
Blue Balls?

Oct 25th, 2013
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  1. chrisraney: *chris was walking with steph, from the promanade to talon hall he stayed close to her in the cold, they kept conversation about what had happened, chrs opened the door for steph and held it open for her
  2. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped into Talon Hall, side stepping the door as she turned to make sure Chris had followed her in. Her arms were locked around her, hooked on her elbows as she waited for him. "I guess that's just kind of a sore spot for me..."-
  3. chrisraney: *he had looked at her and raised a brow- Whys that?
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Seriously? I just have no respect for that. Once or twice, okay I can see a slip up. Not that it's okay, but I get it. But consistently... eh. When it's consistently, it's because there's something wrong in the relationship and it should be talked out or settled one way or the other."-
  5. chrisraney has left the chat
  6. chrisraney has joined the chat
  7. chrisraney: (re post please_
  8. Alexithymiaa: ( Alexithymiaa: "Seriously? I just have no respect for that. Once or twice, okay I can see a slip up. Not that it's okay, but I get it. But consistently... eh. When it's consistently, it's because there's something wrong in the relationship and it should be talked out or settled one way or the other."- )
  9. chrisraney: *he looked at her and nodded- i hope she doesnt run back to him, i can tell shes hurt, il try to talk to her i guess
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She shook her head. "She needs time to herself. Crowding her is just gonna make it worse."-
  11. chrisraney: Understandable, anyway, so what are we gonna do now
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged, walking towards the hall door. "Actually go into the dorms, maybe?"-
  13. chrisraney: *he chuckled- okay you got a point, since your there why domt ya open it
  14. chrisraney: *he walked torward the dirms following her
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, sticking her hand in her bag and pulling out her ID card. She ran it through the scanner, pushing open the door and shoving it back in her bag as she made her way down the hall to her room. "I don't know what you wanna do, I just wanna drop my shit off so I don't just leave it in the common room like I did the other day."-
  16. chrisraney: *he followed her standing at her dorm doorway, not knowing if it was an okay for him to come in- im down for anything, i hate to sound corny, but i just wanna spend time with you
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled to herself, stepping into her room and dropping her bag down next to her dresser. "I know what you mean..." She turned to face him in the doorway, a small smile pursed to her lips. "You can come in, yanno."-
  18. chrisraney: *he chuckled and walked in- i just wanted to be sure, and you know what i mean? are you saying you wanna spend time with me?
  19. Alexithymiaa: "No of course not. Spending time with you makes me miserable and I'm just a masochist." She laughed, moving to lean against the ladder of her bed.-
  20. chrisraney: And to think i walked you all the way over here- he chuckled shaking his head
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I know. You're just too damn nice." She flicked the hair off her shoulder, looking at him.-
  22. chrisraney: You know i can be mean if i wanted to, you know that right?- he had looked back at her taking a step closer smiling a bit
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Hardly. I've only ever seen you be fake mean, and it's just comical."
  24. chrisraney: I cant be mean to the girl i wanna give my everything to
  25. Alexithymiaa: -She stared up at him, slightly shocked. "What?"-
  26. chrisraney: *he stepped closer to her again, taking his right hand, moving it up brushing hair over her left ear- Why would i ever be mean to someone like you
  27. Alexithymiaa: (I can't even... oh my god Im dying. You did the ear tuck. You're officially a cliche. And I cant stop laughing. THANK YOU.)
  28. chrisraney: (lol why was that funny?)
  30. chrisraney: (nah and i wont watch it tonight, so save it lol, i dont spend my time youtubing "ear tuck"
  31. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled, trying to supress the amusement on her face. "Because I'm kind of an asshole all the time? Sounds like a pretty good reason to me."-
  32. Alexithymiaa: (It's great)
  33. chrisraney: Oh il get you back for that another way
  34. chrisraney: You being an ass hole is kinda alluring to be honest
  35. chrisraney: (lol il watch it tomorrow_
  36. chrisraney: (since im off)
  37. Alexithymiaa: "How so?"
  38. chrisraney: Il let you know when i find out
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Oh thats not fair. I wanna know."
