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Apr 17th, 2017
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  1. TZDL Changelog
  3. TZDL2017 Changes ------
  4. Added - Cash prize of 1000 dollars USD
  5. Added - New Judges: Shadow and Dirge
  6. Added - Further map rulings to the general thread
  7. Added - New Scheduling System to replace the old b/r list
  8. Added - Special Rulings for extraordinary conditions that may require special verdicts for
  9. Added - Ringout stipulation since all TZDLs prior banned any form of teleporting
  10. Added - No guarantee policy
  11. Added - Defaults as an enforceable flag now.
  12. Changed - B/R reduced for more broad ranges of abilities.
  13. Changed - Location of TZDL's single elimination to RPGuild.
  14. Changed - The inferred penalty of priority is now overtly stated.
  16. Ban Regulation changes from 2012 to 2017
  17. Changed - All denominations of powers once banned are Scheduled by the Scheduling system
  18. Removed - Dimensional manipulation is no longer banned
  19. Removed - Teleporting is no longer banned
  20. Changed - Nullification is now regarded as Negation. It is now regulated.
  21. Removed - Mass Destruction is no longer banned. It's primarily handled by the scheduling system
  22. Removed - Infinites are no longer banned
  23. Removed - Shadow/Clones/Replicas/Substitutes are no longer banned.
  24. Removed - Mind Control and Future Sight is no longer banned. The former is an autohit which is already enforced and the latter is now called Precognition.
  25. Removed - Stealing Powers and Techniques is now regulated by a new flag that's regulated called "Mime"
  26. Removed - Debuffs is no longer regulated as strongly
  27. Removed - Sniping is no longer regulated. Spawn locations will regulate this in the start of a match.
  28. Removed - Phasing is no longer regulated.
  29. Removed - Auxiliary sensory is no longer regulated. I don't know why it was.
  30. Removed - Phasing is no longer regulated.
  31. Removed - Recovery is no longer regulated
  32. Removed - Instantkills is no longer regulated.
  33. Removed - Ambiguity is no longer regulated but it is enforced by the Default flag. So it regulates itself.
  34. Removed - Poison is no longer regulated
  35. Removed - Traps are no longer regulated
  36. Removed - Barriers are no longer regulated. Why was this a thing?
  37. Removed - Mechanized Weaponry is no longer regulated.. maybe it should be still.
  38. Removed - Piercing is no longer regulated.
  39. Changed - NPCs now have additional turns for protection based on how many available. Reduced the amount to 2 and distinguished them from permanents controlled by an opponent. NPC autohit counter can decrease if the player somehow manages to remove an NPC from the field as an NPC.
  40. Removed - Homing as a regulated behavior. I wonder how that's going to turn out...........
  41. Banned - Retroactives for breaking chronology.
  42. Changed - Teleporting is regulated so it doesn't abuse the shit out of people in the same turn.
  43. Added - Immunities to avoid people shrugging off things they don't like
  44. Added - Negation now carries the weight of Nullification but as a regulated occurrence.
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