARRIS: kill me
  10. Chinese Gordon: lmao
  11. Chinese Gordon: I had an argument with him
  12. Chinese Gordon: over sf
  13. Chinese Gordon: about guns
  14. Chinese Gordon: he was like
  15. BOMBER HARRIS: fletch would probably run up one side of them and down the other if she came across them ic
  16. Chinese Gordon: "I can't stand people who give away guns to people they trust instead of selling them"
  17. BOMBER HARRIS: not just because they're giving away guns
  19. Chinese Gordon: invisible hand
  20. Chinese Gordon: oh my god
  21. Chinese Gordon: pete is dead
  22. Chinese Gordon: rip
  23. Chinese Gordon: highest turnover rate besides amazon
  24. BOMBER HARRIS: lmao
  25. Chinese Gordon: Putredenim: [YELL] I see fire, beyond that of safety and warmth. Blood offers life to the plants, sucking up the sanguine substance.
  26. Vasumati Chauhan: [OOC] i already di it
  27. Putredenim: [YELL] Do not trust Jane.
  28. Chinese Gordon: uhhh
  29. Chinese Gordon: feltch
  30. Chinese Gordon: what did u do
  31. Chinese Gordon: to become the antichrist
  32. Chinese Gordon: Putredenim: [YELL] Fear her, however innocent she might be. She arrives within the fortnight, prepare for much attrocities to unfold humans.
  33. BOMBER HARRIS: uhhhh
  34. Chinese Gordon: Putredenim: [YELL] They offer pestilence upon you, grave danger lingers.
  35. BOMBER HARRIS: w-what
  36. Chinese Gordon: Putredenim: [YELL] One of you shall betray one another, merely out of selfish reason so survie.
  37. Chinese Gordon: Putredenim: [YELL] Fear the one named Jane that we shall mark.
  38. BOMBER HARRIS: they have to be speaking about another jane
  39. Chinese Gordon: I hope so
  40. BOMBER HARRIS: i mean fuck
  41. BOMBER HARRIS: fletch is going to be part of sym's stuff
  42. BOMBER HARRIS: and has been resistance since forever, and is firmly entrenched on the resistance side of things
  43. Chinese Gordon: Putredenim: [YELL] We offer you the meal of dinner, I cannot answer much of Jane. Many will pretend to be them.
  44. Chinese Gordon: yeah
  45. Chinese Gordon: I think it's another jane
  46. Chinese Gordon: but idk what
  47. Chinese Gordon: fletch is gonna get captured and tied down for no reason lmao
  48. BOMBER HARRIS: i don't think anyone around the camp other than the vorts and fletch's own clique knows her first name
  49. BOMBER HARRIS: but i'm sure someone will metagame it and say they 'overheard' it or something
  50. BOMBER HARRIS: she's been in the camp already for a while though so hopefully they're not stupid enough to think it's her
  51. BOMBER HARRIS: oh, and your guy knows it too, 'aunty jane'
  52. Chinese Gordon: yeah
  53. BOMBER HARRIS: but he's an honourary member of the bittervet cru so
  54. Chinese Gordon: lol
  55. BOMBER HARRIS: Sym: I hate how literally everyone on city who's a "loyalist"
  56. Sym: is a secret rebel
  57. BOMBER HARRIS: and everyone on coast who's a "rebel"
  58. BOMBER HARRIS: is a secret loyalist
  61. BOMBER HARRIS: those confession event screens that were posted, some guy who'd been on coast literally hours beforehand was in the city spilling his guts about nlo