  40. chrisraney: Well i dont even know yet
  41. chrisraney: Wheres your roomate?
  42. Alexithymiaa: -She reached up to playfully poke him in the chest. "Well maybe you should find out." She laughed, looking behind her to Olivia's bed. "I have no idea. I saw her earlier."-
  43. chrisraney: Il just stare at your ass more, thats all i gotta say...its so...nice and firm, good lord
  44. Alexithymiaa: -She pressed a hand to her back, turning her body to look at her butt. "I really have no idea what you see."-
  45. chrisraney: *he chuckled and turned around looking around the room
  46. chrisraney: *he was still looking around when he replied- Its not big, im not into that, its just nice and tight, you got a bitt that looks like youve been working out, i bet you look great in underwear
  47. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged. "Kinda have been working out. Not that I check myself out in underwear all the time..."-
  48. chrisraney: Not trying to be perverted..i was just stating, im a guy, again, its in my nature
  49. Alexithymiaa: "I'm really not worried. Besides, the fact that it's on your mind is flattering."
  50. chrisraney: Your a unique chick, ive been saying shit that would usually get me slapped in the face, im suprised im not slapped yet
  51. Alexithymiaa: "Shit like that is stupid to get mad over. You're basically saying I'm attractive. In my book, that's a compliment. And if it were an insult, I'd insult you back and laugh. So I don't understand what the big deal is that chicks make over it."
  52. chrisraney: SO if i said, i wanna fuck the living daylights outa you? Im not gonna get slapped?
  53. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed. "Well that's kinda a little more than necessary, but no I'm not going to hit you. This time..."
  54. chrisraney: Good, i have glasses on
  55. Alexithymiaa: "What does that have to do with anything?"
  56. chrisraney: *he walked past her and hopped on the bottom bunk laying on his back- im kinda horny, my apologies. oh and if you were to slap me, they would possibly break
  57. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, turning to face him. "That is so not my bed..."-
  58. chrisraney: So you want me to lay on your bed? you gonna join me?
  59. Alexithymiaa: "Well I don't want you on her bed! That's not fair."
  60. chrisraney: *he sat up quickly and excited- Can we please do one thing for like 5 minuites please please!!1 - he looked at her with a desperate evil smile
  61. Alexithymiaa: -She narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest. "What..."-
  62. chrisraney: Lets go make out in my room, then we can come back? or you go in there and look for me, when justin says im not there you should be like, well fuck, guess im not getting laid tonight
  63. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him, not blinking. "No."-
  64. chrisraney: *he stood up getting face to face with her- Or you can do bad
  65. Alexithymiaa: "Uhuh..." She side stepped him, sitting herself on the ladder of the bed so she was eye to eye with him. "Why do you want to make him jealous?"-
  66. chrisraney: Dont worry about that..
  67. Alexithymiaa: -Her brows knitted together, staring at him. "Well fuck, now I really wanna know."-
  68. chrisraney: cause i can treat you better annd i want him to know it and feellike shit for letting a great girl go
  69. Alexithymiaa: "Pretty sure I let him go, but okay."
  70. chrisraney: Your not getting what im saying, it doesnt fucking matter anyway
  71. Alexithymiaa: -She reached over, pressing her palms to his cheeks and staring at him. "Then tell me, cause it does matter."-
  72. chrisraney: Your perfect...he hurt you, and you couldnt do anything about it cause the chick was cheer captain, i want you, i wont hurt you. Not on purpose, im not perfect, but that night we met at cadences, I saw something in you, before you got drunk of course, pure beauty, and tat day at the gym, when he came and picked you up, he just stood at the door, i woulda walked all the way and kissed you infromt of everybody, i woulda made songs for you, id sing to you in public, or while you try to sleep, and all he ever did while you were sleeping was cheat!
  73. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him in disbelief, a shiver going down her back as he spoke. Her lips parted to speak, but her mind was sent reeling and her voice couldn't catch up. She sighed, closing her mouth as she smiled, her eyes lighting up. "That's like the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."-
  74. chrisraney: I fucking mean it, i have the urge to go over there and beat the fuckouta him, he did you wrong and dirty, i cant tak cause i cheated on brit, but i want happy, i shouldnt have cheated, but you didnt do a damn thing to him!
