

Dec 23rd, 2019
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  1. [00:20] The woman would stare at the young man with a calm relaxed sigh. She didn't mind teaching others about how to use magic. Though she wanted to ask a few questions before she even would get used to the young man. Hopefully if he answered the questions correctly she could engage him into the act of learning metal.
  3. "Alright lad. I am little tired. But if ye can answer these questions I think I can help ye. Are you attuned to the earth? Do ye give up easy? Will you pursue this tae the end?"
  5. She would ask, looking at the young man.
  6. (Gunnhildr Skeggjöld)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [00:22] Luca would smile and clap his hands nodding a few times in silence. "Well my ma and pa are both earth magis and even though I haven't learned much earth magic myself im sure I am attuned to it." The boy would say eagerly before pacing a bit. "Also I never give up when it comes to my dreams no matter how grueling my path may be." The boy said proudly.
  10. (Luca Luce)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [00:22] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "....."
  14. [00:23] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "Okay lad."
  15. [00:25] Fooma admired the young man, no he wasn't the warrior-type so he couldn't understand... But he chuckled, he saw in him a determination, and that lightened his day up.
  16. (Calciphier Fooma)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. [00:33] Dillon Endore says, "Escuse me."
  19. [00:34] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld asks, "What do ye want lad?"
  20. [00:36] Dillon Endore says, "I have a question for you."
  21. [00:36] Dillon Endore says, "I know listening to others coversation is a little wrong, but this could be a chance to fill in the missing pieces."
  22. [00:37] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "...."
  23. [00:37] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "Ugh. Shoot lad."
  24. [00:37] Luca would listen intently to his new master as she gave him his first of instructions which were to master earth magic. It shouldn't be too hard of an task and it was one he was up to regardless of how hard or easy his training would be. So he would take his staff off his back and point it to the sky shouting. "I shall devout myself to earth yes!" It was a loud shout.
  26. Then Luca would calm down a bit and ask another question. "So where should I start to learn earth? Im up for the challenge and I accept your terms" Luca would say while nodding. He was ready for his first step on his journey.
  27. (Luca Luce)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [00:37] Dillon Endore asks, "I overheard you mention you know something about metal magic, and I want to learn about sand magic myself. I know they are different, but I'd like to know how you came about using metal?"
  31. [00:37] Dillon Endore says, "If I figure up what pused you to control metal then I can do the same for sand."
  32. [00:37] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "Mmm."
  33. [00:37] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "Speakin of."
  34. [00:37] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "There was that sand magic users."
  35. [00:38] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "Regardless."
  36. [00:39] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "I might as well make an explanation as to why. Since the lad here could use some info on why he needs it."
  37. [00:39] Dillon Endore says, "I'd be very thankful."
  38. [00:53] The woman would plunge her hands deep into the ground before them. Using her magic to begin Beckoning a piece of Iron, And the iron ore would travel through the ground, it would come straight towards her fingers. She would pull the ore out, and hold it up for the two people to see.
  40. "This is a piece of Iron ore. No doubt about it, However. It is a little more than just a piece of ore. This piece of ore, but just in a refined form. Tons of tiny fragments of unrefined earth is within the piece of metal."
  42. She would slowly manipulate the fragmentations of the metal. Slowly, but surely she would be able to meld this piece of unrefined earth into a metal ball. She would slowly do this once more, and through small amounts of focus, she creates a handful of chains.
  44. "There is many ways to mold metal, but ye goal is tae set yourself up so that ye can manipulate tae raw fragments. Eventually ye want to move unto the much harder piece once ye get the hang of it. Which is manipulating the metal fragmentations as well. It is truly an amazing ability tae learn. In fact. Its crucial."
  46. She would look towards the pink haired male before him. She would give a nod.
  48. "Ye need tae learn to manipulate the fragments of earth, to slowly build yerself up to the much harder piece. We will get there if we need tae, for now focus on tae start. And build yerself up from there. Alright lads?"
  50. She would say. taking a small relaxed breath.
  52. "Also lad, there is a cave northwest from here. Tons of earth, and even metals as well lad. Though there is strong monsters, ye could just manipulate the earth around ye far from here. But that may be the best place for ye mmm?"
  54. She said looking at the man.
  56. "I hope this explains everything lads."
  58. She said sighing.
  59. (Gunnhildr Skeggjöld)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [00:57] Luca would take out a note pad and jot some notes down while nodding his head. "I think I got it yea..Hmm more in depths then I thought ill admit." Luca would say before nodding again.
  63. (Luca Luce)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [01:01] Dillion pulled out his note book and being writing down a few key points she happened to mention while telling them about metal magic. Dillion taps the pen on the side of his head then does to circle /earth manipulation/ since it might be the missing piece to the puzzle for him.
  68. "While metal isn't what I'm going for I think I have a slight understand of you to manipulated the earth into something different. I've learned a bit on sand, metal, and nature and they all end back with earth manipulation.
  70. So, simply taking a piece of the earth and chaining it into something different with concentration. After taking the time out to attune yourself with the basis of the earth element.
