

Nov 30th, 2011
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  1. [20:05:24] <~CounterBeard> We last left the Scoots after their encounter with another mystery of Kushva. Some kind of powerful being that has staked its claim to a petrified part of the wood. Alexei got knocked the fuck out after pushing down a statue and the being went berserk, Savage went crazy and ran away and everyone else was left out of words.
  2. [20:05:35] <Celia> am even if horribly sleepy
  3. [20:05:40] <~CounterBeard> You have just reached the outskirts of Deadwood.
  4. [20:05:47] * Mons ( has joined #TalentScouts
  5. [20:05:48] <~CounterBeard> Alexei is still KO'd.
  6. [20:05:55] * Rock keeps walking, Alexei in tow.
  7. [20:06:32] <Tentra> "Hold on," she says as she walks ahead of everyone. She reaches into Alexei's bag to remove two 'servings' of vodka (I have no idea how you fluff these as potions by size)
  8. [20:06:53] <@Alexei> (bottles :3c)
  9. [20:06:57] <Tentra> She attempts to force feed them to the unconcious Alexei
  10. [20:06:59] <@Alexei> (no, actually I don't know)
  11. [20:07:02] <Tentra> 2#1d10+10
  12. [20:07:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Tentra, 2#1d10+10: 15 [1d10=5], 13 [1d10=3]
  13. [20:07:25] <@Alexei> (pffft 1 HP)
  14. [20:07:58] <~CounterBeard> With the power of Vodka(magic) it seems Alexei might be back on his feet.
  15. [20:08:18] <Tentra> She then crosses her arms and stares at Rock. "What is it you're hiding?"
  16. [20:08:29] <Rock> "Hiding?"
  17. [20:08:30] : @Alexei stirs awake, but barely. "Argh, creature is have vodka spell of make hangover. Very powerful spell." He rubs his head.
  18. [20:10:29] <Tentra> "Oh, so it makes complete sense that you just happen to know where all these locations that even a native wouldn't be aware about? And barge at them blindly even when warned not to?"
  19. [20:11:34] <Rock> "I got the map from Jack. He said that both him and Doug would be interested in what's on the places marked on it."
  20. [20:11:45] <Rock> "And let's face it, Doug's the one paying me."
  21. [20:12:02] <Tentra> "And who is Jack? This is the first time this name's been mentioned to me."
  22. [20:12:46] <Rock> "A 'friend' of ours." Rock says, a little cringing at the word friend. How far have you sunk, Rock?
  23. [20:12:47] : @Alexei narrows his eyes. "Jack is member of Triface. Is cause much trouble for comrade. Why are you listen to Jack and tell us go places? Both time, we are go and are attack."
  24. [20:12:48] * Celia is walking alongside the group, pretty deep in thought. "...You really don't make much of a case trying to deny you are a toady from the bad guys."
  25. [20:13:22] <Celia> "Oh, he is one of the Trifaces' goons? Welp, that is good to know as well."
  26. [20:15:20] <Tentra> "Ever since we've been deployed on this mission, you've let us around blindly into one dangerous situation after another without consulting anyone about this? And you claim it's from the organization that is trying to kill us? Are you a fool, or trying to get us killed?"
  27. [20:15:28] : @Alexei releases Cornelius and slumps over onto him. "Best crab is help Alexei now. Maybe he return later and use hangover magick on ugly statue."
  28. [20:16:06] <Rock> "...I'm not trying... I just thought that it might be better to hit them before they hit us."
  29. [20:16:49] <Tentra> "Savage is FROM here. He KNEW what was there and told you not to go, and you insisted on visiting that rock garden despite that."
  30. [20:17:23] <Rock> "..."
  31. [20:17:46] <Celia> "Never mind that, Miss Tentra. I actually think that we would go to that Garden sooner or later."
  32. [20:18:09] <Tentra> "That doesn't excuse a total negligence for common sense and self preservation."
  33. [20:18:30] <Celia> "Yes, we were fated to do that, mhmhm~" She leans and whispers on her ear. "In fact, i believe i got some interesting leads from there, mhmhm~"
  34. [20:19:23] * Rock keeps quiet, allowing the two girls to talk among themselves.
  35. [20:20:03] <Tentra> "So? Where is this map? Or do you intend to continue to lead us blindly from one lair of danger to another without a second opinion from here on out?"
  36. [20:20:11] : @Alexei rolls over a bit, still slumped over Cornelius. "Then maybe you are share map with comrade. Because your brain is too full of shit of bull for prepare when we are go to these place."
  37. [20:20:30] : @Alexei fumbles around for his flask and kinda manages to take a sip.
  38. [20:20:53] <Rock> "It's already programmed into the Pokedexs. Here, I'll send you it right now." Rock takes out his Pokedex and BEEP! Locations received!
  39. [20:21:22] <~CounterBeard> The Best Kingler burbles "Cookie?" as it carries Alexei along.
  40. [20:21:33] <Rock> "Me and Rika worked on putting it in."
  41. [20:22:41] : @Alexei reaches in his pack. OH NO ZERO COOKIE. "...I will buy cookie in town! Savage is child and must know best cookie. But Rock, first you are explain why you listen to Jack."
  42. [20:23:18] <Rock> "...
  43. [20:23:29] <Rock> "Uh..."
