
ignores cut

May 1st, 2020
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  1. Possibly as a measure to lighten the plane’s weight due to the high cost of fuel, the inner
  2. walls were thin. The bottom of Kamijou’s foot sunk into the wall.
  3. That was when the man swung his arm.
  4. Kamijou felt a hot sensation on the back of his calf.
  5. When he looked down, he saw knife made of animal bone.
  6. “...”
  7. Kamijou did not clench his fists.
  9. Instead he grabbed the aluminum bar that had been used as a handle on the broken in-
  10. flight meal cart that was sitting at an angle in the passageway.
  11. Kamijou did not hesitate.
  12. The man shrunk back from the obvious blunt weapon Kamijou held.
  13. That was when footsteps reached Kamijou’s ears
  14. The flight attendants must have heard Kamijou breaking down the door.
  15. At that point, it seemed the man decided what he had to do.
  16. He put the blade into his pocket and used the nearby staircase to escape to the other
  17. floor. Kamijou wasn’t sure if he should chase after the man, but he decided on heading
  18. towards Index who was lying limp in the storage closet.
  20. - Toaru Majutsu no Index Volume 17, Chapter 2 Part 12
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