  72. Am I right do far? and once you have your attunement down it's all a matter of focusing on what you want the earth to shift into, right?"
  74. Dillion a little compressed clay ball to his side.
  76. "For example this clay ball I used to train with while learning earth attunement. If I focus hard enough I can break this down into tiny grains like sand? If I manipulate the earth into my image it should turn into sand even if I never tried it before."
  78. Dillion goes back to writing more notes while waiting for the woman to answer him.
  79. (Dillon Endore)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [01:03] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "Yer spot on lad. If ye need ta get used ta both, There is a lad named Eustace that manipulated sand."
  83. [01:04] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "He can teach ye."
  84. [01:05] Dillon Endore says, "Alright."
  85. [01:05] Dillon Endore says, "Thank you for your time you've help me a lot."
  86. [01:05] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "All good lad."
  87. [01:06] Shrike says, "Goonhilldrop..."
  88. [01:06] Gunnhildr Skeggjöld says, "...."
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [03:21] Dillon Endore says, "Hello."
  91. [03:27] Varna says, "Hello."
  92. [03:28] Dillon Endore says, "My names Dillion, and I wanted to ask you something."
  93. [03:29] Varna exclaims, "I'm Varna. Go ahead!"
  94. [03:29] Dillon Endore says, "I'm looking to gain some more friends, and I'm curious what kind of magic you use."
  95. [03:30] Dillon Endore says, "I also wanted to know if you'd be willing to help me train with mine since I'm trying to learn sand magic, and I haven't had much practice with attempting it."
  96. [03:31] Varna says, "I don't mind at all. I'm myself a fire practionner -- I also have a friend who wishes to learn sand magic."
  97. [03:31] Varna asks, "Perhaps you two could help eachother?"
  98. [03:32] Dillon Endore says, "That would be wonderful, and if you have time now to do a little training with me."
  99. [03:32] Dillon Endore says, "I'm kind of a bookworm and spend last year, and part of this year gather information."
  100. [03:32] Dillon Endore says, "I think it's time I put some of it into action."
  101. [03:32] Varna says, "Well."
  102. [03:32] Varna asks, "Unfortunately I can't train with you now -- I was about to sleep, you see?"
  103. [03:33] Varna asks, "But in a few hours, yes?"
  104. [03:33] Dillon Endore says, "Oh? that's fine I'll be around the city."
  105. [03:33] Dillon Endore says, "I'd like that."
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. [05:50] Dillion had prepared himself for the long trials ahead of him when it came to learning earth magic, and now was time he used everything he's learned to push himself to a new level of earth attunement.
  108. Dillion sat in front of a rock and placed his hand on the large rock in front of him, taking a deep breath he only had one goal in mind. He wanted to break down the solid matter of the stone into grains into stone, but his mana begin draining rather quickly.
  110. "Gah…it's harder than I thought it would be...…the woman told him that he had the right idea when it comes to breaking down the earth into a different matter.
  112. I know I can do it...…I just need to focus a little more I know that stand have a lot of grains, but I should still be able to break down any piece of earth into it...…"
  114. Dillion paused taking a well needed break before attempting to break down the large rock into grains of sand.
  115. (Dillon Endore)
  117. 06:20] Dillion placed his hand back on the rock trying his best to break the hard stone don into grains of sand. Dillion focus all his mana into a small portion of the rock, and slowly the stone that has hand was placed on begin to crumble.
  118. Dillion fell forward his eyes opened to try and figure out what happened to the stone, looking down at his had little grains begin falling forming a small pile on the ground.
  120. "What happened? did I break the rock from trying to hard or is this...?"
  122. Dillion being to run his hands through the sand grain allowing it to fall though his fingers with a smile on his face. Dillion was sure he understood how the sand magic work kind of, but he wouldn't be able to know for sure unless he try it again.
  124. Dillion wasn't sure if he needed to try it in a spar or continue to train with the basic sandmancy.
  125. He took a deep breath, and allowed his mana to recover before trying this again; hopefully, he didn't fail.
  126. (Dillon Endore)
  127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  128. [06:25] {Item} You picked up Cylion..
  129. [06:56] Dillion placed his hand on the rock again, closing his eyes and focusing his mana he'd attempt to break down the solid rock into bits of sand again a few grains at a time.
  130. Due to his lack of mastery with the sand magic it takes him a lot longer to break down the stone. Dillion managed to create a little more stand, and he was a little two excited for the progress he made.
  132. "Okay...…I think I've figured a little bit of it out, but now I need to see how well I can use it. I'm still not sure I fully I know about the magic, but the longer I practice with it I should come up with a few idea...…"
  134. Dillion made his way back towards the city, hoping he could find a person to train with him so he could gain a little practice with the sandmancy.
  135. Dillion would like one of his family members to assist him though he might not get lucky enough to see them at this hour.
  137. He wasn't sure who was up then the thought him there was a girl that said she said she'd train with him. Hopefully, she was awake now and able to help him, and if not he'd have to do it alone.
  138. (Dillon Endore)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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