

Jan 28th, 2016
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  1. No open proxies. If you are using an open proxy, you will be IP banned.
  2. Do NOT organize trolls here. If you post here about how you've been trolling a forum, you will be infracted.
  3. If you get an infraction, and you want to reply to it, think long and hard about that reply. If you respond with flames, sass, etc., you will get a harsh infraction. This applies to harassment of staff outside of the forums for performing their moderating duties.
  4. Do not disrespect the hard work of Gravity's site contributors. Suggestions are encouraged, but keep it constructive and polite. Further, though it should go without saying, insults and condescension are included under the umbrella of "disrespect", so be careful in your discourse with the staff.
  5. Do not talk about whether or not something should be dropped
  6. No staff impersonation. This includes any attempt to appear to have certain abilities not possessed, such as using badges as an avatar, using a similar name or other earmarks of staff, or claiming verbally to be staff.
  7. Do not be a junior mod. This means that you are not to make posts like: "In before lock" "Ban this guy!" "This is a bad thread!" "Off to Trou with this one!" The Smogon moderation staff is more than capable of maintaining these forums; please let them do so without your interference.
  8. Do not blatantly advertise other sites, especially those related to novels. We are not interested in learning more about your upstart translations or anything else of that nature. There is a line between linking to another site for convenience or humor and making an attempt to promote another site; we know the difference.
  9. Trolling is not allowed in serious places. This means keep purely joke posts and one word replies out of the serious forums. If you do not have something substantial to contribute to a thread, do not bother posting. Just think to yourself, "Does my post add something to this thread?" If the answer is no, think twice about hitting that submit button.
  10. This is an English forum. Post in English. Unless your topic is specifically about posting in Spanish or something similar, there is no reason to not post in English.
  11. Employ the conventions of standard written English. Nobody is going to jump down your throat if you make a spelling mistake or split an infinitive, but please, your posts MUST be readable. As you might imagine, l33t 5p34k and other intentional misspellings (u, liek, etc.) are expressly banned. Spell out "you" and "your" instead of typing "u" or "ur." Don't be lazy!
  12. Do not bump old threads. Making meaningless posts in threads that have long since died is strictly prohibited. If you have something of consequence you'd like to add to a thread that has fallen off the front page, feel free to do so. All "bump" "to the top" etc. posts will be infracted and deleted without exception.
  13. Do not register multiple accounts, ever. This is self-explanatory. If you create an alternate account when infracted or banned, your ban will be extended or made permanent.
  14. Do not flame or abuse other members. The anonymity of the Internet does not give you a license to treat the users of this forum disrespectfully. This rule goes at least triple if the member in question is a moderator or administrator, as alluded to above.
  15. Do not try to circumvent our word filter. By default, we filter out certain slurs.
  16. Do not post illegal stuff here! If it's illegal, do not link to it here.
  17. General stupidity is banned. This includes linking to memes, "lol cats", or anything else in that vein. Similarly, we'd ask you to keep discussions of certain subjects within their own forums. The discretion of the moderators is supreme in the enforcement of all rules, this one especially.
  18. Do not create threads that do not support discussion. Creating an entire thread to ask a simple question is not acceptable; every forum has their own dedicated Simple Question / Simple Answer thread. All thread starters are required to provide a good basis for discussion in their opening post.
  19. Do not disparage other Internet sites here, especially other translation communities. We are not interested in your trolling episodes- we are above that here at Gravity. Please keep all negative comments about other sites to yourself.
  20. Do not flood or double post. If you have something more to add to a post you have made, please edit it rather than creating a second post.
  21. If your post or thread is edited, locked, or deleted by a moderator, do not remake it. Also, do not make a thread asking why your thread was edited, locked or deleted. It was altered for a reason, and if you disagree you can discuss that with the moderator in question, either by posting on their profile or PMing them.
  22. Post all threads in the correct forum. The topic of your thread determines the most appropriate location. It is fairly easy for us to move threads, but it would be nice if you would be conscientious enough to make your threads in the correct places. If you are unsure where a thread should go, ask a moderator.
  23. Do not send mass PMs for advertising. Please forward any such PMs to a Super Mod or Administrator if you receive one so that the offender can be dealt with.
  24. Because of COPPA, we strictly enforce our age policy. If we somehow determine, or if you announce that you are under the age of 13, you will be banned immediately. No exceptions.
  25. Do not link to shock sites, rick rolls, or other sites designed to scare and/or annoy the person accessing the site. This goes also for signatures.
  26. Do not post or link to pornographic content.
  27. Read the rules of the sub-forum in which you would like to post before posting. Some sub-forums don't have specific rules threads, which means they don't have any special rules outside of these global ones. In that case, be sure to read the pinned threads to understand the purpose and posting style of that particular forum.
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