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May 30th, 2021
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  1. [13:59:48] #Yellow Paint: /announce Workshop Start!
  2. [14:00:25] #Yellow Paint: alright, feel free to PM me, MrAldo, or Katy suggestions on what you want to build around
  3. [14:00:27] @t04ster: yoooo squad
  4. [14:00:31] #Yellow Paint: oh, or t04ster
  5. [14:00:40] #Yellow Paint: actually nvm just pm me
  6. [14:00:45] @t04ster: welcome to the ou workshop! feel free to pm me also and any other auth. my chats arent open for causal discussion
  7. [14:00:55] #Yellow Paint: well, pm me for suggestions
  8. [14:00:58] #Yellow Paint: so I can compile a poll
  9. [14:01:15] #Yellow Paint: we can also discuss things here, if anyone has any cores/ideas they want
  10. [14:01:36] %Katy: yup spit out cores
  11. [14:01:55] #Yellow Paint: one suggested was terrakion
  12. [14:01:58] #Yellow Paint: with sd
  13. [14:02:11] @t04ster: we have zeraora + watershifu
  14. [14:02:17] @t04ster: er
  15. [14:02:22] @t04ster: zera + dragapult
  16. [14:02:38] #Yellow Paint: another suggestion for volcarona + reuniclus
  17. [14:02:43] @t04ster: zera + kyurem too
  18. [14:02:45] #Yellow Paint: which is fun with the magic guard
  19. [14:03:46] #Yellow Paint: alright, that's enough for now then
  20. [14:04:22] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  21. [14:05:32] +avarice: i rm when zera + kyurem was a UU core :omg:
  22. [14:06:18] #Yellow Paint: reverse creep
  23. [14:08:37] #Yellow Paint: alright, looks like it's zera + kyurem
  24. [14:08:49] #Yellow Paint: so, anyone wanna explain the core?
  25. [14:09:02] #Yellow Paint: they complement each other with things like kyurem removing lando and rilla
  26. [14:09:25] #Yellow Paint: what partners well with it, what are they weak to?
  27. [14:10:44] #Yellow Paint: [14:10:30] meme0267: definitely need reliable hazard removal for kyurem, probably defog corv or lando
  28. [14:10:50] @t04ster: my memory is foggy but like zeraora basically thrives off of grounds and kyu offers consistent offensive counterplay
  29. [14:10:53] #Yellow Paint: [14:10:43] Coolcodename:(Private to %Yellow Paint) Is the kyurem specs or sub roost?
  30. [14:10:56] @t04ster: kyurem needs hazard control, def agree with that
  31. [14:11:20] %Katy: kyurem pressure immediately especially with its choice specs set being a devestating wallbreaker and ice typing in general is evry spamable and it can weaken or beat pokemon, which zeraora dislikes such as garchomp, meanwhile zeraora can weaken pokes for kyurem and itself
  32. [14:11:25] #Yellow Paint: thoughts on sets as well?
  33. [14:11:47] @t04ster: think we can just run 4 atks zera specs kyurem
  34. [14:11:53] %Katy: yea
  35. [14:11:58] #Yellow Paint: [14:11:47] luxrrayster: bulk up zera and just normal freeze dry kyurem
  36. [14:12:16] %Katy: specs kyurewm has freeze-dry anyway
  37. [14:12:28] #Yellow Paint: yeah, how about 4 attacks zera plus specs kyurem for now
  38. [14:12:29] @t04ster: tox is an option
  39. [14:12:35] @t04ster: but 4 atks is super consistent otherwise
  40. [14:12:39] #Yellow Paint: what about partners then, hazard control was mentioned
  41. [14:12:49] %Katy: !code
  42. Kyurem @ Choice Specs
  43. Ability: Pressure
  44. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  45. [14:12:53] %Katy: best set rn
  46. [14:13:19] #Yellow Paint: [14:13:05] Coolcodename: Do we rlly need focus blast w zera for bliss?
  47. [14:13:34] @t04ster: fogger corv
  48. [14:13:38] @t04ster: looks super good
  49. [14:13:41] @t04ster: [14:13:21] meme0267: boots zera, plasma fists, cc, knock off, volt switch?
  50. [14:13:42] #Yellow Paint: I believe focus blast still takes other things like ferro?
  51. [14:13:46] @t04ster: yeah thats exactly what 4 atks runs
  52. [14:14:03] #Yellow Paint: [14:13:31] HawkOp2099: Cc barra can take kyurem
  53. [14:14:03] #Yellow Paint: [14:13:36] HawkOp2099: And zera can die too
  54. [14:15:20] %Katy: we can pair it up with rillaboom
  55. [14:15:28] %Katy: rilla, ora, kyu, corv
  56. [14:15:32] %Katy: seem to be a good core
  57. [14:15:37] #Yellow Paint: solid 4 going
  58. [14:15:42] @t04ster:
  59. [14:15:42] #Yellow Paint: would definitely need a tran answer then
  60. [14:15:44] @t04ster: so this with potential rilla
  61. [14:15:47] #Yellow Paint: and exca was mentioned too
  62. [14:15:50] @t04ster: sounds tight
  63. [14:15:52] #Yellow Paint: as threats
  64. [14:15:54] %Katy: we can also go with dnite
  65. [14:16:06] %Katy: but that leaves us
  66. [14:16:25] @t04ster: weak to weavile?
  67. [14:16:30] %Katy: weak to opposing kyurem and weav
  68. [14:16:44] #Yellow Paint: [14:16:36] luxrrayster: can i ask why not Rocky helment on birb?