  75. Alexithymiaa: -She lowered her head, looking away from him. "Yeah, but you don't know that. He could have been unhappy."-
  76. chrisraney: Ive spent like 8 days with you and this is the happiest ive been in a while, so i know your talking bull shit
  77. Alexithymiaa: -SHe shrugged. "Not everyone feels the same..."-
  78. chrisraney: I know how i feel- he reached down and slowly grabbed her left hand with his right, he was looking deep into her eyes- All i can really say is im happy, im not perfect, but im happy
  79. Alexithymiaa: -She sent him a weak smile, her icy hand feeling the warmth in his. "Good. You deserve to be happy."-
  80. chrisraney: Are you happy though?
  81. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed, lifting her gaze to settle on him. "Honestly?"-
  82. chrisraney: Yes...its just me and you, i want you to be honest. No holding back
  83. Alexithymiaa: -She shook her head. "I don't even remember the last time I was happy. I smile and put on this facade everyday cause I really don't give a fuck about anyone's pity, nor do I want to be bothered about 'whats wrong'."
  84. chrisraney: Im not gonna ask you whats wrong, just know i got your back- he leaned on and kissed the side of her lips- If you wanna tell me, its on you, im not gonna bother you
  85. Alexithymiaa: "There's really nothing to tell. My life is boring. There's nothing there to make my happy. I mean, I guess I'm a glass half empty kinda person, but it
  86. Alexithymiaa: it's just the way I see it."
  87. Alexithymiaa: (rawr.)
  88. chrisraney: Im a pissed off dick head all the time, so i giess i can handle you
  89. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned forward, giving him a small peck on the lips. "You better."-
  90. chrisraney: *he reached his free hand down tapping her ass and chuckled- oh i can, trust me
  91. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, pushing him playfully. "So not what I meant at all!"-
  92. chrisraney: Oh i know, *he pushed her down on the bed playfully chuckling- Its in my nature- he smirked and winked
  93. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, pushing up from the bed and shoving him again. "Play nice!"-
  94. chrisraney: What are you gonna do about it if i dont- he picked her up over his shoulder
  95. Alexithymiaa: -She kicked her legs, drumming her fists on his back as she laughed. "Hey! Put me down! This is cheating!"-
  96. chrisraney: You asked for it- he flung her off his shoulder aiming her on olivias bed
  97. Alexithymiaa: -She bounced on the bed, sitting up to fold her legs in front of her and cross her arms. "Not fair."
  98. chrisraney: You wont do anything about it- he chuckled sticking his toungue out at her
  99. Alexithymiaa: -She wrinkled her nose, sliding off the bed and walking around him to her dresser. She pulled out her pajamas, laying them on top of the dresser as she reached down to pull off her boots. "Maybe not."-
  100. chrisraney: *he sat on the bed turning to her- want me to get out?
  101. Alexithymiaa: "Nope." She set her boots down next to her dresser, hooking her fingers underneath her shirt and pulling it off over her head. She folded it neatly, setting it down on top of the dresser as she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them off, placing them on top of her neatly folded shirt. She rolled her stocks off, tossing them in her laundry basket as she turned to face Chris. She stood with her hands on her hips in a matching set of black lace. "I may not be able to get you back, but I sure as hell have my own way of doing things."-
  102. chrisraney: *he looked her up and down smirking, his jaw drpopped a bit but then he closed his mouth looking at her- Im not teased if thats what your trying to do
  103. Alexithymiaa: -She cocked her head to the side, smirking. "Who said I was?"-
  104. chrisraney: *he bit his bottom lip still looking at her- what are your plans then>
  105. chrisraney: (ummm i still se clothing! lol)
  106. Alexithymiaa: (My inventory doesnt load pictures. It's 5am and the effort to find it is just so not there. )
  107. chrisraney: (understandable lol)
  108. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged, turning to reach for her pajamas, running a hand over the fabric. "Can't I just change into my pajamas?"-
