
Slappy- Punching Bag

Dec 18th, 2023
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  1. Moving with surprising speed, the mummy leaped at Slappy and grabbed him with one hand. Arragotus wrapped his hands around the dummy’s ankles. Holding Slappy by the feet, he lifted him high.
  2. “Careful of the shoes!” Slappy cried. “It’s hard to find an adult size two!”
  3. A roar burst from deep inside the ancient mummy. Arragotus held Slappy upside down and batted his head with a big fist. The mummy used Slappy as a punching bag, batting him again and again.
  4. “Sorry, pal!” Slappy cried. “I’m not into contact sports!”
  5. Arragotus slammed his fist hard into Slappy’s wooden head. The punch made a clonnnnnk sound, and Slappy went flying.
  6. Kids screamed and ducked out of the way. Slappy hit the far wall and collapsed to the floor. He didn’t move for a long moment.
  7. I turned to Logan. “Did the mummy kill him?”
  8. Logan squinted at me. “Can you kill a dummy?”
  9. Slappy finally climbed to his feet. His eyes locked on the mummy. “Am I getting the feeling you don’t want to be friends?” he rasped.
  11. - The Dummy Meets the Mummy!, chapter 29
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