  69. [14:17:11] @t04ster: one word: plugged smogon set
  70. [14:17:15] @t04ster: but rh looks extremely flexible
  71. [14:17:25] %Katy: we can go with heatran
  72. [14:17:36] %Katy: so we arent volc weak
  73. [14:17:37] #Yellow Paint: ah right, tran checks tran
  74. [14:17:46] @t04ster: ye
  75. [14:17:53] %Katy: air ballon tran
  76. [14:18:20] @t04ster: [14:18:09] Chiksterr: I feel some with support would also be good for zera and kyurem
  77. [14:18:21] @t04ster: [14:18:13] Chiksterr: wish*
  78. [14:18:34] #Yellow Paint: urshi and barraskewda were mentioned as big threats as well
  79. [14:18:50] #Yellow Paint: especially if no rilla
  80. [14:18:53] @t04ster: yeah we rly need to check watershifu
  81. [14:19:03] @t04ster: maybe katy's dnite suggestion + spdef tran?
  82. [14:19:05] @t04ster: i refuse to run balloon lol
  83. [14:19:13] #Yellow Paint: dnite + spdef tran helps
  84. [14:19:13] %Katy: ya that could be an option
  85. [14:19:26] #Yellow Paint: also yes rain has been mentioned again, which rilla would help with?
  86. [14:19:39] #Yellow Paint: but something else defensive would be nice
  87. [14:19:44] %Katy: rain is less common nowadays
  88. [14:20:08] @t04ster: added gterrain recovery for heatran is nice too
  89. [14:20:20] @t04ster: would wish support be worth adding as a layer of mileage
  90. [14:20:34] %Katy: my idea was kyurem, zeraora, melmetal, landot, urshifur, and tornt
  91. [14:20:34] @t04ster: honestly, having hazard control is just fine
  92. [14:20:49] #Yellow Paint: oh, an offensive tilt
  93. [14:21:01] #Yellow Paint: is that 6 fine against tran, katy?
  94. [14:21:12] %Katy: urhs and landot
  95. [14:21:16] %Katy: softcheck tran
  96. [14:22:30] #Yellow Paint: wanna put it up to a poll?
  97. [14:22:46] @t04ster: works for me
  98. [14:22:47] @t04ster: [14:22:22] Coolcodename: Isn’t Katy’s suggestion a bit too weav weak?
  99. [14:23:05] %Katy: melmetal and ursh can circumvent weavile weakness
  100. [14:23:14] %Katy: with playing around it
  101. [14:23:30] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  102. [14:23:41] %Katy: another option could be: kyurem, zera, dragapult, heatran, landot, clefable
  103. [14:23:44] @t04ster: weavile just barely jeopardizes the build's fluidity
  104. [14:23:45] @t04ster: vote!
  105. [14:24:06] #Yellow Paint: yeah an offensively oriented team like that doesn't have to be totally solid against other offensive threats
  106. [14:25:01] #Yellow Paint: poll'll close in 3 minutes
  107. [14:25:12] #Yellow Paint: well, 2 let's say
  108. [14:25:18] #Yellow Paint: bc spdef tran side is winning lmao
  109. [14:26:08] @t04ster: [14:25:52] HawkOp2099: Katy's new suggestion looks goood
  110. [14:26:10] @t04ster: yeah little man
  111. [14:26:11] @t04ster: lol
  112. [14:26:57] #Yellow Paint: yeah, pult tran does just seem better with lando clef
  113. [14:27:18] #Yellow Paint: is that one okay against exca?
  114. [14:27:28] %Katy: landot
  115. [14:27:32] #Yellow Paint: right
  116. [14:27:34] %Katy: and
  117. [14:27:38] %Katy: draga can spinblock
  118. [14:27:45] %Katy: in case exca wants to do that
  119. [14:28:12] @t04ster: ok so spdef tran + dnite
  120. [14:28:23] @t04ster: has the most votes, we can go in that direction
  121. [14:28:24] #Yellow Paint: though, katy's new 6 is also quite good
  122. [14:28:33] #Yellow Paint: and tran + dnite is quite similar to pult + tran
  123. [14:28:35] %Katy: dnite we can go with defensive dragon dance
  124. [14:28:36] @t04ster: i agree
  125. [14:28:46] %Katy: if you want to do that
  126. [14:28:49] @t04ster: [14:28:19] Coolcodename: Would pex be a good teammate for the spedef tran+Dnite team?
  127. [14:28:53] @t04ster: [14:23:23] Coolcodename: Urshifu can’t work long term at all
  128. [14:28:57] #Yellow Paint: I think pult tran's in the spirit of it
  129. [14:29:12] #Yellow Paint: pex would kinda kill momentum though
  130. [14:29:55] %Katy: pex drains hella momentum
  131. [14:29:57] %Katy: in this case
  132. [14:30:00] @t04ster: [14:29:41] tsyon✿: Instead of pex why not slowking to add into the breaking power to zera and kyurem and momentum
  133. [14:30:01] @t04ster: [14:29:40] Coolcodename: in general a weavile check is p necessary as this team just gets 6-0ed
  134. [14:30:15] @t04ster: yeah for sure
  135. [14:30:19] #Yellow Paint: pex is a better chance
  136. [14:30:21] @t04ster: can see that thats the consensus
  137. [14:30:44] #Yellow Paint: how to answer weavile then?
