
In first programming lecture

Sep 27th, 2016
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  1. Programming-1
  2. Boredom
  3. “Have you programmed before” That was the question that stretched across the black background in white. I thought about the five options he allowed me to choose from, I knew my answer. What I didn’t know, was if he knew. Did he? He couldn’t possibly know, or at least that’s what I deluded myself into believing. In all honesty, he could know, and I’d just not know how. Did the others? What if everyone knew, and I was the only one cautiously thinking so hard about something which amounts to nothing more than a multiple choice question. Am I paranoid? Is it me or everyone else? Every time he raised his voice above a certain volume, I could hear the high-pitched echo that followed. Jarring? Yes. Intentional? I had no way of telling, but what concerned me the most was if I was the only one who could hear it.
  4. “What is programming” Again, an annoyingly simple question in white. Was the answer I thought of really so simple? Could it be, in a world where one word can mean multiple things, was my answer the correct one? Beyond that, something else got me thinking: Why was the presentation layout as such? Black background, white text. Was it a subliminal message? Maybe there was a clue in the font he was using. Calibri, my font of choice, but how could he know? Maybe he didn’t. Maybe, the orb of thoughts coalesced into but one word to signal my growing uncertainty. Maybe. I stared at the question again, I was missing something, I had to be. I had to look deeper, cross off all possibilities and motives.
  5. Three words, a question, four letters then two, then eleven, sixteen in total. After the word of eleven, a question mark. Wait, I saw it. Two ‘A’s, two ‘G’s, two ‘M’s. ‘A’, ‘G’, ‘M’. Mag. A name? Short term for a magazine? In the weaponry sense or tabloid? No, it was the exact opposite. G.A.M. Goldsmiths Assault Military. The abbreviation was made up of letters there were two of, the consistent factor. Two bases?
  6. A third question, just as I reached my conclusion. A diversion. Which means he knows I know. I felt less and less like the question was there to be answered, as much as it was there to take the place in the forefront of my mind that my current theory occupied. Kevin. He was sending me a message. “Like you have no idea what’s happening 95% of the time but everyone else has already figured it out.” Clear double entendre. He wasn’t just answering the question; he was telling me he knew. The same way I knew. Can the lecturer see my screen? He made a comment on typos just as I had made a grammar error myself. No, he couldn’t, unless…A traitor behind me.
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