
Yugioh 5ds my story 16

Dec 20th, 2015
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  1. (The Kaibadome is big and noisy, cheering for the next round of the Fortune Cup.
  3. (Leo, Luna, and Dexter walk down the hallway)
  4. Luna: Hey, try and cheer up, Leo, it's not like *everyone* saw you lose.
  5. Dex: Yeah, she's right. Fifteen million tops.
  6. Leo (sarcastic): Thanks.
  7. Yusei: It's not a loss if you learn something. Now you know more than you did before, right, Leo?
  8. (Cortez is leaning against the wall in the hallway ahead of them.)
  9. All three: Huh?
  10. Leo: Chht, yeah, more about *losing*! I just can't wait to use *that* in my next match--
  11. Akiza: Excuse me!
  12. (Akiza hurries up the hall going the other way; she sounds cross and impatient. As she passes Cortez, they meet eyes for a charged moment. Then she's walking away and the three kids scramble to get out of her way.)
  13. Leo: Huh. So what's *her* problem?!
  14. (Yusei and Cortez watches her go, darkly apprehensive.)
  15. Cortez (think): I get the feeling I've seen her somewhere before.
  17. Ransborg: Sir Ransborg, reporting as you requested, my liege.
  18. (Goodwin and Lezar are speaking to Sir Ransborg, one of the Fortune Eight. Lezar chuckles, delighted.)
  19. Lezar: I *told* you he'd be *perfect* for this duel. The costume might be a bit melodramatic, but he said he wouldn't duel without it.
  20. Ransborg: Is it true that I am to duel an opponent of thy female persuasion, your Highness? Chivalry forbids this. Thy fairer species is too weak, my lord. <1:00>
  21. Goodwin: What if I told you she was the Black Rose? It is believed that her cards wield a power so real that they have been known to come to life!
  22. Ransborg: I see-- a witch!
  23. Lezar: Are you afraid, Sir Ransborg? You know, if you don't fulfill your obligation, well, you might just find yourself dueling at a renaissance fair.
  24. Ransborg: My word is my bond, so I will engage this Black Rose in battle!
  25. (Lezar chuckles. Behind them, a large screen monitors Akiza as she walks down the hallway.)
  26. Lezar: Hmhmhmhmhm! Just don't go *easy* on her in the arena. Push her to exhaustion. We *must* see if she has the mark of the Dragon.
  27. Ransborg: Fear not! Thy she-creature is no match for Sir Gildur Ransborg! On my sword...
  28. (He draws it and holds it at the guard position)
  29. Ransborg: I swear the Black Rose will taste defeat!
  30. (He leaves, cape and helmet-plume billowing behind him.)
  33. (The holographic screens are doing graphical card tricks. The big holographic Sphere in the center of the stadium shows Ransborg and Akiza)
  34. Announcer: Welcome back. Our next duel is about to begin! And now, entering the arena, a knight in shining armor! It's the one, the only, Gildur Ransborg!
  35. (Ransborg enters the arena via elevator, <3:00> and lifts his sword high)
  36. Ransborg: Hyah! Good people of New Domino! Thou shall knowest my blade and my deck from the attacks thee shall witness!
  37. (The crowd cheers)
  38. Announcer: While we wait for a Shakespearean scholar to translate all that, let's get ready for his opponent.
  40. (In the stands)
  41. Yanagi: This guy can't be serious.
  42. Tanner: *Don't* get me started on that big faker, grandpa. I wore that same costume last halloween.
  44. Announcer: Now entering the arena, his opponent, with a record of-- well, it appears we don't have *any* record for her. But we *can* say she's, um, uh, (hoarse whisper) Are you saying we have no information for her?! (to crowd) Um, well, Domino City, let's hear it for Miss Akiza Izinski!
  45. (Akiza is frowning grimly, eyes closed, as though preparing to endure something unpleasant; when the lights come on, she raises her head and faces her opponent with a calm, blank expression.)
  47. Leo: I have the strangest feeling like we've seen her before.
  48. Dex: You mean like in the hallway?
  49. Leo: *NO*, *before* that! Get with it, Dexter!
  50. Luna: Aaah!
  52. (Luna is staring at the deck of cards in Akiza's duel disk as she stands on the field.)