  138. [14:30:48] @t04ster: [14:30:34] HawkOp2099: Is'nt zera a good weavile check
  139. [14:30:58] #MrAldo: cant switch
  140. [14:30:58] %Katy: depends
  141. [14:31:02] %Katy: cant switch
  142. [14:31:02] #MrAldo: only as a revenge killer
  143. [14:31:02] #Yellow Paint: zera can't do anything defesnively
  144. [14:31:04] @t04ster: we're worrying about switching in
  145. [14:31:11] @t04ster: but we can rkill
  146. [14:31:14] @t04ster: i gotta run, gl guys
  147. [14:31:20] #Yellow Paint: cheers!
  148. [14:31:22] #MrAldo: switching into weavile will require like a fini or pex
  149. [14:31:28] %Katy: so what do we have right now?
  150. [14:31:31] #MrAldo: then having the zeraora for insurance
  151. [14:31:35] #MrAldo: or at worse tapu
  152. [14:31:39] #Yellow Paint: zera/kyurem/tran/dnite rn
  153. [14:32:11] #MrAldo: I think fini works tbh
  154. [14:32:16] %Katy: ya
  155. [14:32:21] %Katy: fini in this case
  156. [14:32:21] %Katy: works
  157. [14:32:29] #MrAldo: also helps with watershifu somewhat as well
  158. [14:32:45] %Katy: Chiksterr: hm helment pex seems pretty good against weav though
  159. [14:32:55] #Yellow Paint: [14:32:28] Coolcodename: Fini works decently
  160. [14:32:55] #Yellow Paint: [14:32:33] Coolcodename: also didn’t we have rilla here?
  161. [14:33:07] #Yellow Paint: then yeah fini works
  162. [14:33:22] #Yellow Paint: and rilla was mentioned earlier, still seems good now?
  163. [14:33:26] #Yellow Paint: or is fini enough of an urshi answer
  164. [14:33:43] %Katy: chiksterr pex is more spdef nowadays
  165. [14:33:48] %Katy: for volc
  166. [14:33:56] #Yellow Paint: can anyone post an updated paste?
  167. [14:35:19] %Katy: what do we have?
  168. [14:35:32] #Yellow Paint: kyurem zera tran dnite fini
  169. [14:36:27] #MrAldo: yeh, with dnite there is no need for pex, and with kyurem you gonna be spamming ice moves most of the time anyways so the misty terrain
  170. [14:36:30] #MrAldo: isnt that bad
  171. [14:36:47] #MrAldo: and this appreciates the terrain disruption versus something like lele for example
  172. [14:36:55] %Katy: we can run scarf fini
  173. [14:36:59] #Yellow Paint: !code
  174. Kyurem @ Choice Specs
  175. Ability: Pressure
  176. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  177. Modest Nature
  178. IVs: 0 Atk
  179. - Ice Beam
  180. - Freeze-Dry
  181. - Focus Blast
  182. - Earth Power
  184. Zeraora @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  185. Ability: Volt Absorb
  186. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  187. Jolly Nature
  188. - Plasma Fists
  189. - Volt Switch
  190. - Knock Off
  191. - Close Combat
  193. Heatran @ Leftovers
  194. Ability: Flash Fire
  195. EVs: 252 HP / 136 SpD / 120 Spe
  196. Calm Nature
  197. - Magma Storm
  198. - Earth Power
  199. - Taunt
  200. - Toxic
  202. Dragonite @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  203. Ability: Multiscale
  204. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  205. Jolly Nature
  206. - Dragon Dance
  207. - Dual Wingbeat
  208. - Earthquake
  209. - Roost
  211. Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
  212. Ability: Misty Surge
  213. EVs: 252 HP / 64 SpD / 192 Spe
  214. Timid Nature
  215. - Scald
  216. - Moonblast
  217. - Knock Off
  218. - Taunt
  219. [14:37:00] #Yellow Paint: oh
  220. [14:37:01] %Katy: as a forme of speed control
  221. [14:37:09] #Yellow Paint: this is just me slapping analysis sets in
  222. [14:37:46] %Katy: also scarf fini is faster than weavile and such
  223. [14:38:05] %Katy: therefore giving us a measure against it
  224. [14:38:41] #Yellow Paint: is scarf fini still defog?
  225. [14:39:30] %Katy: ya
  226. [14:39:33] %Katy: emergency defogger
  227. [14:39:38] #Yellow Paint: that could work
  228. [14:39:44] #Yellow Paint: there's double boots already
  229. [14:39:55] #Yellow Paint: what about the dnite set then?
  230. [14:40:12] %Katy: !code
  231. Dragonite @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  232. Ability: Multiscale
  233. EVs: 248 HP / 52 Atk / 52 Def / 152 Spe
  234. Jolly Nature
  235. - Dragon Dance
  236. - Dual Wingbeat
  237. - Earthquake
  238. - Roost
  239. [14:40:40] #Yellow Paint: cool, how about the fini set?