  62. BOMBER HARRIS: like, fuck off guy
  63. BOMBER HARRIS: really
  64. Chinese Gordon: lmao
  65. Chinese Gordon: ridic
  66. Chinese Gordon: it's kind of insane
  67. Chinese Gordon: the amount of informants and shit
  68. BOMBER HARRIS: yeah it's utterly absurd
  69. Chinese Gordon: it's like entry to a higher level in the resistance requires you to be a ghost informant
  71. BOMBER HARRIS: oops i mean [REDACTED]
  72. BOMBER HARRIS: information so sensitive even admins aren't allowed to see it
  73. BOMBER HARRIS: m-muh opsec.......
  74. Chinese Gordon: lmao
  75. BOMBER HARRIS: we used to use informing as a semi-ooc means of quality control
  76. BOMBER HARRIS: if someone was a shotcopping piece of shit we'd drop their name to ghost through a few intermediaries and have them done in
  77. BOMBER HARRIS: even that was fucking absurd but at least that way we weren't having to ruin our characters mentally by going blokhin mode
  78. Chinese Gordon: now it's like
  79. Chinese Gordon: one long episode
  80. Chinese Gordon: of the americans
  81. Chinese Gordon: but everyone KGB
  82. BOMBER HARRIS: ahahaha
  83. BOMBER HARRIS: one crucial difference
  84. BOMBER HARRIS: the kgb was actually semi-competent compared to this lot
  85. Chinese Gordon: oh yeah totally
  86. BOMBER HARRIS: it's so absurd too because it leads to this culture where everyone covers their faces out of fear of being identified and then snatched in the city
  87. BOMBER HARRIS: which is just stupid
  88. BOMBER HARRIS: i feel like the odd one out because fletch has never made any effort whatsoever to conceal her identity in the outlands
  89. BOMBER HARRIS: this undercover sword in the outlands shit though
  90. BOMBER HARRIS: fucking winds me up
  91. BOMBER HARRIS: it's just a blatant attempt to win on the cca's part, there are plenty of ways to create rp that don't involve basically flagging up every fucking resistance member (especially the more prominent ones) so they can be fingered the moment they're in the city
  92. BOMBER HARRIS: i'm getting the impression that the cca is going off the deep end again and if they keep it up it's going to have pretty ugly results
  93. Chinese Gordon: have you talked to spartan about it?
  94. BOMBER HARRIS: not much point talking to spartan about anything cca
  95. BOMBER HARRIS: it seems not to occur to people that when you start trying to actually 'win', you're not affecting the shotcoppers and the quiets
  96. BOMBER HARRIS: because they aren't characters, they're cutouts
  97. Chinese Gordon: I think you'd be surprised
  98. BOMBER HARRIS: and they can just do a kirill and make another who is basically the same, with the same scripts
  99. BOMBER HARRIS: while the people with actual developed characters will get fucked and lose the desire to even try
  100. Chinese Gordon: I mean pirate
  101. Chinese Gordon: complained to spartan
  102. Chinese Gordon: about the state of the cca
  103. Chinese Gordon: and spartan gave him a squad
  104. Chinese Gordon: so
  105. BOMBER HARRIS: yeah he told me earlier
  106. BOMBER HARRIS: but that's the state of the cca in the city, it's something spartan has an active interest in improving himself
  107. Chinese Gordon: well
  108. Chinese Gordon: he is also in the resistance
  109. Chinese Gordon: he told me he's burnt out of crow though
  110. BOMBER HARRIS: he is, but he's spartan
  111. BOMBER HARRIS: i'd like to say i trust him not to fuck with me but apparently he had rooster pulled in once purely because skippy had done something to piss him off
  112. BOMBER HARRIS: and i could see that being a thing he'd do
  113. BOMBER HARRIS: and it doesn't help the good roleplayers who aren't members of the 2008 brigade and therefore have absolutely no pull with him ooc whatsoever
  114. BOMBER HARRIS: i mean i can maybe influence him on minor stuff but i can't see sword quitting their little jaunts to the seaside just because i complain about it
  115. BOMBER HARRIS: even when there's not daily cota raids or mass non-dave shotcop, the bullshit factionalism is still there, fuck tnb
