
A Tux For Teej

Oct 9th, 2015
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  1. "Well? How do I look?"
  3. Teej stepped out of his room, wearing what he considered his finest and most elegant robes, perfect for attending a wedding. It was finely woven, a deep shade of red with gold lines running through it; truly a fine robe. He had a look of confidence on his face as he was sure that this was going to impress Vanille!
  5. "You're going to the wedding in that??" said Vanille, shocked at Teej's garments.
  7. "What? Is there something wrong with the robes?" said Teej, wearing a look of confusion.
  9. "You're supposed to wear a tuxedo to a wedding, not a robe!"
  11. Teej mildly blushed as she pointed this out. The truth was he didn't own a tux; there was never a fitting occasion to wear one so he never bothered. The fact that Vanille reacted with shock rather than admiration added to the embarrassment as well.
  13. "Well I um, actually don't own a tux..." Teej said as he scratched the back of his head, averting his eyes sheepishly.
  15. "What do you mean you don't own a tux??"
  17. "W-Well I figured the robes would be fancy enough..."
  19. Vanille just shook her head and sighed; Teej was a sweetheart, but sometimes he could be so oblivious. That was one of the things that she loved about him though. Looks like it was up to her to lead him through the wedding. She laughed to herself a bit after coming to the realization that a grown man was the one needing help preparing instead of the 16-year old girl.
  21. "Alright well let's go get you a suit..." Vanille said as she placed her hands on her hips.
  23. "What's wrong with the robe?" Teej said with a blank stare on his face.
  25. She motioned for Teej to lean in closer, beckoning him. As he leaned in to hear what Vanille had to say, she gave him a hard, but playful chop on the head.
  27. "Ow!"
  29. "Because you're supposed to wear a tuxedo! That's the rule! Sheesh..." Vanille said, sounding irritated.
  31. Teej grabbed his head and Vanille just gave him a warm smile. She took his hand and led him out of his apartment, causing Teej to blush; he didn't have much experience with hand-holding.
  34. "C'mon let's go get you something appropriate to wear." Vanille said with an excited tone, eager to see Teej in a tux.
  36. The two walked out of the /tg/ complex, moving over to Vanille and Viol's apartment in the /vp/ complex. Their apartment was at the top of the complex, they were the board-tans after all. What this meant though was an awkward elevator ride between the two. They stepped into the elevator and set it for the top, but something that Vanille hadn't realized was that she was still holding Teej's hand. Teej tried not to say anything and wanted to let Vanille realize it herself, but the longer she held his hand, the more nervous he became. By the time he gave any indication, his face was already beet red.
  38. "Umm... Vanille?"
  40. "Hmm?" Vanille just looked at him quizzically, but after a few seconds she looked at her hand. While still holding his hand her face turned the darkest shade of red; seeming to be even more embarrassed than Teej. She quickly retracted her hand and turned away to conceal her embarrassment. They both averted their gaze from each other for the rest of the ride up, wishing that it would hurry up.
  42. The elevator finally dinged and both of them nervously stumbled out despite trying to keep their composure. They walked down a few halls before reaching their apartment. By the time they entered, they had calmed down somewhat and the air wasn't as awkward. Vanille was for the most part back to her usual demeanor, though Teej wasn't sure if she was merely trying to save face. The two walked into the apartment, Teej scanning the room for anything particularly interesting. It seemed like a pretty standard /vp/ room, but a bit more fancy. Various Pokémon themed paraphernalia was scattered throughout the apartment. She led him to the couch and sat him down.
  44. "Now just sit tight, I'm going to find you something to wear! Be right back!"
  46. She left the room in a bit of a hurry, leaving Teej all by his lonesome in the twin's home. He looked around nervously and fidgeted, still thinking about what happened on the elevator. Even though both Vanille and Viol lived here, right now it seemed like it was just Vanille's. He wondered where Viol went; kind of wishing that he was here to help balance the atmosphere out. After a bit Vanille popped back out, holding a rather nice looking tuxedo.