  240. [14:40:40] %Katy: u can make a note that healbell instead of quake could also be an option on dnite
  241. [14:40:46] #Yellow Paint: gotcha
  242. [14:40:55] %Katy: !code
  243. Tapu Fini @ Choice Scarf
  244. Ability: Misty Surge
  245. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  246. Timid Nature
  247. IVs: 0 Atk
  248. - Moonblast
  249. - Hydro Pump
  250. - Trick
  251. - Defog
  252. [14:40:58] #Yellow Paint: though with fini on team
  253. [14:41:03] #Yellow Paint: heal bell migth not be as necessary
  254. [14:41:18] #Yellow Paint: !code
  255. Kyurem @ Choice Specs
  256. Ability: Pressure
  257. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  258. Modest Nature
  259. IVs: 0 Atk
  260. - Ice Beam
  261. - Freeze-Dry
  262. - Focus Blast
  263. - Earth Power
  265. Zeraora @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  266. Ability: Volt Absorb
  267. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  268. Jolly Nature
  269. - Plasma Fists
  270. - Volt Switch
  271. - Knock Off
  272. - Close Combat
  274. Heatran @ Leftovers
  275. Ability: Flash Fire
  276. EVs: 252 HP / 136 SpD / 120 Spe
  277. Calm Nature
  278. - Magma Storm
  279. - Earth Power
  280. - Taunt
  281. - Toxic
  283. Dragonite @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  284. Ability: Multiscale
  285. EVs: 248 HP / 52 Atk / 52 Def / 152 Spe
  286. Jolly Nature
  287. - Dragon Dance
  288. - Dual Wingbeat
  289. - Earthquake
  290. - Roost
  292. Tapu Fini @ Choice Scarf
  293. Ability: Misty Surge
  294. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  295. Timid Nature
  296. IVs: 0 Atk
  297. - Moonblast
  298. - Hydro Pump
  299. - Trick
  300. - Defog
  301. [14:41:23] #Yellow Paint: great, these are the 5 so far then
  302. [14:41:31] %Katy: ya but ya fog your own terrain away so healbell can be still an opt on dnite
  303. [14:41:36] #Yellow Paint: true
  304. [14:41:42] %Katy: fogging own etrrain away sigh gen8...why?
  305. [14:42:00] #Yellow Paint: I believe opposing kyurem was mentioned as well
  306. [14:42:05] #Yellow Paint: since there's no sr here or anything
  307. [14:42:10] #Yellow Paint: how would we handle that?
  308. [14:42:21] %Katy: !code
  309. Heatran @ Leftovers
  310. Ability: Flash Fire
  311. EVs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe
  312. Calm Nature
  313. IVs: 0 Atk
  314. - Magma Storm
  315. - Earth Power
  316. - Taunt
  317. - Stealth Rock
  318. [14:42:25] %Katy: this our rocker
  319. [14:42:30] #Yellow Paint: sure
  320. [14:42:40] %Katy: we need a last clue-poke
  321. [14:42:40] #MrAldo: gotta be tran here yeah
  322. [14:42:51] #MrAldo: mmm
  323. [14:43:25] %Katy: a ground type
  324. [14:43:33] #Yellow Paint: exca?
  325. [14:43:44] #Yellow Paint: really worried about opposing kyurem
  326. [14:43:56] #Yellow Paint: ground seems like it'd be even more dangerous
  327. [14:44:28] %Katy: excadrill seems ok
  328. [14:44:36] %Katy: but like mh lemme think a quick mom
  329. [14:45:29] %Katy: we can go
  330. [14:45:33] %Katy: specially defensive clef
  331. [14:45:39] %Katy: for opp kyurem and draga
  332. [14:45:50] #Yellow Paint: yeah, spdef clef was mentioned earlier
  333. [14:45:54] #Yellow Paint: [14:45:45] tsyon✿:(Private to %Yellow Paint) Scizor improves the teams matchup against kyurem while also being able to check lele and rilla as well for the team
  334. [14:46:06] %Katy: oh scizor
  335. [14:46:09] #MrAldo: for insurance Id always run timid kyurem or at least give it some consideration
  336. [14:46:09] %Katy: THAT is good
  337. [14:46:17] #MrAldo: yeh, I like scizor here as well
  338. [14:46:26] #Yellow Paint: thanks for the rec!
  339. [14:46:33] #Yellow Paint: and yeah timid kyurem makes sense
  340. [14:46:51] #Yellow Paint: defog scizor still?
  341. [14:47:05] #Yellow Paint: or roost u turn
  342. [14:47:48] #Yellow Paint: !code
  343. Kyurem @ Choice Specs
  344. Ability: Pressure
  345. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  346. Timid Nature
  347. IVs: 0 Atk
  348. - Ice Beam
  349. - Freeze-Dry
  350. - Focus Blast
  351. - Earth Power
  353. Zeraora @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  354. Ability: Volt Absorb
  355. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  356. Jolly Nature
  357. - Plasma Fists
  358. - Volt Switch
  359. - Knock Off
  360. - Close Combat
  362. Heatran @ Leftovers
  363. Ability: Flash Fire
  364. EVs: 252 HP / 128 SpD / 128 Spe
  365. Calm Nature
  366. IVs: 0 Atk
  367. - Magma Storm
  368. - Earth Power
  369. - Taunt
  370. - Stealth Rock
  372. Dragonite @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  373. Ability: Multiscale
  374. EVs: 248 HP / 52 Atk / 52 Def / 152 Spe
  375. Jolly Nature
  376. - Dragon Dance
  377. - Dual Wingbeat
  378. - Earthquake
  379. - Roost
  381. Tapu Fini @ Choice Scarf
  382. Ability: Misty Surge
  383. EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  384. Timid Nature
  385. IVs: 0 Atk
  386. - Moonblast
  387. - Hydro Pump
  388. - Trick
  389. - Defog
  391. Scizor @ Leftovers
  392. Ability: Technician
  393. EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
  394. Careful Nature
  395. - Bullet Punch
  396. - U-turn
  397. - Roost
  398. - Knock Off
  399. [14:47:50] #Yellow Paint: how's those 6?
