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Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. [1:18:51 AM] NoahC92: Sorry I couldn't do more to help that last game. He went in when I was by my red like 3 times and then the 1 time I went in on him he got out and I really don't see how he managed that.
  2. [1:19:03 AM] NoahC92: That fucking duskblade passive is bullshit.
  3. [1:19:33 AM] Shadddox: By the time you were up there he was already 3 kills in, so I mean it was a mircale we even did that much.
  4. [1:19:47 AM] Shadddox: dove me at 4
  5. [1:20:02 AM] NoahC92: I was trying to deal with the Vi that solo'd drag at 5
  6. [1:20:25 AM] Shadddox: did she solo it or did mid help? I know bot was still in lane
  7. [1:20:32 AM] NoahC92: TF was dead
  8. [1:20:35 AM] NoahC92: She solo'd
  9. [1:20:42 AM] Shadddox: Didn't know she could
  10. [1:22:31 AM] Shadddox: nothing to make you go insane like going up against that one sweaty garen that plays well enough to make you want to say he's completely busted.
  11. [1:22:38 AM] Shadddox: Even though you know better
  12. [1:22:43 AM] Shadddox: which makes you more mad
  13. [1:23:03 AM] NoahC92: That dude was a fucking bastard though. He literally sat in a bush outside mid and waited for someone to walk to my blue.
  14. [1:23:10 AM] NoahC92: He hopped on me and spun
  15. [1:23:16 AM] NoahC92: killed me with ult
  16. [1:23:30 AM] Shadddox: Yeah that's what Garens do. Nunu of toplane.
  17. [1:23:37 AM] NoahC92: right at the end of the game he dealt 1300 to me just with his fucking spin
  18. [1:24:00 AM] Shadddox: Yep. He was fed enough that he could build damage. Juggernaut fed = scoop.
  19. [1:24:44 AM] NoahC92: The fucking duskblade....
  20. [1:24:49 AM] NoahC92: lets him pop ult on you even when at half
  21. [1:24:55 AM] Shadddox: Yeah.
  22. [1:24:56 AM] NoahC92: because it does missing health dmg
  23. [1:25:03 AM] NoahC92: That's bullshit.
  24. [1:25:05 AM] Shadddox: 2 powerful executes
  25. [1:25:19 AM] NoahC92: and it gives goddamn armor pen
  26. [1:25:20 AM] NoahC92: like wtf
  27. [1:25:30 AM] Shadddox: but he can only build it if he gets fed like that, otherwise he'd be too squishy for it to matter.
  28. [1:28:08 AM] Shadddox: By the 20 min mark, where he bought both BC and Duskblade, he had 6 kills WHILE keeping up with farm.
  29. [1:28:23 AM] Shadddox: plus he kept building damage afterward.
  30. [1:28:31 AM] NoahC92: He was a total nigger
  31. [1:28:51 AM] Shadddox: If we were even or he fell behind, by the time he could build that, he'd just get dunked before he could drop anyone
  32. [1:29:11 AM] Shadddox: He was a total nigger but he knew what he was doing
  33. [1:30:03 AM] Shadddox: his masteries, spells and build. His complete playstyle is aggro snowball Garen, this wasn't his first time doing it just so he could be a chode. This guy had his shit together.
  34. [1:30:21 AM] NoahC92: He was literally king nigger
  35. [1:31:35 AM] Shadddox: My god. Look at this. He's been working on this.
  36. [1:31:52 AM] Shadddox:
  37. [1:32:07 AM] NoahC92: What a fuckin mook
  38. [1:32:15 AM] Shadddox: gets better
  39. [1:32:23 AM] Shadddox: he also plays full ap blitzcrank
  40. [1:32:35 AM] NoahC92: What a goddamn bastard.
  41. [1:32:39 AM] NoahC92: This guy has no friends.
  42. [1:33:12 AM] Shadddox: as you say that, I find a game where he went 12/2/X as mid nunu
  43. [1:33:22 AM] Shadddox: 12/2/8
  44. [1:33:36 AM] NoahC92: This guy really got under your skin.
  45. [1:34:56 AM] Shadddox: He was in a premade with Vi and Malphite.
  46. [1:35:07 AM] NoahC92: Fuckin mooks
  47. [1:35:35 AM] Shadddox: mains draven
  48. [1:35:46 AM] Shadddox: was playing full damage Garen before Duskblade came out
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