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- testGrid = stack(readlines("day08/test.txt"); dims=1)
- grid = stack(readlines("day08/input.txt"); dims=1)
- isAntenna(c) = c != '.'
- printMat(m) = println(join((join(m[i,:]) for i in axes(m,1)), "\n"))
- getPairs(x) = (Pair(x[i], x[j]) for i = eachindex(x) for j = i:length(x) if i != j)
- function solve(grid, p2)
- antIdx = findall(isAntenna.(grid))
- antennas = unique(grid[antIdx])
- antiNodes = Set()
- for ant ∈ antennas
- idx = antIdx[grid[antIdx] .== ant]
- for p ∈ getPairs(idx)
- slope = p.second - p.first
- if p2
- for op ∈ [+, -] # Forwards and backwards
- n = 0
- point = op(p.first, slope*n)
- while checkbounds(Bool, grid, point)
- push!(antiNodes, point)
- n += 1
- point = op(p.first, slope*n)
- end
- end
- else
- a1 = p.first - slope
- if checkbounds(Bool, grid, a1)
- push!(antiNodes, a1)
- end
- a2 = p.second + slope
- if checkbounds(Bool, grid, a2)
- push!(antiNodes, a2)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return antiNodes
- end
- function showAns(grid, nodes)
- grid = copy(grid)
- for node ∈ nodes
- if !isAntenna(grid[node])
- grid[node] = '#'
- end
- end
- printMat(grid)
- end
- @time nodes = solve(grid, false)
- # showAns(grid,nodes)
- println("P1 anti-node count: $(length(nodes))")
- @time nodes = solve(grid, true)
- # showAns(grid,nodes)
- println("P2 anti-node count: $(length(nodes))")
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