  400. [14:48:24] %Katy: !code
  401. Scizor @ Leftovers
  402. Ability: Technician
  403. EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
  404. Careful Nature
  405. - Bullet Punch
  406. - U-turn
  407. - Roost
  408. - Knock Off
  409. [14:48:31] %Katy: tis the sciz
  410. [14:48:44] #Yellow Paint: that's the same sciz right
  411. [14:48:49] #Yellow Paint: or am I misreading
  412. [14:48:52] %Ika Ika Musume: Yes it is
  413. [14:48:55] #Yellow Paint: cool
  414. [14:48:56] %Katy: oh ya si si
  415. [14:49:10] #Yellow Paint: alright, how about thoughts on the team overall now?
  416. [14:49:26] %Katy: dniter itself checks alot of stuff
  417. [14:49:40] %Katy: heatran, rillaboom, kartana
  418. [14:50:03] %Katy: and most pokes the other pokemon in the teams check, are checked bya dnite too
  419. [14:50:04] #Yellow Paint: urshi neatly answered with dnite + fini as well
  420. [14:50:12] %Katy: by*
  421. [14:50:13] %Ika Ika Musume: How does it do vs powerful grounds
  422. [14:50:14] #Yellow Paint: [14:50:03] tsyon✿:(Private to %Yellow Paint) Ik dnite has eq and can check zera, but isn’t it also a bit problematic
  423. [14:50:43] %Katy: i think dnite
  424. [14:50:46] %Katy: checks zera just fine
  425. [14:51:35] %Katy: 252 Atk Zeraora Plasma Fists vs. 248 HP / 52 Def Dragonite: 145-172 (37.6 - 44.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
  426. [14:51:47] %Katy: w/o multi up
  427. [14:52:47] %Katy: I think all in all the team compliments each others weaknesses p well
  428. [14:52:59] #Yellow Paint: yeah, seems quite balanced considering the lead pair
  429. [14:53:09] %Katy: with momentum / pivot potential, a hard breaker in kyurem
  430. [14:53:19] %Katy: and speed control in forme of fini
  431. [14:53:33] #Yellow Paint: cool
  432. [14:53:41] %Katy: dragonite naturally checking half the meta is a godsent too
  433. [14:54:04] #Yellow Paint: /announce
  434. [14:54:07] #Yellow Paint: paste of team 1
  435. [14:54:13] #Yellow Paint: alright, so for team 2
  436. [14:54:40] %Katy: suggest cores <3
  437. [14:54:44] #Yellow Paint: I guess we can bring back sd terrak and volcarona + reuni as first options
  438. [14:54:50] #Yellow Paint: but yes folks, please pm me more suggestions
  439. [14:54:55] #Yellow Paint: or other staff
  440. [14:55:38] #Yellow Paint: kommo-o+weavile
  441. [14:56:12] #Yellow Paint: [14:55:50] tsyon✿: Gastrodon + bulky np torn-t
  442. [14:56:21] #Yellow Paint: that's a good 4
  443. [14:57:38] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  444. [14:57:43] #Yellow Paint: err
  445. [14:58:03] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  446. [15:02:45] #Yellow Paint: alright, close one, but sd terrak wins!
  447. [15:02:55] %Ika Ika Musume: Cool :3
  448. [15:03:08] #Yellow Paint: what does sd terrak do well at, and where does it need support?
  449. [15:03:20] #MrAldo: SD Terrak
  450. [15:03:30] #Yellow Paint: obv things come to mind that anything faster than it like kart, rilla, pult
  451. [15:03:30] #MrAldo: I really like terrak
  452. [15:03:34] #Yellow Paint: will threaten it a lot
  453. [15:03:57] %Ika Ika Musume: As a non ou player I instantly look at two things, how do I get terrak in and how do I get rid of that which annoys it
  454. [15:03:57] %Katy: great breaker once you get it going
  455. [15:04:08] %Katy: one approach be
  456. [15:04:09] #Yellow Paint: [15:03:45] luxrrayster: it does well In most the cases cuz of its huge move Pool that counters alot of mons that counters it
  457. [15:04:12] %Katy: the hyper offense one
  458. [15:04:14] %Ika Ika Musume: Instantly I'm thinking teleport future sight
  459. [15:04:22] %Katy: dual screens / hazard stack
  460. [15:04:33] %Ika Ika Musume: Or what Katy says
  461. [15:04:57] #Yellow Paint: [15:04:43] HawkOp2099: If ho screens offense is the best
  462. [15:05:07] #Yellow Paint: seems like people are a fan of screens
  463. [15:05:12] %Katy: i would say koko or alo tales
  464. [15:05:16] %Katy: when dual screens
  465. [15:05:45] #MrAldo: either that or the usual futureport shenanigans
  466. [15:05:54] #Yellow Paint: koko seems like a better direct answer
  467. [15:05:57] #MrAldo: good abuser of it since it pummels all future sight switch-ins
  468. [15:06:04] #Yellow Paint: to the faster mons
  469. [15:06:08] #MrAldo: but for variety think the HO approach would be cooler
  470. [15:06:13] %Katy: we can go w grimmsnarl
  471. [15:06:15] #Yellow Paint: yeah, ho screens could work
  472. [15:06:17] %Katy: is a pult check
  473. [15:06:35] %Katy: !code
  474. tsyon✿: Grimmsnarl seems kinda cool as a screen setter since it helps with pult and ensure screens get yo
  475. [15:06:40] %Katy: i condone that suggestion tbh
  476. [15:06:44] %Katy: if we go d-screens
  477. [15:06:48] %Katy: thanks tyson :)
  478. [15:06:52] #Yellow Paint: yeah, unique direction to take it
  479. [15:06:58] #Yellow Paint: sd terrak/grimm then?