  54. (Luna's eyes are wide with a bemused sort of alarm.)
  55. Leo: What is it, Luna?
  56. Luna: There's something with her deck... It's like I can feel it in pain!
  59. (In a shadowy corner of the stands, Cortez is standing is watching intently. Suddenly Sayer is behind Cortez)
  60. Sayer (O.C) Trying to watch some duel? (Cortez turns to Sayer)
  61. Cortez: What about it?
  62. Sayer (chuckles) This duel is gonna be a demonstration to what you're dealing with. You won't stand a chance against her.
  63. Cortez: And what are you talking about?
  64. Sayer: Just watch and find out. (think): Show them what you're made of.
  66. (Yusei is watching on the monitor backstage)
  67. Yusei (think): 'Akiza', is it?
  69. (On the field)
  70. Ransborg (think): So. This be thy opponent I am to battle. (aloud) You'll find no mercy here, sorceress! But you will find defeat!
  71. Both: Let's duel!
  74. Ransborg: Ready, fair maiden? Behold! I summoneth a level-three Masked Knight!
  75. [Masked Knight LV3: 1500/800/L3/]
  76. Ransborg: Thee shall suffer this-- its ability most special!
  77. (It blasts her, and the blast connects with her as though hitting a solid wall; she doesn't twitch. Her lifepoints now read 3600.)
  78. Ransborg: Thou loseth four hundred points. Forthwith, I shall call upon mine spell-- "Level Up"! Thee hath served nobly, but be banished to thy yard of graves, <5:00> for thou brother-in-arms now be summoned! Masked Knight, level the fifth!
  79. [Masked Knight LV5 ///]
  80. Ransborg: And thus, like thy comrade in abilities most special, thou shalt feel the sharp sting as forces align against thee! Lifepoints most foul, begone!
  81. (Akiza's lifepoints now read 2600.)
  82. Ransborg: I shall yield with a facedown. Thine turn.
  84. Announcer: *Can* our mystery duelist come back from this? Does she have a chance! Will I understand *anything* Sir Ransborg says in this duel!
  86. (Goodwin and Lezar are watching from the tower window again.)
  87. Lezar: It's *all* going according to our plan, sir. Ransborg will push her to her limits, and then we'll know for certain if she's a Signer.
  88. (Goodwin smiles fiercely, then glances back at Jack, sitting on the couch.)
  90. Ransborg: Fear not, maiden of the darkness! Defeat is soon! (silence) A silent tongue? Or hath a viper take hold of thee?
  91. Akiza (draw): No! I'm getting tired of having to listen to your bad accent!
  92. (She summons a defensive monster)
  93. [Wall of Ivy /1200//]
  95. Tanner: She just played Wall of Ivy.
  96. Dex: It's a great card if you're looking for some defense.
  98. Ransborg: Huh.
  99. Akiza: And next, I'll activate a spell card-- "Seed of Deception"! With this, I get the power to summon another level-two plant monster from my hand! Or in some words that *you* can understand, thou are about to be royally played!
  100. [Copy Plant 0/0/1/wind]
  101. Akiza: Now that Copy Plant's on *my* field, it gets to power up to the level of a monster on *your* field. And I can't think of anyone more *perfect* than your level-five Knight! This *fair maiden* would like to thank you for all your help!
  102. Ransborg: Hm.
  103. (He looks into the 'eyes' of the duplicate of Masked Knight L5 that was created by Copy Plant; the likeness is eerie.)
  105. Yanagi: I'm not sure I follow what she's doing, Tanner.
  106. Leo and Dex: She's gonna synchro-summon!
  107. Yanagi: Aah!
  109. Ransborg: I fear you not, my lady.
  110. Akiza: You *should!* Because I'm tuning Copy Plant with my Wall of Ivy! It's time you stopped playing with plastic swords and dice, Ransborg! Now I summon to the field-- Black Rose Dragon!!
  111. (With wings of red petals and black, thorny vines lashing from its sides, the largest of which is its tail, Black Rose Dragon roars its fury and a strong wind begins to blow.)