  109. Alexithymiaa: (Meh. I hate knowing what shit is called. It ruins my lazy.)
  110. chrisraney: (lol it happens to the best_
  111. chrisraney: *he stood up walking torward her, getting behind her gently kissing at her neck- You know, im gonna have to go with a no
  112. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed, taking a step away from him. "Nope. Pajamas. You're the one that said it wasn't tempting." She took her set of pajamas into her hands, smiling at him.-
  113. chrisraney: Steph, its very tempting..jesus dont do this
  114. chrisraney: *he began talking in a begging whiney voice- Il do annyythinnggg
  115. Alexithymiaa: -She shook her head. "Nope. Not teasing. You said it."-
  116. chrisraney: *he didnt want her to stop, he chuckled and was thinking of something to do, he took off his shirt to try to tease her, he grabbed her hands and put them on his abs- i asked nicely not to do this, your very tempting
  117. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged. "Then I'll just put my pajamas on and everything will be all better."-
  118. chrisraney: uhh finee. I dont wanna get you all scared or pissed anyway
  119. Alexithymiaa: "Why would I get scared or pissed?"
  120. chrisraney: If i make a move..
  121. chrisraney: Fuck it *he picked her up carrying her to the bottome bunk, he layed ontop of her and began kissing her neck and nibbling her ear
  122. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "That's ridiculous. I would just tell you no becau-..." He cut her off, startling her as he lifted her off her feet and laid her on the bed. She laughed, running her hands over his arms. "Chris it's almost 5:30am."-
  123. chrisraney: *he was still kissing her, he paused for a second just to say what he was gonna say- I hate to say this because i dont wanna seem like a pig, but i can just pull a quicky- he chuckled and ran his lips ver her neck again- I just wanna kiss you- he whispered that into her ear and brushed his lips on her earlobe
  124. Alexithymiaa: "Not excactly what I had in mind the first time around..." She squirmed, her laughter bubbling up through her throat as she turned her head. "That tickles!"-
  125. chrisraney: Its susposed to- he nipped into her ear tugging it a bit
  126. Alexithymiaa: -She laughed again, pushing him upward. "Stopppppp. Come on Chris, it's late. You're not supposed to get anything out of this deal. Pajamas and bed!"-
  127. chrisraney: *he grunted and looked at her smiling- Nothing at all?- he frowned curling his bottomlip out
  128. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned forward, nipping at his lower lip quickly and smiling. "Nope." She slid out from underneath him, walking back over to pick up her pajamas, stepping into the shorts and pulling the tank top over her head. "Bedtime. Now."
  129. chrisraney: But...I want youu- he looked at her with a frowning smile- dont doo this to me, im horny as hell
  130. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled innocent. "I know. That was kind of the point. But Chris doesn't play fair, so Chris gets nothing." She turned her head from side to side slowly, pretending to be perky as she eased toward the ladder of her bed.-
  131. chrisraney: *he grabbed her waiste pulling her torward him- Il play as far as you want, il get completely naked, give the horny guy 5 minuites, a handy? bj? jesus this isntme talking, im just really hornyy
  132. Alexithymiaa: "Maybe you should have thought of that before." She smiled again, easing back out of his grasp.-
  133. chrisraney: Il do anything steph- he leaned up smirking biting the waisteband of her shorts
  134. Alexithymiaa: -She slid her finger underneath his chin, lifting his face up to hers. "Have you forgotten already, what I told you?"-
  135. chrisraney: What was tha?
  136. Alexithymiaa: "I have too much riding on my body and well being to have casual sex."
  137. chrisraney: sorry, i wasnt thinking- he scratched his head blushing- Fuck- he bent down and picked up his shirt- I...I really didnt mean to
  138. Alexithymiaa: -She climbed the rest of the way up the ladder, turning to sit on the edge. "Don't worry about it. My intention was to tease you, remember?" She laughed, climbing into bed.-
  139. chrisraney: Well it worked- he watched her go up the top bunk- Il se you tomorrow stepj, goodnight
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