  480. [15:07:05] %Katy: ya
  481. [15:07:08] #Yellow Paint: i assume terrak is just sd cc stone edge eq?
  482. [15:07:22] %Katy: we can do
  483. [15:07:24] %Katy: megahorn
  484. [15:07:27] %Katy: as a tang lure
  485. [15:07:30] %Katy: if you wanna be that spicy
  486. [15:07:47] %Katy: also lures the less common slowbro
  487. [15:07:51] %Katy: and the more common slowking
  488. [15:08:14] %Katy: what we can also do is dual dance terrak
  489. [15:08:15] #Yellow Paint: can slowking actually risk switching into an sd?
  490. [15:08:17] %Katy: sd + rp
  491. [15:08:43] %Ika Ika Musume: Even banded edge is gonna destroy king
  492. [15:09:15] %Katy: eh i think we dont need megahorn
  493. [15:09:19] %Katy: ya si si
  494. [15:09:42] %Ika Ika Musume: I think it's better to have a complimentary sweeper that loves having tang in
  495. [15:10:17] %Katy: tyson said rock polish under screens can also be nice as it makes up for terrakions middling speed tier
  496. [15:10:27] %Katy: sd + rp + 2 att
  497. [15:11:04] #Yellow Paint: double dance seems risky but if we're building around
  498. [15:11:07] #Yellow Paint: we can definitely compensate
  499. [15:11:48] #Yellow Paint: if it's double dance, there would definitely need to be an additional breaker, right?
  500. [15:11:57] #Yellow Paint: like heatran etc
  501. [15:13:09] #Yellow Paint: [15:13:00] meme0267: what about nasty plot torn with terrak, terrak beats zapdos and torn beats tangrowth
  502. [15:13:24] %Katy: sounds good
  503. [15:13:27] #Yellow Paint: this sounds like a good pair
  504. [15:13:27] #MrAldo: I like that idea if we go double dance, sure
  505. [15:13:32] #Yellow Paint: and torn has better natural speed
  506. [15:13:32] %Katy: to my ears
  507. [15:13:36] #Yellow Paint: the two pair well together
  508. [15:13:51] %Katy: whopever PMed me
  509. [15:13:52] %Katy: do again
  510. [15:13:55] %Katy: PS had issues
  511. [15:14:24] #Yellow Paint: sounds like a pretty popular choice then
  512. [15:14:49] #Yellow Paint: terrak/torn/grimm?
  513. [15:14:54] %Katy: ya sounds neat
  514. [15:15:17] %Katy: !code
  515. tsyon✿: Since this is ho we wanna overwhelm shared checks so bu zera can be nice to help pressure lando-t, tang, etc
  516. [15:15:21] %Katy: i like this idea
  517. [15:15:22] %Katy: of BU zera
  518. [15:15:42] %Katy: and gives us a electric
  519. [15:15:43] %Katy: immune
  520. [15:15:49] #Yellow Paint: yeah, useful to help torn
  521. [15:15:53] #Yellow Paint: in case terrak can't handle zap
  522. [15:16:08] #Yellow Paint: I think exca's an issue now
  523. [15:16:10] #Yellow Paint: and lando
  524. [15:16:39] #Yellow Paint: would our own lando work?
  525. [15:16:50] %Katy: it can emergency check them
  526. [15:17:03] %Katy: lemme think of anotehr idea
  527. [15:17:11] #Yellow Paint: yeah, zera isn't necessarily set in either
  528. [15:18:08] %Katy: i think landot can work here
  529. [15:18:31] #Yellow Paint: if lando, prob want a defensive answer to urshi
  530. [15:18:39] %Katy: grimm, landot, terrak, torn, zera, 1 last
  531. [15:18:42] #Yellow Paint: and kyurem
  532. [15:20:19] %Katy: !code
  533. tsyon✿: to add onto overwhelming shared checks there also sd Bulu being able to check lando-t here, and enjoys the pressure to things like zap, tang, etc, also grassy terrain is nice for the team
  534. [15:20:36] %Katy: bulu can also help at least
  535. [15:20:43] %Katy: relieve the pressure
  536. [15:20:49] %Katy: which shifu gives us
  537. [15:20:51] #Yellow Paint: for sure
  538. [15:21:09] #Yellow Paint: btw, what's the argument between bulu and rilla?
  539. [15:21:29] %Ika Ika Musume: It's worse vs drill too
  540. [15:21:56] %Katy: mh bulu better vs shifu but rilla better vs drill
  541. [15:21:58] %Ika Ika Musume: It's better vs cc from urshifu
  542. [15:22:01] %Katy: mhhhhhh
  543. [15:22:25] %Katy: we can also go mew
  544. [15:22:28] %Katy: instead of landot
  545. [15:22:32] %Katy: to take care of kyurem
  546. [15:22:37] %Katy: as the rocker
  547. [15:22:58] %Katy: that would be considerable
  548. [15:23:24] #Yellow Paint: that could work
  549. [15:23:40] #Yellow Paint: and yeah mew is a lot reliable defensively in general
  550. [15:23:52] #Yellow Paint: would definitely want something else with a solid exca matchup then
  551. [15:23:55] %Katy: mew can take care of kyurem, lele, shifu
  552. [15:24:01] %Katy: as a midground pokemon
  553. [15:24:46] #Yellow Paint: btw for the chat in general
  554. [15:25:12] #Yellow Paint: we're currently at double dance terrak/np tornadus/screens grimmsnarl/bulk up zeraora/mew or lando
  555. [15:25:45] #Yellow Paint: could you get a paste going for the 4 at least?
