

Mar 15th, 2019
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  1. He dashed to the left as Leo pulled a ball-peen hammer from his tool belt and yelled, ‘Hey, Bronze
  2. Butt!’
  3. The Nikette turned as Leo threw. His hammer clanged harmlessly off the metal lady’s chest, but she
  4. must have been annoyed. She marched towards him, raising her barbed-wire laurel wreath.
  5. ‘Oops.’ Leo ducked as the metal circlet spun over his head. The wreath hit a wall behind him,
  6. punching a hole straight through the bricks, then arced backwards through the air like a boomerang.
  7. As the Nikette raised her hand to catch it, Percy emerged from the trench behind her and slashed with
  8. Riptide cutting the Nikette in half at the waist. The metal wreath shot past him and embedded in a
  9. marble column.
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