  116. BOMBER HARRIS: and the way they interpret both the combine and the resistance as entities just enables it
  117. Chinese Gordon: do you have any examples?
  118. Chinese Gordon: of sword ops
  119. Chinese Gordon is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
  120. BOMBER HARRIS: not personally, though i've heard enough complaints filtering through the non-shit parts of the resistance that i think they're substantiated
  121. BOMBER HARRIS: i certainly know gurne's ghost and rooster got lifted randomly in the city in what could have only been either metagame or some sort of bullshit associated with undercover fuckery
  122. BOMBER HARRIS: because gurne was absolutely livid about it
  123. Chinese Gordon is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
  124. BOMBER HARRIS: i wonder where equihox would rank emphysema on the "really uncomfortable and all that whiz" scale
  125. Chinese Gordon: lmao
  126. BOMBER HARRIS: i mean i know this is tnb and most of them don't even fucking go further than the nearest burger joint or whatever
  127. BOMBER HARRIS: but what kind of fiend would actually -want- to wear a gasmask when not actively being gassed?
  128. Chinese Gordon: it's SPOOKY
  129. BOMBER HARRIS: it's just so stupid
  130. Chinese Gordon: man
  131. Chinese Gordon: how do people evn get vests
  132. Chinese Gordon: like I know a new guy
  133. Chinese Gordon: devin brom
  134. Chinese Gordon: who's an absolute knob
  135. Chinese Gordon: he has a vest now
  136. BOMBER HARRIS: it's like the ultimate manifestation of the same bullshit that lets these idiots carry three machine guns, a large-bore sniper rifle, and a fucking stinger tube
  137. BOMBER HARRIS: "oh i wear gasmask 24/7"
  138. BOMBER HARRIS: yet somehow still have peripheral vision, can see perfectly without ever having to clean or defog the lenses, can sprint around carrying 50kg of shit despite feeling like you're being fucking smothered
  139. BOMBER HARRIS: jesus christ
  140. BOMBER HARRIS: fuck gasmasks
  141. Chinese Gordon: it's jokes
  142. Chinese Gordon: it's funny actually
  143. Chinese Gordon: these people never take into account the environment
  144. Chinese Gordon: my fucking priest guy
  145. Chinese Gordon: he has like
  146. BOMBER HARRIS: they never take anything into account, ever
  147. Chinese Gordon: torn up clothes
  148. Chinese Gordon: all the time
  149. Chinese Gordon: because he walks through the canals and coast
  150. Chinese Gordon: and sleeps in ditches
  151. BOMBER HARRIS: fletch's jeans are ripped to shit but she babies her smock a bit since it has sentimental value, she's not really one to throw herself around anyway
  152. BOMBER HARRIS: as for the boots, i can see a decent pair lasting, my boots are only just beginning to come apart after 6 years of hard use
  153. BOMBER HARRIS: which is about how long she's been a ~rebel~
  154. BOMBER HARRIS: i used to do weather stuff
  155. BOMBER HARRIS: like storms, cold winds, sometimes acid rain
  156. BOMBER HARRIS: so many people ignore it
  157. BOMBER HARRIS: they just
  158. BOMBER HARRIS: ignore everything
  159. BOMBER HARRIS: if it doesn't exist in the script, it doesn't exist ic
  160. BOMBER HARRIS: tnb.txt
  161. BOMBER HARRIS: i mean the extent to which they ignore everything around them blows my mind
  162. BOMBER HARRIS: tnb characters are a master race with titanium spines, muscles that never tire or strain, complete resistance to heat or cold, iron lungs, the agility of an acrobat on pcp, and the shooting skills of annie fucking oakley