  556. [15:25:57] #Yellow Paint: bc those ones seem pretty set rn
  557. [15:27:46] %Katy: !code
  558. Grimmsnarl (M) @ Light Clay
  559. Ability: Prankster
  560. EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
  561. Adamant Nature
  562. - Reflect
  563. - Light Screen
  564. - Taunt
  565. - Spirit Break / Thunder Wave
  567. Terrakion @ Life Orb
  568. Ability: Justified
  569. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  570. Jolly Nature
  571. - Swords Dance
  572. - Close Combat
  573. - Stone Edge
  574. - Rock Polish
  576. Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  577. Ability: Regenerator
  578. EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
  579. Timid Nature
  580. IVs: 0 Atk
  581. - Nasty Plot
  582. - Hurricane
  583. - Focus Blast
  584. - Heat Wave
  586. Zeraora @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  587. Ability: Volt Absorb
  588. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  589. Jolly Nature
  590. - Plasma Fists
  591. - Bulk Up
  592. - Close Combat
  593. - Knock Off
  594. [15:27:51] %Katy: what we have right now
  595. [15:27:53] #Yellow Paint: thanks
  596. [15:28:11] #Yellow Paint: how about a poll between mew and lando?
  597. [15:28:30] A poll was started by Yellow Paint.
  598. [15:30:23] #Yellow Paint: I'll end in a minute, looks like mew's winning
  599. [15:30:47] #Yellow Paint: ok, assuming it's mew, how about a third?
  600. [15:30:52] #Yellow Paint: err, sixth*
  601. [15:32:41] %Katy: !code
  602. tsyon✿: how about going add some bulk into torn-t that way it can take hits from rilla, kart, and drill, that way Bulu can take on urshifu-r and opposing zera for the team
  603. [15:32:46] %Katy: seems like a nice approach
  604. [15:32:55] %Katy: if we go for bulu
  605. [15:33:00] #Yellow Paint: sounds like a great suggestion yeah
  606. [15:33:48] #Yellow Paint: I've got nothing against bulu for the last
  607. [15:33:56] %Katy: same
  608. [15:34:01] %Katy: i have a mew set planned out
  609. [15:34:10] #Yellow Paint: exca should be answered enough
  610. [15:34:13] #Yellow Paint: and zera too
  611. [15:34:17] %Katy: !code
  612. Mew @ Red Card
  613. Ability: Synchronize
  614. EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
  615. Jolly Nature
  616. - Stealth Rock
  617. - Spikes
  618. - Earthquake
  619. - Will-O-Wisp
  620. [15:34:26] %Katy: wisp
  621. [15:34:29] %Katy: for exca
  622. [15:34:31] %Katy: and chomp
  623. [15:34:35] #Yellow Paint: oh, eq even with terrain?
  624. [15:34:35] %Katy: and such things
  625. [15:34:43] %Katy: tran
  626. [15:34:50] %Katy: oh wait we can go
  627. [15:34:53] #Yellow Paint: high horsepower
  628. [15:35:00] #Yellow Paint: right?
  629. [15:35:01] %Katy: yessss
  630. [15:35:04] %Katy: exactly :)
  631. [15:35:52] %Katy: tyson gives us a bulkier tornt spread <3
  632. [15:35:56] %Katy: thank you tyson ^.^
  633. [15:36:14] #Yellow Paint: yeah, the chat's been mvps this time
  634. [15:36:24] #Yellow Paint: unfortunately we're a wee bit short staffed this time around
  635. [15:36:25] %Katy: also bulu which set?
  636. [15:36:34] #Yellow Paint: imo, just av
  637. [15:36:44] #Yellow Paint: team could just use some regular bulk
  638. [15:36:52] %Katy: ye av sounds good
  639. [15:37:21] #Yellow Paint: wood hammer/horn leech/cc/megahorn?
  640. [15:37:40] #Yellow Paint: or somethign else last
  641. [15:38:04] %Katy: Tyson gave us this: EVs: 80 HP / 44 Def / 132 SpA / 252 Spe and he said it helps with kartanas smart strikes
  642. [15:38:16] %Katy: for torn
  643. [15:38:22] #Yellow Paint: sure
  644. [15:38:27] #Yellow Paint: and yeah switching into kart is important
  645. [15:38:42] %Katy: what do we want on tornt? uturn or heat wave?
  646. [15:38:45] %Katy: as last slot
  647. [15:38:57] #Yellow Paint: I think heat wave last slot
  648. [15:39:03] #Yellow Paint: team is a bit lacking in the coverage area
  649. [15:39:08] #Yellow Paint: and there's really not too much to bring in to tank
  650. [15:40:02] %Katy: ya h-wave seems good
  651. [15:40:09] %Katy: i think with aqv bulu
  652. [15:40:12] #Yellow Paint: I'm just gonna put 252 hp 252 atk on bulu?
  653. [15:40:21] #Yellow Paint: or do we have a speed tier to hit like tran
  654. [15:40:35] %Katy: we need smth which can live volcs flamethrower and retaliates with stone edge Tson said
  655. [15:40:42] %Katy: Zyson*
  656. [15:40:46] %Katy: Tyson*
  657. [15:40:48] #Yellow Paint: oh, stone edge over megahorn, makes sense
  658. [15:41:01] #Yellow Paint: would help with zapdos as well
  659. [15:41:09] %Katy: i think we can confidently go max hp and max spdef?