  48. "I hope this fits!" Vanille said as she handed him the clothes.
  50. "Oh, um thanks..." Teej said nervously.
  52. "You can get changed in Viol's room."
  54. He timidly shuffled his way into their hall looking for Viol's room before realizing that he could just ask where it was.
  56. "Err... Which one is Viol's room?" Teej said pointing his finger and alternating between the left and right side.
  58. "Oh, it's the one on the left!"
  60. He made his way into Viol's room and inspected it. Spreadsheets were strewn about, filled with data on the best possible team combinations. His bed was a bit unkempt and overall just felt like a boy's room. Teej put on the tuxedo and thought to himself,
  62. "Okay, just relax. You've already been out with the twins before. Why get so worked up now?"
  64. He knew why; it was because it was just him and Vanille. With Viol there, he doesn't focus too much on Vanille, instead looking at them as just the twins. Now that Viol was out of the picture, Vanille stood out so much more; her looks, her personality, all of it. He slapped himself to break the trance that he had put himself into when thinking about her.
  66. "Get it together Teej!"
  68. He made his way out of Viol's room to find Vanille waiting for him on the couch, anticipating what Teej would look like.
  70. "S-So, how do I look?"
  72. Teej stepped into the living room wearing a rather dapper tuxedo. It was a bit uncomfortable for Teej, since he wasn't used to wearing such form fitting clothes. Nevertheless, it actually looked really nice on him. He kept trying to straighten the suit, messing with the sleeve collars and tie. All the while he wasn't paying attention to Vanille's reaction. He finally decided to look forward to her and her reaction was one the seemed like love. Vanille's face had turned red; her head slunk into her shoulders, and twiddled her fingers.
  74. "I-It looks good... Y-You look really..." Vanille said as she averted eyes from Teej.
  76. This reaction obviously had an effect on Teej; he was taken aback at how adorable Vanille looked. His face followed suit by becoming flush with embarrassment. He noticed though that Vanille had not finished her second sentence and he was interested in finding out exactly what she had to say.
  78. "I look really what?"
  80. "Y-You look really...cute..." Vanille said, trailing off into a whisper to make the last part barely audible.
  82. "I look what?" Teej said, trying to softly push the issue.
  84. "You look really cute okay!?" Vanille shouted, closing her eyes in embarrassment.
  86. "Y-You think I'm cute?"
  88. "Well... Y-Yeah. You already looked cute before you put on the tux but you actually look handsome now." Vanille said as she turned her head away, she knew she couldn't look him in the eye.
  90. "Well I think you’re really cute too you know?" Teej blurted out. Teej realized that since she had said it, why not him?
  92. "M-me??"
  94. "Well, yeah. I've always thought you were really cute Vanille; I just never really said anything since I didn't want to say it in front of Viol."
  96. Vanille's mind was racing. She had planned to keep this a little one-way crush, not something to be revealed. Now that she learned that Teej liked her though, things changed. How far was she going to go with this? What should she do? Did he see her as just cute, or did he want something more? As she dwelled on that last thought, steam blew out of head and fell back on the couch.
  98. "Vanille! Are you okay??" Teej said, moving closer to her on the couch.
  100. "N-No, not yet!!" Vanille shouted covering her face.
  102. Teej stood up and backed away from the couch, giving Vanille the space she obviously wanted.
  104. "Not yet?"
  106. Vanille pulled her hands away from her face to see Teej's almost innocent stare. This only served to embarrass Vanille even more.
  108. "Kyaah!! Was I the only one thinking like that??" Vanille thought to herself.
  110. Meanwhile, Teej had an inkling as to what Vanille meant by that "Not yet." While the thought that Vanille was thinking of lewd things was definitely embarrassing, he had to show a straight face; he considered himself an elegant gentleman after all. He decided not to push that issue; if Vanille wanted that, he would let her come to that decision by herself.
  112. Vanille straightened herself on the couch, looking sheepish and unsure of what to say next. Teej sat a fair distance away, watching her.