  163. BOMBER HARRIS: and that's the other thing and all
  164. BOMBER HARRIS: every other person has a rifle with optics
  165. BOMBER HARRIS: not just some shitty chinese airsoft scope or surplus ww2 stuff either
  166. BOMBER HARRIS: but fucking
  167. BOMBER HARRIS: collimator sights and shit
  168. Chinese Gordon: lol
  169. BOMBER HARRIS: where are they finding the fucking batteries?
  170. Chinese Gordon: I don't know where people get scopes
  171. BOMBER HARRIS: same place they get everything else
  172. BOMBER HARRIS: directly from their rectum
  173. Chinese Gordon: I have a crossbow without a scope and an mp7
  174. Chinese Gordon: and daedalus has nothing
  175. BOMBER HARRIS: i mean the whole deal with fletch is that she -is- a sniper, and she -does- have an old pair of field binocs and a ww2 sniper rifle, but she's on the lower end of the equipment ladder on the coast
  176. BOMBER HARRIS: most of the refugees have more powerful optics than she does
  177. Chinese Gordon: yeah
  178. Chinese Gordon: like I said
  179. Chinese Gordon: the refugee with an ar2
  180. BOMBER HARRIS: and can mysteriously shoot just as well with no formal training
  181. Chinese Gordon: says it all
  182. BOMBER HARRIS: we had them on momentum, since we were so chronically short on weapons we had to strip them from dead overwatch
  183. BOMBER HARRIS: then tell the refugees not to touch the fucking secondary trigger
  184. BOMBER HARRIS: which one of them did, and nearly killed someone
  185. Chinese Gordon: the pulse secondary trigger
  186. Chinese Gordon: is the stuff of nightmares
  187. Chinese Gordon: tbh
  188. Chinese Gordon: if it touches you there's no chance to survive
  189. Chinese Gordon: you just vaporize
  190. BOMBER HARRIS: meanwhile on tnb, the actual overwatch don't hold a candle to the shit-hot weapon drills of two-day-old refugees
  191. Chinese Gordon: that fucking video
  192. Chinese Gordon: with the aa12s
  193. Chinese Gordon: destroying overwatch
  194. BOMBER HARRIS: fletch deliberately avoids using ar-2s, she doesn't trust the weapon and doesn't like not knowing how to fix it if it goes wrong, and i could see the same applying to the partisans as a whole
  195. Chinese Gordon: I mean we see rebels in the uprising
  196. BOMBER HARRIS: they'd use a couple in a pinch and as a way of dealing with heavy shit, but they'd favour familiar weapons
  197. Chinese Gordon: picking it up
  198. Chinese Gordon: that's a life and detah
  199. Chinese Gordon: situation
  200. BOMBER HARRIS: yeah, exactly
  201. Chinese Gordon: we never see people sporting AR2s at any time beforehand
  202. Chinese Gordon: I remember
  203. Chinese Gordon: back in like
  204. Chinese Gordon: january february
  205. Chinese Gordon: seeing an ar2 sported by a resistance member
  206. Chinese Gordon: is extremely serious business
  207. BOMBER HARRIS: pretty much
  208. BOMBER HARRIS: i mean shit, the only reason the resistance do adopt them so heavily in the uprising is because the ak was cut for being redundant
  209. BOMBER HARRIS: so there's no other weapon in its class
  210. BOMBER HARRIS: but from a roleplay point of view i can't see them being used as anything other than a very limited-issue heavy support weapon for dealing with synths or apcs or the like, or heavy overwatch raids
  211. BOMBER HARRIS: i'd expect to see maybe one per 10-15 rebels
  212. BOMBER HARRIS: at most
  213. BOMBER HARRIS: and you'd be giving them to your most experienced, not some shitlord upstart
  214. Chinese Gordon: yeah
  215. BOMBER HARRIS: oh, unrelated, but for a few years now i've had a pretty firm idea of what the local partisans would be doing during the c17 uprising
  217. BOMBER HARRIS: imagine
  218. Chinese Gordon: of course