  660. [15:41:10] #Yellow Paint: bc terrak is our main answer to that
  661. [15:41:38] #Yellow Paint: sure, max hp spdef should work
  662. [15:42:30] #Yellow Paint: !code
  663. Grimmsnarl (M) @ Light Clay
  664. Ability: Prankster
  665. EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
  666. Adamant Nature
  667. - Reflect
  668. - Light Screen
  669. - Taunt
  670. - Spirit Break / Thunder Wave
  672. Terrakion @ Life Orb
  673. Ability: Justified
  674. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  675. Jolly Nature
  676. - Swords Dance
  677. - Close Combat
  678. - Stone Edge
  679. - Rock Polish
  681. Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  682. Ability: Regenerator
  683. EVs: 80 HP / 44 Def / 132 SpA / 252 Spe
  684. Timid Nature
  685. IVs: 0 Atk
  686. - Nasty Plot
  687. - Hurricane
  688. - Focus Blast
  689. - Heat Wave
  691. Zeraora @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  692. Ability: Volt Absorb
  693. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  694. Jolly Nature
  695. - Plasma Fists
  696. - Bulk Up
  697. - Close Combat
  698. - Knock Off
  700. Mew @ Red Card
  701. Ability: Synchronize
  702. EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
  703. Jolly Nature
  704. - Stealth Rock
  705. - Spikes
  706. - High Horsepower
  707. - Will-O-Wisp
  709. Tapu Bulu @ Assault Vest
  710. Ability: Grassy Surge
  711. EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
  712. Careful Nature
  713. - Wood Hammer
  714. - Horn Leech
  715. - Close Combat
  716. - Stone Edge
  717. [15:42:35] #Yellow Paint: how's this for the final 6?
  718. [15:42:50] %Katy: oh wait
  719. [15:42:53] %Katy: over wood hammer
  720. [15:42:55] %Katy: megahorn
  721. [15:42:57] #Yellow Paint: ah
  722. [15:42:58] %Katy: lure tang
  723. [15:43:21] #Yellow Paint: done
  724. [15:43:30] #Yellow Paint: any other comments on the teams overall?
  725. [15:43:32] %Katy: we can put the remaining 4 on bulu into att
  726. [15:43:39] #Yellow Paint: sure ok
  727. [15:43:41] %Katy: to have some tiny damage although its not much
  728. [15:45:02] %Katy: we can go leftovers over boots on zeraora
  729. [15:45:15] %Katy: Tyson thinks its great with additional recovery from grassy
  730. [15:45:24] %Katy: to pressure corv and skarm even further
  731. [15:45:55] #Yellow Paint: sure, it's bulk up regardless
  732. [15:46:01] %Ika Ika Musume: Sand Drill kinda still terrifies me with this team
  733. [15:46:12] %Ika Ika Musume: I guess bulu does help
  734. [15:46:18] %Katy: bulu and mew ya
  735. [15:46:31] #Yellow Paint: yeah, mew is the big answer cause it just burns it
  736. [15:46:44] #Yellow Paint: oh what about grimm
  737. [15:46:48] #Yellow Paint: are we spirit break or twave
  738. [15:46:55] #Yellow Paint: imo twave
  739. [15:47:01] #Yellow Paint: because it threatens pult equally well
  740. [15:47:11] #Yellow Paint: and you can just throw it out a lot easier
  741. [15:47:30] %Katy: twave
  742. [15:47:34] %Katy: to cripple things further
  743. [15:47:38] %Katy: twave + wisp
  744. [15:47:42] %Katy: and hazard stack + screens
  745. [15:47:45] %Katy: is a deadly
  746. [15:47:58] #Yellow Paint: yeah, alright so twave grimm
  747. [15:48:04] #Yellow Paint: and then it'll be full bulk ofc
  748. [15:49:01] #Yellow Paint: !code
  749. Grimmsnarl (M) @ Light Clay
  750. Ability: Prankster
  751. EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
  752. Bold Nature
  753. IVs: 0 Atk
  754. - Reflect
  755. - Light Screen
  756. - Taunt
  757. - Thunder Wave
  759. Terrakion @ Life Orb
  760. Ability: Justified
  761. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
  762. Jolly Nature
  763. - Swords Dance
  764. - Close Combat
  765. - Stone Edge
  766. - Rock Polish
  768. Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
  769. Ability: Regenerator
  770. EVs: 80 HP / 44 Def / 132 SpA / 252 Spe
  771. Timid Nature
  772. IVs: 0 Atk
  773. - Nasty Plot
  774. - Hurricane
  775. - Focus Blast
  776. - Heat Wave
  778. Zeraora @ Leftovers
  779. Ability: Volt Absorb
  780. EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
  781. Jolly Nature
  782. - Plasma Fists
  783. - Bulk Up
  784. - Close Combat
  785. - Knock Off
  787. Mew @ Red Card
  788. Ability: Synchronize
  789. EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
  790. Jolly Nature
  791. - Stealth Rock
  792. - Spikes
  793. - High Horsepower
  794. - Will-O-Wisp
  796. Tapu Bulu @ Assault Vest
  797. Ability: Grassy Surge
  798. EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
  799. Careful Nature
  800. - Horn Leech
  801. - Close Combat
  802. - Stone Edge
  803. - Megahorn
  804. [15:49:04] #Yellow Paint: alright, how about now?
  805. [15:50:12] %Katy: looks good
  806. [15:50:21] %Katy: to my eyes
  807. [15:50:26] #Yellow Paint: sure, looks like a good place to end it then
  808. [15:50:47] #Yellow Paint: /announce
  809. [15:50:48] #Yellow Paint: team 2
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