  113. (Backstage, Yusei winces, gripping his right arm.)
  115. Tanner: What's with all the wind?!
  116. (The crowd is beginning to get scared. Ransborg weathers it. Sayer watches silently. Cortez is shocked to see that beast again)
  118. Cortez: (scared) I know that monster!
  120. (Flashback Cortez and the Black Rose were dueling at Downtown. As she drew her card)
  121. FB Black Rose: Now prepare yourself! I tune my Twilight Rose Knight, with my Rose Fairy and my Evil Thorn! To Synchro Summon! Black Rose Dragon!
  122. (The dragon appears on the field and roars at Cortez)
  123. FB Cortez (shocked and spooked): What is that!?
  124. FB Black Rose: Your doom! (the Black Rose Dragon then gives out a mighty roar infront of Cortez, as he also covers himself from the beast. Flashback ends)
  126. Sayer (surprised) (think): So he's seen that dragon before? (smiles) Interesting. He must've been lucky to survive to tell the tale
  128. [Black Rose Dragon 2400//]
  129. Ransborg: 'Tis true! Thou be-est the Black Rose! Stay back!
  131. (The crowd)
  132. - Black...Rose?
  133. - It is! Look! Only Black Rose can summon Black Rose Dragon!
  135. Lezar: Ah-hmhmhmhmhmhm! Well *she* didn't waste any time, did she?
  137. (Backstage, Yusei is struggling to stay quiet from the pain in his arm.)
  139. (Flashback. The cloaked, masked figure became visible through the dust-- and she was looking right at the burning mark of the Dragon on Yusei's arm.)
  140. FB Black Rose: Your arm! You also have a mark! Stay away from me!!
  141. (She whipped out another card, acting fast, and vanished in a blast of light. End Flashback.)
  143. (Yusei is staring at the screen.)
  144. Yusei: I've seen that dragon before.
  145. Greiger: Then congratulations. Most who come face-to-face with it never duel again. It has been said that the Black Rose Dragon's wrath can cause *true* *destruction*. What surprises me is how your friend came back one piece again. But if he duels her again, he better hope he can survive, or he'll be chow for that dragon this time
  147. (Black Rose Dragon spreads its wings over the arena in glory. The crowd chatters appreciatively)
  148. - That's so cool!
  149. - This is the best Fortune Cup ever!
  150. - My friends're gonna be *so jealous* I'm here!
  152. Ransborg: Fear not! Thy knight shall do battle with the great beast, and thy dark maiden shall be made to pay for this! (think) Unless mine eyes deceive me, she knows not of my facedown Sakuretu (sic) Armor waiting to strike.
  153. ("Sakuretsu Armor". Akiza's face remains expressionless, her eyes intense.)
  154. Ransborg: Your eyes do vex.
  155. Akiza: I'll take that as a complement. But in case it *wasn't*, I should let you know something. Black Rose Dragon takes out *all* of your cards, Ransborg!
  156. Ransborg: Curses!
  157. Akiza: Go, Black Rose Gale!
  159. (A huge windstorm hits, blowing black petals every direction.)
  160. Announcer: I don't believe it! An incredible tornado has struck *inside the arena*!
  162. (Glowing rose petals swirl through the air; Black Rose Dragon has also destroyed itself with this move, and the field is empty.)
  163. Ransborg: So, thou can command the wind.
  164. Akiza: Among *other* things. Now watch-- as I play my field spell, "Black Garden"!
  165. Ransborg: What evil is this!
  166. (Vines sprout between Akiza's feet and spread. Within moments, the entire field is surrounded by a cage of dark vines that sprout pale lavender roses. Within the Black Garden, dreary mist turns the sky gray, shading the duelists from the bright sunny day)
  169. Akiza: It's *your* move, Ransborg.
  171. (The crowd)
  172. - The Black Rose *does* have magic powers!
  174. Ransborg: Mine turn! Hyah! I shall activate-eth mine spell-- The Warrior Returneth Alive. ("The Warrior Returning Alive") It hath the power to returneth my monsters from beyond the dark vale of the grave. Masked Knight, level the third, rejoin thy battle! You shall fight again!
