

Sep 14th, 2016
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  1. Argument For The Ages; Anna gets impatient with Tiki and Nowi while selling fruit with Dry Bowser.
  3. "Well it looks like it's another long day at the stand." Dry Bowser said while selling various fruits in the world of Heroes.
  5. "I don't understand why you always complain." Anna commented as she was there to help the skeletal reptile.
  7. Dry Bowser held a pear as he squinted his eyes. "Well that's simply because complaining is of my part of nature, I just have to do it if I don't then what's the use of having emotions?"
  9. "Hey, uh, you know you can always point things out about being so negative?" Nowi commented with her hands on her hips.
  11. "That's right, you should try it sometime." Tiki added as she glanced at the apples.
  13. Anna scoffed while wagging her right finger. "Oh please, what nonsesnse are you spewing now?"
  15. Tiki smirked in response, leaning forward with her hands on her knees. "Goodness, it's not like you're doing anything with your life."
  17. Nowi's eyes sparkled while she wiggled her hips, her hands firmly placed onto it. "Yeah you shouldn't be the 1 to talk!"
  19. Anna growled while Tiki and Nowi laughed, with Dry Bowser wondering if he should bother with having his fruit business in the kingdom of Askr.
  20. =
  21. Dont Trust It; A short tale of betrayal.
  23. Dry Bowser was enjoying a calm reading of his newspaper as he was sitting on a bench by the fountain, when he was suddenly knocked off the seating as a quake took place, with him adjusting his skull as he saw all of the Smashers running away from something.
  25. "The hell was going on?" Dry Bowser questioned while adjusting his head back onto his bony body.
  27. "Crazy Hand did something stupid again!" Fox shouted as he paused briefly snd fired some lasers at a bunch of flying enemies, with him taking off.
  29. Dry Bowser squinted his eyes, shielding himself within his spiny charcoal shell from the enemies that swooped around him as he emerged once the shaking stopped. He then decided to take a stroll towards the destroyed ruins of the manor, with the skeletal reptile spotting Crazy Hand twitching violently on the fighter pad.
  31. "What did you do this time?"
  33. "I thought... I could control the Subspace forces by setting them free from the world of light."
  35. "That's not how things work."
  36. =
  37. Similarly Thinking About Life; Isn't there more to these game characters than being in fanfiction? These 3 similar guys seem to think so.
  39. Dry Bowser was looking at the white clouds go by in the blue sky at the All Star resting area, being by the fountain as Richter and Ken approached the skeletal reptile.
  41. "Hey Bowser Bones, what are you thinking about?" Richter asked as the Belmon had his whip in his hands.
  43. "Oh you know, life." Dry Bowser responded calmly as he was standing on the dirt paved path in the green grassy meadoe with his arms folded together. "Just life in general, it's quite something when you take the time to think about it."
  45. "Really, that's what you're imagining?" Ken said in a bit of a surprised tone while doing some kicking to get his limbs into shape. "What makes you want to have such thoughts?"
  47. "Don't know. I think there's more to us than just being vessels for entertainment." Dry Bowser commented as he felt the breeze blow his red hair.
  49. Richter rolled his neck around. "Well you wouldn't be wrong. Perhaps we are just fine and like all things in nature it just cycled back."
  51. Ken squinted his eyes. "I don't like that we're even commenting on this, it feels weird..."
  53. "Well is it any weirder than the fact that we exist?" Richter pointed out as he pointed upward with his whip. "It's quite fascinating what forms we take."
  55. "That is indeed true." Dry Bowser said as he went back to thinking to himself.
  57. "What are you thinking about?"
  59. "Life. Just life in general."
  61. "Really? What makes you want to have such thoughts?"
  63. "Don't know. I think there's more to us than just being vessels for entertainment."
  65. "It feels like we had this talk before."
  67. "What are you thinking about?"
  69. "Life. Just life in general."
  71. "Really? What makes you want to have such thoughts?"
  73. "Don't know. I think there's more to us than just being vessels for entertainment."
  75. "...It feels like we had this talk before."
  77. "Well you wouldn't be wrong. Perhaps we did and like all things in nature it just cycled back."
  79. "I don't like that, it feels weird..."
  81. "Well is it any weirder than the fact that we exist?"
  82. =
  83. Kricketune Your Influence; A Kricketune proves to be a bit too much trouble to handle.
  85. "What happened here?" Dry Bowser asked as he noticed a bunch of the Smashers were exhausted from a battle, but not an ordinary one.
  87. "That Pokemon... I think I realized why it's not summoned here." Richter Belmont groaned in pain.
  89. "What? You mean that cricket over there?" Dry Bowser pointed out while pointing at the Kricketune chuckling.
  91. "Don't let its looks fool you. That thing is a terror!" Ken Masters added while slamming his fist on the ground.
  93. "Ha! As if you could compare to me!" The Kricketune boasted as he did his infamous chirp.
  95. Dry Bowser adjusted his skull as he smirked. "We'll see about that. I bet you never went up against me-"
  97. Dry Bowser suddenly got his bonehead knocked off his bony body by a sudden quick attack from the Kricketune, who then chirped and summoned a horde of Kricketot to hold the skeletal reptile's body, with Kricketune going into the manor to wreck more mayhem. Dry Bowser blasted away the Kricketot crowd with his blue flames, jumping back onto his body as he adjusted his skull, murmuring as he got a first experience at what this new foe was.
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