  114. "Y-you don't feel embarrassed?" Vanille said, still unable to look Teej in the eye.
  116. "Well of course I feel embarrassed, did you think you were the only one?"
  118. Vanille's face changed to one of surprise as she finally looked at Teej again. True to his word, Teej's face did have a shade of red on it.
  120. "It's definitely embarrassing being called cute by a really cute girl like you, but a guy's gotta' maintain a composure."
  122. Upon closer inspection, Vanille had noticed he was trembling and sweating, obviously trying to keep up a "cool guy" image. This made Vanille giggle as she remembered exactly what had made her fall in love with him in the first place. She paused, realizing that she had actually admitted to herself that she had fallen in love with him. This however, did not cause her to blush; instead she just smiled. She looked up at him, her composure regained, and moved closer to him. Seeing this, Teej became a little more nervous; he was the one that was supposed to have his composure! He face turned even redder and trembled a bit more as she scooted closer to him.
  124. "You dummy, trying to act all cool... You don't have to put up an act for me..." Vanille said as she placed her hand on his and slowly moved her head to his.
  126. By this time Teej was frozen; he had no idea what was going on. All he knew was that this really beautiful and wonderful girl was moving closer and closer to him. Without even noticing he decided to go with the flow and also moved in. Finally the two kissed. It was passionate, but not too intense to become anything sexual; it was the perfect amount of passion to show the affection that the two had for each other. The kiss lasted for what seemed like ages to them, as if the world didn't exist. They finally broke away, a smile on their faces.
  128. "W-Well I guess we did it huh?" Vanille said.
  130. "I suppose we did, didn't we?"
  132. "...Thanks Teej..."
  134. "For what?"
  136. "For loving me. I told myself that I was okay with a little crush, but this feels so much better. I feel so free..." Vanille said, looking off into space.
  138. "O-Oh well, I'm the same way. I really didn't ever plan to tell you, but I guess that cats out of the bag huh?"
  140. Vanille giggled. "You say that now?"
  142. The Two shared a laugh and after a bit Teej said,
  144. "You know, you've seen me in my Tux, but I haven't seen your dress yet."
  146. She looked a bit surprised as she thought about it, but for once didn't get too worked up about Teej seeing her in a dress. In fact, she was looking forward to seeing his face when she shows him.
  148. "You're right." Vanille said as she stood up, stretching her arms over her head. "I guess I should show you it huh? Be warned, it's very cute."
  150. "I'm sure it is; you picked it out after all." Teej said calmly.
  152. Okay, that one got to her. Her face turned red as she looked away with a face of playful irritation.
  154. "D-Dummy..."
  156. Teej just laughed; he was happy that he could still make her blush. She went so long without blushing he was worried that he wouldn't be able to make her blush anymore. She quickly made her way to her room to get changed, leaving Teej alone again. He was much less nervous this time around though. He was eager to see to what Vanille looked like in a nice dress; she surely had to be beautiful.
  158. "W-Well... H-Here I am..." Vanille said, still red from Teej's comment.
  160. He looked at her and was taken aback at her beauty. The dress was a wonderful silver, shimmering and radiant; perfectly complimenting Vanille. Her beauty was almost blinding, Teej quickly had to avert his eyes, lest he be entranced by it.
  162. "You don't like it?" Vanille said, worry in her voice.
  164. "N-No I love it... You look so beautiful... Too beautiful..." Teej said turning back to face her, letting her see just how red his face was.
  166. Vanille smiled. She was happy that Teej really like the dress. She moved towards him and took his hand, giving him a look that was filled with love.
  168. "C'mon. We've got a wedding to go to, remember?" Vanille said.
  170. Teej stood up and held her hand as well, giving an equally affectionate look. "Then shall we go milady?"
  172. "Yes, we shall." Vanille said, giggling at the way Teej talks sometimes.
  174. Thus the left the apartment hand in hand, their feelings finally free and open for all to see.
  176. "So, when you said 'Not yet', when would that be-"
  178. "JEEZ YOU DUMMY!"
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