  44. [20:23:30] <Tentra> She eyes him warily. "So you didn't tell Savage or Alexei this, and it happened prior to our arrival?" She shakes her head. "You are completely untrustworthy and reckless, and yet you claim the title of 'bodyguard.'"
  45. [20:25:28] * Rock shuts up and focuses on walking,, trying to figure out an answer.
  46. [20:26:36] <~CounterBeard> Cornielius nods and plods on.
  47. [20:26:52] : @Alexei slowly raises himself off Cornelius but clutches his head and slumps down again. A few seconds later and he's fully back on his feet but a bit wobbly. "Is funny. No comrade or comrade pokemon is die on journey except when 'bodyguard' is kill them."
  48. [20:28:59] <Tentra> "Why are you just walking off? This is important. Why do you persist on this nonsense?"
  49. [20:29:11] <Celia> "That will help his curriculum on the future."
  50. [20:29:30] <Rock> "I don't know, okay? I really don't know anything! I just... do what I'm told. Nothing more."
  51. [20:30:04] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  52. [20:30:06] <Tentra> "Obviously not by us, or Biter, considering your conduct earlier."
  53. [20:30:10] <Tentra> "So by who?"
  54. [20:30:21] * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  55. [20:30:39] <@Alexei> "Even dumbest soldier in glorious Sinnoh army is know only follow order of comrade. Not of enemy." Alexei gets a solid grip on his flask and drinks some more, nearly emptying it. "Hm, must teach Niko to spray vodka like he is spray water."
  56. [20:30:44] <Rock> "...Doug, of course."
  57. [20:31:28] <Tentra> "Doug, a league supervisor, told you to go to an abandoned oil rig and a garden filled with petrified soldiers."
  58. [20:31:46] <Rock> "I was investigating!"
  59. [20:32:57] <@Alexei> "And you are not tell comrade what is, so we are walk in and are attack? You are let strong vodka mage statue cast spell of hangover on comrade! Now will have to spend time at bar for drink shots and recuperate."
  60. [20:33:54] <Rock> "..."
  61. [20:34:02] <@Alexei> "Not to mention you are lead us to Triface ambush. Ambush was fail miserably but is still lead to ambush."
  62. [20:34:51] <Rock> "...then how about I just go by myself next time."
  63. [20:35:33] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  64. [20:35:40] <Tentra> "Oh, like when you ran off in reeftown and somehow ended up washed up in the lair of the spirit of the raging sea."
  65. [20:35:49] * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  66. [20:36:02] <Rock> "What else do you want me to do!?"
  67. [20:36:29] <Celia> "Please Miss Tentra, if we leave him to go for himself he will probably be killed! Just like on the Rig or the Gar-oh."
  68. [20:36:44] <@Alexei> "And then Jack is make you do all sort of thing to hurt comrade because you are worse at think than baby slakoth. How about you are not listen to Jack, who is member of Triface, who if I remind is try to kill us before."
  69. [20:37:05] <Tentra> "Just what areyou here to do? We were sent here to record the actions of the league recruiters for the historians of Kushva and to assist you in your actions. But we don't even know what it is your here to do, cause every inquiry is met with weak excuses and misdirection to some person named 'Jack' or 'Doug.' "
  70. [20:37:44] * Happy ( has joined #TalentScouts
  71. [20:37:50] <Rock> "...he isn't... "
  72. [20:41:25] * Rock shakes his head and contines on.
  73. [20:42:18] <@Alexei> "Rock, you are still not explain everything. Why are you listen to Jack? Is simple question."
  74. [20:43:05] <Rock> "...because he hasn't attacked us yet, and he's part of a different thing in Triface. Not really Triface at all, but something else.
  75. [20:44:26] <@Alexei> "And you are expect us believe that without you explain? Or without proof? No, you are just lead us into Triface ambush and not care."
  76. [20:44:59] <Tentra> "Oh, so you arewithholding more than you claim to know. You're about as treacherous as the dark knight we slew. It's a pity we don't have a telepath on hand."
  77. [20:45:53] <Rock> "...because he told me that."
  78. [20:45:53] <@Alexei> "We had. Was disappear after go on mission with Rock." Alexei shrugs.
  79. [20:45:54] <Tentra> "Funny how she conviently vanished when you aquired this map."
  80. [20:46:35] <Rock> "She vanished AFTER we got the map! We went on the first place together, and we both made it out alive!"
  81. [20:47:50] <@Alexei> "And then you are not tell us about map? Or explain what is? You have share map, but I am still not understand what location is. And seem like you are know what they are but are not tell us."
  82. [20:48:19] <Rock> "'s all in there. I can't memorize it."
  83. [20:48:51] * Garlyle ( has joined #TalentScouts
  84. [20:49:19] : @Alexei checks the pokedex map. What seems to be indicated on it?
  85. [20:50:48] * Garlyle is now known as Savage
  86. [20:51:33] * Tentra ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  87. [20:52:17] <~CounterBeard> Across the map are several dozen little points. Some of them have names or a little note scrawled underneath. the stone garden has this for it. "Rumors of Elemental or Power."
  88. [20:52:48] * Tentra ( has joined #TalentScouts
  89. [20:53:01] : @Alexei checks for the notes for the last two visited locations - the oil rig and the abandoned base.
  90. [20:55:08] <~CounterBeard> The oil rig has "Fuel Depot: to be Held at all costs." and the base has "Wharehouse. Transport hub for amphibious front."
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