  175. [Masked Knight LV3 ///]
  176. (As soon as it's summoned, Masked Knight LV3 is ensnared with vines.)
  177. Ransborg: Ah! What be this?!
  178. Akiza: This *be* the power of my Black Garden! As long as we're inside this greenhouse, your monster's attack points are cut in half, and a rose token blossoms on my field! <10:00> I'm sure a knight like you can handle a few thorns. Watch her beauty bloom! (A rose token, a rose about half as tall as she is with 800 atk, grows out of the space in front of her) And be sure that you take in the sweet smell success. Haha.
  179. (She inhales a black rose she happens to be holding; she may've picked it off the field spell.)
  180. Announcer: With Masked Knight's attack points sliced in half, Sir Ransborg can't get close to the Black Rose!
  181. (It's true; Masked Knight's attack points are now at 750)
  182. Ransborg (think): Mine points attacketh matter not. Thine monsters shall still fall to thy Knight's ability most special! (aloud) Vengeance is mine!
  183. (Akiza gets hit for damage and once again doesn't even kinda flinch. 2200 lp)
  184. Ransborg: You yield?
  185. Akiza: Not with my "Doppelganger" trap card in play! Now since your gonna deal damage to me, you take the same thing! Take that, ya big tin can!
  186. (Ransborg lp 3600)
  187. Announcer: Oh no! It looks like Sir Ransborg took his first hit, and it is a *major* one.
  188. (Ransborg has a small cut on his cheek; he looks at it nervously)
  190. Cortez (scared): Whaoo! I remember when I took some real damage like that!
  191. Sayer: Better believe it. Cause it's gonna get better.
  193. Leo: His face!
  194. Dex: She gave him a scar...
  195. Tanner: I guess her powers *are* real. <11:00>
  196. Yanagi: Agh, let's go home! If she can do that to him, what'll she do to us?
  198. Ransborg (holding a cloth to his face): 'Tis but a mere scratch. Her powers scare not this brave warrior. But ere witch shall pay!
  199. (Beat. Akiza looks at him, subtly bitter and sinister.)
  200. Akiza: Be careful who you call a witch.
  201. Ransborg: A threat! You shall pay dearly for that! Rrgh! I casteth two cards facedown! Thine turn!
  202. Akiza (sweetly): I know. And for starters I'll play my spell "Mark of the Rose", which lets me select one of the monsters on *your* side of the field and take control of it. Masked Knight, whaddaya think about joining *me*?
  203. (Masked Knight vanishes from Ransborg's field and appears kneeling before Akiza, a rose-shaped mark stamped on its helmet. She reaches out a hand with a somewhat eerie chuckle and accepts the Knight's fealty.)
  205. Yanagi: Oh, my! He appears to be quite smitten with her.
  207. Ransborg: Ggggh!
  208. Akiza: It looks as though your monster has sworn his allegiance to *me*. I think it's time to let Sir Ransborg feel the sting of your betrayal!
  209. Ransborg: Agh! <12:00>
  210. (Masked Knight attacks and knocks him down to 2850)
  211. Ransborg: Thou bewitched the heart of my noble Knight! Thou shall suffer for such insolence!
  212. Akiza: Not before this; I equip the spell "Vengeful Servant" on my new Masked Knight. So now, when he goes back to your control at the end of *my* turn, you lose even *more* lifepoints! One for each of his attack points!
  213. Ransborg: You dare not!
  214. Akiza: Oh, no, I *do* dare! Looks like it's the end of my turn. Masked Knight, why don't you go on home and unleash the true power of my "Vengeful Servant"-- now strike down his lifepoints!
  215. (Masked Knight returns and goes straight for Ransborg, who dodges, but gets cornered. 1350 lifepoints.)
  217. Announcer: This rose has thorns! In just one round she's pulled up the roots of Ransborg's lead like it was a weed infestation! <13:00>
  219. Ransborg: Thine girl shall suffer my wrath! With this, mine trap card! Thy "Level Change"! Thy turn hath not finished as of yet, Black Rose! Mine traitorous Masked Knight Level the Third shall be sacrificed to the yard of graves, so that a far nobler warrior might take thine place-- my Masked Knight Level the Fifth! Returneth to thy battle my brave warrior!