  219. Chinese Gordon: echelon's song
  220. Chinese Gordon: is unquestionable
  221. BOMBER HARRIS: a couple m62 locos roaring across the steppe
  222. BOMBER HARRIS: draped in red banners and slogans
  223. BOMBER HARRIS: pulling a long chain of cattle cars loaded to the doors with partisans and refugees, and a few improvised armoured carriages made of a mixture of scavenged soviet and combine vehicles and weapons
  224. BOMBER HARRIS: going to spread the revolution to the next city along the railway line :']
  225. BOMBER HARRIS: railways are such an important theme in hl2
  226. BOMBER HARRIS: it's just too perfect
  227. Chinese Gordon: u start hl2 in a train, end hl2 episode 1 in a train, start hl2 episode 2 in a train
  228. Chinese Gordon: fuck
  229. Chinese Gordon: you even start and end hl1
  230. Chinese Gordon: in a tram
  231. BOMBER HARRIS: so you have these nostalgics and young activists all having their very own little moment of civil war echoing glory
  232. Chinese Gordon: somewhat reminiscient
  233. Chinese Gordon: of the trains that the soviets took
  234. Chinese Gordon: from seelowe
  235. Chinese Gordon: to charge into berlin
  236. BOMBER HARRIS: i can't remember what it was that brought me to that epiphany but i think it is probably one of my best ideas regarding the hl2 setting
  237. BOMBER HARRIS: as it sort of clicked into place i was just blown away by how many levels it worked on
  238. BOMBER HARRIS: incidentally the animation in that video fucking rules and i love it
  239. BOMBER HARRIS: although they used a bit rougher version of the song in the original film, this one's dubbed over the top
  240. Chinese Gordon: I can imagine
  241. Chinese Gordon: like
  242. Chinese Gordon: it'll be something like a napoleonic charge in the city
  243. Chinese Gordon: with banners of the resistance groups
  244. Chinese Gordon: charging together
  245. BOMBER HARRIS: funny you mention that
  246. Chinese Gordon: it reminds me
  247. Chinese Gordon: of your posing
  248. BOMBER HARRIS: yes
  249. BOMBER HARRIS: i did one
  250. BOMBER HARRIS: based on that one painting of the french revolution
  251. BOMBER HARRIS: with marianne carrying the french flag
  252. BOMBER HARRIS: it was kind of half-assed though so it's not what it could've been
  253. BOMBER HARRIS: i've been slowly tweaking it, one day i'll be able to call it actually finished
  254. BOMBER HARRIS: i was listening to the red army choir's rendition of la marseillaise while i posed it
  255. BOMBER HARRIS: also that's the painting that inspired me
  256. Chinese Gordon:
  257. Chinese Gordon: another war song
  258. Chinese Gordon: bulgarian this time
  259. BOMBER HARRIS: hold on, i'll see if i can find the latest work in progress version
  260. BOMBER HARRIS: god i fucking adore la marseillaise
  261. BOMBER HARRIS: aha
  262. BOMBER HARRIS: the l4d corpses need their clothes edited into citizen blues though
  263. BOMBER HARRIS: which will take effort so i haven't bothered yet
  264. Chinese Gordon: zooey deschanel resistance hero
  265. BOMBER HARRIS: :']
  266. Chinese Gordon: lovin it though
  267. BOMBER HARRIS: tnb's resistance seems so lacking in any actual revolutionary spirit, it pains me
  268. Chinese Gordon: indeed
  269. Chinese Gordon: even among the "good" peopole
  270. Chinese Gordon: it's somewhatd epressing to see like
  271. Chinese Gordon: people have so much focus on personal dramas
  272. Chinese Gordon: which is fine
  274. Chinese Gordon: but there's no goal or mission
  275. Chinese Gordon: above it
  280. BOMBER HARRIS: ;_;
  281. BOMBER HARRIS: i'm kind of disappointed i missed post hl2rp even though it was apparently shit
  282. Chinese Gordon: so much potential from that
  283. BOMBER HARRIS: because that would've been everything the partisans exist for