  220. [Masked Knight LV5 ///]
  222. Announcer: Sir Ransborg's cracked the Black Rose's combo! This is *anyone's* duel now!
  224. Akiza: It appears you forgot about "Black Garden". For every monster you summon, its attack points are cut in half! (Masked Knight gets wrapped in vines) And not only that, but I'll be getting another rose token. Now, I end my turn.
  225. Ransborg: Sorceress! You dare enchant mine monsters with thine spells?! Thy garden be no Eden but shall fall the same! (draw) Now, my Knight-- you have earned promotion for brave service against thy most wicked opponent!
  227. Announcer: He's right! Thanks to Masked Knight's special ability, he upgrades from level five all the way to level seven!
  229. Ransborg: Now, join my side! Hyah!
  230. [Masked Knight LV7 ///]
  231. Akiza: Black Garden, do your thing!
  232. (Masked Knight L7 is wrapped in vines, its atk reduced to 1450)
  233. Akiza: Once again, another rose token shall bloom.
  235. Greiger (to Yusei): Impressive. Those Rose Tokens of hers can't be destroyed in battle. She's got an impenetrable wall; the question is, can she hold out? Not even a pretty garden can stop Ransborg forever. I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before that Black Rose gets clipped.
  238. Ransborg: Foul she-creature! Thou hath draped thy arena in dark foliage, yea hath seduced my Knights, but now, thy dark deck shall fall before my might! Behold-- my "Glory Shield"! With it, my Masked Knight be impervious to any of thy bewitching spells!
  240. Tanner: Nice move, and now when Ransborg decides to bring in the big blades, and attack with Masked Knight, Black Rose can't use her spell cards or traps.
  241. Dex: And if it does damage, it destroys a card. Maybe Black Rose just isn't so powerful after all.
  243. Ransborg: Masked Knight, unleash thine powers on thy darkest of monsters-- the tokens of rose! Cry havoc and strike down thy maiden's lifepoints!
  244. Announcer: And Ransborg brings the hammer down-- or should I say sword!-- as Akiza takes a big hit!
  246. (She's down to 1550 lp; the crowd is cheering)
  247. Announcer: Black Rose is starting to wilt-- a few more attacks like that, and she'll be checking the want adds; does anyone need a gardener?
  249. Ransborg: And now my Glory Shield effect destroyeth thine "Doppelganger"! With thy cursed spell lost to thee, Masked Knight-- unleash thine effect most special! <16:00>
  250. (Blast, big explosion. Akiza once again doesn't even flinch as she gets taken down to 50 lp)
  252. (Leo and Dex cheer)
  253. Announcer: Only fifty lifepoints left?! This duel is all but over! It's a fourth encore; it's a party with no music; it's the closing credits!
  254. Ransborg: I end mine turn.
  256. (Backstage; Yusei and Greiger)
  257. Greiger: So, d'you think it's over?
  258. Yusei: Not a chance. She's just getting warmed up.
  259. Greiger: And why d'you think that? You *know* her? Some ancient, mystical bond?
  261. (The duel)
  262. Ransborg: Thine turn. And any last words, fair maiden? For you shall not see another! Ha!
  263. Akiza: Yeah-- I got some last words. This duel's over!
  264. Ransborg: Liar!
  265. (Akiza draws)
  266. Ransborg (think): You hath lost already, my dear. I see-eth thine cards as if they be mine-- you shall release your tokens of rose, hoping against hope to summon a creature, and that shall be thy undoing. For once summoned, <17:00> thy "Black Garden" will afford *me* a token of rose; you shall attack, and you shall fail! For you hath no idea what dwells beneath mine card most facedown! Like all duelists who battle before me, you hath no mind for strategy! Waiting for you is my Martyr Flag ("Martyr's Flag", a trap), a spell most simple, true! But it shall double thy attack points of my Masked Knight! You shall taste the agony of defeat, and learn not to tread here in mine arena!