  284. Chinese Gordon: tbh
  285. BOMBER HARRIS: they're not just shotcombreon rebels
  286. BOMBER HARRIS: the downfall of the combine is a means to an end
  287. BOMBER HARRIS: and that end
  288. BOMBER HARRIS: is socialism ;_;
  289. BOMBER HARRIS: it's a shame tnb doesn't really have any politically-motivated groups because the whole idea is that they'd be feeling out the other resistance movements and trying to manoeuvre themselves politically into a position where they're the most relevant and hold the most sway with the general movement
  290. Chinese Gordon: my group is kind of like that, though it's more subtle obviously
  291. Chinese Gordon: I think for a lot of citizens
  292. Chinese Gordon: it's hard to conceptualize it
  293. Chinese Gordon: after 9 years of grinding ennui
  294. Chinese Gordon: but once they do
  295. BOMBER HARRIS: i don't even think most of tnb is at all politically aware ooc and that doesn't help either
  296. Chinese Gordon: it's a sort of invigoration you wouldn't be able to see anywhere else
  297. Chinese Gordon: because it's like
  298. Chinese Gordon: citizens are now devoid of almost all dividing lines between them
  299. Chinese Gordon: the old boundaries of ideology cease to matter
  300. Chinese Gordon: the embracing of ideology is now
  301. Chinese Gordon: possible in its purest form
  302. Chinese Gordon: with no other identity to be had
  303. BOMBER HARRIS: that's why the partisans exist :']
  304. BOMBER HARRIS: there are no more nations to be nationalist about
  305. BOMBER HARRIS: there is only humanity
  306. BOMBER HARRIS: and so an important goal is to try and stymie the development of tribalism within what little of it is left
  307. BOMBER HARRIS: before it can take root and develop back into the old system
  308. Chinese Gordon: my group
  309. Chinese Gordon: is pure liberation theology
  310. BOMBER HARRIS: there's also the fact that thanks to the combine, humanity is about as close to classless as it's likely to get
  311. BOMBER HARRIS: the combine have accidentally dug their own grave by removing the very things that divide humanity
  312. BOMBER HARRIS: and they haven't even realised it
  314. Chinese Gordon: AND HE SEETHES
  316. BOMBER HARRIS: ;_________;
  317. BOMBER HARRIS: lawrence pls
  318. Chinese Gordon is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
  319. BOMBER HARRIS: if i turn up to work wearing my guards badge and a red star they might not take kindly to it
  320. Chinese Gordon: lol
  321. Chinese Gordon: fun fact actually
  322. Chinese Gordon: my administrator is a hardcore nationalist
  323. BOMBER HARRIS: he must not be coping very well
  324. BOMBER HARRIS: unless he can adapt that to the idea of the uu as a nation
  325. Chinese Gordon: he is a husk
  326. Chinese Gordon: no
  327. Chinese Gordon: he's just a burning cauldron of rage
  328. BOMBER HARRIS: :[
  329. Chinese Gordon: calmly waiting until when
  330. Chinese Gordon: he can do the most damage
  331. Chinese Gordon: he was actually in the provisional greek government
  332. BOMBER HARRIS: oh dear
  333. Chinese Gordon: when he goes to sleep at night he dreams of waving the greek flag as he led men to charge at xenians
  334. Chinese Gordon: so he's uh
  335. Chinese Gordon: he's not pleased
  336. Chinese Gordon is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
  337. Chinese Gordon: the portal storms for him were supposed to be the great reckoning for greece, leaving only the strong to produce a nation of beauty and power
  338. Chinese Gordon: instead a citadel plopped onto athens and he was given a surrender order
  339. Chinese Gordon is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
  340. BOMBER HARRIS: holy shit