  267. Akiza: So, what to do? I think I'll destroy my Black Garden!
  268. (Black Garden's rich vines turn brown and brittle)
  269. Ransborg: What's this, a trick of some sort?!
  270. Akiza: Trick? No. Strategy-- yes! See, you've got to learn to look beyond the beauty of my roses. By destroying my Black Garden and my rose tokens, I get to summon a new monster-- one that's in my graveyard.
  271. Ransborg: You would not!
  273. Greiger: Oh, boy.
  275. Yanagi/Leo/Dex: It can't be!
  276. Luna: Ah...
  278. Announcer: Now it my math is correct, and it always is, then Akiza has sacrificed enough attack points to summon... the Black Rose Dragon!
  279. (Out of the fallen branches of Black Garden begins to emerge power)
  281. (In crowd)
  282. - That thing is dangerous!
  284. Akiza: Now say hello to my Black Rose... Dragon!
  285. (It appears in a cyclone of purple light.)
  286. Black Rose Dragon 2400/1800/L7/fire]
  287. Computer: Black Rose Dragon is a level-seven fire-attribute synchro monster, that has twenty-four-hundred attack points and eighteen-hundred defense points.
  289. Announcer: Akiza did it, but is it too late? With Black Garden gone, Masked Knight's attack points go back to their maximum, and if you know anything about fairytales, when it comes to knights versus dragons, it *never* ends well for the dragon!
  291. Tanner: With nothing else on her field, Black Rose can't win this. Too bad, too; I'd thought she had it.
  293. Ransborg: Ye truly are a fool, milady! Perhaps ye should lay thy cards down and go tend to thine garden-- green thumb you hath not when it comes to dueling!
  295. Greiger: I sure hate to admit it, but it looks like this duel's over.
  296. Yusei: Yeah; but it won't play out like ya think.
  297. Greiger: Say what?
  299. (Akiza removes Wall of Ivy from her graveyard) <19:00>
  300. Akiza: Due to my Black Rose Dragon's special ability, if I remove a plant-type monster in my graveyard from play, your Masked Knight's attack points go to zero! Go Black Binding Bloom!
  301. (Black Rose Dragon wraps Masked Knight in vines, and its atk indeed goes to zero)
  302. Ransborg: But-- thouest cannot do that to *me*! (his accent starts to break down and he gets nerdy) It be not fair! I spent all year making this costume for this special tournament! I'm not supposed to lose!
  303. Akiza: Well too bad! And next time you want to play dress-up, you should realize it's not what you wear on the outside that makes you who you are, but what's on the inside!
  304. Ransborg: Eh, I wanna go home! Take it easy now!
  305. Akiza: I *am* taking it easy-- Black Rose Dragon, attack!
  307. (Huge purplish-red fireball; Ransborg screams; the crowd yells with fear)
  309. (Goodwin and Lezar watch the storm of purple flames below.)
  310. Lezar: Hahahahahaha. I think Ransborg worked well. Now to check in with Zigzix. So tell us, what did your 'D-Tector' see? <20:00>
  311. Zigzix (on holoscreen): Well, um-- there was no Signer energy! We got nothing!
  312. (Lezar looks slyly at Goodwin, who doesn't return the look)
  313. Goodwin: Then *keep looking*.
  314. (Jack watches this scene, his expression austere. We notice then that he is gripping his right arm...)
  316. (... Just as Yusei is gripping his.)
  317. Yusei (murmurs): I *knew* she'd win that duel.
  318. Greiger: Whaddayou mean, like you two are connected?
  320. (VO, as we see Akiza watch Ransborg fall)
  321. Yusei (VO): I dunno, but there's something between us.
  322. (Ransborg topples to the ground, scratched and scorched all over, lifepoints sinking to zero. The crowd is freaked)
  323. - Her monsters're real!!!
  324. - Boo! Get 'er outta here!
  325. (Yusei's friends look around nervously)
  326. Dex: Uh...
  327. Yanagi: Uh...
  328. Leo: Uh...
  330. Sayer: Not a bad win, Akiza. But I got a bad feeling that your *real* fight, is just about to get started. Good luck!
  331. (Cortez was surprised by that win Akiza had)
  332. Cortez (think): If she can pull of powerful combos like that, then I don't know if I can beat her
  333. (Akiza stands on the field alone, silhouetted against the bright blue sky
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