  341. BOMBER HARRIS: that's grim
  342. BOMBER HARRIS: fuck i'm all fired up now
  343. BOMBER HARRIS: whoops
  344. Chinese Gordon: me too
  346. BOMBER HARRIS: back when ro2 was still tolerable
  347. BOMBER HARRIS: ie during the pre-release beta
  348. BOMBER HARRIS: i used to play with the red army choir in the background
  349. BOMBER HARRIS: and one of my fondest memories
  350. BOMBER HARRIS: is on grain elevator
  351. BOMBER HARRIS: as a soviet rifleman
  352. BOMBER HARRIS: internationale blaring
  353. BOMBER HARRIS: i'd accidentally ended up behind the germans
  354. BOMBER HARRIS: and so i burst into the second floor room from the conveyor, there was an entire squad in there
  355. BOMBER HARRIS: and i just
  356. BOMBER HARRIS: went fucking postal
  357. BOMBER HARRIS: yelling incomprehensibly about fascist scum over voip and bayonetting every cunt
  358. BOMBER HARRIS: i killed like six of them before someone finally shot me
  359. BOMBER HARRIS: and bled out in the middle of the room
  360. BOMBER HARRIS: i dunno if you play it but when they first added mamayev kurgan to the game it was broke as fuck
  361. BOMBER HARRIS: the germans had way too many reinforcement tickets and so typically the defending soviets would lose on reinforcements before the germans even took the second line
  362. BOMBER HARRIS: it was basically known as impossible to win even a single round as soviets
  363. BOMBER HARRIS: well
  364. BOMBER HARRIS: one day, with the appropriate amount of socialist fury and some incredibly good squad leaders under me
  365. BOMBER HARRIS: as soviet commander
  366. BOMBER HARRIS: i pulled off a lockdown on the germans
  367. BOMBER HARRIS: and they were so beside themselves they tried to voteban me from the server
  368. BOMBER HARRIS: although my constant taunts over chat before dropping katyushas on them may have had something to do with it
  369. Chinese Gordon: lmao
  370. BOMBER HARRIS: it was fucking beautiful
  371. BOMBER HARRIS: we had a chorus of the internationale going in public voip for the final minute or two of the match
  372. BOMBER HARRIS: the germans were fucking -furious-
  373. BOMBER HARRIS: never underestimate the power of socialism :']
  374. BOMBER HARRIS: that was on a us server
  375. BOMBER HARRIS: the aus ro2 community knew to stack soviets when i was playing as commander because if they played germans they'd just get shit on by artillery and some crazed lunatic with a ppsh and seemingly endless supply of grenades
  376. BOMBER HARRIS: (it was me)
  377. Chinese Gordon: I remember
  378. Chinese Gordon: on a company of heroes
  379. Chinese Gordon: free weekend
  380. Chinese Gordon: coh 2
  381. Chinese Gordon: I played as soviets
  382. Chinese Gordon: friends did as germans
  383. Chinese Gordon: the russian scout car unit
  384. Chinese Gordon: was broken
  385. Chinese Gordon: it was obsenely good
  386. Chinese Gordon: so I kept spamming it
  387. BOMBER HARRIS: oh god
  388. BOMBER HARRIS: was it a ba-64
  389. Chinese Gordon: yes
  390. BOMBER HARRIS: the ba-64 has a mythical status among ro players
  391. Chinese Gordon: and then I got a tank grenade upgrade
  392. BOMBER HARRIS: as the clowncar
  393. Chinese Gordon: for my infantry
  394. BOMBER HARRIS: because we used to stand like 3 guys on top of it with panzerfauts, ptrs rifles, and satchels
  395. BOMBER HARRIS: and then rip around the place murdering tanks with it
  397. BOMBER HARRIS: having a ba-64 is one of my victory conditions irl
  398. BOMBER HARRIS: and a point at which i can just stop giving a single fuck
  399. BOMBER HARRIS: god i am TEMPTED to try for auths for a restored one
  400. BOMBER HARRIS: but it'd be too gimmicky
  401. Chinese Gordon: lol
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